From aa9c91f2d6a5b35f4601b61ecc50fb0f86378a0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zstone Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 22:56:06 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/7] more splitting or topology --- _CoqProject | 1 + theories/cantor.v | 1 + theories/derive.v | 1 + theories/function_spaces.v | 4 +- theories/normedtype.v | 2 + theories/separation_axioms.v | 1060 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ theories/topology.v | 1000 +------------------------------- 7 files changed, 1070 insertions(+), 999 deletions(-) create mode 100644 theories/separation_axioms.v diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject index 3ef7b7c49..4261f8dcb 100644 --- a/_CoqProject +++ b/_CoqProject @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ theories/reals.v theories/landau.v theories/Rstruct.v theories/topology.v +theories/separation_axioms.v theories/function_spaces.v theories/cantor.v theories/prodnormedzmodule.v diff --git a/theories/cantor.v b/theories/cantor.v index c06d4f72e..5408b00d7 100644 --- a/theories/cantor.v +++ b/theories/cantor.v @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ From mathcomp Require Import finmap. From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality. From mathcomp Require Import reals signed topology function_spaces. +From mathcomp Require Import separation_axioms. From HB Require Import structures. (**md**************************************************************************) diff --git a/theories/derive.v b/theories/derive.v index 9f97fe633..bb68f56c8 100644 --- a/theories/derive.v +++ b/theories/derive.v @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum matrix interval. From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions. Require Import reals signed topology prodnormedzmodule normedtype landau forms. +Require Import separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # Differentiation *) diff --git a/theories/function_spaces.v b/theories/function_spaces.v index bacf96594..fcc1a68e8 100644 --- a/theories/function_spaces.v +++ b/theories/function_spaces.v @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop. -Require Import reals signed topology. +Require Import reals signed topology separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # The topology of functions spaces *) @@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ Lemma continuous_uncurry (f : U -> V -> W) : Proof. move=> lcV hsdf ctsf cf; apply: continuous_uncurry_regular => //. move=> v; have [B] := @lcV v I; rewrite withinET => Bv [cptB clB]. -by move=> z; exact: (@compact_regular V hsdf v B). +by move=> z; exact: (compact_regular _ cptB). Qed. Lemma curry_continuous (f : (U * V)%type -> W) : continuous f -> @regular_space U -> diff --git a/theories/normedtype.v b/theories/normedtype.v index 52f4ee754..4bd8b27fc 100644 --- a/theories/normedtype.v +++ b/theories/normedtype.v @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions. From mathcomp Require Import archimedean. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality set_interval Rstruct. Require Import ereal reals signed topology prodnormedzmodule function_spaces. +Require Import separation_axioms. +Require Export separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # Norm-related Notions *) diff --git a/theories/separation_axioms.v b/theories/separation_axioms.v new file mode 100644 index 000000000..847b22641 --- /dev/null +++ b/theories/separation_axioms.v @@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@ +(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *) + +From HB Require Import structures. +From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. +From mathcomp Require Import archimedean. +From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions wochoice. +From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop set_interval. +From mathcomp Require Import filter reals signed topology. +From mathcomp Require Export topology. + +(**md**************************************************************************) +(* # Separation Axioms *) +(* *) +(* This file introduces the separation axioms, a series of topological *) +(* properties about separating points and sets. They are somtimes denoted by *) +(* the names T0 through T6. Although we use their full names (hausdorff, *) +(* accessible, uniform, etc). This file also provides related topological *) +(* properties like zero dimensional and perfect, and discrete. *) +(* *) +(* set_nbhs A == filter from open sets containing A *) +(* ## The classic separation axioms *) +(* ``` *) +(* kolmogorov_space T == T is a Kolmogorov space (T0) *) +(* accessible_space T == T is an accessible space (T1) *) +(* hausdorff_space T == T is a Hausdorff space (T2) *) +(* close x y == x and y are arbitrarily close w.r.t. open sets *) +(* normal_space T == T is normal (sometimes called T4) *) +(* regular_space T == T is regular (sometimes called T3) *) +(* ``` *) +(* ## related concepts *) +(* ``` *) +(* totally_disconnected A == the only connected subsets of A are *) +(* empty or singletons *) +(* zero_dimensional T == points are separable by a clopen set *) +(* perfect_set A == A is closed, and every point in A is *) +(* a limit point of A *) +(* ``` *) +(* ## metrizability for uniform spaces *) +(* ``` *) +(* countable_uniform.type == endows a pseudoMetric on a uniform type whose *) +(* entourage has a countable basis *) +(* gauge E == for an entourage E, gauge E is a filter which *) +(* includes `iter n split_ent E`. *) +(* Critically, `gauge E` forms a uniform space *) +(* with a countable uniformity. *) +(* sup_pseudometric == the pseudometric induced for the supremum *) +(* of countably many pseudoMetrics *) +(******************************************************************************) + + +Set Implicit Arguments. +Unset Strict Implicit. +Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. + +(* Making sure that [Program] does not automatically introduce *) +Obligation Tactic := idtac. + +Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. +From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra. +Local Open Scope classical_set_scope. +Local Open Scope ring_scope. + +Section set_nbhs. +Context {T : topologicalType} (A : set T). + +Definition set_nbhs := \bigcap_(x in A) nbhs x. + +Global Instance set_nbhs_filter : Filter set_nbhs. +Proof. +split => P Q; first by exact: filterT. + by move=> Px Qx x Ax; apply: filterI; [exact: Px | exact: Qx]. +by move=> PQ + x Ax => /(_ _ Ax)/filterS; exact. +Qed. + +Global Instance set_nbhs_pfilter : A!=set0 -> ProperFilter set_nbhs. +Proof. +case=> x Ax; split; last exact: set_nbhs_filter. +by move/(_ x Ax)/nbhs_singleton. +Qed. + +Lemma set_nbhsP (B : set T) : + set_nbhs B <-> (exists C, [/\ open C, A `<=` C & C `<=` B]). +Proof. +split; first last. + by case=> V [? AV /filterS +] x /AV ?; apply; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs. +move=> snB; have Ux x : exists U, A x -> [/\ U x, open U & U `<=` B]. + have [/snB|?] := pselect (A x); last by exists point. + by rewrite nbhsE => -[V [? ? ?]]; exists V. +exists (\bigcup_(x in A) (projT1 (cid (Ux x)))); split. +- by apply: bigcup_open => x Ax; have [] := projT2 (cid (Ux x)). +- by move=> x Ax; exists x => //; have [] := projT2 (cid (Ux x)). +- by move=> x [y Ay]; have [//| _ _] := projT2 (cid (Ux y)); exact. +Qed. + +End set_nbhs. + +Section point_separation_axioms. +Context {T : topologicalType}. + + +Definition accessible_space := forall x y, x != y -> + exists A : set T, open A /\ x \in A /\ y \in ~` A. + +Definition kolmogorov_space := forall x y, x != y -> + exists A : set T, (A \in nbhs x /\ y \in ~` A) \/ (A \in nbhs y /\ x \in ~` A). + +Definition hausdorff_space := forall p q : T, cluster (nbhs p) q -> p = q. + +Lemma compact_closed (A : set T) : hausdorff_space -> compact A -> closed A. +Proof. +move=> hT Aco p clAp; have pA := !! @withinT _ (nbhs p) A _. +have [q [Aq clsAp_q]] := !! Aco _ _ pA; rewrite (hT p q) //. +by apply: cvg_cluster clsAp_q; apply: cvg_within. +Qed. + +Lemma discrete_hausdorff {dsc: discrete_space T} : hausdorff_space. +Proof. +by move=> p q /(_ _ _ (discrete_set1 p) (discrete_set1 q)) [] // x [] -> ->. +Qed. + + +Lemma compact_cluster_set1 (x : T) F V : + hausdorff_space -> compact V -> nbhs x V -> + ProperFilter F -> F V -> cluster F = [set x] -> F --> x. +Proof. +move=> ? cptV nxV PF FV clFx1 U nbhsU; rewrite nbhs_simpl. +wlog oU : U nbhsU / open U. + rewrite /= nbhsE in nbhsU; case: nbhsU => O oO OsubU /(_ O) WH. + by apply: (filterS OsubU); apply: WH; [exact: open_nbhs_nbhs | by case: oO]. +have /compact_near_coveringP : compact (V `\` U). + apply: (subclosed_compact _ cptV) => //. + by apply: closedI; [exact: compact_closed | exact: open_closedC]. +move=> /(_ _ (powerset_filter_from F) (fun W x => ~ W x))[]. + move=> z [Vz ?]; have zE : x <> z by move/nbhs_singleton: nbhsU => /[swap] ->. + have : ~ cluster F z by move: zE; apply: contra_not; rewrite clFx1 => ->. + case/existsNP=> C /existsPNP [D] FC /existsNP [Dz] /set0P/negP/negPn/eqP. + rewrite setIC => /disjoints_subset CD0; exists (D, [set W | F W /\ W `<=` C]). + by split; rewrite //= nbhs_simpl; exact: powerset_filter_fromP. + by case => t W [Dt] [FW] /subsetCP; apply; apply: CD0. +move=> M [MF ME2 [W] MW /(_ _ MW) VUW]. +apply: (@filterS _ _ _ (V `&` W)); last by apply: filterI => //; exact: MF. +by move=> t [Vt Wt]; apply: contrapT => Ut; exact: (VUW t). +Qed. + +Lemma compact_precompact (A : set T) : + hausdorff_space -> compact A -> precompact A. +Proof. +move=> h c; rewrite precompactE ( _ : closure A = A)//. +by apply/esym/closure_id; exact: compact_closed. +Qed. + +Lemma open_hausdorff : hausdorff_space = + forall (x y : T), x != y -> + exists2 AB, (x \in AB.1 /\ y \in AB.2) & + [/\ open AB.1, open AB.2 & AB.1 `&` AB.2 == set0]. +Proof. +rewrite propeqE; split => [T_filterT2|T_openT2] x y. + have := contra_not (T_filterT2 x y); rewrite (rwP eqP) (rwP negP). + move=> /[apply] /asboolPn/existsp_asboolPn[A]; rewrite -existsNE => -[B]. + rewrite [nbhs _ _ -> _](rwP imply_asboolP) => /negP. + rewrite asbool_imply !negb_imply => /andP[/asboolP xA] /andP[/asboolP yB]. + move=> /asboolPn; rewrite -set0P => /negP; rewrite negbK => /eqP AIB_eq0. + move: xA yB; rewrite !nbhsE. + move=> - [oA [oA_open oAx] oAA] [oB [oB_open oBx] oBB]. + by exists (oA, oB); rewrite ?inE; split => //; apply: subsetI_eq0 AIB_eq0. +apply: contraPP => /eqP /T_openT2[[/=A B]]. +rewrite !inE => - [xA yB] [Aopen Bopen /eqP AIB_eq0]. +move=> /(_ A B (open_nbhs_nbhs _) (open_nbhs_nbhs _)). +by rewrite -set0P => /(_ _ _)/negP; apply. +Qed. +Lemma hausdorff_accessible : hausdorff_space -> accessible_space. +Proof. +rewrite open_hausdorff => hsdfT => x y /hsdfT [[U V] [xU yV]] [/= ? ? /eqP]. +rewrite setIC => /disjoints_subset VUc; exists U; repeat split => //. +by rewrite inE; apply: VUc; rewrite -inE. +Qed. + +Lemma accessible_closed_set1 : accessible_space -> forall (x : T), closed [set x]. +Proof. +move=> T1 x; rewrite -[X in closed X]setCK; apply: open_closedC. +rewrite openE => y /eqP /T1 [U [oU [yU xU]]]. +rewrite /interior nbhsE /=; exists U; last by rewrite subsetC1. +by split=> //; exact: set_mem. +Qed. + +Lemma accessible_kolmogorov : accessible_space -> kolmogorov_space. +Proof. +move=> T1 x y /T1 [A [oA [xA yA]]]; exists A; left; split=> //. +by rewrite nbhsE inE; exists A => //; rewrite inE in xA. +Qed. + +Lemma accessible_finite_set_closed : + accessible_space <-> forall A : set T, finite_set A -> closed A. +Proof. +split => [TT1 A fA|h x y xy]. + rewrite -(fsbig_setU_set1 fA) fsbig_finite//=. + by apply: closed_bigsetU => x xA; exact: accessible_closed_set1. +exists (~` [set y]); split; first by rewrite openC; exact: h. +by rewrite !inE/=; split=> [|/eqP]; [exact/eqP|rewrite eqxx]. +Qed. + +End point_separation_axioms. + +Arguments hausdorff_space : clear implicits. +Arguments accessible_space : clear implicits. +Arguments kolmogorov_space : clear implicits. + +Lemma subspace_hausdorff {T : topologicalType} (A : set T) : + hausdorff_space T -> hausdorff_space (subspace A). +Proof. +rewrite ?open_hausdorff => + x y xNy => /(_ x y xNy). +move=> [[P Q]] /= [Px Qx] /= [/open_subspaceW oP /open_subspaceW oQ]. +by move=> ?; exists (P, Q); split => //=; [exact: oP | exact: oQ]. +Qed. + +Lemma order_hausdorff {d} {T : orderTopologicalType d} : hausdorff_space T. +Proof. +rewrite open_hausdorff=> p q; wlog : p q / (p < q)%O. + have /orP[] := le_total p q; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->|]. + - by rewrite eqxx. + - by move=> ?; exact. + - by rewrite eqxx. + - move=> qp WH; rewrite eq_sym => /(WH _ _ qp)[[P Q] [? ?] [? ? ?]]. + by exists (Q, P); split; rewrite // setIC. +move=> plq ?; have [[z /andP[pz zq]]|] := pselect (exists z, p < z < q)%O. + exists (`]-oo,z[, `]z,+oo[)%classic. + by split => //=; apply/mem_set; rewrite set_itvE. + split => //= ; apply/eqP; rewrite -subset0 => r; rewrite set_itvE => -[/= rz]. + by apply/negP; rewrite in_itv/= andbT -leNgt (ltW rz). +move=> npzq; exists (`]-oo, q[, `]p, +oo[)%classic; split => //=. +- by apply /mem_set; rewrite set_itvE. +- by apply /mem_set; rewrite set_itvE. +- apply/eqP; rewrite -subset0 => r; rewrite !set_itvE => -[/= rz zr]. + by apply: npzq; exists r; rewrite rz zr. +Qed. + + +Section ball_hausdorff. +Variables (R : numDomainType) (T : pseudoMetricType R). + +Lemma ball_hausdorff : hausdorff_space T = + forall (a b : T), a != b -> + exists r : {posnum R} * {posnum R}, + ball a r.1%:num `&` ball b r.2%:num == set0. +Proof. +rewrite propeqE open_hausdorff; split => T2T a b /T2T[[/=]]. + move=> A B; rewrite 2!inE => [[aA bB] [oA oB /eqP ABeq0]]. + have /nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[r] rA]: nbhs a A by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs. + have /nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[s] rB]: nbhs b B by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs. + by exists (r, s) => /=; rewrite (subsetI_eq0 _ _ ABeq0). +move=> r s /eqP brs_eq0; exists ((ball a r%:num)^°, (ball b s%:num)^°) => /=. + split; by rewrite inE; apply: nbhs_singleton; apply: nbhs_interior; + apply/nbhs_ballP; apply: in_filter_from => /=. +split; do ?by apply: open_interior. +by rewrite (subsetI_eq0 _ _ brs_eq0)//; apply: interior_subset. +Qed. +End ball_hausdorff. + +Import numFieldTopology.Exports. +Lemma Rhausdorff (R : realFieldType) : hausdorff_space R. +Proof. exact: order_hausdorff. Qed. + +Section separated_topologicalType. +Variable T : topologicalType. +Implicit Types x y : T. + +Local Open Scope classical_set_scope. +Definition close x y : Prop := forall M, open_nbhs y M -> closure M x. + +Lemma closeEnbhs x : close x = cluster (nbhs x). +Proof. +transitivity (cluster (open_nbhs x)); last first. + by rewrite /cluster; under eq_fun do rewrite -meets_openl. +rewrite clusterEonbhs /close funeqE => y /=; rewrite meetsC /meets. +apply/eq_forall => A; rewrite forall_swap. +by rewrite closureEonbhs/= meets_globallyl. +Qed. + +Lemma closeEonbhs x : close x = [set y | open_nbhs x `#` open_nbhs y]. +Proof. +by rewrite closeEnbhs; under eq_fun do rewrite -meets_openl -meets_openr. +Qed. + +Lemma close_sym x y : close x y -> close y x. +Proof. by rewrite !closeEnbhs /cluster/= meetsC. Qed. + +Lemma cvg_close {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} x y : F --> x -> F --> y -> close x y. +Proof. +by move=> /sub_meets sx /sx; rewrite closeEnbhs; apply; apply/proper_meetsxx. +Qed. + +Lemma close_refl x : close x x. +Proof. exact: (@cvg_close (nbhs x)). Qed. +Hint Resolve close_refl : core. + +Lemma cvgx_close x y : x --> y -> close x y. +Proof. exact: cvg_close. Qed. + +Lemma cvgi_close T' {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : T' -> set T) (l l' : T) : + {near F, is_fun f} -> f `@ F --> l -> f `@ F --> l' -> close l l'. +Proof. +move=> f_prop fFl fFl'. +suff f_totalfun: {near F, is_totalfun f}. + by apply: cvg_close fFl fFl'; exact: fmapi_proper_filter. +apply: filter_app f_prop; near do split=> //=. +have: (f `@ F) setT by apply: fFl; apply: filterT. +by rewrite fmapiE; apply: filterS => x [y []]; exists y. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. +Definition cvg_toi_locally_close := @cvgi_close. + +Hypothesis sep : hausdorff_space T. + +Lemma closeE x y : close x y = (x = y). +Proof. +rewrite propeqE; split; last by move=> ->; exact: close_refl. +by rewrite closeEnbhs; exact: sep. +Qed. + +Lemma close_eq x y : close x y -> x = y. +Proof. by rewrite closeE. Qed. + + +Lemma cvg_unique {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} : is_subset1 [set x : T | F --> x]. +Proof. move=> Fx Fy; rewrite -closeE //; exact: (@cvg_close F). Qed. + +Lemma cvg_eq x y : x --> y -> x = y. +Proof. by rewrite -closeE //; apply: cvg_close. Qed. + +Lemma cvgi_unique {U : Type} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U -> set T) : + {near F, is_fun f} -> is_subset1 [set x : T | f `@ F --> x]. +Proof. by move=> ffun fx fy; rewrite -closeE //; exact: cvgi_close. Qed. + + +End separated_topologicalType. + +Section separated_ptopologicalType. +Variable T : ptopologicalType. +Implicit Types x y : T. + +Lemma close_cvg (F1 F2 : set_system T) {FF2 : ProperFilter F2} : + F1 --> F2 -> F2 --> F1 -> close (lim F1) (lim F2). +Proof. +move=> F12 F21. +have [/(cvg_trans F21) F2l|dvgF1] := pselect (cvg F1). + by apply: (@cvg_close _ F2) => //; apply: cvgP F2l. +have [/(cvg_trans F12)/cvgP//|dvgF2] := pselect (cvg F2). +rewrite dvgP // dvgP //; exact/close_refl. +Qed. + +Hypothesis sep : hausdorff_space T. + +Lemma lim_id x : lim (nbhs x) = x. +Proof. by apply/esym/cvg_eq/cvg_ex => //; exists x. Qed. + +Lemma cvg_lim {U : Type} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U -> T) (l : T) : + f @ F --> l -> lim (f @ F) = l. +Proof. by move=> /[dup] /cvgP /cvg_unique; apply. Qed. + +Lemma lim_near_cst {U} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (l : T) (f : U -> T) : + (\forall x \near F, f x = l) -> lim (f @ F) = l. +Proof. by move=> /cvg_near_cst/cvg_lim. Qed. + +Lemma lim_cst {U} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (k : T) : + lim ((fun _ : U => k) @ F) = k. +Proof. by apply: cvg_lim; apply: cvg_cst. Qed. + +Lemma cvgi_lim {U} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U -> T -> Prop) (l : T) : + F (fun x : U => is_subset1 (f x)) -> + f `@ F --> l -> lim (f `@ F) = l. +Proof. +move=> f_prop fl; apply: get_unique => // l' fl'; exact: cvgi_unique _ fl' fl. +Qed. + +End separated_ptopologicalType. + +#[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.0", note="renamed to `cvg_lim`")] +Notation cvg_map_lim := cvg_lim (only parsing). +#[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.0", note="renamed to `cvgi_lim`")] +Notation cvgi_map_lim := cvgi_lim (only parsing). + +#[global] Hint Resolve close_refl : core. +Arguments close_cvg {T} F1 F2 {FF2} _. + +Section close_uniform. +Implicit Types (U : uniformType). +Lemma entourage_close {U} (x y : U) : close x y = forall A, entourage A -> A (x, y). +Proof. +rewrite propeqE; split=> [cxy A entA|cxy]. + have /entourage_split_ent entsA := entA; rewrite closeEnbhs in cxy. + have yl := nbhs_entourage _ (entourage_inv entsA). + have yr := nbhs_entourage _ entsA. + have [z [/xsectionP zx /xsectionP zy]] := cxy _ _ (yr x) (yl y). + exact: (entourage_split z). +rewrite closeEnbhs => A B /nbhsP[E1 entE1 sE1A] /nbhsP[E2 entE2 sE2B]. +exists y; split. +- by apply/sE1A/xsectionP; exact: cxy. +- by apply/sE2B/xsectionP; exact: entourage_refl. +Qed. + +Lemma close_trans {U} (y x z : U) : close x y -> close y z -> close x z. +Proof. +rewrite !entourage_close => cxy cyz A entA. +exact: entourage_split (cxy _ _) (cyz _ _). +Qed. + +Lemma close_cvgxx {U} (x y : U) : close x y -> x --> y. +Proof. +rewrite entourage_close => cxy P /= /nbhsP[A entA sAP]. +apply/nbhsP; exists (split_ent A) => // z /xsectionP xz; apply: sAP. +apply/xsectionP; apply: (entourage_split x) => //. +by have := cxy _ (entourage_inv (entourage_split_ent entA)). +Qed. + + +Lemma cvg_closeP { U : puniformType} (F : set_system U) (l : U) : ProperFilter F -> + F --> l <-> ([cvg F in U] /\ close (lim F) l). +Proof. +move=> FF; split=> [Fl|[cvF]Cl]. + by have /cvgP := Fl; split=> //; apply: (@cvg_close _ F). +by apply: cvg_trans (close_cvgxx Cl). +Qed. + +Lemma ball_close {R : numFieldType} {M : pseudoMetricType R} (x y : M) : + close x y = forall eps : {posnum R}, ball x eps%:num y. +Proof. +rewrite propeqE; split => [cxy eps|cxy]. + have := !! cxy _ (open_nbhs_ball _ (eps%:num/2)%:pos). + rewrite closureEonbhs/= meetsC meets_globallyr. + move/(_ _ (open_nbhs_ball _ (eps%:num/2)%:pos)) => [z [zx zy]]. + by apply: (@ball_splitl _ _ z); apply: interior_subset. +rewrite closeEnbhs => B A /nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[e2 e2B]] + /nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[e1 e1A]]. +by exists y; split; [apply/e2B|apply/e1A; exact: ballxx]. +Qed. +End close_uniform. + +Section set_separations. +Context {T : topologicalType}. +Definition normal_space := + forall A : set T, closed A -> + filter_from (set_nbhs A) closure `=>` set_nbhs A. + +Definition regular_space := + forall a : T, filter_from (nbhs a) closure --> a. + +Lemma compact_regular (x : T) V : hausdorff_space T -> compact V -> + nbhs x V -> {for x, regular_space}. +Proof. +move=> sep cptv Vx; apply: (@compact_cluster_set1 T x _ V) => //. +- apply: filter_from_proper => //; first last. + by move=> ? /nbhs_singleton/subset_closure ?; exists x. + apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists setT; exact: filterT. + move=> P Q Px Qx; exists (P `&` Q); [exact: filterI | exact: closureI]. +- by exists V => //; have /closure_id <- : closed V by exact: compact_closed. +rewrite eqEsubset; split; first last. + move=> _ -> A B [C Cx CA /nbhs_singleton Bx]; exists x; split => //. + by apply/CA/subset_closure; exact: nbhs_singleton. +move=> y /=; apply: contraPeq; move: sep; rewrite open_hausdorff => /[apply]. +move=> [[B A]]/=; rewrite ?inE; case=> By Ax [oB oA BA0]. +apply/existsNP; exists (closure A); apply/existsNP; exists B; apply/not_implyP. +split; first by exists A => //; exact: open_nbhs_nbhs. +apply/not_implyP; split; first exact: open_nbhs_nbhs. +apply/set0P/negP; rewrite negbK; apply/eqP/disjoints_subset. +have /closure_id -> : closed (~` B); first by exact: open_closedC. +by apply/closure_subset/disjoints_subset; rewrite setIC. +Qed. + +End set_separations. + +Arguments normal_space : clear implicits. +Arguments regular_space : clear implicits. + +Local Open Scope relation_scope. +Lemma uniform_regular {T : uniformType} : @regular_space T. +Proof. +move=> x R /=; rewrite -{1}nbhs_entourageE => -[E entE ER]. +pose E' := split_ent E; have eE' : entourage E' by exact: entourage_split_ent. +exists (xsection (E' `&` E'^-1) x). + rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists (E' `&` E'^-1) => //. + exact: filterI. +move=> z /= clEz; apply/ER/xsectionP; apply: subset_split_ent => //. +have [] := clEz (xsection (E' `&` E'^-1) z). + rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists (E' `&` E'^-1) => //. + exact: filterI. +by move=> y /= [/xsectionP[? ?] /xsectionP[? ?]]; exists y. +Qed. +Local Close Scope relation_scope. + +#[global] Hint Resolve uniform_regular : core. + + + +Section totally_disconnected. +Implicit Types T : topologicalType. + +Definition totally_disconnected {T} (A : set T) := + forall x, A x -> connected_component A x = [set x]. + +Definition zero_dimensional T := + (forall x y, x != y -> exists U : set T, [/\ clopen U, U x & ~ U y]). + +Lemma discrete_zero_dimension {T} : discrete_space T -> zero_dimensional T. +Proof. +move=> dctT x y xny; exists [set x]; split => //; last exact/nesym/eqP. +by split; [exact: discrete_open | exact: discrete_closed]. +Qed. + +Lemma zero_dimension_totally_disconnected {T} : + zero_dimensional T -> totally_disconnected [set: T]. +Proof. +move=> zdA x _; rewrite eqEsubset. +split=> [z [R [Rx _ ctdR Rz]]|_ ->]; last exact: connected_component_refl. +apply: contrapT => /eqP znx; have [U [[oU cU] Uz Ux]] := zdA _ _ znx. +suff : R `&` U = R by move: Rx => /[swap] <- []. +by apply: ctdR; [exists z|exists U|exists U]. +Qed. + +Lemma zero_dimensional_cvg {T} (x : T) : + hausdorff_space T -> zero_dimensional T -> compact [set: T] -> + filter_from [set D : set T | D x /\ clopen D] id --> x. +Proof. +pose F := filter_from [set D : set T | D x /\ clopen D] id. +have FF : Filter F. + apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists setT; split => //; exact: clopenT. + by move=> A B [? ?] [? ?]; exists (A `&` B) => //; split=> //; exact: clopenI. +have PF : ProperFilter F by apply: filter_from_proper; move=> ? [? _]; exists x. +move=> hsdfT zdT cmpT U Ux; rewrite nbhs_simpl -/F. +wlog oU : U Ux / open U. + move: Ux; rewrite /= nbhsE => -[] V [? ?] /filterS + /(_ V) P. + by apply; apply: P => //; exists V. +have /(iffLR (compact_near_coveringP _)) : compact (~` U). + by apply: (subclosed_compact _ cmpT) => //; exact: open_closedC. +move=> /(_ _ _ setC (powerset_filter_from_filter PF))[]. + move=> y nUy; have /zdT [C [[oC cC] Cx Cy]] : x != y. + by apply: contra_notN nUy => /eqP <-; exact: nbhs_singleton. + exists (~` C, [set U | U `<=` C]); first split. + - by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => //; exact: closed_openC. + - apply/near_powerset_filter_fromP; first by move=> ? ?; exact: subset_trans. + by exists C => //; exists C. + - by case=> i j [? /subsetC]; apply. +by move=> D [DF _ [C DC]]/(_ _ DC)/subsetC2/filterS; apply; exact: DF. +Qed. + +Lemma zero_dimensional_ray {d} {T : orderTopologicalType d} (x y : T) : + (x < y)%O -> zero_dimensional T -> + exists U, [/\ clopen U, U y , ~ U x & forall l r, U r -> ~ U l -> l < r]%O. +Proof. +move=> xy zt; have xNy : y != x by move: xy; rewrite lt_def => /andP[]. +have [U [clU Uy nUx]] := zt y x xNy. +have := clopen_bigcup_clopen clU Uy; set I := (I in clopen I); case=> ? ?. +pose V := I `|` `[y, +oo[; have Iy : I y. + case: clU => + _; rewrite openE => /(_ _ Uy). + rewrite /interior /= itv_nbhsE /= => -[i [] iy yi iU]. + by exists i => //; split => //; exact: itv_open_ends_open. +have IU : I `<=` U by move=> ? [? [+ _ _]] => /subset_trans; exact. +exists V; split; first split. +- suff -> : V = I `|` `]y,+oo[ by exact: openU. + rewrite eqEsubset; split => z; case; first by left. + + by rewrite -setU1itv // => -[->|]; [left| right]. + + by left. + + by rewrite /V -setU1itv //; right; right. +- by apply: closedU => //; exact: rray_closed. +- by left. +- by move=> [/IU //|]; rewrite set_itvE/= leNgt xy. +- move=> l r Vr Vl; rewrite ltNge; apply/negP; move: Vl; apply: contra_not. + move=> rl; case: Vr; first last. + by rewrite set_itvE => yr; right; rewrite set_itvE; exact: (le_trans yr). + have /orP[|ly] := le_total y l; first by move=> + _; right; rewrite set_itvE. + case=> i [iu oi /= yi ri]; left; exists i; first by split. + move: iu oi => _ _; case: i yi ri => p q /= /andP [py yq] /andP[pr rq]. + apply/andP; split. + + by rewrite (le_trans pr)// bnd_simp. + + by rewrite (le_trans _ yq)// bnd_simp. +Qed. + +End totally_disconnected. +(* This section proves that uniform spaces, with a countable base for their + entourage, are metrizable. The definition of this metric is rather arcane, + and the proof is tough. That's ok because the resulting metric is not + intended to be used explicitly. Instead, this is typically used in + applications that do not depend on the metric: + - `metric spaces are T4` + - `in metric spaces, compactness and sequential compactness agree` + - infinite products of metric spaces are metrizable +*) +Module countable_uniform. +Section countable_uniform. +Local Open Scope relation_scope. +Context {R : realType} {T : uniformType}. + +Hypothesis cnt_unif : @countable_uniformity T. + +Let f_ := projT1 (cid2 (iffLR countable_uniformityP cnt_unif)). + +Local Lemma countableBase : forall A, entourage A -> exists N, f_ N `<=` A. +Proof. by have [] := projT2 (cid2 (iffLR countable_uniformityP cnt_unif)). Qed. + +Let entF : forall n, entourage (f_ n). +Proof. by have [] := projT2 (cid2 (iffLR countable_uniformityP cnt_unif)). Qed. + +(* Step 1: + We build a nicer base `g` for `entourage` with better assumptions than `f` + - each (g_ n) is symmetric + - the sets (g_ n) are nested downward + - g_ n.+1 \o g_ n.+1 \o g_ n.+1 `<=` g_ n says the sets descend `quickly` + *) + +Local Fixpoint g_ n : set (T * T) := + if n is n.+1 then let W := split_ent (split_ent (g_ n)) `&` f_ n in W `&` W^-1 + else [set: T*T]. + +Let entG n : entourage (g_ n). +Proof. +elim: n => /=; first exact: entourageT. +by move=> n entg; apply/entourage_invI; exact: filterI. +Qed. + +Local Lemma symG n : (g_ n)^-1 = g_ n. +Proof. +by case: n => // n; rewrite eqEsubset; split; case=> ? ?; rewrite /= andC. +Qed. + +Local Lemma descendG1 n : g_ n.+1 `<=` g_ n. +Proof. +apply: subIset; left; apply: subIset; left; apply: subset_trans. + by apply: split_ent_subset; exact: entourage_split_ent. +by apply: subset_trans; last exact: split_ent_subset. +Qed. + +Local Lemma descendG n m : (m <= n)%N -> g_ n `<=` g_ m. +Proof. +elim: n; rewrite ?leqn0; first by move=>/eqP ->. +move=> n IH; rewrite leq_eqVlt ltnS => /orP [/eqP <- //|] /IH. +by apply: subset_trans; exact: descendG1. +Qed. + +Local Lemma splitG3 n : g_ n.+1 \; g_ n.+1 \; g_ n.+1 `<=` g_ n. +Proof. +suff g2split : g_ n.+1 \; g_ n.+1 `<=` split_ent (g_ n). + apply: subset_trans; last exact: subset_split_ent (entG n). + apply: set_compose_subset (g2split); rewrite -[_ n.+1]set_compose_diag. + apply: subset_trans g2split; apply: set_compose_subset => //. + by move=> [_ _] [z _] [<- <-]; exact: entourage_refl. +apply: subset_trans; last exact: subset_split_ent. +by apply: set_compose_subset; apply: subIset; left; apply: subIset; left. +Qed. + +Local Lemma gsubf n : g_ n.+1 `<=` f_ n. +Proof. by apply: subIset; left; apply: subIset; right. Qed. + +Local Lemma countableBaseG A : entourage A -> exists N, g_ N `<=` A. +Proof. +move=> /countableBase [N] fnA; exists N.+1. +by apply: subset_trans fnA; exact: gsubf. +Qed. + +(* Step 2. + We build a sensible notion of balls for our metric. + The naive attempt, + `ball x e y := g_ (distN e) (x,y)) + doesn't respect triangle inequality. We need to cook triangle inequality + into the balls themselves. So we define balls in terms of steps: + `ball x e y := there are n steps x_0 = x,...,x_i,..., x_n.+1 = y and + e_1,...,e_n such that + g_ (distN e_i) (x_i,x_i+1) + and + sum (e_i) = e +*) + +Local Open Scope classical_set_scope. +Local Open Scope ring_scope. + +Local Definition distN (e : R) : nat := `|Num.floor e^-1|%N. + +Local Lemma distN0 : distN 0 = 0%N. +Proof. by rewrite /distN invr0 floor0. Qed. + +Local Lemma distN_nat (n : nat) : distN n%:R^-1 = n. +Proof. +rewrite /distN invrK. +apply/eqP; rewrite -(@eqr_nat R) natr_absz ger0_norm ?floor_ge0//. +by rewrite -intrEfloor intrEge0. +Qed. + +Local Lemma distN_le e1 e2 : e1 > 0 -> e1 <= e2 -> (distN e2 <= distN e1)%N. +Proof. +move=> e1pos e1e2; rewrite /distN; apply: lez_abs2. + by rewrite floor_ge0 ltW// invr_gt0 (lt_le_trans _ e1e2). +by rewrite floor_le// lef_pV2 ?invrK ?invr_gt0//; exact: (lt_le_trans _ e1e2). +Qed. + +Local Fixpoint n_step_ball n x e z := + if n is n.+1 then exists y d1 d2, + [/\ n_step_ball n x d1 y, + 0 < d1, + 0 < d2, + g_ (distN d2) (y, z) & + d1 + d2 = e] + else e > 0 /\ g_ (distN e) (x, z). + +Local Definition step_ball x e z := exists i, (n_step_ball i x e z). + +Local Lemma n_step_ball_pos n x e z : n_step_ball n x e z -> 0 < e. +Proof. +by case: n => [[]|] // n; case=> [?] [?] [?] [] ? ? ? ? <-; apply: addr_gt0. +Qed. + +Local Lemma step_ball_pos x e z : step_ball x e z -> 0 < e. +Proof. by case => ?; exact: n_step_ball_pos. Qed. + +Local Lemma entourage_nball e : + 0 < e -> entourage [set xy | step_ball xy.1 e xy.2]. +Proof. +move=> epos; apply: (@filterS _ _ _ (g_ (distN e))) => // [[x y]] ?. +by exists 0%N. +Qed. + +Local Lemma n_step_ball_center x e : 0 < e -> n_step_ball 0 x e x. +Proof. by move=> epos; split => //; exact: entourage_refl. Qed. + +Local Lemma step_ball_center x e : 0 < e -> step_ball x e x. +Proof. by move=> epos; exists 0%N; apply: n_step_ball_center. Qed. + +Local Lemma n_step_ball_triangle n m x y z d1 d2 : + n_step_ball n x d1 y -> + n_step_ball m y d2 z -> + n_step_ball (n + m).+1 x (d1 + d2) z. +Proof. +move: n z d2; elim: m => [n z d2 Nxy [? ?]|n IH m z d2 Oxy]. + by exists y, d1, d2; split; rewrite ?addn0 // (n_step_ball_pos Nxy). +move=> [w] [e1] [e2] [Oyw ? ? ? <-]. +exists w, (d1 + e1), e2; rewrite addnS addrA. +split => //; last by rewrite addr_gt0//; exact: n_step_ball_pos Oxy. +by case: (IH m w e1 Oxy Oyw) => t [e3] [e4] [] Oxt ? ? ? <-; exists t, e3, e4. +Qed. + +Local Lemma step_ball_triangle x y z d1 d2 : + step_ball x d1 y -> step_ball y d2 z -> step_ball x (d1 + d2) z. +Proof. +move=> [n Oxy] [m Oyz]; exists (n + m).+1. +exact: n_step_ball_triangle Oxy Oyz. +Qed. + +Local Lemma n_step_ball_sym n x y e : + n_step_ball n x e y -> n_step_ball n y e x. +Proof. +move: x y e; elim: n; first by move=> ? ? ?; rewrite /= -{1}symG. +move=> n IH x y e [t] [d1] [d2] [] /IH Oty ? ?. +rewrite addrC -symG -[n]add0n => gty <-; apply: (n_step_ball_triangle _ Oty). +by split => //; exact: gty. +Qed. + +Local Lemma step_ball_sym x y e : step_ball x e y -> step_ball y e x. +Proof. by case=> n /n_step_ball_sym ?; exists n. Qed. + +(* Step 3: + We prove that step_ball respects the original entourage. This requires an + induction on the length of the steps, which is pretty tricky. The central + lemma is `split_n_step_ball`, which lets us break a list into parts three + parts as: half + one_step + half. Then our we can break apart our n +1 path + + nlong + one_step + into + (half + one_step + half) + one_step + = + half + one_step + (half + one_step) + + and we can we can use our (strong) induction hypothesis. + And lastly we finish with splitG3. +*) + +Local Lemma n_step_ball_le n x e1 e2 : + e1 <= e2 -> n_step_ball n x e1 `<=` n_step_ball n x e2. +Proof. +move: x e1 e2; elim: n. + move=> x e1 e2 e1e2 y [?] gxy; split; first exact: (lt_le_trans _ e1e2). + by apply: descendG; last (exact: gxy); exact: distN_le. +move=> n IH x e1 e2 e1e2 z [y] [d1] [d2] [] /IH P d1pos d2pos gyz d1d2e1. +have d1e1d2 : d1 = e1 - d2 by rewrite -d1d2e1 -addrA subrr addr0. +have e2d2le : e1 - d2 <= e2 - d2 by exact: lerB. +exists y, (e2 - d2), d2; split => //. +- by apply: P; apply: le_trans e2d2le; rewrite d1e1d2. +- by apply: lt_le_trans e2d2le; rewrite -d1e1d2. +- by rewrite -addrA [-_ + _]addrC subrr addr0. +Qed. + +Local Lemma step_ball_le x e1 e2 : + e1 <= e2 -> step_ball x e1 `<=` step_ball x e2. +Proof. by move=> e1e2 ? [n P]; exists n; exact: (n_step_ball_le e1e2). Qed. + +Local Lemma distN_half (n : nat) : n.+1%:R^-1 / (2:R) <= n.+2%:R^-1. +Proof. +rewrite -invrM //; [|exact: unitf_gt0 |exact: unitf_gt0]. +rewrite lef_pV2 ?posrE // -?natrM ?ler_nat -addn1 -addn1 -addnA mulnDr. +by rewrite muln1 leq_add2r leq_pmull. +Qed. + +Local Lemma split_n_step_ball n x e1 e2 z : + 0 < e1 -> 0 < e2 -> n_step_ball n.+1 x (e1 + e2) z -> + exists t1 t2 a b, + [/\ + n_step_ball a x e1 t1, + n_step_ball 0 t1 (e1 + e2) t2, + n_step_ball b t2 e2 z & + (a + b = n)%N + ]. +Proof. +move: e1 e2 x z; elim: n. + move=> e1 e2 x z e1pos e2pos [y] [d1] [d2] [] Oxy ? ? gd2yz deE. + case: (pselect (e1 <= d1)). + move=> e1d1; exists x, y, 0%N, 0%N; split. + - exact: n_step_ball_center. + - apply: n_step_ball_le; last exact: Oxy. + by rewrite -deE lerDl; apply: ltW. + - apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d2); last by split. + rewrite -[e2]addr0 -(subrr e1) addrA -lerBlDr opprK [leLHS]addrC. + by rewrite [e2 + _]addrC -deE; exact: lerD. + - by rewrite addn0. + move=> /negP; rewrite -ltNge//. + move=> e1d1; exists y, z, 0%N, 0%N; split. + - by apply: n_step_ball_le; last (exact: Oxy); exact: ltW. + - rewrite -deE; apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d2) => //. + by rewrite lerDr; apply: ltW. + - exact: n_step_ball_center. + - by rewrite addn0. +move=> n IH e1 e2 x z e1pos e2pos [y] [d1] [d2] [] Od1xy d1pos d2pos gd2yz deE. +case: (pselect (e2 <= d2)). + move=> e2d2; exists y, z, n.+1, 0%N; split. + - apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d1); rewrite // -[e1]addr0 -(subrr e2) addrA. + by rewrite -deE -lerBlDr opprK lerD. + - apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d2); last by split. + by rewrite -deE lerDr; exact: ltW. + - exact: n_step_ball_center. + - by rewrite addn0. +have d1E' : d1 = e1 + (e2 - d2). + by move: deE; rewrite addrA [e1 + _]addrC => <-; rewrite -addrA subrr addr0. +move=> /negP; rewrite -ltNge// => d2lee2. + case: (IH e1 (e2 - d2) x y); rewrite ?subr_gt0 // -d1E' //. + move=> t1 [t2] [c1] [c2] [] Oxy1 gt1t2 t2y <-. + exists t1, t2, c1, c2.+1; split => //. + - by apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d1); rewrite -?deE // ?lerDl; exact: ltW. + - exists y, (e2 - d2), d2; split; rewrite // ?subr_gt0//. + by rewrite -addrA [-_ + _]addrC subrr addr0. + - by rewrite addnS. +Qed. + +Local Lemma n_step_ball_le_g x n : + n_step_ball 0 x n%:R^-1 `<=` [set y | g_ n (x,y)]. +Proof. by move=> y [] ?; rewrite distN_nat. Qed. + +Local Lemma subset_n_step_ball n x N : + n_step_ball n x N.+1%:R^-1 `<=` [set y | (g_ N) (x, y)]. +Proof. +move: N x; elim: n {-2}n (leqnn n) => n. + rewrite leqn0 => /eqP -> N x; apply: subset_trans. + exact: n_step_ball_le_g. + by move=> y ?; exact: descendG. +move=> IH1 + + N x1 x4; case. + by move=> ? [?] P; apply: descendG _ P; rewrite distN_nat. +move=> l ln1 Ox1x4. +case: (@split_n_step_ball l x1 (N.+1%:R^-1/2) (N.+1%:R^-1/2) x4) => //. + by rewrite -splitr. +move=> x2 [x3] [l1] [l2] [] P1 [? +] P3 l1l2; rewrite -splitr distN_nat => ?. +have l1n : (l1 <= n)%N by rewrite (leq_trans (leq_addr l2 l1))// l1l2 -ltnS. +have l2n : (l2 <= n)%N by rewrite (leq_trans (leq_addl l1 l2))// l1l2 -ltnS. +apply: splitG3; exists x3; [exists x2 => //|]. + by move/(n_step_ball_le (distN_half N))/(IH1 _ l1n) : P1. +by move/(n_step_ball_le (distN_half N))/(IH1 _ l2n) : P3. +Qed. + +Local Lemma subset_step_ball x N : + step_ball x N.+1%:R^-1 `<=` [set y | (g_ N) (x, y)]. +Proof. by move=> y [] n; exact: subset_n_step_ball. Qed. + +Local Lemma step_ball_entourage : entourage = entourage_ step_ball. +Proof. +rewrite predeqE => E; split; first last. + by case=> e /= epos esubE; apply: (filterS esubE); exact: entourage_nball. +move=> entE; case: (countableBase entE) => N fN. +exists N.+2%:R^-1; first by rewrite /= invr_gt0. +apply: (subset_trans _ fN); apply: subset_trans; last apply: gsubf. +by case=> x y /= N1ball; apply: (@subset_step_ball x N.+1). +Qed. + +Definition type : Type := let _ := countableBase in let _ := entF in T. + +#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Uniform.on type. +#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Uniform_isPseudoMetric.Build R type + step_ball_center step_ball_sym step_ball_triangle step_ball_entourage. +#[export] HB.instance Definition _ {q : Pointed T} := Pointed.copy type (Pointed.Pack q). + +Lemma countable_uniform_bounded (x y : T) : + let U := [the pseudoMetricType R of type] + in @ball _ U x 2 y. +Proof. +rewrite /ball; exists O%N; rewrite /n_step_ball; split; rewrite // /distN. +rewrite [X in `|X|%N](_ : _ = 0) ?absz0//. +apply/eqP; rewrite -[_ == _]negbK; rewrite floor_neq0 negb_or -?ltNge -?leNgt. +by apply/andP; split => //; rewrite invf_lt1 //= ltrDl. +Qed. + +End countable_uniform. + + +Module Exports. HB.reexport. End Exports. +End countable_uniform. +Export countable_uniform.Exports. + +Notation countable_uniform := countable_uniform.type. + +Definition sup_pseudometric (R : realType) (T : Type) (Ii : Type) + (Tc : Ii -> PseudoMetric R T) (Icnt : countable [set: Ii]) : Type := T. + +Section sup_pseudometric. +Variable (R : realType) (T : choiceType) (Ii : Type). +Variable (Tc : Ii -> PseudoMetric R T). + +Hypothesis Icnt : countable [set: Ii]. + +Local Notation S := (sup_pseudometric Tc Icnt). + +Let TS := fun i => PseudoMetric.Pack (Tc i). + +Definition countable_uniformityT := @countable_sup_ent T Ii Tc Icnt + (fun i => @countable_uniformity_metric _ (TS i)). + +HB.instance Definition _ : PseudoMetric R S := + PseudoMetric.on (countable_uniform countable_uniformityT). + +End sup_pseudometric. + + +Module gauge. +Section gauge. +Local Open Scope relation_scope. + +Let split_sym {T : uniformType} (W : set (T * T)) := + (split_ent W) `&` (split_ent W)^-1. + +Section entourage_gauge. +Context {T : uniformType} (E : set (T * T)) (entE : entourage E). + +Definition gauge := + filter_from [set: nat] (fun n => iter n split_sym (E `&` E^-1)). + +Lemma iter_split_ent j : entourage (iter j split_sym (E `&` E^-1)). +Proof. by elim: j => [|i IH]; exact: filterI. Qed. + +Lemma gauge_ent A : gauge A -> entourage A. +Proof. +case=> n; elim: n A; first by move=> ? _ /filterS; apply; apply: filterI. +by move=> n ? A _ /filterS; apply; apply: filterI; have ? := iter_split_ent n. +Qed. + +Lemma gauge_filter : Filter gauge. +Proof. +apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists 0%N. +move=> i j _ _; wlog ilej : i j / (i <= j)%N. + by move=> WH; have [|/ltnW] := leqP i j; + [|rewrite (setIC (iter _ _ _))]; exact: WH. +exists j => //; rewrite subsetI; split => //; elim: j i ilej => [i|j IH i]. + by rewrite leqn0 => /eqP ->. +rewrite leq_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-//|/ltnSE/IH]; apply: subset_trans. +by move=> x/= [jx _]; apply: split_ent_subset => //; exact: iter_split_ent. +Qed. + +Lemma gauge_refl A : gauge A -> diagonal `<=` A. +Proof. +case=> n _; apply: subset_trans => -[_ a]/diagonalP ->. +by apply: entourage_refl; exact: iter_split_ent. +Qed. + +Lemma gauge_inv A : gauge A -> gauge A^-1. +Proof. +case=> n _ EA; apply: (@filterS _ _ _ (iter n split_sym (E `&` E^-1))). +- exact: gauge_filter. +- by case: n EA; last move=> n; move=> EA [? ?] [/=] ? ?; exact: EA. +- by exists n . +Qed. + +Lemma gauge_split A : gauge A -> exists2 B, gauge B & B \; B `<=` A. +Proof. +case => n _ EA; exists (iter n.+1 split_sym (E `&` E^-1)); first by exists n.+1. +apply: subset_trans EA; apply: subset_trans; first last. + by apply: subset_split_ent; exact: iter_split_ent. +by case=> a c [b] [] ? ? [] ? ?; exists b. +Qed. + +Let gauged : Type := T. + +HB.instance Definition _ := Choice.on gauged. +HB.instance Definition _ := + @isUniform.Build gauged gauge gauge_filter gauge_refl gauge_inv gauge_split. + +Lemma gauge_countable_uniformity : countable_uniformity gauged. +Proof. +exists [set iter n split_sym (E `&` E^-1) | n in [set: nat]]. +split; [exact: card_image_le | by move=> W [n] _ <-; exists n|]. +by move=> D [n _ ?]; exists (iter n split_sym (E `&` E^-1)). +Qed. + +Definition type := countable_uniform.type gauge_countable_uniformity. +End entourage_gauge. + +End gauge. +Module Exports. HB.reexport. End Exports. +End gauge. +Export gauge.Exports. + +Lemma uniform_pseudometric_sup {R : realType} {T : puniformType} : + @entourage T = @sup_ent T {E : set (T * T) | @entourage T E} + (fun E => Uniform.class (@gauge.type T (projT1 E) (projT2 E))). +Proof. +rewrite eqEsubset; split => [E entE|E]. + exists E => //=. + pose pe : {classic {E0 : set (T * T) | _}} * _ := (exist _ E entE, E). + have entPE : `[< @entourage (gauge.type entE) E >]. + by apply/asboolP; exists 0%N => // ? []. + exists (fset1 (exist _ pe entPE)) => //=; first by move=> ?; rewrite in_setE. + by rewrite set_fset1 bigcap_set1. +case=> W /= [/= J] _ <- /filterS; apply; apply: filter_bigI => -[] [] [] /= D. +move=> entD G /[dup] /asboolP [n _ + _ _] => /filterS; apply. +exact: gauge.iter_split_ent. +Qed. + +Section perfect_sets. + +Implicit Types (T : topologicalType). + +Definition perfect_set {T} (A : set T) := closed A /\ limit_point A = A. + +Lemma perfectTP {T} : perfect_set [set: T] <-> forall x : T, ~ open [set x]. +Proof. +split. + case=> _; rewrite eqEsubset; case=> _ + x Ox => /(_ x I [set x]). + by case; [by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split |] => y [+ _] => /[swap] -> /eqP. +move=> NOx; split; [exact: closedT |]; rewrite eqEsubset; split => x // _. +move=> U; rewrite nbhsE; case=> V [] oV Vx VU. +have Vnx: V != [set x] by apply/eqP => M; apply: (NOx x); rewrite -M. +have /existsNP [y /existsNP [Vy Ynx]] : ~ forall y, V y -> y = x. + move/negP: Vnx; apply: contra_not => Vxy; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset. + by split => // ? ->. +by exists y; split => //; [exact/eqP | exact: VU]. +Qed. + +Lemma perfect_set2 {T} : perfect_set [set: T] <-> + forall (U : set T), open U -> U !=set0 -> + exists x y, [/\ U x, U y & x != y] . +Proof. +apply: iff_trans; first exact: perfectTP; split. + move=> nx1 U oU [] x Ux; exists x. + have : U <> [set x] by move=> Ux1; apply: (nx1 x); rewrite -Ux1. + apply: contra_notP; move/not_existsP/contrapT=> Uyx; rewrite eqEsubset. + (split => //; last by move=> ? ->); move=> y Uy; have /not_and3P := Uyx y. + by case => // /negP; rewrite negbK => /eqP ->. +move=> Unxy x Ox; have [] := Unxy _ Ox; first by exists x. +by move=> y [] ? [->] -> /eqP. +Qed. + +End perfect_sets. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theories/topology.v b/theories/topology.v index c94d964a7..9ee494677 100644 --- a/theories/topology.v +++ b/theories/topology.v @@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ From mathcomp Require Export filter. (* cluster F == set of cluster points of F *) (* compact == set of compact sets w.r.t. the filter- *) (* based definition of compactness *) -(* hausdorff_space T <-> T is a Hausdorff space (T2) *) (* compact_near F == the filter F contains a closed compact *) (* set *) (* precompact A == the set A is contained in a closed and *) @@ -103,20 +102,10 @@ From mathcomp Require Export filter. (* near_covering == a reformulation of covering compact *) (* better suited for use with `near` *) (* near_covering_within == equivalent definition of near_covering *) -(* kolmogorov_space T <-> T is a Kolmogorov space (T0) *) -(* accessible_space T <-> T is an accessible space (T1) *) -(* close x y <-> x and y are arbitrarily close w.r.t. *) -(* to balls *) (* connected A <-> the only non empty subset of A which *) (* is both open and closed in A is A *) (* separated A B == the two sets A and B are separated *) (* connected_component x == the connected component of point x *) -(* perfect_set A == A is closed, and every point in A is *) -(* a limit point of A *) -(* totally_disconnected A == the only connected subsets of A are *) -(* empty or singletons *) -(* zero_dimensional T == points are separable by a clopen set *) -(* set_nbhs A == filter from open sets containing A *) (* ``` *) (* *) (* ### Uniform spaces *) @@ -221,13 +210,6 @@ From mathcomp Require Export filter. (* When the family f separates points from closed *) (* sets, join_product is an embedding. *) (* singletons T := [set [set x] | x in [set: T]] *) -(* gauge E == for an entourage E, gauge E is a filter which *) -(* includes `iter n split_ent E` *) -(* Critically, `gauge E` forms a uniform space *) -(* with a countable uniformity. *) -(* gauge.type is endowed with a pseudoMetricType *) -(* normal_space X == X is normal (sometimes called T4) *) -(* regular_space X == X is regular (sometimes called T3) *) (* ``` *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) @@ -1381,7 +1363,6 @@ have [|p [Bp Fp]] := Bco F; first exact: filterS FA. by exists p; split=> //; apply: Acl=> C Cp; apply: Fp. Qed. -Definition hausdorff_space := forall p q : T, cluster (nbhs p) q -> p = q. Typeclasses Opaque within. Global Instance within_nbhs_proper (A : set T) p : @@ -1391,13 +1372,6 @@ move=> clAp; apply: Build_ProperFilter_ex => B. by move=> /clAp [q [Aq AqsoBq]]; exists q; apply: AqsoBq. Qed. -Lemma compact_closed (A : set T) : hausdorff_space -> compact A -> closed A. -Proof. -move=> hT Aco p clAp; have pA := !! @withinT _ (nbhs p) A _. -have [q [Aq clsAp_q]] := !! Aco _ _ pA; rewrite (hT p q) //. -by apply: cvg_cluster clsAp_q; apply: cvg_within. -Qed. - Lemma compact_set1 (x : T) : compact [set x]. Proof. move=> F PF Fx; exists x; split; first by []. @@ -1416,8 +1390,6 @@ by rewrite closure_id => /[dup] + <- => <- /(_ FB) Bx; exists x. Qed. End Compact. -Arguments hausdorff_space : clear implicits. - Section ClopenSets. Implicit Type T : topologicalType. @@ -1552,29 +1524,6 @@ rewrite /= -[_ --> p]/([set _ | _] p) -ultra_cvg_clusterE. by move=> /(cvg_cluster sFG); exists p. Qed. -Lemma compact_cluster_set1 {T : topologicalType} (x : T) F V : - hausdorff_space T -> compact V -> nbhs x V -> - ProperFilter F -> F V -> cluster F = [set x] -> F --> x. -Proof. -move=> ? cptV nxV PF FV clFx1 U nbhsU; rewrite nbhs_simpl. -wlog oU : U nbhsU / open U. - rewrite /= nbhsE in nbhsU; case: nbhsU => O oO OsubU /(_ O) WH. - by apply: (filterS OsubU); apply: WH; [exact: open_nbhs_nbhs | by case: oO]. -have /compact_near_coveringP : compact (V `\` U). - apply: (subclosed_compact _ cptV) => //. - by apply: closedI; [exact: compact_closed | exact: open_closedC]. -move=> /(_ _ (powerset_filter_from F) (fun W x => ~ W x))[]. - move=> z [Vz ?]; have zE : x <> z by move/nbhs_singleton: nbhsU => /[swap] ->. - have : ~ cluster F z by move: zE; apply: contra_not; rewrite clFx1 => ->. - case/existsNP=> C /existsPNP [D] FC /existsNP [Dz] /set0P/negP/negPn/eqP. - rewrite setIC => /disjoints_subset CD0; exists (D, [set W | F W /\ W `<=` C]). - by split; rewrite //= nbhs_simpl; exact: powerset_filter_fromP. - by case => t W [Dt] [FW] /subsetCP; apply; apply: CD0. -move=> M [MF ME2 [W] MW /(_ _ MW) VUW]. -apply: (@filterS _ _ _ (V `&` W)); last by apply: filterI => //; exact: MF. -by move=> t [Vt Wt]; apply: contrapT => Ut; exact: (VUW t). -Qed. - Section Precompact. Context {X : topologicalType}. @@ -1615,13 +1564,6 @@ Proof. by move=> AsubB [B' B'subB cptB']; exists B' => // ? ?; exact/B'subB/AsubB. Qed. -Lemma compact_precompact (A : set X) : - hausdorff_space X -> compact A -> precompact A. -Proof. -move=> h c; rewrite precompactE ( _ : closure A = A)//. -by apply/esym/closure_id; exact: compact_closed. -Qed. - Lemma precompact_closed (A : set X) : closed A -> precompact A = compact A. Proof. move=> clA; rewrite propeqE; split=> [[B AsubB [ + _ ]]|]. @@ -1780,244 +1722,6 @@ move=> /DsubC /= [y /= yfs hyz]; exists (h' y) => //. by rewrite set_imfset /=; exists y. Qed. -Section set_nbhs. -Context {T : topologicalType} (A : set T). - -Definition set_nbhs := \bigcap_(x in A) nbhs x. - -Global Instance set_nbhs_filter : Filter set_nbhs. -Proof. -split => P Q; first by exact: filterT. - by move=> Px Qx x Ax; apply: filterI; [exact: Px | exact: Qx]. -by move=> PQ + x Ax => /(_ _ Ax)/filterS; exact. -Qed. - -Global Instance set_nbhs_pfilter : A!=set0 -> ProperFilter set_nbhs. -Proof. -case=> x Ax; split; last exact: set_nbhs_filter. -by move/(_ x Ax)/nbhs_singleton. -Qed. - -Lemma set_nbhsP (B : set T) : - set_nbhs B <-> (exists C, [/\ open C, A `<=` C & C `<=` B]). -Proof. -split; first last. - by case=> V [? AV /filterS +] x /AV ?; apply; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs. -move=> snB; have Ux x : exists U, A x -> [/\ U x, open U & U `<=` B]. - have [/snB|?] := pselect (A x); last by exists point. - by rewrite nbhsE => -[V [? ? ?]]; exists V. -exists (\bigcup_(x in A) (projT1 (cid (Ux x)))); split. -- by apply: bigcup_open => x Ax; have [] := projT2 (cid (Ux x)). -- by move=> x Ax; exists x => //; have [] := projT2 (cid (Ux x)). -- by move=> x [y Ay]; have [//| _ _] := projT2 (cid (Ux y)); exact. -Qed. - -End set_nbhs. - -Section separated_topologicalType. -Variable T : topologicalType. -Implicit Types x y : T. - -Local Open Scope classical_set_scope. - -Definition kolmogorov_space := forall x y, x != y -> - exists A : set T, (A \in nbhs x /\ y \in ~` A) \/ (A \in nbhs y /\ x \in ~` A). - -Definition accessible_space := forall x y, x != y -> - exists A : set T, open A /\ x \in A /\ y \in ~` A. - -Lemma accessible_closed_set1 : accessible_space -> forall x, closed [set x]. -Proof. -move=> T1 x; rewrite -[X in closed X]setCK; apply: open_closedC. -rewrite openE => y /eqP /T1 [U [oU [yU xU]]]. -rewrite /interior nbhsE /=; exists U; last by rewrite subsetC1. -by split=> //; exact: set_mem. -Qed. - -Lemma accessible_kolmogorov : accessible_space -> kolmogorov_space. -Proof. -move=> T1 x y /T1 [A [oA [xA yA]]]; exists A; left; split=> //. -by rewrite nbhsE inE; exists A => //; rewrite inE in xA. -Qed. - -Lemma accessible_finite_set_closed : - accessible_space <-> forall A : set T, finite_set A -> closed A. -Proof. -split => [TT1 A fA|h x y xy]. - rewrite -(fsbig_setU_set1 fA) fsbig_finite//=. - by apply: closed_bigsetU => x xA; exact: accessible_closed_set1. -exists (~` [set y]); split; first by rewrite openC; exact: h. -by rewrite !inE/=; split=> [|/eqP]; [exact/eqP|rewrite eqxx]. -Qed. - -Definition close x y : Prop := forall M, open_nbhs y M -> closure M x. - -Lemma closeEnbhs x : close x = cluster (nbhs x). -Proof. -transitivity (cluster (open_nbhs x)); last first. - by rewrite /cluster; under eq_fun do rewrite -meets_openl. -rewrite clusterEonbhs /close funeqE => y /=; rewrite meetsC /meets. -apply/eq_forall => A; rewrite forall_swap. -by rewrite closureEonbhs/= meets_globallyl. -Qed. - -Lemma closeEonbhs x : close x = [set y | open_nbhs x `#` open_nbhs y]. -Proof. -by rewrite closeEnbhs; under eq_fun do rewrite -meets_openl -meets_openr. -Qed. - -Lemma close_sym x y : close x y -> close y x. -Proof. by rewrite !closeEnbhs /cluster/= meetsC. Qed. - -Lemma cvg_close {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} x y : F --> x -> F --> y -> close x y. -Proof. -by move=> /sub_meets sx /sx; rewrite closeEnbhs; apply; apply/proper_meetsxx. -Qed. - -Lemma close_refl x : close x x. -Proof. exact: (@cvg_close (nbhs x)). Qed. -Hint Resolve close_refl : core. - -Lemma cvgx_close x y : x --> y -> close x y. -Proof. exact: cvg_close. Qed. - -Lemma cvgi_close T' {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : T' -> set T) (l l' : T) : - {near F, is_fun f} -> f `@ F --> l -> f `@ F --> l' -> close l l'. -Proof. -move=> f_prop fFl fFl'. -suff f_totalfun: {near F, is_totalfun f}. - by apply: cvg_close fFl fFl'; exact: fmapi_proper_filter. -apply: filter_app f_prop; near do split=> //=. -have: (f `@ F) setT by apply: fFl; apply: filterT. -by rewrite fmapiE; apply: filterS => x [y []]; exists y. -Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. -Definition cvg_toi_locally_close := @cvgi_close. - -Lemma open_hausdorff : hausdorff_space T = - forall x y, x != y -> - exists2 AB, (x \in AB.1 /\ y \in AB.2) & - [/\ open AB.1, open AB.2 & AB.1 `&` AB.2 == set0]. -Proof. -rewrite propeqE; split => [T_filterT2|T_openT2] x y. - have := contra_not (T_filterT2 x y); rewrite (rwP eqP) (rwP negP). - move=> /[apply] /asboolPn/existsp_asboolPn[A]; rewrite -existsNE => -[B]. - rewrite [nbhs _ _ -> _](rwP imply_asboolP) => /negP. - rewrite asbool_imply !negb_imply => /andP[/asboolP xA] /andP[/asboolP yB]. - move=> /asboolPn; rewrite -set0P => /negP; rewrite negbK => /eqP AIB_eq0. - move: xA yB; rewrite !nbhsE. - move=> - [oA [oA_open oAx] oAA] [oB [oB_open oBx] oBB]. - by exists (oA, oB); rewrite ?inE; split => //; apply: subsetI_eq0 AIB_eq0. -apply: contraPP => /eqP /T_openT2[[/=A B]]. -rewrite !inE => - [xA yB] [Aopen Bopen /eqP AIB_eq0]. -move=> /(_ A B (open_nbhs_nbhs _) (open_nbhs_nbhs _)). -by rewrite -set0P => /(_ _ _)/negP; apply. -Qed. - -Definition hausdorff_accessible : hausdorff_space T -> accessible_space. -Proof. -rewrite open_hausdorff => hsdfT => x y /hsdfT [[U V] [xU yV]] [/= ? ? /eqP]. -rewrite setIC => /disjoints_subset VUc; exists U; repeat split => //. -by rewrite inE; apply: VUc; rewrite -inE. -Qed. - -Definition normal_space := - forall A : set T, closed A -> - filter_from (set_nbhs A) closure `=>` set_nbhs A. - -Definition regular_space := - forall a : T, filter_from (nbhs a) closure --> a. - -Hypothesis sep : hausdorff_space T. - -Lemma closeE x y : close x y = (x = y). -Proof. -rewrite propeqE; split; last by move=> ->; exact: close_refl. -by rewrite closeEnbhs; exact: sep. -Qed. - -Lemma close_eq x y : close x y -> x = y. -Proof. by rewrite closeE. Qed. - - -Lemma cvg_unique {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} : is_subset1 [set x : T | F --> x]. -Proof. move=> Fx Fy; rewrite -closeE //; exact: (@cvg_close F). Qed. - -Lemma cvg_eq x y : x --> y -> x = y. -Proof. by rewrite -closeE //; apply: cvg_close. Qed. - -Lemma cvgi_unique {U : Type} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U -> set T) : - {near F, is_fun f} -> is_subset1 [set x : T | f `@ F --> x]. -Proof. by move=> ffun fx fy; rewrite -closeE //; exact: cvgi_close. Qed. - - -Lemma compact_regular (x : T) V : compact V -> nbhs x V -> {for x, regular_space}. -Proof. -move=> cptv Vx; apply: (@compact_cluster_set1 T x _ V) => //. -- apply: filter_from_proper => //; first last. - by move=> ? /nbhs_singleton/subset_closure ?; exists x. - apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists setT; exact: filterT. - move=> P Q Px Qx; exists (P `&` Q); [exact: filterI | exact: closureI]. -- by exists V => //; have /closure_id <- : closed V by exact: compact_closed. -rewrite eqEsubset; split; first last. - move=> _ -> A B [C Cx CA /nbhs_singleton Bx]; exists x; split => //. - by apply/CA/subset_closure; exact: nbhs_singleton. -move=> y /=; apply: contraPeq; move: sep; rewrite open_hausdorff => /[apply]. -move=> [[B A]]/=; rewrite ?inE; case=> By Ax [oB oA BA0]. -apply/existsNP; exists (closure A); apply/existsNP; exists B; apply/not_implyP. -split; first by exists A => //; exact: open_nbhs_nbhs. -apply/not_implyP; split; first exact: open_nbhs_nbhs. -apply/set0P/negP; rewrite negbK; apply/eqP/disjoints_subset. -have /closure_id -> : closed (~` B); first by exact: open_closedC. -by apply/closure_subset/disjoints_subset; rewrite setIC. -Qed. - -End separated_topologicalType. - -Section separated_ptopologicalType. -Variable T : ptopologicalType. -Implicit Types x y : T. - -Lemma close_cvg (F1 F2 : set_system T) {FF2 : ProperFilter F2} : - F1 --> F2 -> F2 --> F1 -> close (lim F1) (lim F2). -Proof. -move=> F12 F21. -have [/(cvg_trans F21) F2l|dvgF1] := pselect (cvg F1). - by apply: (@cvg_close _ F2) => //; apply: cvgP F2l. -have [/(cvg_trans F12)/cvgP//|dvgF2] := pselect (cvg F2). -rewrite dvgP // dvgP //; exact/close_refl. -Qed. - -Hypothesis sep : hausdorff_space T. - -Lemma lim_id x : lim (nbhs x) = x. -Proof. by apply/esym/cvg_eq/cvg_ex => //; exists x. Qed. - -Lemma cvg_lim {U : Type} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U -> T) (l : T) : - f @ F --> l -> lim (f @ F) = l. -Proof. by move=> /[dup] /cvgP /cvg_unique; apply. Qed. - -Lemma lim_near_cst {U} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (l : T) (f : U -> T) : - (\forall x \near F, f x = l) -> lim (f @ F) = l. -Proof. by move=> /cvg_near_cst/cvg_lim. Qed. - -Lemma lim_cst {U} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (k : T) : - lim ((fun _ : U => k) @ F) = k. -Proof. by apply: cvg_lim; apply: cvg_cst. Qed. - -Lemma cvgi_lim {U} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U -> T -> Prop) (l : T) : - F (fun x : U => is_subset1 (f x)) -> - f `@ F --> l -> lim (f `@ F) = l. -Proof. -move=> f_prop fl; apply: get_unique => // l' fl'; exact: cvgi_unique _ fl' fl. -Qed. - -End separated_ptopologicalType. - -#[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.0", note="renamed to `cvg_lim`")] -Notation cvg_map_lim := cvg_lim (only parsing). -#[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.0", note="renamed to `cvgi_lim`")] -Notation cvgi_map_lim := cvgi_lim (only parsing). - Section connected_sets. Variable T : topologicalType. Implicit Types A B C D : set T. @@ -2265,11 +1969,6 @@ rewrite dsc nbhs_simpl; split; first by exact. by move=> Fx U /principal_filterP ?; apply: filterS Fx => ? ->. Qed. -Lemma discrete_hausdorff : hausdorff_space X. -Proof. -by move=> p q /(_ _ _ (discrete_set1 p) (discrete_set1 q))[x [] -> ->]. -Qed. - HB.instance Definition _ := Nbhs_isNbhsTopological.Build bool principal_filter_proper discrete_sing discrete_nbhs. @@ -2291,94 +1990,6 @@ Qed. #[global] Hint Resolve discrete_bool : core. -Section perfect_sets. - -Implicit Types (T : topologicalType). - -Definition perfect_set {T} (A : set T) := closed A /\ limit_point A = A. - -Lemma perfectTP {T} : perfect_set [set: T] <-> forall x : T, ~ open [set x]. -Proof. -split. - case=> _; rewrite eqEsubset; case=> _ + x Ox => /(_ x I [set x]). - by case; [by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split |] => y [+ _] => /[swap] -> /eqP. -move=> NOx; split; [exact: closedT |]; rewrite eqEsubset; split => x // _. -move=> U; rewrite nbhsE; case=> V [] oV Vx VU. -have Vnx: V != [set x] by apply/eqP => M; apply: (NOx x); rewrite -M. -have /existsNP [y /existsNP [Vy Ynx]] : ~ forall y, V y -> y = x. - move/negP: Vnx; apply: contra_not => Vxy; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset. - by split => // ? ->. -by exists y; split => //; [exact/eqP | exact: VU]. -Qed. - -Lemma perfect_set2 {T} : perfect_set [set: T] <-> - forall (U : set T), open U -> U !=set0 -> - exists x y, [/\ U x, U y & x != y] . -Proof. -apply: iff_trans; first exact: perfectTP; split. - move=> nx1 U oU [] x Ux; exists x. - have : U <> [set x] by move=> Ux1; apply: (nx1 x); rewrite -Ux1. - apply: contra_notP; move/not_existsP/contrapT=> Uyx; rewrite eqEsubset. - (split => //; last by move=> ? ->); move=> y Uy; have /not_and3P := Uyx y. - by case => // /negP; rewrite negbK => /eqP ->. -move=> Unxy x Ox; have [] := Unxy _ Ox; first by exists x. -by move=> y [] ? [->] -> /eqP. -Qed. - -End perfect_sets. - -Section totally_disconnected. -Implicit Types T : topologicalType. - -Definition totally_disconnected {T} (A : set T) := - forall x, A x -> connected_component A x = [set x]. - -Definition zero_dimensional T := - (forall x y, x != y -> exists U : set T, [/\ clopen U, U x & ~ U y]). - -Lemma discrete_zero_dimension {T} : discrete_space T -> zero_dimensional T. -Proof. -move=> dctT x y xny; exists [set x]; split => //; last exact/nesym/eqP. -by split; [exact: discrete_open | exact: discrete_closed]. -Qed. - -Lemma zero_dimension_totally_disconnected {T} : - zero_dimensional T -> totally_disconnected [set: T]. -Proof. -move=> zdA x _; rewrite eqEsubset. -split=> [z [R [Rx _ ctdR Rz]]|_ ->]; last exact: connected_component_refl. -apply: contrapT => /eqP znx; have [U [[oU cU] Uz Ux]] := zdA _ _ znx. -suff : R `&` U = R by move: Rx => /[swap] <- []. -by apply: ctdR; [exists z|exists U|exists U]. -Qed. - -Lemma totally_disconnected_cvg {T : topologicalType} (x : T) : - hausdorff_space T -> zero_dimensional T -> compact [set: T] -> - filter_from [set D : set T | D x /\ clopen D] id --> x. -Proof. -pose F := filter_from [set D : set T | D x /\ clopen D] id. -have FF : Filter F. - apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists setT; split => //; exact: clopenT. - by move=> A B [? ?] [? ?]; exists (A `&` B) => //; split=> //; exact: clopenI. -have PF : ProperFilter F by apply: filter_from_proper; move=> ? [? _]; exists x. -move=> hsdfT zdT cmpT U Ux; rewrite nbhs_simpl -/F. -wlog oU : U Ux / open U. - move: Ux; rewrite /= nbhsE => -[] V [? ?] /filterS + /(_ V) P. - by apply; apply: P => //; exists V. -have /(iffLR (compact_near_coveringP _)) : compact (~` U). - by apply: (subclosed_compact _ cmpT) => //; exact: open_closedC. -move=> /(_ _ _ setC (powerset_filter_from_filter PF))[]. - move=> y nUy; have /zdT [C [[oC cC] Cx Cy]] : x != y. - by apply: contra_notN nUy => /eqP <-; exact: nbhs_singleton. - exists (~` C, [set U | U `<=` C]); first split. - - by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => //; exact: closed_openC. - - apply/near_powerset_filter_fromP; first by move=> ? ?; exact: subset_trans. - by exists C => //; exists C. - - by case=> i j [? /subsetC]; apply. -by move=> D [DF _ [C DC]]/(_ _ DC)/subsetC2/filterS; apply; exact: DF. -Qed. - -End totally_disconnected. (** TODO: generalize this to a preOrder once that's available *) HB.mixin Record Order_isNbhs d (T : Type) of Nbhs T & Order.Total d T := { @@ -2487,27 +2098,6 @@ case: p E. by split => //; exact/(le_trans _ pl)/upL. Qed. -Lemma order_hausdorff : hausdorff_space T. -Proof. -rewrite open_hausdorff=> p q; wlog : p q / p < q. - have /orP[] := le_total p q; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->|]. - - by rewrite eqxx. - - by move=> ?; exact. - - by rewrite eqxx. - - move=> qp WH; rewrite eq_sym => /(WH _ _ qp)[[P Q] [? ?] [? ? ?]]. - by exists (Q, P); split; rewrite // setIC. -move=> plq ?; have [[z /andP[pz zq]]|] := pselect (exists z, p < z < q). - exists (`]-oo,z[, `]z,+oo[). - by split => //=; apply/mem_set; rewrite set_itvE. - split => //= ; apply/eqP; rewrite -subset0 => r; rewrite set_itvE => -[/= rz]. - by apply/negP; rewrite in_itv/= andbT -leNgt (ltW rz). -move=> npzq; exists (`]-oo, q[, `]p, +oo[); split => //=. -- by apply /mem_set; rewrite set_itvE. -- by apply /mem_set; rewrite set_itvE. -- apply/eqP; rewrite -subset0 => r; rewrite !set_itvE => -[/= rz zr]. - by apply: npzq; exists r; rewrite rz zr. -Qed. - Let sub_open_mem x (U : set T) (i : interval T) := [/\ [set` i] `<=` U, open [set` i] & x \in i]. @@ -2531,38 +2121,6 @@ by rewrite itv_setU ?{1}subUset //; [exact: openU | exists w]. exact/(le_trans jy)/leUr. Qed. -Lemma zero_dimensional_ray x y : x < y -> zero_dimensional T -> - exists U, [/\ clopen U, U y , ~ U x & forall l r, U r -> ~ U l -> l < r]. -Proof. -move=> xy zt; have xNy : y != x by move: xy; rewrite lt_def => /andP[]. -have [U [clU Uy nUx]] := zt y x xNy. -pose I := \bigcup_(i in sub_open_mem y U) [set` i]. -have Iy : I y. - case: clU => + _; rewrite openE => /(_ _ Uy). - rewrite /interior /= itv_nbhsE /= => -[i [] iy yi iU]. - by exists i => //; split => //; exact: itv_open_ends_open. -have IU : I `<=` U by move=> ? [? [+ _ _]] => /subset_trans; exact. -pose V := I `|` `[y, +oo[; exists V. -have [? ?] := clopen_bigcup_clopen clU Uy. -split; first split. -- suff -> : V = I `|` `]y,+oo[ by exact: openU. - rewrite eqEsubset; split => z; case; first by left. - + by rewrite -setU1itv // => -[->|]; [left| right]. - + by left. - + by rewrite /V -setU1itv //; right; right. -- by apply: closedU => //; exact: rray_closed. -- by left. -- by move=> [/IU //|]; rewrite set_itvE/= leNgt xy. -- move=> l r Vr Vl; rewrite ltNge; apply/negP; move: Vl; apply: contra_not. - move=> rl; case: Vr; first last. - by rewrite set_itvE => yr; right; rewrite set_itvE; exact: (le_trans yr). - have /orP[|ly] := le_total y l; first by move=> + _; right; rewrite set_itvE. - case=> i [iu oi /= yi ri]; left; exists i; first by split. - move: iu oi => _ _; case: i yi ri => p q /= /andP [py yq] /andP[pr rq]. - apply/andP; split. - + by rewrite (le_trans pr)// bnd_simp. - + by rewrite (le_trans _ yq)// bnd_simp. -Qed. End order_topologies. Hint Resolve lray_open : core. @@ -2958,54 +2516,13 @@ exists (range f); split; first exact: card_image_le. by move=> E /fsubE [n fnA]; exists (f n) => //; exists n. Qed. -Section uniform_closeness. -Variable (U : uniformType). - -Lemma open_nbhs_entourage (x : U) (A : set (U * U)) : +Lemma open_nbhs_entourage (U : uniformType) (x : U) (A : set (U * U)) : entourage A -> open_nbhs x (xsection A x)^°. Proof. move=> entA; split; first exact: open_interior. by apply: nbhs_singleton; apply: nbhs_interior; apply: nbhs_entourage. Qed. -Lemma entourage_close (x y : U) : close x y = forall A, entourage A -> A (x, y). -Proof. -rewrite propeqE; split=> [cxy A entA|cxy]. - have /entourage_split_ent entsA := entA; rewrite closeEnbhs in cxy. - have yl := nbhs_entourage _ (entourage_inv entsA). - have yr := nbhs_entourage _ entsA. - have [z [/xsectionP zx /xsectionP zy]] := cxy _ _ (yr x) (yl y). - exact: (entourage_split z). -rewrite closeEnbhs => A B /nbhsP[E1 entE1 sE1A] /nbhsP[E2 entE2 sE2B]. -exists y; split. -- by apply/sE1A/xsectionP; exact: cxy. -- by apply/sE2B/xsectionP; exact: entourage_refl. -Qed. - -Lemma close_trans (y x z : U) : close x y -> close y z -> close x z. -Proof. -rewrite !entourage_close => cxy cyz A entA. -exact: entourage_split (cxy _ _) (cyz _ _). -Qed. - -Lemma close_cvgxx (x y : U) : close x y -> x --> y. -Proof. -rewrite entourage_close => cxy P /= /nbhsP[A entA sAP]. -apply/nbhsP; exists (split_ent A) => // z /xsectionP xz; apply: sAP. -apply/xsectionP; apply: (entourage_split x) => //. -by have := cxy _ (entourage_inv (entourage_split_ent entA)). -Qed. - -End uniform_closeness. - -Lemma cvg_closeP { U : puniformType} (F : set_system U) (l : U) : ProperFilter F -> - F --> l <-> ([cvg F in U] /\ close (lim F) l). -Proof. -move=> FF; split=> [Fl|[cvF]Cl]. - by have /cvgP := Fl; split=> //; apply: (@cvg_close _ F). -by apply: cvg_trans (close_cvgxx Cl). -Qed. - Definition unif_continuous (U V : uniformType) (f : U -> V) := (fun xy => (f xy.1, f xy.2)) @ entourage --> entourage. @@ -3669,6 +3186,8 @@ Proof. by move/cvgi_ballP. Qed. End pseudoMetricType_numDomainType. +#[global] Hint Resolve nbhsx_ballx : core. + Global Instance entourage_proper_filter {R : numDomainType} {M : pseudoPMetricType R} : ProperFilter (@entourage M). Proof. @@ -3676,10 +3195,6 @@ apply: Build_ProperFilter_ex; rewrite -entourage_ballE => A [_/posnumP[e] sbeA]. by exists (point, point); apply: sbeA; apply: ballxx. Qed. -#[global] Hint Resolve nbhsx_ballx : core. -#[global] Hint Resolve close_refl : core. -Arguments close_cvg {T} F1 F2 {FF2} _. - Arguments nbhsx_ballx {R M} x eps. Arguments near_ball {R M} y eps. @@ -3701,42 +3216,9 @@ Lemma ball_splitl (z x y : M) (e : R) : ball x (e / 2) z -> ball y (e / 2) z -> ball x e y. Proof. by move=> bxz /ball_sym /(ball_split bxz). Qed. -Lemma ball_close (x y : M) : - close x y = forall eps : {posnum R}, ball x eps%:num y. -Proof. -rewrite propeqE; split => [cxy eps|cxy]. - have := !! cxy _ (open_nbhs_ball _ (eps%:num/2)%:pos). - rewrite closureEonbhs/= meetsC meets_globallyr. - move/(_ _ (open_nbhs_ball _ (eps%:num/2)%:pos)) => [z [zx zy]]. - by apply: (@ball_splitl z); apply: interior_subset. -rewrite closeEnbhs => B A /nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[e2 e2B]] - /nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[e1 e1A]]. -by exists y; split; [apply/e2B|apply/e1A; exact: ballxx]. -Qed. End pseudoMetricType_numFieldType. -Section ball_hausdorff. -Variables (R : numDomainType) (T : pseudoMetricType R). - -Lemma ball_hausdorff : hausdorff_space T = - forall (a b : T), a != b -> - exists r : {posnum R} * {posnum R}, - ball a r.1%:num `&` ball b r.2%:num == set0. -Proof. -rewrite propeqE open_hausdorff; split => T2T a b /T2T[[/=]]. - move=> A B; rewrite 2!inE => [[aA bB] [oA oB /eqP ABeq0]]. - have /nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[r] rA]: nbhs a A by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs. - have /nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[s] rB]: nbhs b B by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs. - by exists (r, s) => /=; rewrite (subsetI_eq0 _ _ ABeq0). -move=> r s /eqP brs_eq0; exists ((ball a r%:num)^°, (ball b s%:num)^°) => /=. - split; by rewrite inE; apply: nbhs_singleton; apply: nbhs_interior; - apply/nbhs_ballP; apply: in_filter_from => /=. -split; do ?by apply: open_interior. -by rewrite (subsetI_eq0 _ _ brs_eq0)//; apply: interior_subset. -Qed. -End ball_hausdorff. - Section entourages. Variable R : numDomainType. Lemma unif_continuousP (U V : pseudoMetricType R) (f : U -> V) : @@ -4285,9 +3767,6 @@ rewrite /ball /= opprD addrA subrr distrC subr0 ger0_norm //. by rewrite {2}(splitr e%:num) ltr_pwDl. Qed. -Lemma Rhausdorff (R : realFieldType) : hausdorff_space R. -Proof. exact: order_hausdorff. Qed. - Definition dense (T : topologicalType) (S : set T) := forall (O : set T), O !=set0 -> open O -> O `&` S !=set0. @@ -4411,361 +3890,6 @@ suff : @clopen T = set0 \/ $|{surjfun [set: nat] >-> @clopen T}|. exact/pfcard_geP/clopen_countable/compact_second_countable. Qed. -(* This section proves that uniform spaces, with a countable base for their - entourage, are metrizable. The definition of this metric is rather arcane, - and the proof is tough. That's ok because the resulting metric is not - intended to be used explicitly. Instead, this is typically used in - applications that do not depend on the metric: - - `metric spaces are T4` - - `in metric spaces, compactness and sequential compactness agree` - - infinite products of metric spaces are metrizable -*) -Module countable_uniform. -Section countable_uniform. -Local Open Scope relation_scope. -Context {R : realType} {T : uniformType}. - -Hypothesis cnt_unif : @countable_uniformity T. - -Let f_ := projT1 (cid2 (iffLR countable_uniformityP cnt_unif)). - -Local Lemma countableBase : forall A, entourage A -> exists N, f_ N `<=` A. -Proof. by have [] := projT2 (cid2 (iffLR countable_uniformityP cnt_unif)). Qed. - -Let entF : forall n, entourage (f_ n). -Proof. by have [] := projT2 (cid2 (iffLR countable_uniformityP cnt_unif)). Qed. - -(* Step 1: - We build a nicer base `g` for `entourage` with better assumptions than `f` - - each (g_ n) is symmetric - - the sets (g_ n) are nested downward - - g_ n.+1 \o g_ n.+1 \o g_ n.+1 `<=` g_ n says the sets descend `quickly` - *) - -Local Fixpoint g_ n : set (T * T) := - if n is n.+1 then let W := split_ent (split_ent (g_ n)) `&` f_ n in W `&` W^-1 - else [set: T*T]. - -Let entG n : entourage (g_ n). -Proof. -elim: n => /=; first exact: entourageT. -by move=> n entg; apply/entourage_invI; exact: filterI. -Qed. - -Local Lemma symG n : (g_ n)^-1 = g_ n. -Proof. -by case: n => // n; rewrite eqEsubset; split; case=> ? ?; rewrite /= andC. -Qed. - -Local Lemma descendG1 n : g_ n.+1 `<=` g_ n. -Proof. -apply: subIset; left; apply: subIset; left; apply: subset_trans. - by apply: split_ent_subset; exact: entourage_split_ent. -by apply: subset_trans; last exact: split_ent_subset. -Qed. - -Local Lemma descendG n m : (m <= n)%N -> g_ n `<=` g_ m. -Proof. -elim: n; rewrite ?leqn0; first by move=>/eqP ->. -move=> n IH; rewrite leq_eqVlt ltnS => /orP [/eqP <- //|] /IH. -by apply: subset_trans; exact: descendG1. -Qed. - -Local Lemma splitG3 n : g_ n.+1 \; g_ n.+1 \; g_ n.+1 `<=` g_ n. -Proof. -suff g2split : g_ n.+1 \; g_ n.+1 `<=` split_ent (g_ n). - apply: subset_trans; last exact: subset_split_ent (entG n). - apply: set_compose_subset (g2split); rewrite -[_ n.+1]set_compose_diag. - apply: subset_trans g2split; apply: set_compose_subset => //. - by move=> [_ _] [z _] [<- <-]; exact: entourage_refl. -apply: subset_trans; last exact: subset_split_ent. -by apply: set_compose_subset; apply: subIset; left; apply: subIset; left. -Qed. - -Local Lemma gsubf n : g_ n.+1 `<=` f_ n. -Proof. by apply: subIset; left; apply: subIset; right. Qed. - -Local Lemma countableBaseG A : entourage A -> exists N, g_ N `<=` A. -Proof. -move=> /countableBase [N] fnA; exists N.+1. -by apply: subset_trans fnA; exact: gsubf. -Qed. - -(* Step 2. - We build a sensible notion of balls for our metric. - The naive attempt, - `ball x e y := g_ (distN e) (x,y)) - doesn't respect triangle inequality. We need to cook triangle inequality - into the balls themselves. So we define balls in terms of steps: - `ball x e y := there are n steps x_0 = x,...,x_i,..., x_n.+1 = y and - e_1,...,e_n such that - g_ (distN e_i) (x_i,x_i+1) - and - sum (e_i) = e -*) - -Local Open Scope classical_set_scope. -Local Open Scope ring_scope. - -Local Definition distN (e : R) : nat := `|Num.floor e^-1|%N. - -Local Lemma distN0 : distN 0 = 0%N. -Proof. by rewrite /distN invr0 floor0. Qed. - -Local Lemma distN_nat (n : nat) : distN n%:R^-1 = n. -Proof. -rewrite /distN invrK. -apply/eqP; rewrite -(@eqr_nat R) natr_absz ger0_norm ?floor_ge0//. -by rewrite -intrEfloor intrEge0. -Qed. - -Local Lemma distN_le e1 e2 : e1 > 0 -> e1 <= e2 -> (distN e2 <= distN e1)%N. -Proof. -move=> e1pos e1e2; rewrite /distN; apply: lez_abs2. - by rewrite floor_ge0 ltW// invr_gt0 (lt_le_trans _ e1e2). -by rewrite floor_le// lef_pV2 ?invrK ?invr_gt0//; exact: (lt_le_trans _ e1e2). -Qed. - -Local Fixpoint n_step_ball n x e z := - if n is n.+1 then exists y d1 d2, - [/\ n_step_ball n x d1 y, - 0 < d1, - 0 < d2, - g_ (distN d2) (y, z) & - d1 + d2 = e] - else e > 0 /\ g_ (distN e) (x, z). - -Local Definition step_ball x e z := exists i, (n_step_ball i x e z). - -Local Lemma n_step_ball_pos n x e z : n_step_ball n x e z -> 0 < e. -Proof. -by case: n => [[]|] // n; case=> [?] [?] [?] [] ? ? ? ? <-; apply: addr_gt0. -Qed. - -Local Lemma step_ball_pos x e z : step_ball x e z -> 0 < e. -Proof. by case => ?; exact: n_step_ball_pos. Qed. - -Local Lemma entourage_nball e : - 0 < e -> entourage [set xy | step_ball xy.1 e xy.2]. -Proof. -move=> epos; apply: (@filterS _ _ _ (g_ (distN e))) => // [[x y]] ?. -by exists 0%N. -Qed. - -Local Lemma n_step_ball_center x e : 0 < e -> n_step_ball 0 x e x. -Proof. by move=> epos; split => //; exact: entourage_refl. Qed. - -Local Lemma step_ball_center x e : 0 < e -> step_ball x e x. -Proof. by move=> epos; exists 0%N; apply: n_step_ball_center. Qed. - -Local Lemma n_step_ball_triangle n m x y z d1 d2 : - n_step_ball n x d1 y -> - n_step_ball m y d2 z -> - n_step_ball (n + m).+1 x (d1 + d2) z. -Proof. -move: n z d2; elim: m => [n z d2 Nxy [? ?]|n IH m z d2 Oxy]. - by exists y, d1, d2; split; rewrite ?addn0 // (n_step_ball_pos Nxy). -move=> [w] [e1] [e2] [Oyw ? ? ? <-]. -exists w, (d1 + e1), e2; rewrite addnS addrA. -split => //; last by rewrite addr_gt0//; exact: n_step_ball_pos Oxy. -by case: (IH m w e1 Oxy Oyw) => t [e3] [e4] [] Oxt ? ? ? <-; exists t, e3, e4. -Qed. - -Local Lemma step_ball_triangle x y z d1 d2 : - step_ball x d1 y -> step_ball y d2 z -> step_ball x (d1 + d2) z. -Proof. -move=> [n Oxy] [m Oyz]; exists (n + m).+1. -exact: n_step_ball_triangle Oxy Oyz. -Qed. - -Local Lemma n_step_ball_sym n x y e : - n_step_ball n x e y -> n_step_ball n y e x. -Proof. -move: x y e; elim: n; first by move=> ? ? ?; rewrite /= -{1}symG. -move=> n IH x y e [t] [d1] [d2] [] /IH Oty ? ?. -rewrite addrC -symG -[n]add0n => gty <-; apply: (n_step_ball_triangle _ Oty). -by split => //; exact: gty. -Qed. - -Local Lemma step_ball_sym x y e : step_ball x e y -> step_ball y e x. -Proof. by case=> n /n_step_ball_sym ?; exists n. Qed. - -(* Step 3: - We prove that step_ball respects the original entourage. This requires an - induction on the length of the steps, which is pretty tricky. The central - lemma is `split_n_step_ball`, which lets us break a list into parts three - parts as: half + one_step + half. Then our we can break apart our n +1 path - - nlong + one_step - into - (half + one_step + half) + one_step - = - half + one_step + (half + one_step) - - and we can we can use our (strong) induction hypothesis. - And lastly we finish with splitG3. -*) - -Local Lemma n_step_ball_le n x e1 e2 : - e1 <= e2 -> n_step_ball n x e1 `<=` n_step_ball n x e2. -Proof. -move: x e1 e2; elim: n. - move=> x e1 e2 e1e2 y [?] gxy; split; first exact: (lt_le_trans _ e1e2). - by apply: descendG; last (exact: gxy); exact: distN_le. -move=> n IH x e1 e2 e1e2 z [y] [d1] [d2] [] /IH P d1pos d2pos gyz d1d2e1. -have d1e1d2 : d1 = e1 - d2 by rewrite -d1d2e1 -addrA subrr addr0. -have e2d2le : e1 - d2 <= e2 - d2 by exact: lerB. -exists y, (e2 - d2), d2; split => //. -- by apply: P; apply: le_trans e2d2le; rewrite d1e1d2. -- by apply: lt_le_trans e2d2le; rewrite -d1e1d2. -- by rewrite -addrA [-_ + _]addrC subrr addr0. -Qed. - -Local Lemma step_ball_le x e1 e2 : - e1 <= e2 -> step_ball x e1 `<=` step_ball x e2. -Proof. by move=> e1e2 ? [n P]; exists n; exact: (n_step_ball_le e1e2). Qed. - -Local Lemma distN_half (n : nat) : n.+1%:R^-1 / (2:R) <= n.+2%:R^-1. -Proof. -rewrite -invrM //; [|exact: unitf_gt0 |exact: unitf_gt0]. -rewrite lef_pV2 ?posrE // -?natrM ?ler_nat -addn1 -addn1 -addnA mulnDr. -by rewrite muln1 leq_add2r leq_pmull. -Qed. - -Local Lemma split_n_step_ball n x e1 e2 z : - 0 < e1 -> 0 < e2 -> n_step_ball n.+1 x (e1 + e2) z -> - exists t1 t2 a b, - [/\ - n_step_ball a x e1 t1, - n_step_ball 0 t1 (e1 + e2) t2, - n_step_ball b t2 e2 z & - (a + b = n)%N - ]. -Proof. -move: e1 e2 x z; elim: n. - move=> e1 e2 x z e1pos e2pos [y] [d1] [d2] [] Oxy ? ? gd2yz deE. - case: (pselect (e1 <= d1)). - move=> e1d1; exists x, y, 0%N, 0%N; split. - - exact: n_step_ball_center. - - apply: n_step_ball_le; last exact: Oxy. - by rewrite -deE lerDl; apply: ltW. - - apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d2); last by split. - rewrite -[e2]addr0 -(subrr e1) addrA -lerBlDr opprK [leLHS]addrC. - by rewrite [e2 + _]addrC -deE; exact: lerD. - - by rewrite addn0. - move=> /negP; rewrite -ltNge//. - move=> e1d1; exists y, z, 0%N, 0%N; split. - - by apply: n_step_ball_le; last (exact: Oxy); exact: ltW. - - rewrite -deE; apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d2) => //. - by rewrite lerDr; apply: ltW. - - exact: n_step_ball_center. - - by rewrite addn0. -move=> n IH e1 e2 x z e1pos e2pos [y] [d1] [d2] [] Od1xy d1pos d2pos gd2yz deE. -case: (pselect (e2 <= d2)). - move=> e2d2; exists y, z, n.+1, 0%N; split. - - apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d1); rewrite // -[e1]addr0 -(subrr e2) addrA. - by rewrite -deE -lerBlDr opprK lerD. - - apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d2); last by split. - by rewrite -deE lerDr; exact: ltW. - - exact: n_step_ball_center. - - by rewrite addn0. -have d1E' : d1 = e1 + (e2 - d2). - by move: deE; rewrite addrA [e1 + _]addrC => <-; rewrite -addrA subrr addr0. -move=> /negP; rewrite -ltNge// => d2lee2. - case: (IH e1 (e2 - d2) x y); rewrite ?subr_gt0 // -d1E' //. - move=> t1 [t2] [c1] [c2] [] Oxy1 gt1t2 t2y <-. - exists t1, t2, c1, c2.+1; split => //. - - by apply: (@n_step_ball_le _ _ d1); rewrite -?deE // ?lerDl; exact: ltW. - - exists y, (e2 - d2), d2; split; rewrite // ?subr_gt0//. - by rewrite -addrA [-_ + _]addrC subrr addr0. - - by rewrite addnS. -Qed. - -Local Lemma n_step_ball_le_g x n : - n_step_ball 0 x n%:R^-1 `<=` [set y | g_ n (x,y)]. -Proof. by move=> y [] ?; rewrite distN_nat. Qed. - -Local Lemma subset_n_step_ball n x N : - n_step_ball n x N.+1%:R^-1 `<=` [set y | (g_ N) (x, y)]. -Proof. -move: N x; elim: n {-2}n (leqnn n) => n. - rewrite leqn0 => /eqP -> N x; apply: subset_trans. - exact: n_step_ball_le_g. - by move=> y ?; exact: descendG. -move=> IH1 + + N x1 x4; case. - by move=> ? [?] P; apply: descendG _ P; rewrite distN_nat. -move=> l ln1 Ox1x4. -case: (@split_n_step_ball l x1 (N.+1%:R^-1/2) (N.+1%:R^-1/2) x4) => //. - by rewrite -splitr. -move=> x2 [x3] [l1] [l2] [] P1 [? +] P3 l1l2; rewrite -splitr distN_nat => ?. -have l1n : (l1 <= n)%N by rewrite (leq_trans (leq_addr l2 l1))// l1l2 -ltnS. -have l2n : (l2 <= n)%N by rewrite (leq_trans (leq_addl l1 l2))// l1l2 -ltnS. -apply: splitG3; exists x3; [exists x2 => //|]. - by move/(n_step_ball_le (distN_half N))/(IH1 _ l1n) : P1. -by move/(n_step_ball_le (distN_half N))/(IH1 _ l2n) : P3. -Qed. - -Local Lemma subset_step_ball x N : - step_ball x N.+1%:R^-1 `<=` [set y | (g_ N) (x, y)]. -Proof. by move=> y [] n; exact: subset_n_step_ball. Qed. - -Local Lemma step_ball_entourage : entourage = entourage_ step_ball. -Proof. -rewrite predeqE => E; split; first last. - by case=> e /= epos esubE; apply: (filterS esubE); exact: entourage_nball. -move=> entE; case: (countableBase entE) => N fN. -exists N.+2%:R^-1; first by rewrite /= invr_gt0. -apply: (subset_trans _ fN); apply: subset_trans; last apply: gsubf. -by case=> x y /= N1ball; apply: (@subset_step_ball x N.+1). -Qed. - -Definition type : Type := let _ := countableBase in let _ := entF in T. - -#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Uniform.on type. -#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Uniform_isPseudoMetric.Build R type - step_ball_center step_ball_sym step_ball_triangle step_ball_entourage. -#[export] HB.instance Definition _ {q : Pointed T} := Pointed.copy type (Pointed.Pack q). - -Lemma countable_uniform_bounded (x y : T) : - let U := [the pseudoMetricType R of type] - in @ball _ U x 2 y. -Proof. -rewrite /ball; exists O%N; rewrite /n_step_ball; split; rewrite // /distN. -rewrite [X in `|X|%N](_ : _ = 0) ?absz0//. -apply/eqP; rewrite -[_ == _]negbK; rewrite floor_neq0 negb_or -?ltNge -?leNgt. -by apply/andP; split => //; rewrite invf_lt1 //= ltrDl. -Qed. - -End countable_uniform. - - -Module Exports. HB.reexport. End Exports. -End countable_uniform. -Export countable_uniform.Exports. - -Notation countable_uniform := countable_uniform.type. - -Definition sup_pseudometric (R : realType) (T : Type) (Ii : Type) - (Tc : Ii -> PseudoMetric R T) (Icnt : countable [set: Ii]) : Type := T. - -Section sup_pseudometric. -Variable (R : realType) (T : choiceType) (Ii : Type). -Variable (Tc : Ii -> PseudoMetric R T). - -Hypothesis Icnt : countable [set: Ii]. - -Local Notation S := (sup_pseudometric Tc Icnt). - -Let TS := fun i => PseudoMetric.Pack (Tc i). - -Definition countable_uniformityT := @countable_sup_ent T Ii Tc Icnt - (fun i => @countable_uniformity_metric _ (TS i)). - -HB.instance Definition _ : PseudoMetric R S := - PseudoMetric.on (countable_uniform countable_uniformityT). - -End sup_pseudometric. - Definition subspace {T : Type} (A : set T) := T. Arguments subspace {T} _ : simpl never. @@ -4995,13 +4119,6 @@ apply: subset_trans (@subIsetl _ V A); rewrite VAclUA subsetI; split => //. exact: (@subset_closure _ (U : set (subspace A))). Qed. -Lemma subspace_hausdorff : - hausdorff_space T -> hausdorff_space [the topologicalType of subspace A]. -Proof. -rewrite ?open_hausdorff => + x y xNy => /(_ x y xNy). -move=> [[P Q]] /= [Px Qx] /= [/open_subspaceW oP /open_subspaceW oQ]. -by move=> ?; exists (P, Q). -Qed. End SubspaceOpen. Lemma compact_subspaceIP (U : set T) : @@ -5384,114 +4501,3 @@ move=> U nbhsU wctsf; wlog oU : U wctsf nbhsU / open U. move/nbhs_singleton: nbhsU; move: x; apply/in_setP. by rewrite -continuous_open_subspace. Unshelve. end_near. Qed. - -Module gauge. -Section gauge. -Local Open Scope relation_scope. - -Let split_sym {T : uniformType} (W : set (T * T)) := - (split_ent W) `&` (split_ent W)^-1. - -Section entourage_gauge. -Context {T : uniformType} (E : set (T * T)) (entE : entourage E). - -Definition gauge := - filter_from [set: nat] (fun n => iter n split_sym (E `&` E^-1)). - -Lemma iter_split_ent j : entourage (iter j split_sym (E `&` E^-1)). -Proof. by elim: j => [|i IH]; exact: filterI. Qed. - -Lemma gauge_ent A : gauge A -> entourage A. -Proof. -case=> n; elim: n A; first by move=> ? _ /filterS; apply; apply: filterI. -by move=> n ? A _ /filterS; apply; apply: filterI; have ? := iter_split_ent n. -Qed. - -Lemma gauge_filter : Filter gauge. -Proof. -apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists 0%N. -move=> i j _ _; wlog ilej : i j / (i <= j)%N. - by move=> WH; have [|/ltnW] := leqP i j; - [|rewrite (setIC (iter _ _ _))]; exact: WH. -exists j => //; rewrite subsetI; split => //; elim: j i ilej => [i|j IH i]. - by rewrite leqn0 => /eqP ->. -rewrite leq_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-//|/ltnSE/IH]; apply: subset_trans. -by move=> x/= [jx _]; apply: split_ent_subset => //; exact: iter_split_ent. -Qed. - -Lemma gauge_refl A : gauge A -> diagonal `<=` A. -Proof. -case=> n _; apply: subset_trans => -[_ a]/diagonalP ->. -by apply: entourage_refl; exact: iter_split_ent. -Qed. - -Lemma gauge_inv A : gauge A -> gauge A^-1. -Proof. -case=> n _ EA; apply: (@filterS _ _ _ (iter n split_sym (E `&` E^-1))). -- exact: gauge_filter. -- by case: n EA; last move=> n; move=> EA [? ?] [/=] ? ?; exact: EA. -- by exists n . -Qed. - -Lemma gauge_split A : gauge A -> exists2 B, gauge B & B \; B `<=` A. -Proof. -case => n _ EA; exists (iter n.+1 split_sym (E `&` E^-1)); first by exists n.+1. -apply: subset_trans EA; apply: subset_trans; first last. - by apply: subset_split_ent; exact: iter_split_ent. -by case=> a c [b] [] ? ? [] ? ?; exists b. -Qed. - -Let gauged : Type := T. - -HB.instance Definition _ := Choice.on gauged. -HB.instance Definition _ := - @isUniform.Build gauged gauge gauge_filter gauge_refl gauge_inv gauge_split. - -Lemma gauge_countable_uniformity : countable_uniformity gauged. -Proof. -exists [set iter n split_sym (E `&` E^-1) | n in [set: nat]]. -split; [exact: card_image_le | by move=> W [n] _ <-; exists n|]. -by move=> D [n _ ?]; exists (iter n split_sym (E `&` E^-1)). -Qed. - -Definition type := countable_uniform.type gauge_countable_uniformity. -End entourage_gauge. - -End gauge. -Module Exports. HB.reexport. End Exports. -End gauge. -Export gauge.Exports. - -Lemma uniform_pseudometric_sup {R : realType} {T : puniformType} : - @entourage T = @sup_ent T {E : set (T * T) | @entourage T E} - (fun E => Uniform.class (@gauge.type T (projT1 E) (projT2 E))). -Proof. -rewrite eqEsubset; split => [E entE|E]. - exists E => //=. - pose pe : {classic {E0 : set (T * T) | _}} * _ := (exist _ E entE, E). - have entPE : `[< @entourage (gauge.type entE) E >]. - by apply/asboolP; exists 0%N => // ? []. - exists (fset1 (exist _ pe entPE)) => //=; first by move=> ?; rewrite in_setE. - by rewrite set_fset1 bigcap_set1. -case=> W /= [/= J] _ <- /filterS; apply; apply: filter_bigI => -[] [] [] /= D. -move=> entD G /[dup] /asboolP [n _ + _ _] => /filterS; apply. -exact: gauge.iter_split_ent. -Qed. - -Local Open Scope relation_scope. -Lemma uniform_regular {T : uniformType} : @regular_space T. -Proof. -move=> x R /=; rewrite -{1}nbhs_entourageE => -[E entE ER]. -pose E' := split_ent E; have eE' : entourage E' by exact: entourage_split_ent. -exists (xsection (E' `&` E'^-1) x). - rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists (E' `&` E'^-1) => //. - exact: filterI. -move=> z /= clEz; apply/ER/xsectionP; apply: subset_split_ent => //. -have [] := clEz (xsection (E' `&` E'^-1) z). - rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists (E' `&` E'^-1) => //. - exact: filterI. -by move=> y /= [/xsectionP[? ?] /xsectionP[? ?]]; exists y. -Qed. -Local Close Scope relation_scope. - -#[global] Hint Resolve uniform_regular : core. From 68b3afbae07d18f684e7b33a53f141e32176b181 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zstone Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 23:01:22 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/7] adding changelog --- | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++ theories/separation_axioms.v | 13 ++----------- 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 8924b1821..542e55de0 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -168,7 +168,29 @@ - moved from `topology.v` to `boolp.v`: + lemmas `bigmax_geP`, `bigmax_gtP`, `bigmin_leP`, `bigmin_ltP` +- moved from `topology.v` to `separation_axioms.v`: `set_nbhs`, `set_nbhsP`, + `accessible_space`, `kolmogorov_space`, `hausdorff_space`, + `compact_closed`, `discrete_hausdorff`, `compact_cluster_set1`, + `compact_precompact`, `open_hausdorff`, `hausdorff_accessible`, + `accessible_closed_set1`, `accessible_kolmogorov`, + `accessible_finite_set_closed`, `subspace_hausdorff`, `order_hausdorff`, + `ball_hausdorff`, `Rhausdorff`, `close`, `closeEnbhs`, `closeEonbhs`, + `close_sym`, `cvg_close`, `close_refl`, `cvgx_close`, `cvgi_close`, + `cvg_toi_locally_close`, `closeE`, `close_eq`, `cvg_unique`, `cvg_eq`, + `cvgi_unique`, `close_cvg`, `lim_id`, `lim_near_cst`, `lim_cst`, + `entourage_close`, `close_trans`, `close_cvgxx`, `cvg_closeP`, + `ball_close`, `normal_space`, `regular_space`, `compact_regular`, + `uniform_regular`, `totally_disconnected`, `zero_dimensional`, + `discrete_zero_dimension`, `zero_dimension_totally_disconnected`, + `zero_dimensional_ray`, `type`, `countable_uniform_bounded`, + `countable_uniform`, `sup_pseudometric`, `countable_uniformityT`, `gauge`, + `iter_split_ent`, `gauge_ent`, `gauge_filter`, `gauge_refl`, `gauge_inv`, + `gauge_split`, `gauge_countable_uniformity`, `uniform_pseudometric_sup`, + `perfect_set`, `perfectTP`, and `perfect_set2`. ### Renamed +- in file `topology.v` -> `separation_axioms.v` + + `totally_disconnected_cvg` -> `zero_dimensional_cvg`. + ### Generalized diff --git a/theories/separation_axioms.v b/theories/separation_axioms.v index 847b22641..bc3fe9f1c 100644 --- a/theories/separation_axioms.v +++ b/theories/separation_axioms.v @@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ Proof. by move=> p q /(_ _ _ (discrete_set1 p) (discrete_set1 q)) [] // x [] -> ->. Qed. - Lemma compact_cluster_set1 (x : T) F V : hausdorff_space -> compact V -> nbhs x V -> ProperFilter F -> F V -> cluster F = [set x] -> F --> x. @@ -234,7 +233,6 @@ move=> npzq; exists (`]-oo, q[, `]p, +oo[)%classic; split => //=. by apply: npzq; exists r; rewrite rz zr. Qed. - Section ball_hausdorff. Variables (R : numDomainType) (T : pseudoMetricType R). @@ -329,8 +327,6 @@ Proof. by rewrite -closeE //; apply: cvg_close. Qed. Lemma cvgi_unique {U : Type} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U -> set T) : {near F, is_fun f} -> is_subset1 [set x : T | f `@ F --> x]. Proof. by move=> ffun fx fy; rewrite -closeE //; exact: cvgi_close. Qed. - - End separated_topologicalType. Section separated_ptopologicalType. @@ -370,7 +366,6 @@ Lemma cvgi_lim {U} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U -> T -> Prop) (l : T) : Proof. move=> f_prop fl; apply: get_unique => // l' fl'; exact: cvgi_unique _ fl' fl. Qed. - End separated_ptopologicalType. #[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.0", note="renamed to `cvg_lim`")] @@ -411,7 +406,6 @@ apply/xsectionP; apply: (entourage_split x) => //. by have := cxy _ (entourage_inv (entourage_split_ent entA)). Qed. - Lemma cvg_closeP { U : puniformType} (F : set_system U) (l : U) : ProperFilter F -> F --> l <-> ([cvg F in U] /\ close (lim F) l). Proof. @@ -488,8 +482,6 @@ Local Close Scope relation_scope. #[global] Hint Resolve uniform_regular : core. - - Section totally_disconnected. Implicit Types T : topologicalType. @@ -574,6 +566,7 @@ exists V; split; first split. Qed. End totally_disconnected. + (* This section proves that uniform spaces, with a countable base for their entourage, are metrizable. The definition of this metric is rather arcane, and the proof is tough. That's ok because the resulting metric is not @@ -901,7 +894,6 @@ Qed. End countable_uniform. - Module Exports. HB.reexport. End Exports. End countable_uniform. Export countable_uniform.Exports. @@ -929,7 +921,6 @@ HB.instance Definition _ : PseudoMetric R S := End sup_pseudometric. - Module gauge. Section gauge. Local Open Scope relation_scope. @@ -1057,4 +1048,4 @@ move=> Unxy x Ox; have [] := Unxy _ Ox; first by exists x. by move=> y [] ? [->] -> /eqP. Qed. -End perfect_sets. \ No newline at end of file +End perfect_sets. From 6d988378769c75c526c8040fcbed95213d2b1d9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zstone Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 23:41:17 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 3/7] trying ot fix import statement --- theories/function_spaces.v | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/theories/function_spaces.v b/theories/function_spaces.v index fcc1a68e8..2090e1479 100644 --- a/theories/function_spaces.v +++ b/theories/function_spaces.v @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop. -Require Import reals signed topology separation_axioms. + +From mathcomp Require Import reals signed topology separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # The topology of functions spaces *) From 9714276b1e7476fcca39684deec960c380f64d6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zstone Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 10:43:44 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 4/7] fixing build --- theories/Make | 1 + theories/function_spaces.v | 1 - 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/theories/Make b/theories/Make index 9dfe5bd5f..26289e19d 100644 --- a/theories/Make +++ b/theories/Make @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ reals.v landau.v Rstruct.v topology.v +separation_axioms.v function_spaces.v cantor.v prodnormedzmodule.v diff --git a/theories/function_spaces.v b/theories/function_spaces.v index 2090e1479..05cc4d0c8 100644 --- a/theories/function_spaces.v +++ b/theories/function_spaces.v @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop. - From mathcomp Require Import reals signed topology separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) From 258e3e65e4b4a189882159c6093404c33ec57d4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Reynald Affeldt Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2024 23:59:26 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 5/7] fixes --- theories/derive.v | 1 - theories/separation_axioms.v | 34 ++++++++++++++++++---------------- theories/topology.v | 4 ++-- 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/derive.v b/theories/derive.v index bb68f56c8..9f97fe633 100644 --- a/theories/derive.v +++ b/theories/derive.v @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum matrix interval. From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions. Require Import reals signed topology prodnormedzmodule normedtype landau forms. -Require Import separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # Differentiation *) diff --git a/theories/separation_axioms.v b/theories/separation_axioms.v index bc3fe9f1c..1e20e9972 100644 --- a/theories/separation_axioms.v +++ b/theories/separation_axioms.v @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ (* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *) - From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. From mathcomp Require Import archimedean. From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions wochoice. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop set_interval. -From mathcomp Require Import filter reals signed topology. -From mathcomp Require Export topology. +Require Import filter reals signed. +Require Export topology. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # Separation Axioms *) @@ -17,7 +16,10 @@ From mathcomp Require Export topology. (* accessible, uniform, etc). This file also provides related topological *) (* properties like zero dimensional and perfect, and discrete. *) (* *) -(* set_nbhs A == filter from open sets containing A *) +(* ``` *) +(* set_nbhs A == filter from open sets containing A *) +(* ``` *) +(* *) (* ## The classic separation axioms *) (* ``` *) (* kolmogorov_space T == T is a Kolmogorov space (T0) *) @@ -47,7 +49,6 @@ From mathcomp Require Export topology. (* of countably many pseudoMetrics *) (******************************************************************************) - Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. @@ -97,7 +98,6 @@ End set_nbhs. Section point_separation_axioms. Context {T : topologicalType}. - Definition accessible_space := forall x y, x != y -> exists A : set T, open A /\ x \in A /\ y \in ~` A. @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ rewrite setIC => /disjoints_subset VUc; exists U; repeat split => //. by rewrite inE; apply: VUc; rewrite -inE. Qed. -Lemma accessible_closed_set1 : accessible_space -> forall (x : T), closed [set x]. +Lemma accessible_closed_set1 : accessible_space -> forall x : T, closed [set x]. Proof. move=> T1 x; rewrite -[X in closed X]setCK; apply: open_closedC. rewrite openE => y /eqP /T1 [U [oU [yU xU]]]. @@ -317,7 +317,6 @@ Qed. Lemma close_eq x y : close x y -> x = y. Proof. by rewrite closeE. Qed. - Lemma cvg_unique {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} : is_subset1 [set x : T | F --> x]. Proof. move=> Fx Fy; rewrite -closeE //; exact: (@cvg_close F). Qed. @@ -378,7 +377,9 @@ Arguments close_cvg {T} F1 F2 {FF2} _. Section close_uniform. Implicit Types (U : uniformType). -Lemma entourage_close {U} (x y : U) : close x y = forall A, entourage A -> A (x, y). + +Lemma entourage_close {U} (x y : U) : + close x y = forall A, entourage A -> A (x, y). Proof. rewrite propeqE; split=> [cxy A entA|cxy]. have /entourage_split_ent entsA := entA; rewrite closeEnbhs in cxy. @@ -406,7 +407,8 @@ apply/xsectionP; apply: (entourage_split x) => //. by have := cxy _ (entourage_inv (entourage_split_ent entA)). Qed. -Lemma cvg_closeP { U : puniformType} (F : set_system U) (l : U) : ProperFilter F -> +Lemma cvg_closeP {U : puniformType} (F : set_system U) (l : U) : + ProperFilter F -> F --> l <-> ([cvg F in U] /\ close (lim F) l). Proof. move=> FF; split=> [Fl|[cvF]Cl]. @@ -437,7 +439,7 @@ Definition normal_space := Definition regular_space := forall a : T, filter_from (nbhs a) closure --> a. -Lemma compact_regular (x : T) V : hausdorff_space T -> compact V -> +Lemma compact_regular (x : T) V : hausdorff_space T -> compact V -> nbhs x V -> {for x, regular_space}. Proof. move=> sep cptv Vx; apply: (@compact_cluster_set1 T x _ V) => //. @@ -533,7 +535,7 @@ move=> /(_ _ _ setC (powerset_filter_from_filter PF))[]. by move=> D [DF _ [C DC]]/(_ _ DC)/subsetC2/filterS; apply; exact: DF. Qed. -Lemma zero_dimensional_ray {d} {T : orderTopologicalType d} (x y : T) : +Lemma zero_dimensional_ray {d} {T : orderTopologicalType d} (x y : T) : (x < y)%O -> zero_dimensional T -> exists U, [/\ clopen U, U y , ~ U x & forall l r, U r -> ~ U l -> l < r]%O. Proof. @@ -695,7 +697,7 @@ Local Definition step_ball x e z := exists i, (n_step_ball i x e z). Local Lemma n_step_ball_pos n x e z : n_step_ball n x e z -> 0 < e. Proof. -by case: n => [[]|] // n; case=> [?] [?] [?] [] ? ? ? ? <-; apply: addr_gt0. +by case: n => [[]|] // n; case=> [?] [?] [?] [] ? ? ? ? <-; exact: addr_gt0. Qed. Local Lemma step_ball_pos x e z : step_ball x e z -> 0 < e. @@ -880,11 +882,11 @@ Definition type : Type := let _ := countableBase in let _ := entF in T. #[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Uniform.on type. #[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Uniform_isPseudoMetric.Build R type step_ball_center step_ball_sym step_ball_triangle step_ball_entourage. -#[export] HB.instance Definition _ {q : Pointed T} := Pointed.copy type (Pointed.Pack q). +#[export] HB.instance Definition _ {q : Pointed T} := + Pointed.copy type (Pointed.Pack q). Lemma countable_uniform_bounded (x y : T) : - let U := [the pseudoMetricType R of type] - in @ball _ U x 2 y. + let U := [the pseudoMetricType R of type] in @ball _ U x 2 y. Proof. rewrite /ball; exists O%N; rewrite /n_step_ball; split; rewrite // /distN. rewrite [X in `|X|%N](_ : _ = 0) ?absz0//. diff --git a/theories/topology.v b/theories/topology.v index 9ee494677..b3a18a594 100644 --- a/theories/topology.v +++ b/theories/topology.v @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. From mathcomp Require Import archimedean. From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions wochoice. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop set_interval. -From mathcomp Require Import filter reals signed. -From mathcomp Require Export filter. +Require Import reals signed. +Require Export filter. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # Basic topological notions *) From 804714fec799597354b60da25dbfda413b37f1aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Reynald Affeldt Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2024 00:14:47 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 6/7] fix --- theories/cantor.v | 5 ++--- theories/function_spaces.v | 2 +- theories/normedtype.v | 1 - theories/topology.v | 2 +- 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/cantor.v b/theories/cantor.v index 5408b00d7..6706dd772 100644 --- a/theories/cantor.v +++ b/theories/cantor.v @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ (* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *) +From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrint ssrnum interval rat. From mathcomp Require Import finmap. From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality. -From mathcomp Require Import reals signed topology function_spaces. -From mathcomp Require Import separation_axioms. -From HB Require Import structures. +Require Import reals signed topology function_spaces separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # The Cantor Space and Applications *) diff --git a/theories/function_spaces.v b/theories/function_spaces.v index 05cc4d0c8..fcc1a68e8 100644 --- a/theories/function_spaces.v +++ b/theories/function_spaces.v @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop. -From mathcomp Require Import reals signed topology separation_axioms. +Require Import reals signed topology separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # The topology of functions spaces *) diff --git a/theories/normedtype.v b/theories/normedtype.v index 4bd8b27fc..ca1f9c395 100644 --- a/theories/normedtype.v +++ b/theories/normedtype.v @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions. From mathcomp Require Import archimedean. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality set_interval Rstruct. Require Import ereal reals signed topology prodnormedzmodule function_spaces. -Require Import separation_axioms. Require Export separation_axioms. (**md**************************************************************************) diff --git a/theories/topology.v b/theories/topology.v index b3a18a594..cf93fafac 100644 --- a/theories/topology.v +++ b/theories/topology.v @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. From mathcomp Require Import archimedean. From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions wochoice. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop set_interval. +From mathcomp Require Export filter. Require Import reals signed. -Require Export filter. (**md**************************************************************************) (* # Basic topological notions *) From 7c0a3f868aa43db8b9cb710c6e8875ac68d4e9d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Reynald Affeldt Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2024 00:24:28 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 7/7] fix --- theories/separation_axioms.v | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/theories/separation_axioms.v b/theories/separation_axioms.v index 1e20e9972..f6a82482b 100644 --- a/theories/separation_axioms.v +++ b/theories/separation_axioms.v @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient. From mathcomp Require Import archimedean. From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions wochoice. From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop set_interval. -Require Import filter reals signed. +From mathcomp Require Import filter. +Require Import reals signed. Require Export topology. (**md**************************************************************************)