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What are they for? Where do they live?

How do they reproduce?

Leonardo Rochael & Luciano Ramalho

22 April, 2024


Intro: 5 min.

Launch IPython in %doctest_mode

Launch x11vnc

Launch Remote Desktop Viewer, move it to the beamer display.

Cover Fluent Python 2nd Ed.


I have been working with Python for 21 years.

My first job with Python was having Luciano Ramalho as a boss.

And I had the honor of reviewing both the 1st and 2nd ed. of Fluent Python.

And I was a victim of the curse of knowledge:

  • "Teaching metaclasses is going to be easy"
    • I then realized I'd only have to teach a third of Luciano's book before I could do that...

But first: two types of methods

  • Normal methods:
    • How to declare: def method(self):
    • How to use: object.method()
  • Special methods
    • How to declare: def __str__(self):
    • How to use: print(object)


A normal method is what you access with the little dot.

A special method is one that is usually accessed by Python to do something special with an instance of your class.

Table of special methods for mathematical operations


Source: Fluent Python Second Edition

For example, these are all the special methods that your class can implement, and they allow the class instance to participate in operations with mathematical operators, plus, times, etc.

Table of special methods except for mathematical operations


Source: Fluent Python Second Edition

These special methods are all the others that do not have to do with participating in math operations.

There are special methods for your class to be called as if it were a function, indexed as if it were a list or dictionary, provide a length with len(), specify its representation on the console, etc.

Attribute resolution order



Show slides/code/

from slide0_methods import *

m1 = MyClass()

m2 = MySubClass()


m1.x = 7





def __call__(self, other):
    return self.x + other

MyClass.__call__ = __call__


Resolution order: Normal Methods/Attributes

(and normal attributes)

  1. instance
  2. class
  3. superclasses

Resolution order: Special Methods

("dunder" methods: __...__)

  1. instance NO!
  2. class
  3. superclasses

Every time is Runtime

In Python, function and class declarations "happen" at runtime.


Classes are created at runtime,

But imports "run" the module only once.

Demonstrate with prints all around:

  • slides/code/

Everything is an Object (1)

Labels, not Boxes

Image © Luciano Ramalho, used with permission

Classes are values too!


In Python, all declared things are bound to variables, including functions and classes!

Classes (and functions) can be bound to variables, added to lists, and set as dictionaries values.

Demonstrate overriding the variables in which the classes were declared, and instantiate the classes through the variables in which they were saved.

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a

I can bind classes to other variables

MyClass2 = MyClass
instance2 = MyClass2()
MyClass = None
instance = MyClass()

I can put classes in lists, or place them in dictionaries

By the way, the contents of imported modules is in a dictionary:


{key: value for key, value in slide1_runtime.__dict__.items() if not key.startswith('__')}

Classes and instances attributes too:


As my friend Lalo Martins would say:

Python is made only of dictionaries and tons of syntactic sugar

The Two Responsibilities of class

class Duck:
  • Generate a class
  • Bind the class to a variable
    • With the same name as the class


class is not a "declaration". It is a "compound statement".

The same two responsibilities apply to def and functions.

What this means is that you can create classes inside functions.

And it is also possible to create functions inside functions.

Everything is an Object (2)

All values have a class

  • including classes!


Demonstrate obj.__class__, type(obj), and isinstance(obj, class)

duck.__class__ is type(duck)
duck.__class__ is slide1_runtime.Duck

Everything is an Object (3)

  • Creating classes dynamically


demonstrate slides/code/

from slide5_dynamic_class import *

m3 = MySubClass()


MyOtherSubClass = my_subclass_generator(27)

m4 = MyOtherSubClass()


MyMostDynamicSubClass = type(
    'MyMostDynamicSubClass',  # the class name
    (MyClass, MyMixin),  # superclasses
    {'x': 27},  # class "namespace"

# Even including methods

def __init__(self, x):
    self.x = x

MyReallyDynamicSubClass = type(
    (MyClass, MyMixin),
    {'__init__': __init__},

To create an instance, I call the class.

To dynamically create a class, I call the class of the class.

Class Relationships



Metaclass: The Class of the Class

  • type: the class of classes (by default)
    • 1 parameter: returns the class of an object
    • 3 parameters: creates a new class


Metaclass is the name we give to the class of a class

And type is the default metaclass for all classes

"type" & "object"

a peculiar relationship

Relationships between type and object



But if type is a (meta)class, whose subclass is it?

And if object, which is a class, is also an instance, who is the class of object?

>>> type(object)
<class 'type'>
>>> type(type)
<class 'type'>
>>> type.__class__
<class 'type'>
>>> type.__bases__
(<class 'object'>,)
>>> object.__bases__

The relationship between object and type cannot be constructed in Python.

It is part of the language definition.

Creating New Metaclasses

  • Inheriting from type
class better_repr_type(type):


If type is a class, can I inherit from type?


from slide5_dynamic_class import MyClass, MyMixin

from slide9_better_repr import better_repr_type

def __init__(self, x):
    self.x = x

MySubClassWithRepr = better_repr_type(
    'MySubClassWithRepr',  # name
    (MyClass, MyMixin),  # bases
    {'__init__': __init__},   # attributes / methods

Class relations with metaclass



Using Metaclasses in "Normal" Classes

class MyClass(Super, ..., metaclass=MyMetaClass):


from slide5_dynamic_class import MyClass

from slide9_better_repr import better_repr_type

class MySubClassWithRepr2(MyClass, metaclass=better_repr_type):
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

Tip: Create a class from your metaclass


So that users of your metaclass just need to inherit from your superclass instead of using the metaclass= keyword directly

But what are they good for, after all?

  • Providing special methods to classes themselves
    • __repr__
    • __getitem__
    • __(...)__

And also good for...

  • Replacing the namespace container (.__dict__) of a class
  • Intercepting/registering/customizing the class creation itself
  • Manipulating methods and attributes of the class during creation
  • Intercepting/customizing instance creation



Complete walkthrough of the class declaration process

Debug step by step in vs.code

Override the __call__ of the metaclass to return None.

  • Intercept/customize instance creation
    • __call__
      • Redundant with __new__ of the class

What They Are NOT For

  • Influencing instances after they are created
  • Providing normal attributes or methods to classes
    • only special methods!


MRO of normal class attributes never goes through the metaclass.

You Will (Probably) Never Write Metaclasses

  • SuperClass.__init_subclass__()
  • Class Decorators
  • SuperClass.__class_getitem__()


  • SuperClass.__init_subclass__()
    • Called for each declared subclass
      • Even in indirect subclasses
    • But not in the class where it is declared


Contrast SuperClass.__init_subclass__() with Metaclass: the former receives the class with namespace already instantiated (it's an "init" not a "new"), the latter gets to establish the namespace dict itself before that.

TODO: Write sequence diagram for the whole process including class creation from meta, instance creation from class, method call in instance.

Class Decorators

class MyClass:
  • A good example:
    • @dataclasses.dataclass


A decorator receives the class already made as it's only argument, and has the opportunity to modify it, and even replace it, before returning it.

A good existing example is @dataclass, which creates methods in your classes.


  • Used by Python for type hints
    • I.e. for typing collection items, generics
def print_steps(steps: list[str]): ...

REGISTRY: Mapping[str, MyClass] = {}

COORDINATES: list[tuple[int, int]] = [
  (-2, 5),
  (3, 7)


Emphasize that we need list[str] to work on the class itself, not the instances, so the __getitem__ would have to go into the list metaclass, which would make it harder to inherit from list and other classes with their own metaclasses, for example.

Show slides/code/

from slide20_meta_alternatives import *


class Dog(Duck):
    def quack(self):
        print("woof, woof!")

class Cat(Duck):
    def quack(self):


Notice: Using __class__getitem__ this way prevents the use of your class with Python Generics.

Classes Also Accept Keywords

class MySubClass(SuperCls, keyword='Key', number=42):
  • But it is necessary to consume them:
    • Where?
      • MetaClass.__new__()
      • SuperClass.__init_subclass__()
    • Because object.__init_subclass__() does not accept them.


And since we are talking about class customization, an interesting thing is that classes accept keyword arguments beyond metaclass=

They must be consumed in the __new__ of the metaclass, or in the __init_subclass__ of a parent class.

Open slides/code/ next to slides/code/ and debug.

SQLModel: An Example of Keyword in Classes

from sqlmodel import Field, SQLModel

class Hero(SQLModel, table=True):
    id: int = Field(primary_key=True)
    name: str
    secret_name: str
    age: int


A missing or false value for table= indicates that the ORM should not create a table for records of this class.

But subclasses of such a class may declare table.

In Summary

  • Everything is an object and has a class
    • including classes themselves
  • Metaclasses provide special methods for classes
    • And only special methods
  • Metaclasses have no influence over instances of the class
  • You can create (meta)classes for your classes
    • But you'll probably won't


  • method/attribute search does not flow to the metaclass

Some people think that Python is an objectifying language... Everything is an object!

I prefer to think that Python is a classy language! Everything has class!

Metaclasses help the language evolve (__init_subclass__, __class_getitem__).

Metaclass is for making frameworks, like SQLAlchemy or Pydantic.

[Metaclasses] are deeper magic than 99% of users should ever worry about. If you wonder whether you need them, you don’t (the people who actually need them know with certainty that they need them, and don’t need an explanation about why).

— Tim Peters


Tim Peters: inventor of the timsort algorithm and prolific Python contributor.

So why study them?

It's important to understand how they work when you bump into them.


from autostring import AutoString

class Flavour(AutoString):





Thank You!

GH: leorochael/2024-04-22-Talk-PyConDE-Metaclasses

Telegram: @LeoRochael

email: [email protected]

PS: Want a job? HelloFresh is hiring!



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