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757 lines (617 loc) · 34.6 KB

File metadata and controls

757 lines (617 loc) · 34.6 KB


0.10.2 (SNAPSHOT)



  • Fix miscalculation for scene-graph Cotnrol.anchor() for TOP_* related layouts.
  • Fix AssetProvider to asset preparation logic not preparing additional assets after the initial preparation.



  • Replace all of OpenGL with WebGPU. The overall API is mostly the same, save for the specifics of having to use WebGPU. These changes are too large to fit in a changelog but can be checked out on the documentation and migrated.
    • Much of the API under graphics.* has changed but stayed relatively the same. E.g. SpriteBatch contains the same begin() -> draw() -> end() flow but requires WebGPU specific classes.
    •* classes replaced with graphics.webgpu.*
  • Remove the Android target until a generator can be created for the WGPU natives for JNI (Future update).
  • The module group id, for defining in dependencies, has been changed from com.lehaine.littlekt to com.littlekt.
  • The scene-graph module has been extracted into its own package and will explicitly be defined in your dependencies: com.littlekt:scene-graph
  • Remove FrameBufferNode and related UI classes. Use CanvasLayerContainer and CanvasLayer for FBO related purposes.
  • Remove FrameBuffer class. WebGPUs RenderPass is essentially a Framebuffer / Render target.
  • Remove GlslGenerator and all related classes. Use WGSL for your shader needs, either by loading them from a file or directly in a string.
  • Remove vSync and backgroundColor configuration options.
  • Remove Game<T> and Scene<T> classes as they aren't in scope of the framework.
  • Rename Disposable to be Releasable as well as dispose() to release().
  • Remove FitViewport and FillViewport as they don't work with the current viewport limitations WebGPU imposes. WebGPU doesn't allow out-of-bounds viewports which causes a fatal error. There is no workaround without getting clever with shaders.
  • Update TextureSlice.originalWidth/Height & TextureSlice.packedWidth/Height to actualWidth/Height and trimmedWidth/Height, respecitively.


  • Add new wgpu-ffm module.
  • Add new wgpu-natives module.
  • Add new SpriteCache renderer.
  • Update Kotlin to 2.0.0
  • Update Kotlin.coroutines to 1.9.0-RC
  • Update Kotlin.atomicfu to 0.24.0
  • Update Kotlinx.serialization to 1.7.0
  • Update Kotlinx.html to 0.11.0
  • Add documentation to most of the framework.
  • Dozens of other minor misc. changes all across the framework.


  • Dozens of fixes related to the scene-graph:
    • Layout miscalculations
    • Optimizations
    • Scrolling fixes
    • Scissor fixes
  • Fix LDtk tilemap rendering issues
  • Fix Tiled tilemap rendering issues
  • Dozens of other minor misc. fixes all across the framework.



  • ShaderProgram.getAttrib() can now return a -1 instead of throwing an IllegalStateException if the attribute name doesn't exist.
  • ShaderProgram.getUniformLocation can now return a null instead of the UniformLocation if the uniform name doesn't exist.
  • Update JVM target to 17 from 11.


  • Add WASM as an official platform target.
  • Update FrameBuffer to allow for multiple texture attachments to be used.
  • Remove nest-ability from FrameBuffer due to poor performance with multiple calls to get currently bound frame buffer.
    • FrameBuffer.end() will now bind to the default frame buffer instead with optional viewport position and size parameters.
  • Update GLSlGenerator to support gl_FragData[].
  • Update GL with new drawBuffer and clearBuffer[fuiv] functions.
  • Update GL with new getActiveAttrib and getActiveUniform related functions.
  • Optimize WebGL to prevent creating a new array on certain GL calls.
  • Update ShaderProgram to handle finding and setting active uniforms and attributes instead relying on the ShaderParameter to do so.
  • Update AGP to 8.2.0.
  • Update Kotlin to 1.9.23.
  • Update kotlinx-coroutines to 1.8.0.
  • Update Dokka gradle plugin to 1.9.20.


  • Fix InputQueueProcessor to clear events pool even when no InputProcessor exists.
  • Fix SpriteBatch default size to be back to 1000 sprites instead of 8191 sprites.
    • This makes it consistent with TextureArraySpriteBatch as well as increases performance if using the default size and using less than 8191 sprites.



  • Remove remaining 3D spatial graphic classes that were accidentally left over from 0.8.0.
  • Update LDtk to handle changes up to LDtk 1.5.3.
  • Update Kotlin to 1.9.21.
  • Update Kotlinx.coroutines to 1.8.0-RC2.
  • Update Kotlinx.atomicfu to 0.23.1.
  • Update Kotlinx.serialization to 1.6.2.
  • Update Dokka gradle plugin to 1.9.10.


  • Fix NoSuchElementException being thrown when testing touch input in browsers simulated device-mode.



  • Removed all experimental GLTF and 3D rendering graphics.


  • Update Kotlin to 1.9.10.
  • Update Kotlinx.coroutines to 1.7.3.
  • Update Kotlinx.atomicfu to 0.22.0.
  • Update Kotlinx.serialization to 1.6.0.
  • Update LWJGL to 3.3.3.
  • Update Android Gradle plugin to 7.3.1.
  • Update Gradle Version (gver) plugin to 0.48.0.
  • Update Dokka gradle plugin to 1.9.0.


  • Fix Button label not calculating layout correctly when adding directly to a Control node.



  • Update Kotlin to 1.8.20.
  • Update FrameBuffer class is now open.
  • Add new forEachTileInView to LdtkLayer to iterate over tiles current in the view bounds without rendering.
  • Breaking: Move BlendMode and DepthStencilMode out of the graph package and into the graphics.utils.
  • Add new setBlendFunction(blendMode) to Batch.
  • Breaking: update createShader to return the type of vertex and fragment shaders instead of the super class.
  • Add FrameBuffer.use extension similar to Batch.use.
  • Breaking: Shader.parameters are now to be used with a LinkedHashSet instead of a MutableList(). mutableListOf(param1, param2) -> linkedSetOf(param1, param2).
  • Breaking: Update Shader.parameters to grab parameters by variable name instead of index. parameters[0] -> parameters["u_texture"]
  • Breaking: GlslGenerator.texture2D, GlslGenerator.shadow2D, and GlslGenerator.texture now returns a constructor delegate instead of a literal. val color = texture2D(...) -> val color by texture2D(...)


  • Fix TextureArraySpriteBatch.draw(spriteVertices) to manually increase Mesh.geometry.numVertices to prevent data from being overwritten with geometry.addVertex.
  • Fix TextureArraySpriteBatch to use the correct VertexAttribute for 2D positions.
  • Fix TextureArraySpriteBatch.maxVertices calculation.
  • Fix LDtkLayer rendering to calculate the correct maximum cells in both x & y axes.
  • Fix SceneGraph to set the correct blend equation off a material BlendMode.
  • Fix GlslGenerator not removing unused definitions from functions.
  • Fix Tiled row & column calculations & iso transform to use correct view bound points.
  • Fix GlslGenerator.For not using GLInt value directly
  • Fix GlslGenerator.atan to use correct parameters (was only allowing one parameter to be passed in)
  • Fix InputMapController.addBinding to check for key modifiers for down(), pressed(), and released() functions


  • Fix an issue with Button not calculating label sizing when added after scene creation.


This contains only a single change related to the GLSLGenerator.

  • Update GLSLGenerator uniform delegates to only add to the Shader.paremeters only when has its value used in the source. Due to some static conditions some uniforms may not be used while still being defined in the paramters list. When creating a ShaderProgram with WebGL, it would throw shader compilation error due to not finding in the glsl source. This was preventing a SceneGraph from being rendered on the Web due to the default 3D model shader.


This contains fixes for Mac support.


  • Add new HdpiMode for JVM platforms. Setting to HdpiMode.PIXELS will allow correct display on Macs with retina displays.
  • Update GlVersion to handle comparisons of versions correctly. This fixes issues in the GlslGenerator.
  • Update LjwglGL to only use the extension framebuffer and renderbuffer calls if the OpenGL version is < 3.
  • Fix shader compilation errors on Macs.


This version is full of breaking changes, mainly to mesh creation and handling, to make way for adding some basic 3d related graphics and handling.


  • Basic 3D support This is experimental and not really meant to be used in a real game yet:
    • Adds a few new nodes to the SceneGraph to handle rendering 3D meshes and models:
      • Node3D, VisualInstance, Model, and Camera3D.
    • Extremely basic lighting (this will improve in the future).
    • Skeletal animation.
    • glTF loading and basic material rendering: resourceVfs["myModel.glb"].readGltfModel().
    • New PerspectiveCamera class.
  • New MeshGeometry class. Replaces the old MeshBatcher but doesn't require to make a new Mesh instance to create the vertices. An instance can be passed into a Mesh for it to use.
  • New MeshBuilder class that uses the new MeshGeometry class to help facilitate generating meshes and vertices.
  • Various GLSL generator improvements and optimizations
    • Declare and set value of variable in line.
    • 3.3 layout locations support.
    • Add new predicate option when declaring an attribute or varying for conditional shaders.
  • Vec4 updates to handle Quaternion related math


  • Update BaseButton.buttonGroup to be private and added a new setButtonGroup(group) function to handle setting button groups.



    val myButtonGroup = ButtonGroup()
    button {
      buttonGroup = myButtonGroup
      buttonGroup.buttons += this


    val myButtonGroup = ButtonGroup()
    button {
  • Move all 2D graphic related items to new subpackage call g2d. To migrate: append .g2d to all imports using any 2D related class.

  • Mesh changes:

    • Removed MeshBatcher and replaced with separate MeshGeometry.
    • If you are using a Mesh instance that was using the batcher and making use of Mesh.addVertex do the following:
      • Previously: mesh.addVertex { ... }. New: mesh.geometry.addVertex { ... }
    • Removed useBatcher in favor of using MeshGeometry to create a Mesh without binding it.
  • SceneGraph.showDebugInfo is no longer able to be changed. To request debug rendering use the new SceneGraph.requestShowDebugInfo. The reason for this change was the showDebugInfo was taking effect immediately and throwing exceptions due to the internal Batch not being ready to render with ShapeRenderer and such. The request will take into effect after the current frame finishes rendering. SceneGraph.showDebugInfo will contain the true value of debug rendering.


  • Fix BaseButton pressed & disabled properties incorrectly comparing new value with a wrong value affecting toggle buttons.
  • Update NodeList to handle Node.updateInterval values less than 1. Anything less than 1 will now not update itself or its children.
  • Add useOriginalSize option to TextureRect node to allow positioning the TextureSlice based off the original size before packing and trimming.
  • Fix SceneGraph touch focuses not being cleared after a TOUCH_UP event being fired resulting in thousands of elements in the list.
  • Fix SceneGraph to fire the correct MOUSE_EXIT input event with pointers last over an input control.
  • Update Control.hasPoint to handle rotated control nodes
  • Fix CanvasItem.toLocal and CanvasItem.toGlobal to use its respective matrices for calculation of the coordinates.
  • Fix Control.hit not handling rotated nodes in its calculation
  • Update all checks of rotation == Angle.ZERO to use a normalized angle and fuzzy zero checking. This results in angles of 360 degrees to satisfy the condition.
  • Fix TOUCH_UP event not being sent to input & unhandledInput functions when not clicking on a Control node.
  • Fix multiple calls to debugRender in the SceneGraph when using any nested CanvasLayer.
  • Fix FrameBufferNode not propagating debug render calls to its children.
  • Add new InputEvent.canvasX and InputEvent.canvasY to get coordinates of the event in the CanvasItem.canvas coordinates. This is useful when nesting Canvas nodes.
  • Update existing Control nodes that use uiInput to check against new InputEvent.canvasX and InputEvent.canvasY coordinates.
  • Fix GlyphLayout not calculating glyph advances properly resulting in incorrect wrapping calculations
  • Fix when a Control node should calculate its minimum size. This fixes issues with labels not using the correct layout height.
  • Add getOrNull(Int) to all variants of ArrayList data structure.


  • Update kotlin to 1.8.10.
  • Update kotlinx.serialization to 1.5.0-RC.
  • Update kotlinx.atomicfu to 0.19.0.



  • Fix NodeList not handling removing children correctly, missing onDestroy calls and not removing every child.



  • Fix NodeList not adding newly added nodes to the internal sortedNodeList preventing nodes from being rendered.



  • Update EmptyDrawable to be an immutable singleton object instead of a class. Any attempted changes to this will throw an exception.
    • Migration: val drawable = EmptyDrawable() to val drawable = createEmptyDrawable() or val drawable = EmptyDrawable


  • Update ScrollContainer vertical scrollbar to extend the entire height of the container.

  • Update ScrollContainer add new Drawable properties that can be overridden.

  • Update Scrollbar add new Drawable properties that can be overridden.

  • Fix Scrollbar grabber height and position not fully reaching the correct position at the end of the scrollbar.

  • Adds new child tree positioning methods. NodeList updated to use just an array list to handle the indexing as the multiple collections were not able to handle the movement changes.

    • sendChildToTop() - sends child to top of parent tree
    • sendChildAtToTop() - sends child at index to top of parent tree
    • sendChildToBottom() - sends child to bottom of parent tree
    • sendChildAtToBottom() - sends child at index to bottom of parent tree
    • addChildAt() - adds new child to parent node at specified index
    • swapChildren() - swap child positions in the parent tree
    • swapChildrenAt() - swap children node positions at indices in the paren tree



  • Add ScrollContainer, VScrollBar, and HScrollBar control nodes for scroll handling
  • Add automatic caching of Control theme values when first grabbing the theme value.
    • For Example: getThemeDrawable() will return a result and then is cached in the drawableCache map. Any subsequent calls to getThemeDrawable() will first check in the drawableOverrides and then in the drawableCache map and return a result if it exists.
    • When a theme owners theme changes, the theme owners and its child control nodes will all have their caches cleared.
  • Add an experimental API for rendering scalable TrueType Fonts (TTF) called VectorFont. A sample VectorFontTest exists for usage.
  • Add a GestureProcessor interface with a GestureController input processor to handle gesture detection and callbacks. Comes with a GestureProcessorBuilder class for easy callback creation. A helper extension Input.gestureController to easily create and add the gesture controller as an input processor to the input.
  • Update default theme colors and tweak default UI assets to be slightly more presentable.
  • Add column and row DSL aliases for VBoxContainer and HBoxContainer containers.


  • Context.onRender, Context.onPostRender, Context.onPostRunnable, and Context.onResize are now non-suspending. This fixed issues with the Android and Web platforms from creating unneeded coroutines every frame. Wrap any suspending calls called within these callbacks in a coroutine, KtScope.launch { }, or check if the suspending function can be made non-suspending.


  • add: EmptyDrawable to handle drawables that don't need drawn.
  • add: Additional vec3 CanvasLayer.canvasToScreen methods.
  • add: two new size properties to NinePatch: totalWidth & totalHeight.
  • add: new Textures.transparent 1x1 transparent pixel texture slice.
  • add: MutableVec2f.mul(Mat4) implementation.
  • add: Node.moveChild(child, index) method to handle moving a child to different index in the tree.
  • add: SceneGraph now propagates scroll input to control nodes that the mouse is over.
  • add: allowGreater & allowLesser flags to Range node to allow values pass the min & max values.


  • fix: SceneGraph sometimes adding handled input to the unhandled input queue.
  • update: Theme.FALLBACK_DRAWABLE is not an EmptyDrawable instead of a white TextureSliceDrawable.
  • update: Control now checks to ensure node is visible before returning successfully in the hit test.
  • update: NinePatchDrawable minWidth and minHeight calculations to use the new NinePatch.totalWidth and NinePatch.totalHeight properties.
  • fix: PanelContainer not fitting children nodes to the correct positions.
  • update: default UI asset pngs.
  • update: Label default mouseFilter is now IGNORE.
  • update: Control.setAnchor to be public.
  • fix: Dispatchers coroutines attempting to resume an already cancelled continuation.
  • fix: Android input not properly detecting the correct touch event action when touching with the 2 or more pointers.
  • fix: LWJGL & JS input from not properly outputting the correct Pointer on touchDragged when using any pointer but the left mouse button.
  • fix: FontCache not resetting its current tint when calling clear().
  • fix: Label bottom vertical alignment calculation not being correct.
  • fix: Label horizontal alignment calculations not being correct.
  • fix: Label not taking into account the correct minimum size when using ellipsis.
  • fix: Button horizontal alignment calculations not being correct.
  • fix: Button not taking into account the correct minimum size when using ellipsis.
  • fix: ProgressBar percentage font positioning to be more centered.
  • update: ProgressBar to only measure font when value changes.



  • SceneGraph nodes now allow for custom sort options when updating lists. This allows to render nodes based on the sort while keeping the update order.
  • SceneGraph: New ySort option added to Node2D to allow y-sorting rendering.
  • SceneGraph will now handle debug rendering as well as Control nodes to render it's bounds when rendering to help UI positioning.
  • JVM: Added arm64 dependencies for LWJGL.


  • Add ShapeRenderer to SceneGraph and Node render methods. This includes preRender, render, postRender and debugRender as well as all the Node rendering signals.




    node {
        onRender += { batch, camera ->
            // render logic

    Extending a Node:

    override fun render(batch: Batch, camera: Camera) {
        // render logic



    node {
        onRender += { batch, camera, shapeRenderer ->
            // render logic

    Extending a Node:

    override fun render(batch: Batch, camera: Camera, shapeRenderer: ShapeRenderer) {
        // render logic


  • add: Camera.boundsInFrustum implementation.
  • add: New implementation of AnimationPlayer.start() that will restart the current running animation to the first frame. AnimationPlayer.resume() provides the old functionality of AnimationPlayer.start()
  • add: AnimationPlayer.restart() alias for AnimationPlayer.start().
  • add: Experimental annotation that requires opt-in.


  • fix: add missing contract call for vBoxContainer.
  • fix: JVM - add a isMac check before attempting to set window icon.
  • fix: Texture Packer Plugin - All LWJGL dependencies are now removed from the plugin.
  • update: Refactor AnimationPlayer.start() to AnimationPlayer.resume().
  • update: AnimationPlayer restarts the last frame time back to zero when stopping an animation.
  • update: GpuFont is now marked as Experimental.
  • update Android compile & target versions to 33.
  • update AssetProviderer to use an ArrayList instead of a MutableList to fix iterating through assets to prepare.



  • fix: Infix function ife from using the incorrect isFuzzyEquals method resulting in incorrect values.



  • update: to be mutable.
  • update: all existing Viewport subtype classes to receive a constructor paramter for a Camera.



For the full log see below.

  • New SceneGraph nodes to handle different viewports, frame buffers, and materials (shaders, blend modes, depth/stencil modes).
  • New input and unhandled input handling inside a SceneGraph.
  • New lifecycle methods added to Nodes in a SceneGraph: preUpdate(), postUpdate() and fixedUpdate().
  • Major optimizations and clean up of the SceneGraph in general.
  • Camera & Viewport relationship refactoring to make more sense. See full changelog for more info.
  • AnimationPlayer playback clean up and add few additional playback methods
  • New optional AnimationStateMachine within AnimationPlayer.
  • New shape, lines, and path drawing class ShapeRenderer.


  • refactor Viewport to contain an internal Camera and remove Viewport from Camera.



    val viewport = ExtendViewport(480, 270)
    val camera = OrthographicCamrea().apply {
        this.viewport = viewport


    val viewport = ExtendViewport(480, 270)
    val camera =
  • remove SceneGraph.viewport: Viewport and and replaced with the ViewportCanvasLayer node.



    val viewport: Viewport = graph.viewport
    val camera: Camera =


    val viewport: Viewport = graph.sceneCanvas.viewport
    val camera: Camera = -graph.sceneCanvas.canvasCamera
  • update SceneGraph.initialize() to be suspending.

  • update SceneGraph.Node.initialize() to be suspending.

  • rename Node2D.toWorld functions to toGlobal.

  • update Vec2f.rotate to use Angle instead of a float.



    val vec = MutableVec2f()
    val angle: Angle = 45.degrees


    val vec = MutableVec2f()
    val angle: Angle = 45.degrees


  • add: list of catching keys to prevent default platform functionality from performing on key events
  • add: loadSuspending to AssetProvider to load assets as a suspending function instead loading inside a coroutine
  • add: onDestroy open function and onDestroy signal to Node when destroy() is invoked.
  • add: contracts to SceneGraph DSL to allow usage of assigning objects to val outside of it.
  • add: contract to AssetProvider.prepare() to allow usage of assigning objects to val outside of it.
  • add: CanvasItem node as the base node for 2D transformations in the SceneGraph. Node2D now inherits directly from this node.
  • add: CanvasLayer node that creates a separate OrthographicCamera for rendering instead of inheriting the base camera from the SceneGraph. For example: When rendering certain nodes at a low resolution using a Viewport to render UI at a higher resolution. This contains an instance to a Viewport but isn't used directly to render children. A new node called ViewportCanvasLayer can be used to render children nodes with a separate viewport.
  • add: ViewportCanvasLayer to use separate Viewport to render children nodes in a SceneGraph.
  • add: FrameBufferNode which is a CanvasLayer to allow rendering children nodes directly to a FrameBuffer. The FrameBuffer texture is then available to be rendered in a separate node.
  • add: FrameBufferContainer control node which can be used to help render a FrameBufferNode.
  • add: zoom, near, and far properties to Camera2D which will be used to set the CanvasLayer.canvasCamera properties before rendering.
  • add: scale property to the render method of LDtk and Tiled tile maps.
  • add: tmod and targetFPS properties to SceneGraph to be used as another way to handle frame independent movements.
  • add: three new lifecycle calls to a Node: onPreUpdate, onPostUpdate, and onFixedUpdate as well as their respective Signal types. The onFixedUpdate comes with a few more properties to handle changing the fixed time step and as well as an interpolating ratio.
    • SceneGraph.fixedTimesPerSecond: can be used to set the amount of times onFixedUpdate is call per second
    • SceneGraph.fixedProgressionRatio: is an interpolation ratio that can be used to render nodes that use onFixedUpdate for movement / physics.
  • add: input and unhandledInput callbacks to all Node.
    • input: is called whenever there is an InputEvent generated and is propagated up the node tree until a node consumes it.
    • unhandledInput: is called when an InputEvent isn't consumed by input or the UI.
  • add: resizable, maximize, and windowPosition configuration parameters to JVM.
  • add: ppu and ppuInv properties to SceneGraph and Node that allow setting the Pixels per Unit which is used for rendering.
  • add: Material class and property to CanvasItem that can be used to set and change shaders, blend modes, and depth/stencil modes.
  • add: AnimationState optional state machine stack that can be to register animation states that will be played based on a predicate.
  • add: CropType options to TexturePacker: NONE, FLUSH_POSITION, and KEEP_POSITION.
  • add: ShapeRenderer class to handle drawing shapes, lines, and paths using a Batch instance and a TextureSlice.


  • update: SceneGraph methods resize(), render(), and initialize() as open.
  • update: AnimationPlayer to handle the way animations are queued and played back based on a stack.


  • fix: clearing signals of all existing nodes when destroyed.
  • fix: LDtk auto tile maps now only loop through tiles within the view bounds instead of all the tiles.



  • add: Full Android support.
  • add: MutableTextureAtlas class to combine existing TextureAtlas, Texture, and TextureSlice types into a single TextureAtlas.
  • update:vfsFile.readBitmapFont() loader to allow passing in a list of existing TextureSlice, such as from a TextureAtlas.
  • update: core now includes tools as an api vs just **implementation. Required for the new MutableTextureAtlas class.
  • JVM config: add backgroundColor option for initially setting background color.
  • JS config: add backgroundColor option for initially setting background color.
  • add: Batch interface.
  • update: SpriteBatch to use new interface.
  • update: all references to SpriteBatch with Batch.
  • add: New batch implementation called TextureArraySpriteBatch that uses texture arrays to render multiple textures as a single draw call (GL 3+).
  • add: new helper methods for projecting / un-projecting coordinates on a Camera.
  • update: GLVersion to handle parsing version for OpenGL ES.
  • update: Pointer enum to support more than 3 pointers / touches (due to Android support).
  • update: Pointer with an index parameter for determine the actual index of the pointer / touch.
  • update: Input with new vibrate() and cancelVibrate() methods (Android support).
  • update GLSLGenerator to handle ES versions for mobile platforms.
  • BREAKING: remove: getColorHex and getColorInt methods from LDtkIntGridLayer.
  • add: getColor() that returns a new Color instance to LDtkIntGridLayer.
  • add: truncate string to Font, FontCache and GlyphLayout.
  • add: ability to focus Control nodes and cycle through them with keyboard.
  • add: onFocus and onFocusLost methods to Control
  • BREAKING: move most UI enum classes to the specific Node class such as SizeFlag, StretchMode, and AnchorLayout
  • update: SceneGraph to trigger ui input events for keyboard
  • update: BaseButton to allow for triggering press signal with keyboard
  • update Button with new focus theme variable drawable
  • add: LineEdit control for editing single lines of text.
  • add: Clipboard support
  • add: showing/hiding soft keyboard for Android
  • BREAKING: rename InputMultiplexer to InputMapController
  • add: new InputMapProcessor interface with onAction callbacks used with InputMapController
  • update: InputMapController to handle Pointer types as a binding
  • update: InputMapController to handle key modifiers in a binding (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT)
  • update: SceneGraph to use an InputMapController and input actions
  • update: SceneGraph focus key binds to use action bindings
  • add: helper methods to set default UI input action bindings to for SceneGraph
  • add: justTouched and touchJustReleased methods to Input
  • BREAKING: rename onKeyTyped to onCharType.
  • add: new onKeyRepeat method to InputProcessor
  • add: support for KEY_REPEAT event in SceneGraph
  • BREAKING: move StretchMode into TextureRect class.
  • add: TILE stretch mode implementation to TextureRect
  • add: TextureProgress control node
  • update: NinePatch to support setting source rectangle
  • BREAKING: update: NinePatchRect control node to use a TextureSlice vs using a NinePatch directly.
  • BREAKING: update Scene to use scoped lifecycle methods with Context
  • BREAKING: update Scene to no longer inherit from AssetProvider
  • update: Game with vfs and clipboard properties
  • add: a return value to Context callback methods (onRender, onPostRender, onResize, onDispose , onPostRunnable) that can be invoked once to remove the callback from being invoked.
  • add: new SizeFlag value of NONE which is the same as creating a SizeFlag(0)
  • add: a new parameter to the resize method of a SceneGraph to allow centering of the camera if true.
  • update: Context callbacks (onRender, onPosRender, onResize, onDispose, and postRunnable) to return a RemoveContextCallback lambda that can be invoked to remove itself from being called by the Context.
  • update: the resize() method in a SceneGraph to allow optional centering of camera.
  • update: LDtk version support to 1.0.0 beta3
  • BREAKING: remove readLDtkLevel from VfsLoaders.
  • BREAKING: refactor readLDtkMap to readLDtkMapLoader. This now returns the LDtkMapLoader which then can be used to call loadMap() and loadLevel().
  • BREAKING: remove LDtkWorld and LDtkLevel from AssetProvider default loaders
  • add: Passing in optional TextureAtlas when reading an LDtkMapLoader. Requires preloading tileset textures in order to benefit from it.
  • add: Tiled map support. Includes, orthographic, isometric, and staggered map rendering support.
  • update: Rect class is now open.
  • add: extrude, bleed and bleedIterations to TexturePacker to prevent atlas bleeding and prevent filtering artifacts when RGB values are sampled for transparent pixels.
  • add TexMinFilter and TexMagFilter constructor params to FrameBuffer


  • fix: remove clearing color buffer in LwjglContext.
  • fix: PathInfo to handle ./.
  • fix: InputQueueProcessor from triggering any subsequent input processors if the input has been handled
  • fix: InputQueueProcessor not correctly resetting internal input events to be reused.
  • fix: Pool from freeing an allocated object when using a callback.
  • fix: TextureSlice using incorrect UV coordinates for a 1x1 slice
  • fix: LWJGL input not resetting the last char when typing
  • fix: TextureRect not actually using the specified width and height for stretching
  • fix: SceneGraph focusing a Control node that wasn't enabled
  • fix: Node not updating children nodes when enable value was changed.
  • fix: Button sometimes not calculating text size resulting in misplaced text
  • fix: Label sometimes not calculating text size resulting in misplaced text
  • fix: GlyphLayoutRun not correctly calculating next glyph advance value.
  • fix: Button text width calculations due to GlyphLayoutRun glyph advance fix
  • fix: LWJGL application defaulting to graphic cards vSync setting when vSync was set to false. It now will properly turn off vSync.
  • fix: AnimationPlayer not able to restart a current animation by using stop() and then play() without having to swap animations.


  • Kotlin from 1.6.0 to 1.6.10
  • LWJGL from 3.2.3 to 3.3.0
  • kotlinx-coroutines from 1.6.0-RC to 1.6.0-native-mt
  • kotlinx-serialization from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2


  • Add JVM support
  • Add JS support
  • Add SceneGraph with Node and Node2D implementations
  • Add UI built on top of SceneGraph
    • Controls:
      • Button
      • Label
      • Panel
      • TextureRect
      • NinePatchRect
      • ProgressBar
    • Containers:
      • VBoxContainer and HBoxContainer
      • PaddedContainer
      • PanelContainer
      • CenterContainer
  • Add Virtual File System
  • Add Shader support
  • Add GLSL Generator for building shaders with Kotlin
  • Add Texture Atlas support
  • Add Bitmap Font support
  • Add Audio streaming support
  • Add Audio clips support
  • Add math module
    • Vectors
    • Matrices
    • Angles
    • Point
    • Bresenham
  • Add sprite batching
  • Add Scene class
  • Add Game class for managing scenes
  • Add Asset provider class to help load and prepare assets asynchronously
  • Add App and Engine stats
  • Add coroutine and async support and utilities
  • Add LDtk tilemap support
  • Add TTF file font parsing and loading
  • Add GPU font rendering
  • Add bin packer max rects algorithm
  • Add texture packer tool
  • Add Input processing with mouse, keyboard, and gamepad
  • A Camera and Viewport support
  • Add Logger
  • Add Frame buffer objects support
  • Add Particles support
  • Add Animation support
  • Add Color class