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Memory Structure tech spec

Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou edited this page Dec 21, 2012 · 1 revision

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Memory Structure Technical specification

The Memory Structure is a Java application. It is developed using JDK1.6.


This section explains how to build the software from source.


To build:

on a command line, type

mvn clean install
This will compile the sources. It also runs the suite of unit tests. This may fail, which stops the build. If you want to prevent that, type instead
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install

The result of either command above is an executable jar called MemoryStructureExecutable.jar that contains all dependencies (so no need anymore to keep a /lib directory next to it).


This section describes how to run the Memory Structure.

The following parameters can be passed when starting the program, to influence its behaviour:

lucene.path : path to the directory where the Lucene index resides; will be created if doesn't exist yet. Default value is a subdirectory /memorystructure.lucene in the user home directory.

The parameters values are obtained in the following way:

  • parameter values are read from a file '' in the same directory as the executable JAR file;
  • any values obtained from there may be overridden by including them on the command line to execute the program;
  • for parameters that no value was found for in either the configuration file or the command line, a default value is used
Note that you'll have to copy the file '' to the directory where the jar is, if you want to use it. Otherwise use the command line to specify the parameters.

For example if you have the file with the following contents

and execute the program like this
java -jar MemoryStructureExecutable.jar lucene.path=/usr/hci/lucene
the location used for the Lucene directory is /usr/hci/lucene.


This section explains how to generate the Javadoc.

on a command line, type

mvn javadoc:javadoc

The result of this is the Javadoc located in target/site/apidocs. The main entry page is index.html.

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