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loginsrv is a standalone minimalistic login server providing a JWT login for multiple login backends.

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Loginsrv provides a minimal endpoint for authentication. The login is performed against the providers and returned as Json Web Token. It can be used as:

  • standalone microservice
  • docker container
  • golang library
  • caddyserver plugin

Supported Provider Backends

The following providers (login backends) are supported.


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Configuration and Startup

Config Options

Note for Caddy users: Not all parameters are available in Caddy. See the table for details. With Caddy, the parameter names can be also be used with _ in the names, e.g. cookie_http_only.

Parameter Type Default Caddy Description
-cookie-domain string X The optional domain parameter for the cookie
-cookie-expiry string session X The expiry duration for the cookie, e.g. 2h or 3h30m
-cookie-http-only boolean true X Set the cookie with the http only flag
-cookie-name string "jwt_token" X The name of the jwt cookie
-github value X Oauth config in the form: client_id=..,client_secret=..[,scope=..,][redirect_uri=..]
-google value X Oauth config in the form: client_id=..,client_secret=..,scope=..[redirect_uri=..]
-host string "localhost" - The host to listen on
-htpasswd value X Htpasswd login backend opts: file=/path/to/pwdfile
-jwt-expiry go duration 24h X The expiry duration for the jwt token, e.g. 2h or 3h30m
-jwt-secret string "random key" X The secret to sign the jwt token
-log-level string "info" - The log level
-login-path string "/login" X The path of the login resource
-logout-url string X The url or path to redirect after logout
-osiam value X OSIAM login backend opts: endpoint=..,client_id=..,client_secret=..
-port string "6789" - The port to listen on
-simple value X Simple login backend opts: user1=password,user2=password,..
-success-url string "/" X The url to redirect after login
-template string X An alternative template for the login form
-text-logging boolean true - Log in text format instead of json
-jwt-refreshes int 0 X The maximum amount of jwt refreshes.
-grace-period go duration 5s - Duration to wait after SIGINT/SIGTERM for existing requests. No new requests are accepted.

Environment Variables

All of the above Config Options can also be applied as environment variable, where the name is written in the way: LOGINSRV_OPTION_NAME. So e.g. jwt-secret can be set by environment variable LOGINSRV_JWT_SECRET.

Startup examples

The simplest way to use loginsrv is by the provided docker container. E.g. configured with the simple provider:

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 tarent/loginsrv -jwt-secret my_secret -simple bob=secret

$ curl --data "username=bob&password=secret"

The same configuration could be written with environment variables this way:

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e LOGINSRV_JWT_SECRET=my_secret -e LOGINSRV_BACKEND=provider=simple,bob=secret tarent/loginsrv


GET /login

Returns a simple bootstrap styled login form.

The returned html follows the ui composition conventions from (lib-compose)[], so it can be embedded into an existing layout.

GET /login/

Starts the Oauth Web Flow with the configured provider. E.g. GET /login/github redirects to the github login form.

POST /login

Performs the login and returns the JWT. Depending on the content-type and parameters, a classical JSON-Rest or a redirect can be performed.

Runtime Parameters

Parameter-Type Parameter Description
Http-Header Accept: text/html Set the JWT-Token as Cookie 'jwt_token'. default
Http-Header Accept: application/jwt Returns the JWT-Token within the body. No Cookie is set.
Http-Header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Expect the credentials as form encoded parameters. default
Http-Header Content-Type: application/json Take the credentials from the provided json object.
Post-Parameter username The username
Post-Parameter password The password

Possible Return Codes

Code Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully authenticated
403 Forbidden The credentials are wrong
400 Bad Request Missing parameters
500 Internal Server Error Internal error, e.g. the login provider is not available or failed
303 See Other Sets the JWT as a cookie, if the login succeeds and redirect to the urls provided in redirectSuccess or redirectError

Hint: The status 401 Unauthorized is not used as a return code to not conflict with an Http BasicAuth Authentication.


If the POST-Parameters for username and password are missing and a valid JWT-Cookie is part of the request, then the JWT-Cookie is refreshed. This only happens if the jwt-refreshes config option is set to a value greater than 0.

DELETE /login

Deletes the JWT Cookie.

For simple usage in web applications, this can also be called by GET|POST /login?logout=true

API Examples


Default is to return the token as Content-Type application/jwt within the body.

curl -i --data "username=bob&password=secret"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/jwt
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:35:42 GMT
Content-Length: 100


Example: Credentials as JSON

The credentials can also be sent JSON encoded.

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  --data '{"username": "bob", "password": "secret"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/jwt
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:35:42 GMT
Content-Length: 100


Example: web based flow with 'Accept: text/html'

Sets the jwt token as cookie and redirects to a web page.

curl -i -H 'Accept: text/html' --data "username=bob&password=secret"
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Location: /
Set-Cookie: jwt_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJib2IifQ.-51G5JQmpJleARHp8rIljBczPFanWT93d_N_7LQGUXU; HttpOnly

The JWT Token

Depending on the provider, the token may look as follows:

  "sub": "smancke",
  "picture": "",
  "name": "Sebastian Mancke",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "origin": "github"

Provider Backends


Authentication against htpasswd file. MD5, SHA1 and Bcrypt are supported. But we recommend to only use bcrypt for security reasons (e.g. htpasswd -B -C 15).

Parameters for the provider:

Parameter-Name Description
file Path to the password file


loginsrv -htpasswd file=users


Authentication against an upstream http server by performing a http basic authenticated request and checking the response for a http 200 OK status code. Anything other than a 200 OK status code will result in a failure to authenticate.

Parameters for the provider:

Parameter-Name Description
upstream http/https url to call
skipverify true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default)
timeout request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported)


loginsrv -httpupstream upstream=,timeout=1s


OSIAM is a secure identity management solution providing REST based services for authentication and authorization. It implements the multiple OAuth2 flows, as well as SCIM for managing the user data.

To start loginsrv against the default OSIAM configuration on the same machine, use the following example.

loginsrv --jwt-secret=jwtsecret --text-logging -osiam endpoint=http://localhost:8080,client_id=example-client,client_secret=secret'

Then go to and login with admin/koala.


Simple is a demo provider for testing only. It holds a user/password table in memory.


loginsrv -simple bob=secret


The Oauth Web Flow (aka 3-leged-Oauth flow) is also supported. Currently the following oauth Provider is supported:

  • github
  • google

An Oauth Provider supports the following parameters:

Parameter-Name Description
client_id Oauth Client ID
client_secret Oauth Client Secret
scope Space separated scope List (optional)
redirect_uri Alternative Redirect URI (optional)

When configuring the oauth parameters at your external oauth provider, a redirect uri has to be supplied. This redirect uri has to point to the path /login/<provider>. If not supplied, the oauth redirect uri is calculated out of the current url. This should work in most cases and should even work if loginsrv is routed through a reverse proxy, if the headers X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Proto are set correctly.

Github Startup Example

$ docker run -p 80:80 tarent/loginsrv -github client_id=xxx,client_secret=yyy


A custom template can be supplied by the parameter template. You can find the original template in login/login_form.go.

The templating uses the golang build in template language. A short intro can be found here.

When you specify a custom template, only the layout of the original template is replaced. The partials of the original are still loaded into the template context and can be used by your template. So a minimal unstyled login template could look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <!-- your styles -->
      <!-- your header -->

      {{ if .Error}}
        <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
          <strong>Internal Error. </strong> Please try again later.

      {{if .Authenticated}}

         {{template "userInfo" . }}


        {{template "login" . }}


      <!-- your footer -->