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Gitlab installation

License Build Status Build Status Galaxy Ansible Ansible


This role:

  • Installs Gitlab on Ununtu and Centos7
  • Configures Gitlab

Role tasks

  • Install Gitlab
  • Configure Gitlab


  • Minimal Version of the ansible for installation: 2.5
  • Mysql 5.6 and later installed if Gitlab EE installed and parameter set Build Status
  • Supported OS:
    • CentOS
      • 7
    • Ubuntu
    • Debian

Role Variables

  • host_fqdn - host FQDN
    default: {{ ansible_fqdn }}
  • gitlab_install - to install gitlab; already installed gitlab could be used for configuration
    default: true
  • gitlab_external_url - Gitlab external url
    default: https://{{ host_fqdn }}
  • gitlab_data_dir - Gitlab custom directory with data
    default: /var/opt/gitlab/git-data
  • gitlab_edition - Gitlab edition. ee or ce
    default: ce
  • gitlab_version - Gitlab version
    default: latest
  • gitlab_api_version - Gitlab api version; v4 for version 9.0 and later; if Gitlab is installed by the role this variable reset
    default: v4

gitlab super admin user parameters. User will be created during installation.

  • gitlab_admin_email - admin email address
    default: [email protected]
  • gitlab_admin_name - admin name
    default: Administrator
  • gitlab_admin_username - admin username
    default: superdamin
  • gitlab_admin_password - admin password
    default: Qwe54321
  • gitlab_admin_token - admin api token
    default: BF1U1swzaouACMj2S9aQ

gitlab ssl parameters

  • gitlab_ssl_redirect_http_to_https - enable https redirection
    default: true
  • gitlab_ssl_certificate_path - path to public cert
    default: /etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab.crt
  • gitlab_ssl_certificate_key_path - path to private cert
    default: /etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab.key
  • gitlab_ssl_create_self_signed_cert - to create self signed cert default: true
  • gitlab_ssl_self_signed_cert_subj - self signed cert subj
    default: /C=BY/ST=Minsk/L=org/O=IT/OU=IT/CN={{ host_fqdn }}

ldap configuration for gitlab

  • gitlab_ldap_enabled - enable ldap usage
    default: false
  • gitlab_ldap_host - ldap server name
  • gitlab_ldap_port - ldap server port
    default: 389
  • gitlab_ldap_uid - default: sAMAccountName
  • gitlab_ldap_method -
    default: plain
  • gitlab_ldap_bind_dn -
    default: CN=Username,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com
  • gitlab_ldap_password -
    default: password
  • gitlab_ldap_base -
    default: DC=example,DC=com

gitlab configuration

  • gitlab_config_time_zone - time zone
    default: UTC
  • gitlab_config_backup_keep_time - backup retention time
    default: 604800

mail configuration

  • gitlab_email_enabled - enable mail send configuration
    default: false
  • gitlab_email_from - from address
    default: [email protected]
  • gitlab_email_display_name - from display
    default: Gitlab
  • gitlab_email_reply_to - reply to address
    default: [email protected]

mysql usage. For EE only!

  • gitlab_mysql_enabled - mysql usage enable
    default: false
  • gitlab_mysql_db_adapter - db adapter
    default: mysql2
  • gitlab_mysql_db_encoding - db encoding
    default: utf8
  • gitlab_mysql_db_host - db server name
    default: localhost
  • gitlab_mysql_db_port - d server port
    default: 3306
  • gitlab_mysql_db_username - user name
    default: USERNAME
  • gitlab_mysql_db_password - user password
    default: PASSWORD

smtp settings

  • gitlab_smtp_enabled - to enable smtp
    default: false

  • gitlab_smtp_address -

  • gitlab_smtp_port -
    default: 587

  • gitlab_smtp_user_name -
    default: [email protected]

  • gitlab_smtp_password -
    default: my-gmail-password

  • gitlab_smtp_domain -

  • gitlab_smtp_authentication -
    default: login

  • gitlab_smtp_enable_starttls_auto -
    default: true

  • gitlab_smtp_tls -
    default: false

  • gitlab_smtp_openssl_verify_mode -
    default: peer

  • gitlab_validate_certs - to validate SSL certificate during API call
    default: false

gitlab group creation/configuration

  • gitlab_project_group_create - to create gitlab group; correct gitlab_admin_token should be set if gitlab not installed by this role
    default: false
  • gitlab_project_group - group name
    default: test_group
  • gitlab_project_group_id - group id; should be set if group creation is false
    default: 1

gitlab project creation/configuration

  • gitlab_project_create - to create gitlab project; correct gitlab_admin_token should be set if gitlab not installed by this role
    default: false
  • gitlab_project_name - project name
    default: test_project
  • gitlab_project_id - project id; should be set if project creation is false
    default: 1

master user creation/configuration

  • gitlab_master_user_create - to create gitlab project master user; correct gitlab_admin_token should be set if gitlab not installed by this role
    default: false
  • gitlab_master_name - user name
    default: integrator user
  • gitlab_master_username - username
    default: integrator
  • gitlab_master_password - user password
    default: Admin!23
  • gitlab_master_email - user email
    default: [email protected]
  • gitlab_master_token_name - name for user private api token
    default: Created API token
  • gitlab_master_token - user token; will be created if name not exists; does not visible for user; reset variable after creation; Should be set manually for versions earlier than 9.0
    default: Token!234

webhooks creation

  • gitlab_webhooks_create - to create webhooks; correct gitlab_admin_token should be set if gitlab not installed by this role
    default: false
  • gitlab_webhooks_list - map with webhooks parameters
  • gitlab_allow_local_requests - enable the option “Allow requests to the local network from hooks and services” in the “Outbound requests” section
    default: false
      hook_url: ""
      push_events: "true"
      push_events_branch_filter: ""
      issues_events: "false"
      confidential_issues_events: "false"
      merge_requests_events: "false"
      tag_push_events: "false"
      note_events: "false"
      job_events: "false"
      pipeline_events: "false"
      wiki_page_events: "false"
      enable_ssl_verification: "false"
      token: ""

labels creation

  • gitlab_labels_create - to create labels; correct gitlab_admin_token should be set if gitlab not installed by this role
    default: false
  • gitlab_labels_list - map with labels parameters
      name: 'Skip Deploy'
      color: '#34495E'
      description: ''

nginx configuration

  • gitlab_nginx_listen_port -
    default: ``
  • gitlab_nginx_listen_https -
    default: ``

Example Inventory


Example Playbook

- name: Install and Configure Gitlab
  hosts: gitlab
    - role: lean_delivery.gitlab

Note. For local test in docker

Insert this task in ansible-role-gitlab\tasks\install.yml before "Reconfigure GitLab (first run)."

- name: "Task on CI issue"
  shell: nohup /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    executable: "/bin/bash"
    removes: /usr/bin/gitlab-ctl
  changed_when: false



Author Information
