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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

organize your own nfts or assemble collections across different owners and authors

how to sync nft folders

use ethereum attestation service

1 folder = 1 attestation

read and write folders in 5 steps:

1️⃣ upload FolderSnapshot json to ipfs

struct FolderSnapshot: Codable {
    let tokens: [Token]
    let description: String?
    let cover: String?

struct Token: Codable {
    let id: String
    let address: String
    let chainId: String
    let comment: String?

2️⃣ create an attestation with FolderSnapshot ipfs cid

let cid = "bafkreia4i7jwb5qq4upcdl5knvgtvvrqhjchsqsot6vozd26vcabgoed44"
let folderName = "zorbs"
let nameAndCid = folderName + " " + cid
let folderType: UInt8 = 42

// use 42 when you organize your own nfts
// use 69 when assembling custom boards

let schemaId = "0x24a31e6646f2d422a173165d76984a4ee1cfd2bea26be543ba15f7e9319bca4b"
let arguments = String.paddedHexString(folderType, nameAndCid)

let template = "#template=::0:false:\(arguments)"
let url = "" + schemaId + template

see example new attestation url


use multiAttest to batch multiple attestations into a single transaction

3️⃣ get folders

use easscan graphql api

attestations with an empty refUID correspond to all created folders

attestations with a non-zero refUID correspond to folder edits

📁 for your own nfts organized

query Attestation {
        take: 20,
        skip: 0,
        orderBy: { timeCreated: desc },
        where: { 
            schemaId: { equals: "0x24a31e6646f2d422a173165d76984a4ee1cfd2bea26be543ba15f7e9319bca4b" }, 
            attester: { equals: "0xE26067c76fdbe877F48b0a8400cf5Db8B47aF0fE" }, # owner address
            refUID: { equals: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" }, # created folders only
            revoked: { equals: false },
            data: { startsWith: "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002a"} # corresponds to folderType 42
    ) {
curl --request POST --header 'content-type: application/json' --url '' --data '{"query":"query Attestation { attestations(take: 20, skip: 0, orderBy: { timeCreated: desc }, where: { schemaId: { equals: \"0x24a31e6646f2d422a173165d76984a4ee1cfd2bea26be543ba15f7e9319bca4b\" }, attester: { equals: \"0xE26067c76fdbe877F48b0a8400cf5Db8B47aF0fE\" }, refUID: { equals: \"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\" }, revoked: { equals: false }, data: { startsWith: \"0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002a\" } } ) { decodedDataJson refUID id } }"}'

🍒 for custom boards assembled by you

query Attestation {
        take: 20,
        skip: 0,
        orderBy: { timeCreated: desc },
        where: { 
            schemaId: { equals: "0x24a31e6646f2d422a173165d76984a4ee1cfd2bea26be543ba15f7e9319bca4b" }, 
            attester: { equals: "0xE26067c76fdbe877F48b0a8400cf5Db8B47aF0fE" }, # curator address
            refUID: { equals: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" }, # created folders only
            revoked: { equals: false },
            data: { startsWith: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000045"} # corresponds to folderType 69
    ) {
curl --request POST --header 'content-type: application/json' --url '' --data '{"query":"query Attestation { attestations(take: 20, skip: 0, orderBy: { timeCreated: desc }, where: { schemaId: { equals: \"0x24a31e6646f2d422a173165d76984a4ee1cfd2bea26be543ba15f7e9319bca4b\" }, attester: { equals: \"0xE26067c76fdbe877F48b0a8400cf5Db8B47aF0fE\" }, refUID: { equals: \"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\" }, revoked: { equals: false }, data: { startsWith: \"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000045\" } } ) { decodedDataJson refUID id } }"}'

💦 latest edits

query Attestation {
        take: 20,
        skip: 0,
        orderBy: { timeCreated: desc },
        where: { 
            schemaId: { equals: "0x24a31e6646f2d422a173165d76984a4ee1cfd2bea26be543ba15f7e9319bca4b" }, 
            attester: { equals: "0xE26067c76fdbe877F48b0a8400cf5Db8B47aF0fE" },
            refUID: { notIn: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" }, # edits only
            revoked: { equals: false },
        distinct: [refUID] # unique and latest
    ) {
curl --request POST --header 'content-type: application/json' --url '' --data '{"query":"query Attestation { attestations(take: 20, skip: 0, orderBy: { timeCreated: desc }, where: { schemaId: { equals: \"0x24a31e6646f2d422a173165d76984a4ee1cfd2bea26be543ba15f7e9319bca4b\" }, attester: { equals: \"0xE26067c76fdbe877F48b0a8400cf5Db8B47aF0fE\" }, refUID: { notIn: \"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\" }, revoked: { equals: false } }, distinct: [refUID] ) { decodedDataJson refUID id } }"}'

4️⃣ get FolderSnapshot jsons corresponding to the latest attestations

5️⃣ get nfts from an api of your choice

use the latest FolderSnapshot values to display nfts in folders

📝 edit a folder

use referenced attestations

create a new attestation with the refUID of the initial attestation for that folder

the next edit for that folder should contain the same refUID of the initial attestation

🗑️ remove a folder

set nameAndCid value to an empty string

or revoke the initial attestation for that folder

projects syncing folders

nft folder macos to organize your own nfts via folder type 42

cherry to assemble custom boards via folder type 69

add yours too!
