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457 lines (393 loc) · 32.8 KB

File metadata and controls

457 lines (393 loc) · 32.8 KB


Repository used to install and set up vim and my main configuration used. This will set up vim with the vimrc found at cfg/vimrc. Intended for personal use, so it might still be buggy.

Bundle back up

There is a back up with all the plugins I used in order to have the versions that are working for this repo. In case any of the plugins installed by this repo is not working, you can always use the bundle_backup folder. Plugins are typically installed in ~.vim/bundle. By default, the installation of this editor using the .yaml scripts will pull the latest versions. However, if these introduced breaking changes, using this backup might help.


You can run first the install_nvim_setup.yaml and then the install_nvim.yaml with ansible-playbook --ask-become. Be aware that for the second script the variables defined by the first one must be available, so it is necessary to either source .bashrc or to launch a new terminal.

Input arguments to ansible script:

  • pip_version: You can modify the script to use a different python interpreter

Set up as merge tool

Use the following lines:

git config --global mergetool.fugitive.cmd 'nvim -f -c "Gvdiffsplit!" "$MERGED"'
git config --global merge.tool fugitive

And then you can use "git mergetool" after finding conflicts to use Vim fugitive tool. The centered window corresponds to the final changes that will be applied.

On vim, you can open a file in three way split by pressing dv over the conflicted file in git status window from fugitive.


Main features of this VIM:

  • Tree window: to display files of a project
  • Taglist window: to summarize and easy access to classes, functions and variables of a file.
  • Fuzzy finder: Search any file given its name or any string inside it. Open the file in any split you want.
  • Git full integration: Full integration (log, stash, branch management, push, commit...) and also with the online repository.
  • LSP functionalities: go to reference, definition, hover, context-aware statusline...
  • Temporary maximize one window to better code
  • Documentation template for docstrings easily auto-generated in multiple standards
  • Easy resizing and moving window splits with the keyboard
  • Auto-generate templates for documenting functions
  • Easy toggle between source (.cpp) and header (.h) files
  • Easy selection of sentences enclosed by brackets or any delimiter
  • Autocomplete functionality
  • Quick snippets for Python and C++. With endless items some of them.
  • Plenty of linters based on format, code analysis, syntaxis and type checking. All of them integrated in the built-in neovim LSP:
    • Python: Pylint, mypy, vulture, pytestcov and flake8. This last one integtegrates: darglint, pytest-style, flake8-simplify, flake8-bugbear, dlint, comprehensions, flake8-rst-docstrings, flake8-markdown, flake8-builtins, flake8-borken-line, flake8-class-attributes-order and more.
    • Markdown: mdl.
    • C++: Clangtidy, cppcheck and cpplint.
    • CMake: CMakelint.
    • Yaml: yamllint.
    • Rst: rstlint and rstcheck.
    • Grammar-based: codespell and proselint.
  • Fast and easy replace mode.
  • Extremely quick script to print variables and its type.
  • Improved motion all over the document with just a few keys.
  • Integrated unit test frameworks within VIM (such as PyTest).
  • Previewers for RST and Markdown that are live updated.
  • Debugger for Python.
  • Refactor capabilites.
  • Ranger


Just run ./install from the repository's root directory. Do not forget to set its permissions with chmod +x install. This will automatically do the following:

  • Install last vim-nox and its dependencies
  • Initialize the vimrc file
  • Copy all the plugins into the .vim folder

If vim is already installed, you only need to copy the content of the vimrc and change the mapping of the av.vim plugin to better use the editor.

How to update this repository

The two main files (todo.txt and cfg/.vimrc) are expected to be changed directly from there. During vim installation, the .vimrc that will be read from now on is the one at cfg/.vimrc! Not the one by default at .vim/.vimrc

How to use this setup

Following tables gather all the commands and shortcuts I like using:

Main VIM use

Main use

Command/Shortcut Description
:vsave name Save a session with all splits and NERDTree
:vload name Load sessions
u Undo changes
r Redo changes
. Repeat last action performed in vim
ctrl + r Update opened file (should be automatic)
ctrl + x Switch between source and header files
ctrl + up Go two lines up
ctrl + down Go two lines down
F4 Toggles and untoggles the taglist (summary of a file, defined by itsclasses or variables). To remove entries just press u
Enter Selects everything between two brackets. Multiple enters will select more
ctrl + u/d Moves the cursor half the screen
o/O Inserts a new line below and above and enters into insert mode
*/# When on a word, it will jump to next (or previous) matching word
f/F/t/T Jumps to the next (or previous) one char that matches. This will be recorded. You can press , or ; at any time to continue with previous and next matches. T comes from "till" and f from "find"
(number)dd Removes the following (number) lines. 1 if not specified
:(number)d Removes the specified line
c/d -> t/T/f/F Deletes everything till the cursor reaches the specified char. If d is used it will also enter into insert mode
H/M/L Moves the cursosr to the highest, midle or lower part of the screen
Shift + D/C Removes from cursor to right. D will also enter into insert mode
:number Jump to that line
:numberd Remove that line
% Jump to paired bracket
I/A Enters insert mode at the beginning/end of the line
Space Insert space and go to insert mode
x/s Delete char. s will also go into insert mode after writing a character
dw/dW/cw/cW Removes word from the cursor and goes into insert mode if c is used. A number before it specifies how many words to delete
daw/caw Removes the entire word, including prev character
de/ce Removes the entire word (Better use this ones)
>> or << Shifts the line while being in normal mode
0 Move to the start of the line
b or w Moves backwards/forwards between the start of different words. You can specific how many words with xb or can be used to remove x words with xcb/xdb
e Jump between the end of next words
dgg/D/d$ Remove from the cursor to the beginning/end of the line
gqap In normal mode, it break long lines
ctrl + d Autocomplete command line
ctrl + d (Insert m) Delete word under cursor in inser mode
ctrl + v (Insert m) Paste a yanked work in insert mode
TBD/x (Quickfix/location window) Opens the file in vertical/horizontal split
:term/:vert term Opens a new terminal (horizontal or vertical)

Find and replace

Command/Shortcut Description
:s/foo/bar/ Changes foo by bar (first occurrence)
:s/foo/bar/g Changes foo by bar (entire line)
:%s/foo/bar/g Changes foo by bar (all file)
:%s/foo/bar/gc Changes foo by bar (all file. Confirmation prompt)
Se Removes the word with se and write new one. Press . to replace following matches

Highlighting and copy/pasting

Command/Shortcut Description
v Enters visual mode
w Highlights up to next word
Ctrl + Arrows Highlights up to next space
vv Resets highlighted text
y Copy
yy Copy line. p will paste it below
d Cut
u Undo changes
p/P Paste
:pu Paste in new line
Enter Selects everything between two brackets. Multiple enters will select more

Window/Tab handling

Command/Shortcut Description
Shift + Arrows Moves between split panes
Shift + x Temporary fulscreens a split pane
:vsplit or :vs Creates a new vertical split with the same file
:split Creates a new horizontal split with the same file
Ctrl+Up/Down Move between items in the quickfix list

Resizing and moving split planes

Command/Shortcut Description
Ctrl + e Enters the mode to resize or move split panes
Enter Confirm changes and quite mode
e Swap between different moves such as resize or move mode
q Quit mode
Arrows (move mode) Select a split pane, press Ctrl + e (resize mode), then e (move mode) and move it with the arrows

File explorer

Command/Shortcut Description
F2 Toggle and untoggle the nvim tree
Ctrl + v Opens a file in vertical split
Ctrl + x Opens a file in horizontal split
Ctrl + t Opens a file in new tab
r Rename a file
R Refresh tree
p Paste a file
d Remove a file
a Create file/folder
x Cut a file


Search for strings in a file

Command/Shortcut Description
/word + enter Searches for a word of string. If the saerch is in lowercase, it will be non-sensitive case search. If there is any uppercase, it will be case sensitive
/word + enter + n/N Previous and next matches

Search for files and navigation

Command/Shortcut Description
Ctrl + b Find a specific line within a file (fuzzy finder)
Ctrl + f Fuzzy finder for strings in multiple files
Ctrl + t Search files among open buffers
Ctrl + f Search for a file in the current directory given a string
Ctrl + g FZF Marks (change directory inside nvim)
Ctrl + p Search for file name in the current directory. Use <Tab> to select more than one file and then opened them with ctrl+v or ctrl+x
Ctrl + h FZF marks menu to quickly cd inside vim
<leader>Ctrl + p Search within my own vim files
<leader>f Open ranger
Ctrl + v Open the file in vertical split
Ctrl + x Open the file in horizontal split
Ctrl + t Open the file in new tab
Ctrl + q Open multiple selected files in a quickfix window
Ctrl + Arrows Move the content of the previow window up or down
Ctrl + a Alternate with the last file opened. Valid in insert mode

LSP and other tools for easy coding

Mainly LSP-related functionalities

Command/Shortcut Description
<leader>l LSP-related commands
<leader>lt Toggle basic linting coming from LSP (as well as heavy linting)
<leader>lv Toggle heavy linting
<leader>lf Toggle formatter (Python only so far).
<leader>lc Toggle CMP. CMP keys below
Tab/Shift-Tab Move between autocomplete options
Ctrl + Up/Down Scroll the documentation of a function in case it is displayed
Ctrl + q Quit the autocomplete menu
<leader>ls Generate stubs for python module/package when cursor over "import/from" statement
<leader>ll Toggle a list of all diagnotics for the current file
<leader>lL Toggle a list of all diagnotics for the entier working dir
<leader>lr Open a list with references
<leader>ld Go to definition
Ctrl + i/o Goes to previews/next jump (useful after go to definition)
<leader>lh Hover


Command/Shortcut Description
<leader>rm (or rm) Extract function
<leader>rr Rename
<leader>ru Undo changes performed by the API


Command/Shortcut Description
<leader>cr Run the code selected (Python)
<leader>cR Clean the output of the pevious command
<Leader>cc Comment line/block in Python
<leader>cr Toggle preview for markdown and rst


Command/Shortcut Description
<Leader>tT Toggle/Untoggle testing mode (pytest and pyunit) for the given file. Runs nearest test after saving
<Leader>tt Same as previous on but with summary
Alt+Up/down Move between prev and next failed tests
Alt+Left/Right Enter the preview window that displays the results of the test


Command/Shortcut Description
<Leader>dd Toggle debugger mode (UI) (only python)
<Leader>dc or d<Leader> Run the debugger till breakpoint. Ctrl + Left if debug mode enabled
<Leader>db Toggle breakpoint
<Leader>d<Up> Step out (Ctrl+Up if debugger mode enabled)
<Leader>d<Down> Step into (Ctrl+Down if debugger mode enabled)
<Leader>d<Right> Step over (Ctrl+Right if debugger mode enabled)
<Leader>dt Debug a test_ function from pytest. It launches the debug mode automatically



Command/Shortcut Description
:SO write here the issue Search the issue in stack overflow
:Google write here the issue Search the issue in google
:Googlef write here the issue Search the issue in google and adds the programming language beaing used as the first word in the saerch
ctrl+p (Insert mode) Autocomplete the word based on the document
ctrl+d Generates docstring for a given function or class. The cursor must be in the same line as the declaration. You can use tab/shift tab to move between the TODO comments
<Leader> + p/P Inserts a print statement above or below with the variable chosen by the cursor
gS/gJ Splits/Join the arguments from a function into multiple lines (or the code in general)
<Leader> Go to column 90 (useful when you want to split a long line)
:Isort/:isort Sorts the imports of Python script according to Pep8
:Glow Previsualized markdown file

Vimwiki (notes)

Command/Shortcut Description
<leader><leader> Toggle between vimwiki (notes) and your normal file
Enter (in this mode) Generate a link to anew file or enter if it is already defined
Delete (in this mode) Go back to previous file (you can also use ctrl-o)


Command/Shortcut Description
<leader>ss Open spotify main menu to search
<leader>sd Spotify devices
<leader>s<Right> Skip track
<leader>s<Down> Pause track
<leader>s<Left> Previous track


Command/Shortcut Description
Tab/Shift tab Jump between nodes
Ctrl + e Expand choice node. These are nodes with ·? symbol

Vim-fugitive or git integration Note: g stands for git

Command/Shortcut Description
<leader>gs Run the tool git status useful to stage, usntage...
s/u/U on a file or folder Stage/Unstage(all)
dv on a file 3 way split to solve merge conflicts
Enter on file Open the file
= on a file Visualize the changes to the file in quick format
dd on file Performs diff in two windows
gi Opens the file .git/info/exclude under repo to add personal ignored files
gI Ignore THAT file by adding it to the personal .git/info/ecxclude
cc Commit
ca commit with --amend (add something I forgot in the last commit and edit the message)
ce commit with --amend --no-edit (add something I forgot in the last commit)
X Discard changes of that file
<Leader>gt Run the stash tool
Ctrl + p Pop
Ctrl + d Drop/Delete
Ctrl + s Save/Stash/Push with no name or the name written in the FZF (staged and tracked)
Ctrl + k Save/Stash/Push and and continue with the same working dir (only staged)
Enter Apply
<Leader>gb Open the menu for operating with local branches. Options below
<Leader>gB Open the menu for operating with all branches. Options below
<Leader>gS Stash menu
Enter Perform the diff of that commit. Can select range with visual line mode
q Quit
<Leader>gm Resolve the merge conflicts for that file (m stands for mergetool). Options below
<Leader>g<arrows> Select from which file (left or right) you want the code to solve the conflict
<Leader>gP Git push
<Leader>gPP Git push (with --no-verify which skip hooks)
<Leader>gc Git commit (modify to use "commitizen"
<Leader>gdf Git diff of the current file wrt the previous commit
<Leader>gDF Git diff with all files wrt the previous commit
<Leader>gdd Git diff of the current file wrt the develop branch
<Leader>gdm Git diff of the current file wrt the master branch
<Leader>gDD Git diff all files wrt the develop branch
<Leader>gDM Git diff all files wrt the current file wrt the main branch
Use alt + up/down to move and alt + left to quit
Ctrl + t Function to toggle/untoggle the folds found in the diff code
<Leader>gh History of commits that affected that function
<Alt>Up/down Move between different diff hunk in a merge conflict
<Alt>Left/Right Take the left or right resutls from a 3-diff split merge conflict
:Git revert COMMIT-SHA Rever a specific commit. You can write HEAD~0 to select last commit
<Leader>gl Log to visualize commits at file level (close it with alt + left)
<Leader>gL Log graph. Different options available listed below. You can use them to filter out and locate a commit
a Alternate between current branch and all branches in the repo
dd Diff between two selected commits
ri Interactive rebase with the branch selected
gm Display the commits that have been not merged (commits with less than one parent)
cob Checkout branch
coo Checkout commit
u Update graph
g? See mapping

Git integration on the online repo (with octo nvim)

Command/Shortcut Description
<Leader>ca/sa In general (reviews or pr) writes a comment or suggestion
<Leader>gpp Git PR pipeline checks
<Leader>gpa Git PR approve
<Leader>gpr Reload PR
<Leader>gpl List the PRs with telescope
<Leader>gpc See commits of PR
<Leader>gpn New/Create PR
<Leader>gpm Merge the PR (squash by default)
<Leader>gpb See the PR in the browser
<Leader>grs Start a review
<Leader>grc Close a review
<Leader>grr Resume a review
<Leader>gr<CR> Publish a review
<Leader>grd Discard current review
<Leader>grC Review comments


Command/Shortcut Description
<Leader>cr Compile code and open the PDF viewer
<Leader>gpp Git PR pipeline checks


Command/Shortcut Description
<Leader>f displays how to jump to the start of a word
<Leader>e displays how to jump to the end of a word
<Leader>w displays how to jump to the start of every single word, including all splits
<Leader>W jump with treesitter to key statements: for, if, else...
<Leader>. Repeat last vim-easy-motion command
<Leader>j or k Jump to specified line

About the stubs automatically generated, this is done with "stubgen" (installed with mypy) and it is done to detect more types mainly coming from modules outside of my repo. This one is called with the flag -o $STUBSPATH to generate them where MYPY searces by default. When generating the modules, you have two main options when setting the flags:

  • Flag -m: It will generate the stubs only for this module. Ex: If I have the following package: A.B.C and I do "stubgen -m C", the stubs for the module C will be generated, but I will also need to generate the ones from A and B (the previous ones). By doing this, the stubs I created are much more in control. Useful when the package is big.
  • Flag -p: It will generate all modules found. Ex: If I have the module C as A.B.C, if I do "stubgen -p A I will be creating the stubs for themodules A, B and C. However, if the package is big this will take time and maybe some conflicts.

For both methods if the module was imported as an absolute path, this one needs to be installed in the Python environment. This can be done with the pip framework. If the import was relative, it won't be necessary to generate the stubs, as the linters such as mypy will detect automatically.

Quick fixes

  • If spotify is not working, go to its directory and peform "make".
  • If symbols cannot be properly seen, you need to isntall patched fonts.
  • If C++ linters are not working, check the compilation database


Inspired by igemnace repository.