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File metadata and controls

97 lines (75 loc) · 4.14 KB

Specification of model

pptx-template reads "model" file which contains data to be imported into the presentation.

A model file can be written in both of JSON and xlsx(Excel) format. When the model file extension is 'xlsx', pptx-template reads model file as 'Excel' format, otherwise reads as 'JSON' format.

Example of JSON

    "slides": {
        // All slides settings should be put under "slides" element.
        // Each slides should have its own "{id:foobar}" text frame somewhere in the slide.

        // for slide "{id:p0}"
        "p0": "remove",  //  "remove" means to remove the slide

        // for slide "{id:p1}"
        "p1": {
            "greeting": "Hello",          // simple substituion for "{greeting}"
            "num": ["100", "200"],      // values can be structured as an array or a dictionary(hash)
                                        // ex. "{num.0}" refers "100"
            "t": [                        // Nested array is useful for values in a table.
                ["Year", "Sales", "Cost"],  // | {t.0.0} | {t.0.1} | {t.1.1} |
                [2016, 100, 200],          // | {t.1.0} | {t.1.1} | {t.1.2} |
                [2017, 150, 180]           // | {t.2.0} | {t.2.1} | {t.2.2} |

        // for slide "{id.p2}"
        "p2": {
            "greeting": "Hola",
            "chart0": {                           // A chart should include its key in its title, like "{chart0}MyChart"
                // A chart setting need its special structure as follows:
                "file_name": "data-for-chart-csv"   //  file_name : file name to be imported. Files should be ened with ".csv" or ".tsv"
                "body": "Year,Sales,Cost\n2001,200,150",
                //  body: The CSV contents itself instead of file name. Prior than "file_name"
                "tsv_body": "Year\tSales\n2001\t200\t150",
                //  tsv_body: TSV contents. The priority is "body" > "tsv_body" > "file_name"
                "value_axis_max": 100,              //  value_axis_max: The maximum value for Y axis
                "value_axis_min": 200               //  value_axis_min: The minimum value for Y axis

Example of Excel

Excel file should have a sheet named "model"

The "model" sheet should have one header line and value lines. The header line will be ignored.

Each line should have these items:

  • SlideId : ID for slide which contains {id:<slide_id>} text frame somewhere in the slide
  • Key : Key for substitution, written as {<key>} in slides
  • Value : Value for Substitution. Part of Excel's cell format will be applied.
  • Range : Range for chart/table data. If Value exists, Range will be ignored.
  • Options : Export options to create range value.
SlideId    Key          Value    Range            Options
p1         greeting.en  Hello    (empty)
p1  Hola     (empty)
p1         chart        (empty)  chart1-range
p1         chart2       (empty)  =sheet2!A3:C10   Transpose,Array

Supported Excel formats for Value

  • Digits of fraction : ex) 0.000
    • only . can be used. (not ,)
  • Percent : value will be multiplied by 100 and followd by %. ex) 0.0%
  • Not support date formats like yyyy-mm-dd
  • Not support , for 3-digit delimiter


There're two ways to specify data location:

  • Name of Excel's named range : ex) range1
  • Range reference : ex) =A1:C99
    • This will be shown '#VALUE!' in excel. Excel's FORMULATEXT() might help to check if the value is correct
    • More than 2 ranges can be written, followed by ,: ex) =A1:A10,C1:C10
    • Only relative form is supported. Not supported =A$1:A$99 nor =<named_range>


Options specifies how to export ranged data. Multiple values cen be written with separated by ,

  • SideBySide : To apply multiple ranges as they placed side-by-side, not top-to-bottom(default).
  • Transpose : To invert column and row
  • Array : To Make array object to refer as {x.0.1} style key especially from table in slides.