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ONNX Runtime Mobile Super Resolution Android sample application with Ort-Extensions support for pre/post processing


This is a basic Super Resolution example application for ONNX Runtime on Android with Ort-Extensions support for pre/post processing. The demo app accomplishes the task of recovering a high resolution (HR) image from its low resolution counterpart.

The model used here is from source: Pytorch Super Resolution and accomodated into ONNX version with pre/post processing support.


  • Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch + (installed on Mac/Windows/Linux)
  • Android SDK 29+
  • Android NDK r22+
  • An Android device or an Android Emulator

Steps to build and run

Step 1: Clone the ONNX runtime mobile examples source code

Clone this repository to get the sample application. Then open the project under folder mobile\examples\super_resolution\android.

Step 2: Prepare the model and required packages

  • The required aar package is under lib's folder mobile\examples\super_resolution\android\app\libs.
  • The model used is under mobile\examples\super_resolution\android\app\src\main\res\raw.

Note: When update to pre-release/release version ort-extensions android package, it will no longer consume a local AAR package that's included in this repo.

Step 3: Connect Android Device and Run the app

Connect your Android Device to your computer or select the Android Emulator in Android Studio Device manager.

Then select Run -> Run app and this will prompt the app to be built and installed on your device or emulator.

Now you can try and test the super resolution android app by clicking the perform action button.

Here are some sample example screenshots of the app.

App Screenshot 1

App Screenshot 2