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File metadata and controls

319 lines (254 loc) · 15.5 KB

DSPS server configuration

DSPS server can load YAML based configuration file. To pass configuration file, use command line argument: ./dsps path-to-config-file.yml

# Configuration file example

storages:  # see ./storage/ for more info
      singleNode: 'localhost:6379'

  port: 3099
  realIpHeader: 'X-Forwarded-For'
  discloseAuthRejectionDetail: false

    auth: WARN  # Set to INFO if you want auth rejection logs
    "*": INFO
    machineID: my-machine-id

  - regex: 'chat-room-(?P<id>\d+)'
    expire: 15m
      - url: 'http://localhost:3001/you-got-message/room/{{}}'

      - 'my-api-key'

Words & definitions used in this document

storages configuration block

You can configure storages under storages block.

# ex. Simple (non-Cluster) Redis
  myRedisA:  # Keep in mind that this name ("myRedisA") should not be changed, otherwise causes data-loss.
      singleNode: 'my-redis-server-host-1:6379'
      singleNode: 'my-redis-server-host-2:6379'

Configuration detail depends on type of the storage, see storage document for detail.

Heads Up : DSPS uses on-memory storage if no configuration given, should change it for production use.

http configuration block

Configuration items under http:

  • port (number, default 3000): TCP port to listen for HTTP requests
    • You can override this value with --port command line option
  • listen (string, optional): Listen string (e.g. ":3000"), this option overrides port
    • With some security software, you may need to specify local IP as such as due to MTIM proxy problem.
  • pathPrefix (string, optional): Prefix to add all endpoints
    • e.g. If pathPrefix is /foo/bar, endpoint /probe/readiness is served as /foo/bar/probe/readiness
  • realIpHeader (string, optional): HTTP header name contains reliable IP address of the client
    • Note that admin.auth.networks rely on this configuration.
  • trustedProxyRanges (list of string, optional): List of CIDR notation that trusted proxy lives in
    • realIpHeader only accepts header values from those ranges.
    • By default or if empty list given, allow RFC 1918 ranges,, and RFC 4193 range fc00::/7 and also (RFC 1122), (RFC 3927), ::1/128 and fe80::/10 (RFC 4291).
  • discloseAuthRejectionDetail (boolean, default false): Show detail reason of 403 to clients, do not enable on production
  • idleTimeout (duration string, default 1h30m): Max duration to keep idle connection, should be larger than keep-alive duration of clients/loadbalancer.
  • readTimeout (duration string, default 10s): Max duration to read request from clients.
  • writeTimeout (duration string, default 60s): Max duration since end of request header reading until request processing completion
    • Note that server automatically add longPollingMaxTimeout to this value
  • longPollingMaxTimeout (duration string, default 30s): Max duration of the long-polling requests.
  • gracefulShutdownTimeout (duration string, default 5s): Timeout to await end of running requests.
  • defaultHeaders (string to string map, optional): Always send those response headers
    • Server send some headers by default, you can disable them by setting empty string as a value.

logging configuration block

Configuration items under logging:

  • category (string to string map, optional) Log level threshold for each category attribute of the log entries.
    • Available thresholds are DEBUG, INFO, WARN
    • "*" category controls default threshold and it's default is INFO
    • --debug command line option overrides this config completely
  • attributes (string to string map, optional): Attributes set to every log records
    • Useful to set machine ID etcetera.

telemetry configuration block

Configure telemetry block to enable tracing and metrics.

      enable: true
      sampling: 0.003
        maxQueueSize: 2048
        timeout: 5s
        batchSize: 512
      attributes: hostname-of-the-instance
        my.attribute: "foo bar"
        enable: true

Configuration items under telemetry.ot.tracing (OpenTelemetry tracing):

  • enable (boolean, default false): true to enable OpenTelemetry
  • sampling (floating number, default 1.0): Sampling ratio to capture or not capture traces
    • Note that if tracing propagated from upstream, this ratio is not applied
  • batch.maxQueueSize (number, default 2048): On-memory buffer size to buffer tracing spans
  • batch.timeout (duration string, default 5s): Maximum duration to keep trace in buffer for bulk transmission
  • batch.batchSize (number, default 512): Number of traces to submit at once.
  • attributes: (string to any map): Attributes of resource to add to traces
  • exporters: Setup tracing exporters, see below.

Configuration items under telemetry.ot.exporters.stdout:

  • enable (boolean, default false): true to output traces to stdout
  • quantiles (list of numbers, default 0.5, 0.9, 0.99): quantiles for metrics sampling

Configuration items under telemetry.ot.exporters.gcp:

  • enableTrace (boolean, default false): true to output traces to GCP Cloud Trace
  • projectID (string, default ""): Set non-empty string to specify GCP Project ID

sentry configuration block

Configure sentry block to enable Sentry error monitoring tool.

DSPS server sends events such as outgoing webhook failure to the Sentry when you enable it.

# To enable Sentry, you need to set SENTRY_DSN environment variable.

sentry:  # Fine-tuning configuration example
  serverName: my-server-name
  environment: my-production

    my_tag: value
    my_context: value

  sampleRate: 1.0
    - "something .+"
  disableStacktrace: false
  hideRequestData: false

  flushTimeout: 15s

To enable sentry, you must set SENTRY_DSN environment variable. It's value should be DSN string of the Sentry server.

Configuration items under telemetry.ot.tracing (OpenTelemetry tracing):

  • serverName (string, default is hostname): Server name attribute to send to sentry
  • environment (string, optional): Environment name send to sentry
  • tags (string to string map, optional): Set tag values
  • contexts (string to string map, optional): Set context values
  • sampleRate (number, default 1.0): Ratio of the sampling, between 0.0 to 1.0.
  • ignoreErrors (list of regex string): If an event matches to one or more of the regex, ignore them
  • disableStacktrace (boolean, default false): If true, omit stacktrace.
  • hideRequestData (boolean, default false): If true, do not send request body data.
  • flushTimeout (duration string, default 15s): Timeout to flush sentry events on application shutdown.

channels configuration block

You can configure channels under channels block.

Each channel configuration must have regex to match with name of a channel. If multiple configuration match with a channel, server merges them.

If you configure one or more channels blocks, DSPS server will reject unmatched channel name. If channels configuration is empty, DSPS server automatically define .+ channel configuration to accept any channel name.

Configuration items under channels[n]:

  • regex (regex string, required): regex string to match with name of a channel
    • Must match with entire string of the channel name (no need to write ^ nor $).
    • You can use named group/subexp (e.g. (?P<id>\d+)). In the channel configuration, captured value of the group is visible to template strings under .channel (e.g. {{}}).
  • expire (duration string, default 30m): DSPS server may discard inactive subscribers & messages after this duration
    • Duration counts from last access of the subscriber or sent time of the message.
    • DSPS may not resend after this expiration duration, so that this value must be larger than client's polling period if you polling.
    • If multiple channel configuration matches to a channel, largest value wins.
    • If outgoing webhook is configured, expire value must be larger than maximum webhook time includes webhook timeout and retry interval

channels.webhooks configuration block

You can configure outgoing webhook to send messages from DSPS server to any HTTP(S) services.

DSPS server calls given HTTP(S) endpoint for each incoming message.

See outgoing webhook document for more info.

# Webhook with retry configuration example
  - regex: 'chat-room-(?P<id>\d+)'
    # Must be larger than final retry attempt time
    expire: 15m
      - method: PUT
        url: 'http://localhost:3001/you-got-message/room/{{}}'
        timeout: 30s
          max: 1024
          maxIdleTime: 3m
          # Enable 3 retries as below:
          # 1st retry: 3 * 1.5^0 ± 1.5 = 3    ± 1.5 [sec] after first webhook attempt
          # 2nd retry: 3 * 1.5^1 ± 1.5 = 4.5  ± 1.5 [sec] after 1st retry
          # 3rd retry: 3 * 1.5^2 ± 1.5 = 6.75 ± 1.5 [sec] after 1st retry
          count: 3
          interval: 3s
          intervalMultiplier: 1.5
          intervalJitter: 1s500ms
          User-Agent: My DSPS server
          X-Chat-Room-ID: '{{}}'

If there are multiple webhooks, DSPS server calls them concurrently. Configuration order of the webhooks has no meaning.

Configuration item under channels[n].webhooks:

  • method (string, default PUT): HTTP method to send.
  • url (template string, required): Full URL to send message
  • timeout (duration string, default: 30s): Timeout of the webhook call
  • connection.max (integer, default: 1024): Max connections between DSPS server and webhook target
    • This configuration also controls of Transport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost
  • connection.maxIdleTime (duration string, default: 3m): Max idle time to keep-alive connections
  • retry.force (boolean, default: false): true to retry any errors (such as 404 Not Found)
  • retry.count (integer, default: 3): 0 to disable retry, 1 to retry only once, ...
  • retry.interval (duration string, default: 3s): Retry base interval
  • retry.intervalMultiplier (float, default: 1.5): Exponential backoff factor, multiply to the previous interval
  • retry.intervalJitter (duration string, default: 1s500ms): Max range of the retry interval randomization, plus or minus to the resulted interval
  • headers (string to template string map, optional): HTTP headers to set for each outgoing requests
  • maxRedirects (number, default 10): Max count of redirects to follow.

channels.jwt configuration block

To protect endpoints, can validate signed JSON Web Tokens (JWT, RFC 7519).

  - regex: 'chat-room-(?P<id>\d+)'
          - path/to/public-key-file.pem
        chatroom: '{{}}'
          - 'admin'
          - 'user'
      clockSkewLeeway: 5m

If this configuration present on the channel, clients must present valid JWT with Authorization: Bearer <jwt> request header for every API call.

In addition, you can revoke JWT with revocation API if JWTs has jti (unique ID claim).

Configuration item under channels[n].jwt:

  • iss (list of string, required): List of JWT issuers. iss claim of the JWT must exactly match with one of this list.
  • aud (list of string, optional): List of JWT recipients. One or more value of the aud claim of the JWT must exactly match with one of this list.
  • keys (map of string to string list, required): Key is JWT signing algorithm name such as RS512, value is list of file paths of signing key.
    • For RSA alg or ECDSA alg (such as RS512, ES512), the file should be PEM encoded x509 certificate that contains public key
    • For HMAC alg such as HS512, content of the file should be Base64 encoded key
    • For none alg, empty list is allowed (none: [])
      • none alg is easy way for testing purpose, but do NOT use none on production.
  • claims (map of string to template string or list of template strings, optional): Validation rule of custom claims
    • For example, foo: 'bar' means JWT must have custom claim named foo with a value bar
    • You can use template string to validate value (e.g. chatroom: '{{}}' means custom claim chatroom must match with id of channels.regex).
    • If value of JWT claim is boolean or number, validator convert them to string (e.g. "true", "3.14")
  • clockSkewLeeway (duration string, default 5m): When validate time-based claims such as exp, nbf, allow clock skew with this tolerance.

admin configuration block

      - 'my-api-key'

Configuration item under admin:

  • auth.networks (list of CIDR string, optional): List of CIDR IP ranges to accept admin API calls
    • By default or if empty list given, allow RFC 1918 ranges,, and RFC 4193 range fc00::/7 and also (RFC 1122), (RFC 3927), ::1/128 and fe80::/10 (RFC 4291).
  • auth.bearer (list of string, optional): List of API keys required to call admin APIs
    • To call admin APIs, client need to send token as Authorization: Bearer {token} header
    • By default or if empty list given, server automatically generate random string on start.