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IDataView Type System


The IDataView system consists of a set of interfaces and classes that provide efficient, compositional transformation of and cursoring through schematized data, as required by many machine-learning and data analysis applications. It is designed to gracefully and efficiently handle both extremely high dimensional data and very large data sets. It does not directly address distributed data, but is suitable for single node processing of data partitions belonging to larger distributed data sets.

While IDataView is one interface in this system, colloquially, the term IDataView is frequently used to refer to the entire system. In this document, the specific interface is written using fixed pitch font as IDataView.

IDataView is the data pipeline machinery for ML.NET. The ML.NET codebase has an extensive library of IDataView related components (loaders, transforms, savers, trainers, predictors, etc.). More are being worked on.

The name IDataView was inspired from the database world, where the term table typically indicates a mutable body of data, while a view is the result of a query on one or more tables or views, and is generally immutable. Note that both tables and views are schematized, being organized into typed columns and rows conforming to the column types. Views differ from tables in several ways:

  • Views are immutable; tables are mutable.

  • Views are composable -- new views can be formed by applying transformations (queries) to other views. Forming a new table from an existing table involves copying data, making them decoupled—the new table is not linked to the original table in any way.

  • Views are virtual; tables are fully realized/persisted.

Note that immutability and compositionality are critical enablers of technologies that require reasoning over transformation, like query optimization and remoting. Immutability is also key for concurrency and thread safety.

This document includes a very brief introduction to some of the basic concepts of IDataView, but then focuses primarily on the IDataView type system.

Why does IDataView need a special type system? The .NET type system is not well suited to machine-learning and data analysis needs. For example, while one could argue that typeof(double[]) indicates a vector of double values, it explicitly does not include the dimensionality of the vector/array. Similarly, while enumeration over a set can be done with enum, there is no concept of an enumeration over a set determined at runtime (for example, the unique terms observed in a dataset). In short, there is no reasonable way to encode complete range and dimensionality information in a System.Type.

In addition, a well-defined type system, including complete specification of standard data types and conversions, enables separately authored components to seamlessly work together without surprises.

Basic Concepts

IDataView, in the narrow sense, is an interface implemented by many components. At a high level, it is analogous to the .NET interface IEnumerable<T>, with some very significant differences.

While IEnumerable<T> is a sequence of objects of type T, IDataView is a sequence of rows. An IDataView object has an associated DataViewSchema object that defines the IDataView's columns, including their names, types, indices, and associated annotations. Each row of the IDataView has a value for each column defined by the schema.

Just as IEnumerable<T> has an associated enumerator interface, namely IEnumerator<T>, IDataView has an associated cursor type, namely the abstract class DataViewRowCursor. In the enumerable world, an enumerator object implements a Current property that returns the current value of the iteration as an object of type T. In the IDataView world, a DataViewRowCursor object encapsulates the current row of the iteration. There is no separate object that represents the current row. Instead, the cursor implements methods that provide the values of the current row, when requested. Additionally, the methods that serve up values do not require memory allocation on each invocation, but use sharable buffers. This scheme significantly reduces the memory allocations needed to cursor through data.

Both IDataView and IEnumerable<T> present a read-only view on data, in the sense that a sequence presented by each is not directly mutable. "Modifications" to the sequence are accomplished by additional operators or transforms applied to the sequence, so do not modify any underlying data. For example, to normalize a numeric column in an IDataView object, a normalization transformer is applied using the ITransformer.Transform method to form a new IDataView object representing the composition. In the new view, the normalized values are contained in a new column. Often, the new column has the same name as the original source column and "replaces" the source column in the new view. Columns that are not involved in the transformation are simply "passed through" from the source IDataView to the new one.

Detailed specifications of the IDataView, DataViewSchema, and DataViewRowCursor types are in other documents.

IDataView Types

Each column in an IDataView has an associated type. The collection of types in the IDataView system is open, in the sense that new code can introduce new types without requiring modification of all IDataView related components. While introducing new types is possible, we expect it will also be relatively rare.

All column type implementations derive from the abstract class DataViewType. Primitive column types are those whose implementation derives from the abstract class PrimitiveDataViewType, which derives from DataViewType.

Representation Type

A type in the IDataView system has an associated .NET type, known as its representation type or raw type.

Note that a type in the IDataView system often contains much more information than the associated .NET representation type. Moreover, many distinct types can use the same representation type. Consequently, code should not assume that a particular .NET type implies a particular type of the IDataView type system. To give the most conspicuous example, NumberDataViewType.UInt32 and most instances of KeyDataViewType users will encounter, will both have ItemType == typeof(uint).

Standard Column Types

There is a set of predefined standard types, divided into standard primitive types and vector types. Note that there can be types that are neither primitive nor vector types. These types are not standard types and may require extra care when handling them. For example, a ImageDataViewType value might require disposing when it is no longer needed.

Standard primitive types include the text type, the boolean type, numeric types, and key types. Numeric types are further split into floating-point types, signed integer types, and unsigned integer types.

A vector type has an associated item type that must be a primitive type, but need not be a standard primitive type. Note that vector types are not primitive types, so vectors of vectors are not supported. Note also that vectors are homogeneous—all elements are of the same type. In addition to its item type, a vector type contains dimensionality information. At the basic level, this dimensionality information indicates the length of the vector type. A length of zero means that the vector type is variable length, that is, different values may have different lengths. Additional detail of vector types is in a subsequent section. Vector types are instances of the sealed class VectorDataViewType, which derives from DataViewType.

This document uses convenient shorthand for standard types:

  • TX: text

  • BL: boolean

  • R4, R8: single and double precision floating-point

  • I1, I2, I4, I8: signed integer types with the indicated number of bytes

  • U1, U2, U4, U8: unsigned integer types with the indicated number of bytes

  • UG: unsigned type with 16-bytes, typically used as a unique ID

  • TS: timespan, a period of time

  • DT: datetime, a date and time but no timezone

  • DZ: datetime zone, a date and time with a timezone

  • U4[100]: A key type based on U4 representing logical non-missing values from 0 to 99, inclusive. It must be pointed out, that range is represented physically as 1 to 100, with the default value 0 corresponding to the missing value.

  • V<R4,3,2>: A vector type with item type R4 and dimensionality information [3,2]

See the sections on the specific types for more detail.

The IDataView system includes many standard conversions between standard primitive types. A later section contains a full specification of these conversions.

Default Value

Each type in the IDataView system has an associated default value corresponding to the default value of its representation type, as defined by the .Net (C# and CLR) specifications.

The standard conversions map source default values to destination default values. For example, the standard conversion from TX to R8 maps the empty text value to the value zero.

Missing Value

Only floating-point types and key types have an internal representation of missing. Other types don't support missing value. We follow R's lead and denote the missing values as NA.

Unlike R, the floating-point types do not distinguish between missing and invalid. For example, in floating-point arithmetic, computing zero divided by zero, or infinity minus infinity, produces an invalid value known as a NaN (for Not-a-Number). R uses a specific NaN value to represent its NA value, with all other NaN values indicating invalid. The IDataView standard floating-point types do not distinguish between the various NaN values, treating them all as missing/invalid.

A standard conversion from a source type with NA to a destination type with NA maps NA to NA. A standard conversion from a source type with NA to a destination type without NA maps NA to the default value of the destination type. For example, converting a R4 to R8 produces a NaN, but converting an R4 NA to U4 results in zero. Note that this specification does not address diagnostic user messages, so, in certain environments, the latter situation may generate a warning to the user, or even an exception.

Note that a vector type does not support a representation of missing, but may contain NA values of its item type. Generally, there is no standard mechanism faster than O(N) for determining whether a vector with N items contains any missing values.

For further details on missing value representations, see the sections detailing the particular standard primitive types.

Vector Representations

Values of a vector type may be represented either sparsely or densely. A vector type does not mandate denseness or sparsity, nor does it imply that one is favored over the other. A sparse representation is semantically equivalent to a dense representation having the suppressed entries filled in with the default value of the item type. Note that the values of the suppressed entries are emphatically not the missing/NA value of the item type, unless the missing and default values are identical, as they are for key types.


A column in an DataViewSchema can have additional column-wide information, known as annotations. For each string value, known as an annotation kind, a column may have a value associated with that annotation kind. The value also has an associated type, which is a compatible column type.

For example:

  • A column may indicate that it is normalized, by providing a BL valued annotation named IsNormalized.

  • A column whose type is V<R4,17>, meaning a vector of length 17 whose items are single-precision floating-point values, might have SlotNames annotation of type V<TX,17>, meaning a vector of length 17 whose items are text.

  • A column produced by a scorer may have several pieces of associated annotations, indicating the "scoring column group id" that it belongs to, what kind of scorer produced the column (for example, binary classification), and the precise semantics of the column (for example, predicted label, raw score, probability).

The DataViewSchema class, including the annotations API, is fully specified in another document.

Text Type

The text type, denoted by the shorthand TX, represents text values. The TextDataViewType class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and has a single instance, exposed as TextDataViewType.Instance. The representation type of TX is an immutable struct, ReadOnlyMemory<char>. Note that the default value has a ReadOnlyMemory<char> represents an empty sequence of characters.

In text processing transformations, it is very common to split text into pieces. A key advantage of using ReadOnlyMemory<char> instead of System.String for text values is that these splits require no memory allocation -- the derived ReadOnlyMemory<char> references the same underlying memory, most commonly backed by System.String, as the original ReadOnlyMemory<char> does. Another reason that System.String is not ideal for text is that we want the default value to be empty and not null. For System.String, the default value is null, which would be a more natural representation for NA than for empty text. There is no notion of NA text for this type.

Boolean Type

The standard boolean type, denoted by the shorthand BL, represents true/false values. The BooleanDataViewType class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and has a single instance, exposed as BooleanDataViewType.Instance. The representation type of BL is the System.Boolean structure, and correspondingly takes values either true or false.

The default value of BL is false, and it has no NA value.

There are standard conversions from TX to BL, and from BL to TX. There are standard conversions from BL to all signed integer and floating point numeric types, with false mapping to zero and true mapping to one.

Number Types

The standard number types are all instances of the sealed class NumberDataViewType, which is derived from PrimitiveDataViewType. There are two standard floating-point types, four standard signed integer types, and four standard unsigned integer types. Each of these is represented by a single instance of NumberDataViewType and there are static properties of NumberDataViewType to access each instance, whose names are the same as the type names of their respresentation type in the BCL's System namespace. For example, to test whether a variable type represents I4 (which has the .NET respresentation type System.Int32, or int), use the C# code type == NumberType.Int32.

Floating-point arithmetic has a well-deserved reputation for being troublesome. This is primarily because it is imprecise, in the sense that the result of most operations must be rounded to the nearest representable value. This rounding means, among other side effects, that floating-point addition and multiplication are not associate, nor satisfy the distributive property.

However, in many ways, floating-point arithmetic is the best-suited system for arithmetic computation. For example, the IEEE 754 specification mandates precise graceful overflow behavior—as results grow, they lose resolution in the least significant digits, and eventually overflow to a special infinite value. In contrast, when integer arithmetic overflows, the result is a non- sense value. Trapping and handling integer overflow is expensive, both in runtime and development costs.

The IDataView system supports integer numeric types mostly for data interchange convenience, but we strongly discourage performing arithmetic on those values without first converting to floating-point.

Floating-point Types

The floating-point types, R4 and R8, have representation types System.Single and System.Double. Their default values are zero. Any NaN is considered an NA value, with the specific Single.NaN and Double.NaN values being the canonical NA values.

There are standard conversions from each floating-point type to the other floating-point type. There are also standard conversions from text to each floating-point type, from floating-point type to text types, and from each integer type to each floating-point type.

Signed Integer Types

The signed integer types, I1, I2, I4, and I8, have representation types Sytem.SByte, System.Int16, System.Int32, and System.Int64. The default value of each of these is zero.

There are standard conversions from each signed integer type to every other signed integer type. There are also standard conversions from text to each signed integer type, from each signed integer type to text, and from each signed integer type to each floating-point type.

Note that we have not defined standard conversions from floating-point types to signed integer types.

Unsigned Integer Types

The unsigned integer types, U1, U2, U4, and U8, have representation types Sytem.Byte, System.UInt16, System.UInt32, and System.UInt64, respectively. The default value of each of these is zero. These types do not have an NA value.

There are standard conversions from each unsigned integer type to every other unsigned integer type. There are also standard conversions from text to each unsigned integer type, each unsigned integer type to text, and from each unsigned integer type to each floating-point type.

Note that we have not defined standard conversions from floating-point types to unsigned integer types, or between signed integer types and unsigned integer types.

Key Types

Key types are used for data that is represented numerically, but that is conceptually understood to be an enumeration into a known cardinality set. For example, hash values, the index of a term in a dictionary, or other categorical values, are all best modeled with a key type.

The representation type of a key type, also called its underlying type, must be one of the standard four .Net unsigned integer types. The NA and default values of a key type are the same value, namely the representational value zero.

Key types are instances of the sealed class KeyDataViewType, which derives from PrimitiveDataViewType. In addition to its underlying type, a key type specifies a count value, from 1 to ulong.MaxValue, inclusive.

Regardless of the count value, the representational value zero always means NA, and the representational value one is always the first valid value of the key type.


  • The Count property returns the count, or cardinality of the key type. This is of type ulong. The legal representation values are from one up to and including Count. The Count is required to be representable in the underlying type, so, for example, the Count value of a key type based on System.Byte must not exceed 255. As an example of the usefulness of the Count property, consider the KeyToVectorMappingTransformer transformer implemented as part of ML.NET. It maps from a key type value to an indicator vector. The length of the vector is the Count of the key type, which is required to be positive. For a key value of k, with 1 ≤ k ≤ Count, the resulting vector has a value of one in the (k-1)th slot, and zero in all other slots. An NA value (with representation zero) is mapped to the all- zero vector of length Count.

  • For a key type with positive Count, a representation value should be between 0 and Count, inclusive, with 0 meaning NA. When processing values from an untrusted source, it is best to guard against values bigger than Count and treat such values as equivalent to NA.

  • The shorthand for a key type with representation type U1, and count 100, is U1[100]. Recall that the representation values always start at 1 and extend up to Count, in this case 100.

There are standard conversions from text to each key type. This conversion parses the text as a standard non-negative integer value and honors the Count value of the key type. If a parsed numeric value falls outside the range indicated by Count, or if the text is not parsable as a non-negative integer, the result is NA.

There are standard conversions from one key type to another, provided:

  • The source and destination key types have the same Count value.

  • Either the number of bytes in the destination's underlying type is greater than the number of bytes in the source's underlying type, or the Count value is positive. In the latter case, the Count is necessarily less than 2k, where k is the number of bits in the destination type's underlying type. For example, U1[100] and U2[100] can be converted in both directions.

Vector Types


Vector types are one of the key innovations of the IDataView system and are critical for high dimensional machine-learning applications.

For example, when processing text, it is common to hash all or parts of the text and encode the resulting hash values, first as a key type, then as indicator or bag vectors using the KeyToVectorMappingTransformer. Using a k-bit hash produces a key type with Count equal to 2^^k, and vectors of the same length. It is common to use 20 or more hash bits, producing vectors of length a million or more. The vectors are typically very sparse. In systems that do not support vector-valued columns, each of these million or more values is placed in a separate (sparse) column, leading to a massive explosion of the column space. Most tabular systems are not designed to scale to millions of columns, and the user experience also suffers when displaying such data. Moreover, since the vectors are very sparse, placing each value in its own column means that, when a row is being processed, each of those sparse columns must be queried or scanned for its current value. Effectively the sparse matrix of values has been needlessly transposed. This is very inefficient when there are just a few (often one) non-zero entries among the column values. Vector types solve these issues.

A vector type is an instance of the sealed VectorDataViewType class, which derives from DataViewType. The vector type contains its ItemType, which must be a PrimitiveDataViewType, and its dimensionality information. The dimensionality information consists of one or more non-negative integer values. The VectorSize is the product of the dimensions. A dimension value of zero means that the true value of that dimension can vary from value to value.

For example, tokenizing a text by splitting it into multiple terms generates a vector of text of varying/unknown length. The result type shorthand is V<TX,*>. Hashing this using 6 bits then produces the vector type V<U4[64],*>. Applying the KeyToVector transform then produces the vector type V<R4,*,64>. Each of these vector types has a VectorSize of zero, indicating that the total number of slots varies, but the latter still has potentially useful dimensionality information: the vector slots are partitioned into an unknown number of runs of consecutive slots each of length 64.

As another example, consider an image data set. The data starts with a TX column containing URLs for images. Applying an ImageLoadingTransformer generates a column of a custom (non-standard) type, Image<*,*,4>, where the asterisks indicate that the image dimensions are unknown. The last dimension of 4 indicates that there are four channels in each pixel: the three color components, plus the alpha channel. Applying an ImageResizer transform scales and crops the images to a specified size, for example, 100x100, producing a type of Image<100,100,4>. Finally, applying a ImagePixelExtractor transform (and specifying that the alpha channel should be dropped), produces the vector type V<R4,3,100,100>. In this example, the ImagePixelExtractor re-organized the color information into separate planes, and divided each pixel value by 256 to get pixel values between zero and one.


Note that two vector types are equivalent when they have equivalent item types and have identical dimensionality information. We might however say that two vector types with dimensions {6} and {3,2}, and the same item type, are compatible, in the sense that VBuffer of length 6 are both legal values for those types. To test for compatibility, a looser concept, one would check the vector Size and ItemTypes are the same.

Representation Type

The representation type of a vector type is the struct VBuffer<T>, where T is the representation type of the item type. For example, the representation type of V<R8,10> is VBuffer<double>. When the vector type's VectorSize is positive, each value of the type will have length equal to the VectorSize.

The struct VBuffer<T> provides both dense and sparse representations and encourages cooperative buffer sharing and reuse. A complete discussion of VBuffer<T> and associated coding idioms is in the API documentation, a document dedicated to vectors specifically, as well as the IDataView design principles.

These together include complete discussion of programming idioms, and information on helper classes for building and manipulating vectors.

Standard Conversions

The IDataView system includes the definition and implementation of many standard conversions. Standard conversions are required to map source default values to destination default values. When both the source type and destination type have an NA value, the conversion must map NA to NA. When the source type has an NA value, but the destination type does not, the conversion must map NA to the default value of the destination type.

Most standard conversions are implemented by the singleton class Conversions in the namespace Microsoft.MachineLearning.Data.Conversion. The standard conversions are exposed by the ConvertTransform.

From Text

There are standard conversions from TX to the standard primitive types, R4, R8, I1, I2, I4, I8, U1, U2, U4, U8, and BL. For non- empty TX values, these conversions use standard parsing of floating-point and integer values. For BL, the mapping is case insensitive, maps text values { true, yes, t, y, 1, +1, + } to true, and maps the values { false, no, f, n, 0, -1, - } to false.

If parsing fails, the result is the NA value for floating-point, or an exception being thrown.

These conversions are required to map empty text (the default value of TX) to the default value of the destination, which is zero for all numeric types and false for BL. This may seem unfortunate at first glance, but leads to some nice invariants. For example, when loading a text file with sparse row specifications, it's desirable for the result to be the same whether the row is first processed entirely as TX values, then parsed, or processed directly into numeric values, that is, parsing as the row is processed. In the latter case, it is simple to map implicit items (suppressed due to sparsity) to zero. In the former case, these items are first mapped to the empty text value. To get the same result, we need empty text to map to zero. An exception to this rule has been permitted in the TextLoader, where there's an option to load empty TX fields as NaN for R4 and R8 fields, instead of using the default conversion of empty TX to the numeric default 0.

To Text

There are standard conversions to TX from the standard primitive types, R4, R8, I1, I2, I4, I8, U1, U2, U4, U8, BL, TS, DT, and DZ. R4 uses the G7 format and R8 uses the G17 format. BL converts to "True" or "False". TS uses the format "0:c". DT and DZ use the "0:o" format.

Floating Point

There are standard conversions from R4 to R8 and from R8 to R4. These are the standard IEEE 754 conversions (using unbiased round-to-nearest in the case of R8 to R4).

Signed Integer

There are standard conversions from each signed integer type to each other signed integer type. These conversions map any other numeric value that fits in the destination type to the corresponding value, and maps any numeric value that does not fit in the destination type to NA. For example, when mapping from I1 to I2, the source NA value, namely 0x80, is mapped to the destination NA value, namely 0x8000, and all other numeric values are mapped as expected. When mapping from I2 to I1, any value that is too large in magnitude to fit in I1, such as 312, is mapped to NA, namely 0x80.

Signed Integer to Floating Point

There are standard conversions from each signed integer type to each floating- point type. These conversions map NA to NA, and map all other values according to the IEEE 754 specification using unbiased round-to-nearest.

Unsigned Integer

There are standard conversions from each unsigned integer type to each other unsigned integer type. These conversions map any numeric value that fits in the destination type to the corresponding value, and maps any numeric value that does not fit in the destination type to zero. For example, when mapping from U2 to U1, any value that is too large in magnitude to fit in U1, such as 312, is mapped to zero.

Unsigned Integer to Floating Point

There are standard conversions from each unsigned integer type to each floating-point type. These conversions map all values according to the IEEE 754 specification using unbiased round-to-nearest.

Key Types

There are standard conversions from one key type to another, provided:

  • The source and destination key types have the same Count values.

  • Either the number of bytes in the destination's underlying type is greater than the number of bytes in the source's underlying type, or the Count value is positive. In the latter case, the Count is necessarily less than 2^^k, where k is the number of bits in the destination type's underlying type. For example, for values key-typed as having Count==100 can be converted to and from key-typed columns using both byte and ushort.

The conversion maps source representation values to the corresponding destination representation values. There are no special cases, because of the requirements above.

Boolean to Numeric

There are standard conversions from BL to each of the signed integer and floating point numeric. These map DvBool.True to one, DvBool.False to zero, and DvBool.NA to the numeric type's NA value.

Type Classes

This chapter contains information on the C# classes used to represent types in the DataView system types. Since the IDataView type system is extensible this list describes only the core data types.

DataViewType Abstract Class

The IDataView system includes the abstract class DataViewType. This is the base class for all types in the IDataView system. In the following notes, the symbol type is a variable of type DataViewType. This abstract class has, on itself, only one member:

  • The type.RawType property indicates the representation type of the IDataView type. Its use should generally be restricted to constructing generic type and method instantiations. For example, type.RawType == typeof(uint) is true for both NumberDataViewType.UInt32 and some KeyDataViewType instances.

PrimitiveDataViewType Abstract Class

The PrimitiveDataViewType abstract class derives from DataViewType and is the base class of all primitive type implementations.

TextDataViewType Sealed Class

The TextDataViewType sealed class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and is a singleton-class for the standard text type. The instance is exposed by the static TextDataViewType.Instance property.

BooleanDataViewType Sealed Class

The BooleanDataViewType sealed class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and is a singleton-class for the standard boolean type. The instance is exposed by the static BooleanDataViewType.Instance property.

NumberDataViewType Sealed Class

The NumberDataViewType sealed class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and exposes single instances of each of the standard numeric types, Single, Double, SByte, Int16, Int32, Int64, Byte, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, each of which has the representation type from the .NET System namespace as indicated by the name of the instance.

RowIdDataViewType Sealed Class

The RowIdDataViewType sealed class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and is a singleton-class for a 16-byte row ID. The instance is exposed by the static BooleanType.Instance property.

DateTimeDataViewType Sealed Class

The DateTimeDataViewType sealed class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and is a singleton-class for the standard datetime type. The instance is exposed by the static DateTimeDataViewType.Instance property.

DateTimeOffsetDataViewType Sealed Class

The DateTimeOffsetDataViewType sealed class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and is a singleton-class for the standard datetime timezone type. The instance is exposed by the static DateTimeOffsetDataViewType.Instance property.

TimeSpanDataViewType Sealed Class

The TimeSpanDataViewType sealed class derives from PrimitiveDataViewType and is a singleton-class for the standard datetime timezone type. The instance is exposed by the static TimeSpanDataViewType.Instance property.

KeyDataViewType Sealed Class

The KeyDataViewType sealed class derives from PrimitiveType and instances represent key types.

Note that two key types are considered equal iff their kind and count are the same, though they may be different instances. (Unlike many of the aforementioned types, which are based on singleton instances.)

VectorType Sealed Class

The VectorType sealed class derives from DataViewType and instances represent vector types. The item type is specified as the first parameter to each constructor and the dimension information is inferred from the additional parameters.

  • The Dimensions property is an immutable array of int indicating the dimensions of the vector. This will be of length at least one. All dimension values are non-negative integers. A dimension value of zero indicates unknown (or variable) in that dimension.

  • The VectorSize property returns the product of the dimensions.

  • The inherited Equals method returns true if the two types have the same item type and the same dimension information.

  • The inherited SameSizeAndItemType(DataViewType other) method returns true if other is a vector type with the same item type and the same VectorSize value.