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Documentation: Pointer Network Architecture Comparison

This documentation file shows the results of an experiment in which I compare different architectures for the pointer attention layer. I use the same toy problem as in pointer demonstration, but train the networks with the REINFORCE algorithm rather than supervised learning.

I'll start by explaining the reinforcement learning setup, then explain the different architectures of the pointer attention layer. After that, I'll show the results and analysis of the networks performance and mechanisms of solving the task.

You can run this experiment yourself with the following command. The default parameters will train 5 networks for each architecture, so this takes about an hour on my computer. For a faster test, use the argument --num-runs 1.

python experiments/


The task is identical to the previous experiment in pointer demonstration, apart from one small detail. The network receives a representation of a set of dominoes, and has to sort them with a pointer network by generating a sequence of indices to the dominoes in its "hand" from highest dominoe value to lowest. See the pointer demonstration documentation for more explanation.

In the demonstration, I used supervised learning to train the network. Here, I use the REINFORCE algorithm. Briefly, the training process performs gradient ascent on a term called $J(\theta)$:

$$\large J(\theta) = \mathbb{E}[\sum_{t=0}^{T-1} r_{t+1} | \pi_\theta]$$

Where $J(\theta)$ represents the expected value of reward over the course of a "rollout" from timesteps $t=0$ to $t=T-1$ given the policy $\pi_\theta$. The gradient of $J(\theta)$ with respect to the policy is:

$$\large \nabla_{\theta}J(\theta) = \sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \nabla_{\theta} \log \pi_{\theta}(a_t | s_t)G_t $$

Where $G_t$ represents the net discounted reward from time $t$ into the future:

$$\large G_t = \sum_{t'=t+1}^{T-1} \gamma^{t'-t-1}r_{t'}$$

Note: thanks to the excellent Medium article written by Chris Yoon for helping me learn this.


As in any reinforcement learning problem, the reward needs to be well-defined and chosen well. For this task, I assign a reward of $1$ if the agent chooses a dominoe that (1) is less than or equal to the value of the previous dominoe and (2) if that dominoe has not been chosen yet. Otherwise, the reward is $-1$. This way, the agent maximizes total reward in a rollout by playing the dominoes in decreasing order of value. Note: unlike the supervised learning method, in which dominoes of equal value have to be played in the same order each time, this RL setup affords flexibility and the order no longer matters for equal value dominoes.

Since each rollout is finite (the number of dominoes the agents have to sort for each batch element was always set to $8$), I chose a discounting factor of $\gamma=1$.


To train the network, I used the Adam optimizer with $lr=1e^{-3}$ and L2 regularization with $\lambda=1e^{-5}$. The $J(\theta)$ term is flipped in sign so the PyTorch gradient descent algorithm effectively performs gradient ascent on this problem.

Additionally, the networks were trained with Thompson sampling and $temperature=5$ to encourage exploration, but returned to a greedy policy with $temperature=1$ for testing.


Just like in the "demonstration" toy problem, training is done with held out dominoes, which are replaced for testing. This checks generalization performance and confirms that the networks are really solving the intended problem and not just memorizing the training data.

New Pointer Attention Architectures

As far as I can tell, the only pointer attention layer that is ever used in the literature is the one introduced in this paper and used in the original paper on pointer networks. Here, I introduce four new architectures (one of which has three variants). I'll refer to them as the "pointer layer" throughout. For more detail, see the code.

Inputs to Pointer Layer

Before the pass through the pointer layer, the full network generates three tensors. First is the encoded tensor, containing the encoded representation of each token in a batch. For example, if the batch size is 512, the maxmimum number of tokens is 12, and the embedding dimension is 256, then the encoded tensor will have shape (512, 12, 256). Second is the context tensor, which characterizes the entire set of tokens per batch element. There is a single context tensor per batch element with the same embedding dimension. Finally, there is an output tensor, which represents the last token chosen by the network. This can either be a weighted average of tokens or a greedy representation of whatever token was chosen.

Let $e = \text{encoded}$, $c = \text{context}$, and $o = \text{output}$.

Standard Pointer Layer -- code

The standard pointer layer projects the encoded and context tensors to a new space, adds them together (with broadcasting), then projects them onto an "attention" vector after passing them through a hyperbolic tangent nonlinearity.

$$\large u_i = v^T \tanh (W_1 e_i + W_2 c)$$

Pointer "Dot" Layer -- code

The pointer dot layer also projects the encoded and context tensors to a new space, but then takes the dot product between each projected encoded vector and the projected context vector. This skips the tanh and projection onto $v^T$. Because the nonlinearity is dropped, a LayerNorm is used on the encoded and context representation before the dot product is taken.

$$\large u_i = LN(W_1 e_i) \cdot LN(W_2 c) $$

Pointer "Dot" Variant 1: Pointer Dot Lean -- code

One variant of the pointer dot layer is called pointer dot lean. It is identical to the above pointer dot layer except it drops the $W_1$ and $W_2$ matrices. This essentially requires the encoder phase of the pointer network to do all the work putting the encoded representations into a space that can be effectively "pointed" to by the context vector.

$$\large u_i = LN(e_i) \cdot LN(c) $$

Pointer "Dot" Variant 2: Pointer Do No Layer Norm -- code

The other variant is identical to the main pointer dot layer, but doesn't use a layer norm. This is a bit noisy, but learns very fast, as you'll see in the results.

$$\large u_i = (W_1 e_i) \cdot (W_2 c) $$

Pointer "Attention" Layer -- code

The pointer attention layer uses a variant of self-attention that I call "multi context attention" (code). This projects "main" inputs to queries, keys, and values using one set of matrices. It also projects "context" inputs to keys and values using a different set of matrices. Then, the main inputs are "attended to" using all keys and values (from both main and context inputs).

For this pointer layer, the main inputs are the encoded representations and the context inputs are both the context representation and the output representation. This leads to a new attended representation of the encoded tokens, which is passed through a hyperbolic tangent and projected onto an "attention" vector $v^T$ just like in the standard pointer layer.

Pointer "Transformer" Layer -- code

The pointer transformer layer is almost identical to the pointer attention layer, except it uses multi context attention followed by the standard double feedforward layer used in transformers.


I trained 5 networks of each architecture and compared their performance on the task. Each curve is an average of the performance of all networks from each type. The number of tokens per "hand" is always 8, which means the best the networks can do in each rollout is a total reward of 8.

Network Performance

The main result of the problem is shown here: pointer arch comp

The left panel shows the average cumulative reward ($\sum_t r_t$) for each rollout across training. All networks learn to solve the task close to optimal performance (i.e. close to an average cumulative reward of $8$). However, networks that use new variants of the pointer layer tend to learn faster. (The standard pointer layer is in blue). All of the "dot" based pointer layers learn extremely quickly, whereas the "attention" and "transformer" layers are comparable to the standard layer.

The right panel shows the testing performance, after returning held-out dominoes to the input data and averaging across 100 epochs for all 5 networks of each architecture. The thick horizontal bar indicates the average and the vertical line indicates the minimum and maximum performance for each network type. Each individual network's performance is shown with a thin horizontal bar. All new architectures are comparable with the standard pointer layer (except for the DotNoLN layer, which appears to have poor generalization). Although it's training trajectory is a bit slower, the transform based pointer layer has the best test performance in terms of the average reward and variance across different models.

This result indicates that the dot based pointer layers may be useful for fast and rapid insight into a problem, whereas the attention and transform based layers may be ideal for excellent performance when highly trained.

Network Confidence

As an additional measure of network performance, I measured the network "confidence" throughout the task. The maximum probability token represents the choice of the network for each output step, so I'll refer to this as network confidence, which, after accounting for accuracy, is a measure of how well the networks have learned the task. I measured the average maximum probability in each output position for the networks during a window of the training phase and during testing. Since the output is forced to be a permutation of the input (by masking), the output confidence of the last token has to be 100%.

pointer confidence

The left panel shows the confidence during training -- this is averaged over the epochs highlighted by the grey patch in the training/testing figure. The right panel shows the confidence during the testing phase. (Note that I corrected for the effect of temperature for the training data).

As in the previous toy problem, the confidence is lowest for the middle parts of the output sequence. This is partly due to the fact that many more dominoes have intermediate values than extreme values (like the sum rolled on a pair of dice), so it's a bit harder to sort in the middle. The average confidence across positions is in close correspondence to the speed of training (compare with the above plot).

All networks improve their confidence over the course of training, reaching near 100% confidence by the testing phase. However, the attention based pointer layer continues to suffer from reductions in confidence for intermediate output positions during testing. Given the fact that some dominoes can be sorted in either direction, this may indicate a better "understanding" of the task... in the sense that if two dominoes could be sorted in either order, the probability of choosing one of them should never be 100%. I haven't tested this yet.

As above, these results suggest a compromise between speed of learning and final test performance, and may motivate using the "dot" based pointer layers in contexts where few-shot learning is helpful.

Variations in Task: Variable Hand Size

I also trained the networks on a task where the hand size (number of tokens to sort per batch element) changes from 4-12 randomly on each batch. The training and testing results are here:

uneven performance

The position dependent confidence results are here: uneven confidence

The results are largely in agreement with before. The "dot" based pointer layer networks learn the task faster, but have a bit lower test performance, whereas the "attention" and "transformer" based pointer layers learn the task at a simpler speed as the standard layer, but have comparable test performance.

Variations in Learning Algorithm: Supervised Learning

I also trained these networks on the same task with supervised learning (using negative log-likelihood loss). The plots are below, but first, a few notes:

  • As described in the toy problem, the target here is not well defined since there are some dominoes with the same value that always have to be sorted the same way. That's why the loss is not 0 -- the networks sort the dominoes perfectly in terms of their value, they just haven't learned the specific ordering rule for equal value dominoes yet.
  • The "PointerDoNoLN" network had an exploding gradient for this task -- (it's actually because of the issue with sorting mentioned above!) so I am not showing it's data here.

Here's the plot of the training and testing performance:

sl results

And here's the plot of the position dependent confidence:

sl confidence.

As before, the "attention" and "transformer" based pointer layers do well on this task, comparable to the standard pointer layer. Although the "dot" based pointer layers have a huge and rapid drop in loss at the beginning of training, they start much higher so end up learning the task slower. This suggests that the dot based pointer layers are better when used in reinforcement learning, when the network has to explore to find out how to perform.

Network Representation of Input

~ in progress! ~

I am in the process of doing a detailed analysis of (1) how these different networks represent their inputs and (2) the precise mechanism of generating scores for each token during the generative phase. As a first pass, I did a simple analysis where I measured the eigenspectrum of the encoded representations for each network architecture.

To measure the eigenspectrum, I generated an input batch with 1024 batch elements (still using 8 tokens per batch element). Then, I processed it through the encoder phase of each pointer network, and measured the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix across the embedding dimension. Note that the encoding architecture is identical across the different networks and the encoded representations do not depend on the pointer layer. Therefore, the only reason this will differ across pointer layer types is because of the structure of the gradients passing through the pointer layers during training.

As a measure of dimensionality, I use the shannon entropy of the normalized eigenvalues, which is highest if each embedding dimension is used equally.

pointer eigenspectra

The left panel shows the normalized eigenspectra for each network. Note that the y-axis is on a log-scale. As (I think) is expected, the first few dimensions carry most of the variance, and there is a log-linear dropoff in variance afterwards. The right panel shows the dimensionality of each network type (as measured by shannon entropy).

The new architectures that perform better than the standard pointer layer have a higher dimensionality in the encoded representations. Although it is not directly correlated with performance, this result could hint at how or why the new architectures perform this task more effectively.