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Creates the basic interactivity for an element that expands and collapses another element.


This module is still in an experimental state, until it reaches v1 you must consider all minor releases as breaking changes.

Example 1: Requires aria-expanded only

In the first example, our expanded content is adjacent to the host element.

<div class="expander">
  <button class="expander__host">Click for Flyout</button>
  <div class="expander__content">
    <p>Any kind of HTML control can go inside...</p>
    <p>A link: <a id="foo" href=""></a></p>
    <p>A button: <button>Click Me</button></p>
    <p>An input: <input type="text" aria-label="Dummy textbox" /></p>
    <p>A checkbox: <input type="checkbox" aria-label="Dummy checkbox" /></p>
import Expander from "makeup-expander";

// get an element reference
const widgetEl = document.querySelector(".expander");

// options
const options = {
  expandOnClick: true,

// get widget instance
const widget = new Expander(widgetEl, options);

Clicking the button will now toggle its aria-expanded state. CSS can be used to display the content accordingly, for example:

.expander__content {
  display: none;

.expander__host[aria-expanded="true"] ~ .expander__content {
  display: block;

Example 2: Requires aria-expanded and a class

In this second example, our expanded content is not adjacent to the host element.

<div class="expander">
    <input class="expander__host" type="text" />
  <div class="expander__content">
    <p>Any kind of HTML control can go inside...</p>
    <p>A link: <a id="foo" href=""></a></p>
    <p>A button: <button>Click Me</button></p>
    <p>An input: <input type="text" aria-label="Dummy textbox" /></p>
    <p>A checkbox: <input type="checkbox" aria-label="Dummy checkbox" /></p>

A CSS classname is required as our styling hook. This can be passed in via the options.

// options
const options = {
  expandedClass: "expander--expanded",
  expandOnFocus: true,

Setting focus on the host (a text input) sets it's aria-expanded state and add adds the chosen class to the root. CSS can be used to display the content accordingly, for example:

.expander--expanded .expander__content {
  display: block;


  • el: the root widget el
  • options.alwaysDoFocusManagement: whether focusManagement option (see below) should apply for mouse click
  • options.ariaControls: specify whether aria-controls relationship should be created between host and overlay (default: true)
  • options.autoCollapse: applies a collapse behavior (collapseOnClick, collapseOnFocusOut, collapseOnMouseOut) based on expand behaviour (default: false)
  • options.collapseOnClickOut: whether the content should collapse when clicking outside of content (default: false)
  • options.collapseOnFocusOut: whether the content should collapse when focus leaves the content (default: false)
  • options.collapseOnMouseOut: whether the content should collapse when mouse leaves the content (default: false)
  • options.contentSelector: the query selector for the expandee element in relation to the widget (default: '.expander__content')
  • options.expandOnClick: whether the host should be click activated (default: false)
  • options.expandOnFocus: whether the host should be focus activated (default: false)
  • options.expandOnHover: whether the host should be hover activated (default: false)
  • options.focusManagement: where keyboard focus should go (null, 'content', 'focusable', 'interactive', or ID reference) when expanded via ENTER or SPACEBAR (default: null)
  • options.hostSelector: the query selector for the host element in relation to the widget (default: '.expander__host')
  • options.expandedClass: the class which will be used on the root element to signify expanded state. Example: foo--expanded; this mirrors the aria-expanded="true" setting on the host element


Set the following properties to true or false to enable or disable the behaviour.

  • collapseOnClickOut
  • collapseOnFocusOut
  • collapseOnMouseOut
  • expanded
  • expandOnClick
  • expandOnFocus
  • expandOnHover


  • collapse(): set state to collapsed (DEPRECATED)
  • expand(): set state to expanded (DEPRECATED)
  • isExpanded(): returns expanded state (DEPRECATED)
  • toggle(): toggle expanded/collapsed state (DEPRECATED)


  • expander-collapse
  • expander-expand
