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Mondoo Package Ansible Role

mondoo ansible role illustration


This role installs cnquery and cnspec on Linux and Windows servers.

It does:

  • Installs the signed cnquery and cnspec binaries
  • Registers cnquery and cnspec with Mondoo Platform
  • Enables the cnspec service on Linux and Windows

It supports:

  • Amazon Linux
  • Debian
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives (CentOS/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux)
  • SUSE & openSUSE
  • Ubuntu
  • Windows 10, 11, 2016, 2019, 2022

The role is published at Ansible Galaxy: Mondoo/Client role.


  • Ansible > 2.5

Role Variables

Name Default Value Description
registration_token_retrieval manual manual requires to set ``registration_token`
registration_token n/a manually set the Mondoo Platform Registration Token that is used to register cnquery and cnspec
force_registration false forces re-registration for each run


This role has no role dependencies

Example: Apply Ansible Playbook to Amazon EC2 Linux instance

This playbook demonstrates how to use the Mondoo Package role to install cnquery and cnspec on many instances:

  1. Create a new hosts inventory. Add your host to the group.
[linux_hosts]  ansible_user=ec2-user
  1. Create a playbook.yml and change the registration_token:
- hosts: linux_hosts
  become: yes
    - role: ansible-mondoo # if used from galaxy: mondoo.client
        registration_token: "changeme"

In addition we support the following variables:

variable description
force_registration: true set to true if you want to re-register cnquery and cnspec
ensure_managed_client: true ensures the configured clients are configured as managed Client in Mondoo
proxy_env['https_proxy'] set the proxy for the cnspec client
annotations set annotations/ tags for the node
update_linux_enabled set to true if you want to enable the update task for linux via cron job
update_linux_cron_day define the update interval in days for the cnspec update, example */3 for every 3 days
update_linux_cron_hour define the hour at which the task is to be carried out
update_linux_cron_minute define the minute at which the task is to be carried out
update_windows_enabled set to true if you want to enable the update task for windows via scheduled task
update_windows_interval define the update interval in days for the cnspec update
update_windows_time define the time at which the task is to be carried out
timer define the timer to set a scan interval in minutes. The default is 60.
splay define the delay in the scan timing
- hosts: linux_hosts
  become: yes
    - role: ansible-mondoo # if used from galaxy: mondoo.client
        registration_token: "changeme"
        force_registration: true
        ensure_managed_client: true
        annotations: "[email protected],env=production"

If you want to use cnspec behind a proxy

- hosts: linux_hosts
  become: yes
      http_proxy: ""
      https_proxy: ""

    - role: ansible-mondoo # if used from galaxy: mondoo.client
        registration_token: "changeme"
        force_registration: true
        ensure_managed_client: true
      environment: "{{proxy_env}}"

If you want to use the Windows update task

- hosts: windows_hosts
  become: yes

    - role: ansible-mondoo # if used from galaxy: mondoo.client
        registration_token: "changeme"
        force_registration: true
        ensure_managed_client: true
        update_windows_enabled: true
        update_windows_interval: "1"
        update_windows_time: "15:04"

If you want to use the Linux update task

- hosts: linux_hosts
  become: yes

    - role: ansible-mondoo # if used from galaxy: mondoo.client
        registration_token: "changeme"
        force_registration: true
        ensure_managed_client: true
        update_linux_enabled: true
        update_linux_cron_day: "*"
        update_linux_cron_hour: "11"
        update_linux_cron_minute: "40"
  1. Run the playbook with the local hosts file
# download mondoo role from github
ansible-galaxy role install git+

# (alternative) download mondoo role from ansible galaxy
ansible-galaxy install mondoo.client

# apply the playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
  1. Log into the Mondoo Console to view the scan results

Apply Ansible Playbook to Amazon EC2 Windows instance

If you are using Windows, please read the ansible documentation about WinRM setup or the SSH setup.

  1. Create a new hosts inventory. Add your host to the group.
[windows_hosts] ansible_port=5986 ansible_connection=winrm ansible_user=Administrator ansible_password=changeme ansible_shell_type=powershell ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=ignore

or if you are going to use ssh: ansible_port=22 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=admin ansible_shell_type=cmd
  1. Create a playbook.yml and change the registration_token:

If you are targeting windows, the configuration is slightly different since become needs to be deactivated:

- hosts: windows_hosts
    - role: ansible-mondoo # if used from galaxy: mondoo.client
        registration_token: "changeme"
        force_registration: false
  1. Run the playbook with the local hosts file
# download mondoo role from github
ansible-galaxy role install git+

# (alternative) download mondoo role from ansible galaxy
ansible-galaxy install mondoo.client

# apply the playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml


For testing, this role uses molecule. You can install the dependencies via:

pip install molecule
pip install docker
pip install 'molecule-plugins[docker]'

The molecule cli covers the test lifecycle:

# reset molecule
molecule reset
# converge the machines with ansible
image=geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2204-ansible molecule converge
# run molecule tests with cnspec
image=geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2204-ansible molecule verify
# for debugging, you can login to individual hosts
molecule login --host ubuntu
# destroy the test setup
molecule destroy
image=geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2204-ansible molecule test
image=rsprta/opensuse-ansible molecule test

NOTE: to be able to test on m1 macOS, you need arm compatible docker images like rockylinux shown above

For linting, we use ansible-lint:

pip3 install ansible-lint

Then you can see all local issues with:



Mondoo, Inc


Error 'module' object has no attribute 'HTTPSHandler'

TASK [mondoo : Download Mondoo RPM key] ********************************
    fatal: [suse]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n", "module_stdout": "Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File \"/home/vagrant/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1562450830.52-85510064926638/\", line 113, in <module>\r\n    _ansiballz_main()\r\n  File \"/home/vagrant/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1562450830.52-85510064926638/\", line 105, in _ansiballz_main\r\n    invoke_module(zipped_mod, temp_path, ANSIBALLZ_PARAMS)\r\n  File \"/home/vagrant/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1562450830.52-85510064926638/\", line 48, in invoke_module\r\n    imp.load_module('__main__', mod, module, MOD_DESC)\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible_get_url_payload_103dVU/\", line 308, in <module>\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible_get_url_payload_103dVU/\", line 346, in <module>\r\nAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HTTPSHandler'\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 1}
sudo zypper install python python2-urllib3 python3 python3-urllib3

Error ansible.legacy.setup on Windows with SSH

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {}, "changed": false, "failed_modules": {"ansible.legacy.setup": {"failed": true, "module_stderr": "Parameter format not correct - ;\r\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 1}}, "msg": "The following modules failed to execute: ansible.legacy.setup\n"}

Ansible in combination with Win32-OpenSSH versions older than v7.9.0.0p1-Beta do not work when powershell is the shell type, set the shell type to cmd

Error: You need to install 'jmespath' prior to running json_query filter"

Make sure jmespath is installed in the same python environment as ansible:

pip install jmespath

I want to test it with an unsupported OS

Add the following to main.yml and print the ansible_facts to see what is used and adjust the when conditions:

- name: Print all available facts
    var: ansible_facts

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