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Refactoring the Mollie Client API to be more logical

This document describes the changes in the way certain endpoint paths are exposed to the developer by the Mollie Python API client. Part of the existing API in the v2 library is remnant of the v1 code that we inherited. Other parts were newly added over time, many of them due to lack for a better way to add the functionality, given the existing architecture. With these changes put into place, the client API will be much clearer, but lots of things will move around. In some situations, a proper deprecation path is not really possible.

This warrants a major version change (i.e. we are releasing the changes as v3.0).

Table of contents

Problems with the v2 client API

Some issues that were popping up during Client API development, or during implementation of the client API in applications:

  • Many endpoint handlers have methods that aren't supported by the API. E.g. A method exists at client.refunds.get(), but the method doesn't work, since it only results in actual data when you do client.refunds.with_parent_id(:payment_id).get(:refund_id). Under the hood, this uses the same .get() method as the first example, but due to the wrong context the method doesn't work sometimes. Exposing the .get() method only in the correct context will make things much simpler.
  • Some methods are somewhat bolted on, which means that they aren't easy to find. At the more logical path (where you'd expect the functionality to live), there is nothing, or something that doesn't work. E.g. To create an order refund, you currently need to do order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.create_refund(:data). The order object also has an order.refunds property, but that is the 'List order refunds' functionality, and it has no support for creating refunds.
  • Some methods have unexpected signatures, which means that they are hard to use. E.g. Throughout the API we expose a method .with_parent_id(:parent_id) which takes a single argument. But in order to list subscription payments, you need to use client.subscription_payments.with_parent_id(:customer_id, :subscription_id).list(), with with_parent_id() taking 2 required arguments.
  • Some methods perform unexpected API calls. E.g. The current order.refunds property performs an API call to list the Order refunds, but that is not clear since, in general, we do listings using the .list() method. So order.refunds.list() would be much clearer. This also makes room in the API for adding the order.refunds.create() method.


To make all the above much cleaner, we have done a few things:

  • Expose the explicit methods that retrieve data from the API only on logical places in the API. The Refunds API has several endpoints that handle data only in the context of a Payment. We should expose those methods only on a Payment object, and no longer on various objects directly on the Client object, which use methods like .with_parent_id(:parent_id) to inject details about a parent Payment that is never created.
  • Remove the methods that revolve around injecting details about a parent object that is not actually created: .with_parent_id() and .on(). Given the changes from the previous point (the parent is the actual place where the functionality is exposed), these methods are no longer useful.
  • Update some object properties that currently expose partial functionality, and replace them with generic resource handlers that expose all the available API methods. This means refactoring the payment.refunds property into an object that exposes a .list(), a .get(), a .delete() and a .create() method.

Overview of all documented API calls

The list below corresponds with the Mollie API documentation. It shows all currently documented Mollie API endpoints, with the old and new code to perform the correct API call.

Payments API

Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create payment client.payments.create(:data) client.payments.create(:data) No changes
Get payment client.payments.get(:payment_id) client.payments.get(:payment_id) No changes
Update payment client.payments.update(:payment_id, :data) client.payments.update(:payment_id, :data) No changes
Cancel payment client.payments.delete(:payment_id) client.payments.delete(:payment_id) No changes
List payments client.payments.list() client.payments.list() No changes

Methods API

Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
List payment methods client.methods.list() client.methods.list() No changes
List all payment methods client.methods.all() client.methods.all() No changes
Get payment method client.methods.get(:method_id) client.methods.get(:method_id) No changes

Refunds API

  • Various existing codepaths are removed: client.payment_refunds, order.create_refund().
  • The order.refunds and payment.refunds objects still exist but are working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create payment refund client.payment_refunds.with_parent_id(:payment_id).create(:data) payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.refunds.create(:data)
Get payment refund client.payment_refunds.with_parent_id(:payment_id).get(:id) payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.refunds.get(:id)
Cancel payment refund client.payment_refunds.with_parent_id(:payment_id).delete(:id) payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.refunds.delete(:id)
List payment refunds client.payment_refunds.with_parent_id(:payment_id).list()
payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.refunds
payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.refunds.list()
Create order refund order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.create_refund(:data) order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.refunds.create(:data)
List order refunds order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.refunds order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.refunds.list()
List refunds client.refunds.list() client.refunds.list() No changes

Chargebacks API

  • The client.payment_chargebacks object is removed.
  • The payment.chargebacks object still exists, but is working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Get payment chargeback client.payment_chargebacks.with_parent_id(:payment_id).get(:chargeback_id) payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.chargebacks.get(:chargeback_id)
List payment chargebacks client.payment_chargebacks.with_parent_id(:payment_id).list()
payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.chargebacks
payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.chargebacks.list()
List chargebacks client.chargebacks.list() client.chargebacks.list() No changes

Captures API

  • The client.captures object is removed.
  • The payment.captures object still exists, but is working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Get capture client.captures.with_parent_id(:payment_id).get(:capture_id) payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.captures.get(:capture_id)
List captures client.captures.with_parent_id(:payment_id).list()
payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.captures
payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.captures.list()

Payment links API

Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create payment link client.payment_links.create(:data) client.payment_links.create(:data) No changes
Get payment link client.payment_links.get(:payment_link_id) client.payment_links.get(:payment_link_id) No changes
List payment links client.payment_links.list() client.payment_links.list() No changes

Orders API

  • The order.update_line(), order.cancel_lines() and order.create_payment() methods are removed.
  • The order.lines and order.payments objects still exist but are working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create order client.orders.create(:data) client.orders.create(:data) No changes
Get order client.orders.get(:order_id) client.order.get(:order_id) No changes
Update order client.order.update(:order_id, :data) client.order.update(:order_id, :data) No changes
Cancel order client.order.delete(:order_id) client.order.delete(:order_id) No changes
List orders client.order.list() client.order.list() No changes
Update order line order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.update_line(:line_id, :data) order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.lines.update(:line_id, :data)
Cancel order lines order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.cancel_lines(:data) order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.lines.delete_lines(:data)
order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.lines.delete(:line_id)
Create order payment order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.create_payment(:data) order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.payments.create(:data)

Shipments API

  • The client.shipments object and the order.create_shipment(), order.get_shipment(), order.update_shipment() methods are removed.
  • The order.shipments object still exists, but is working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create shipment order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.create_shipment(:data) order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.shipments.create(:data)
Get shipment order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.get_shipment(:shipment_id) order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.shipments.get(:shipment_id)
Update shipment order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.update_shipment(:shipment_id, :data) order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.shipments.update(:shipment_id¸ :data)
List shipments order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.shipments order = client.orders.get(:order_id); order.shipments.list()

Customers API

  • The client.customer_payments object is removed.
  • The customer.payments object still exists but is working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create customer client.customers.create(:data) client.customers.create(:data) No changes
Get customer client.customers.get(:customer_id) client.customers.get(:customer_id) No changes
Update customer client.customers.update(:customer_id, :data) client.customers.update(:customer_id, :data) No changes
Delete customer client.customers.delete(:customer_id) client.customers.delete(:customer_id) No changes
List customers client.customers.list() client.customers.list() No changes
Create customer payment client.customer_payments.with_parent_id( customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.payments.create(:data)
List customer payments customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.payments
customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.payments.list()

Mandates API

  • The client.customer_mandates object is removed.
  • The customer.mandates object still exists but is working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create mandate client.customer_mandates.on(:customer_id).create(:data) customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.mandates.create(:data)
Get mandate client.customer_mandates.on(:customer_id).get(:mandate_id)
payment = client.payments.get(; payment.mandate
customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.mandates.get(:mandate_id)
Revoke mandate client.customer_mandates.on(:customer_id).delete(:mandate_id) customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.mandates.delete(:mandate_id)
List mandates customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.mandates
customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.mandates.list()

Subscriptions API

  • The client.subscription_payments object is removed.
  • The totally unexpected call to client.subscription_payments.with_parent_id(:customer_id, :subscription_id) with 2 arguments will be removed.
  • The customer.subscriptions object still exists but is working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create subscription client.customer_subscriptions.with_parent_id(:customer_id).create(:data) customer = client.customers.get:customer_id); customer.subscriptions.create(:data)
Get subscription client.customer_subscriptions.with_parent_id(:customer_id).get(:subscription_id)
payment = client.payments.get(:payment_id); payment.subscription
customer = client.customers.get:customer_id); customer.subscriptions.get(:subscription_id)
Update subscription client.customer_subscriptions.with_parent_id(:customer_id).update(:subscription_id, :data) customer = client.customers.get:customer_id); customer.subscriptions.update(:subscription_id, :data)
Cancel subscription client.customer_subscriptions.with_parent_id(:customer_id).delete(:subscription_id) customer = client.customers.get:customer_id); customer.subscriptions.delete(:subscription_id)
List subscriptions client.customer_subscriptions.with_parent_id(:customer_id).list()
customer = client.customers.get:customer_id); customer.subscriptions
customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); customer.subscriptions.list()
List all subscriptions client.subscriptions.list() client.subscriptions.list() No changes
List subscription payments client.subscription_payments.with_parent_id(:customer_id, :subscription_id).list() customer = client.customers.get(:customer_id); subscription = customer.subscriptions.get(:subscription_id); payments = subscription.payments.list()


Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Authorize client.setup_oauth() client.setup_oauth() Used internally, no changes
Generate tokens client.setup_oauth_authorization_response() client.setup_oauth_authorization_response() Used internally, no changes
Revoke token Not implemented TODO This will be implemented later

Permissions API

Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Get permission client.permissions.get(:permission_id) client.permissions.get(:permission_id) No changes
List permissions client.permissions.list() client.permissions.list() No changes

Organizations API

Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Get current organization client.organizations.get("me") client.organizations.get("me") No changes
Get organization client.organizations.get(:organization_id) client.organizations.get(:organization_id) No changes
Get partner status Not implemented TODO This will be implemented later

Profiles API

  • The client.profile_methods object is removed.
  • The totally unexpected call to client.profile_methods.with_parent_id(:profile_id, :method_id) with 2 arguments will be removed.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Create profile client.profiles.create(:data) client.profiles.create(:data) No changes
Get profile client.profiles.get(:profile_id) client.profiles.get(:profile_id) No changes
Get current profile client.profiles.get("me") client.profiles.get("me") No changes
Update profile client.profiles.update(:profile_id, :data) client.profiles.update(:profile_id, :data) No changes
Delete profile client.profiles.delete(:profile_id) client.profiles.delete(:profile_id) No changes
List profiles client.profiles.list() client.profiles.list() No changes
Enable payment method client.profile_methods.with_parent_id(:profile_id, :method_id).create() profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.methods.enable(:method_id)
Disable payment method client.profile_methods.with_parent_id(:profile_id, :method_id).delete() profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.methods.disable(:method_id)
Enable gift card issuer client.profile_methods.with_parent_id(:profile_id, "giftcard").create(:issuer_id) profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.methods.enable_issuer("giftcard", :issuer_id)
Disable gift card issuer client.profile_methods.with_parent_id(:profile_id, "giftcard").delete(:issuer_id) profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.methods.disable_issuer("giftcard", :issuer_id)
Enable voucher issuer client.profile_methods.with_parent_id(:profile_id, "voucher").create(:issuer_id) profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.methods.enable_issuer("voucher", :issuer_id, :data)
Disable voucher issuer client.profile_methods.with_parent_id(:profile_id, "voucher").delete(:issuer_id) profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.methods.disable_issuer("voucher", :issuer_id)

There is also some profile-related functionality that has been updated with does not relate directly to a documented Profiles API endpoint.

  • The client.profile_payments, client.profile_refunds and client.profile_chargebacks objects are removed.
  • The profile.methods, profile.chargebacks, profile.payments and profile.refunds objects still exist, but they are working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
List profile payments client.profile_payments.with_parent_id(:profile_id).list()
profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.payments
profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.payments.list() Same result can be achieved using client.payments.list(profileId=:profile_id) in old and new client
List profile refunds client.profile_refunds.with_parent_id(:profile_id).list()
profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.refunds
profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.refunds.list() Same result can be achieved using client.refunds.list(profileId=:profile_id) in old and new client
List profile chargebacks client.profile_chargebacks.with_parent_id(:profile_id).list()
profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.chargebacks
profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.chargebacks.list() Same result can be achieved using client.chargebacks.list(profileId=:profile_id) in old and new client
List profile methods client.profile_methods.with_parent_id(:profile_id).list()
profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.methods
profile = client.profiles.get(:profile_id); profile.methods.list() Same result can be achieved using client.methods.list(profileId=:profile_id) in old and new client

Onboarding API

Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Submit onboarding data client.onboarding.create("me", :data) client.onboarding.create(:data)
Get onboarding status client.onboarding.get("me") client.onboarding.get("me") No changes

Balances API

The Balances API is not supported yet in any client.

Settlements API

  • The client.settlement_payments, client.settlement_refunds client.settlement_chargebacks, and client.settlement_captures objects are removed.
  • The settlement.payments, settlement.refunds, settlement.chargebacks and settlement.captures objects still exist, but they are working differently.
Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Get settlement client.settlements.get(:settlement_id) client.settlements.get(:settlement_id) No changes
Get next settlement client.settlements.get("next") client.settlements.get("next") No changes
Get open settlement client.settlements.get("open") client.settlements.get("open") No changes
List settlements client.settlements.list() client.settlements.list No changes
List settlement payments client.settlement_payments.with_parent_id(:settlement_id).list() client.settlements.get(:settlement_id); settlement.payments.list()
List settlement captures client.settlement_captures.with_parent_id(:settlement_id).list() settlement = client.settlements.get(); settlement.captures.list()
List settlement refunds client.settlement_refunds.with_parent_id(:settlement_id).list() settlement = client.settlements.get(); settlement.refunds.list()
List settlement chargebacks client.settlement_chargebacks.with_parent_id(:settlement_id).list() settlement = client.settlements.get(); settlement.chargebacks.list()

Invoices API

Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Get invoice client.invoices.get(:invoice_id) client.invoices.get(:invoice_id) No changes
List invoices client.invoices.list() client.invoices.list() No changes

Clients API

Description 2.x client path New client path Notes
Get client client.clients.get(:client_id) client.clients.get(:client_id) No changes
List clients client.clients.list() client.clients.list() No changes

Other changes

Properties should not perform heavy operations

In general, object properties are seen by developers as lightweight data accessors. They are supposed to be 'cheap'. In the v2 codebase, several object properties actually performed API calls. Some of them are already addressed above, f.i. Payment.refunds, which has changed into Payment.refunds.list(). There are also other properties, which mainly returned single result objects, that not directly represent an API endpoint like the methods above. They are, for instance, based on the existance of a property in the _links section of an API response, like Refund.payment: the payment related to a refund.

In v3, all result object properties that perform API calls have been replaced with regular methods. Below you'll find a list of all of these properties, and the methods that have replaced them.

2.x client property New client method
Capture.payment Capture.get_payment()
Capture.shipment Capture.get_shipment()
Capture.settlement Capture.get_settlement()
Chargeback.payment Chargeback.get_payment()
Chargeback.settlement Chargeback.get_settlement()
Client.organization Client.get_organization()
Client.onboarding Client.get_onboarding()
Mandate.customer Client.get_customer()
Onboarding.organization Onboarding.get_organization()
Payment.settlement Payment.get_settlement()
Payment.mandate Payment.get_mandate()
Payment.subscription Payment.get_subscription()
Payment.customer Payment.get_customer()
Payment.order Payment.get_order()
Refund.payment Refund.get_payment()
Refund.settlement Refund.get_settlement()
Refund.order Refund.get_order()
Settlement.invoice Settlement.get_invoice()
Shipment.order Shipment.get_order()
Subscription.customer Subscription.get_customer()
Subscription.profile Subscription.get_profile()
Subscription.mandate Subscription.get_mandate()