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Documentation: Basic TD-Lambda Agent Training

The primary focus of this repository is to train deep RL models to excel at the game of dominoes. For now, the repository exclusively uses agents trained with the TD-lambda algorithm. I have explored how various TD-lambda agents perform, including analyses related to differences in input structure, network architectures, and training programs.

This documentation file starts by explaining the TD-lambda algorithm and how it is applied to dominoes, then shows how it is implemented by TD-lambda agents.

The TD-Lambda Algorithm

The foundation of the TD-Lambda algorithm is Temporal Difference Learning. In temporal-difference learning, a value function $V(S)$ is used to predict the value ($V$) of the current state ($S$). The value function is adjusted by any rewards (or punishments) that are received ($r$), and the predicted value of the next observed state, with some learning rate $\alpha$ and a discounting of future reward $\gamma$.

$$\large V(S) ← V(S) + \alpha (r + \gamma V(S') - V(S))$$

The term in the parentheses is called the temporal difference error because it reflects the error in predicting the next states reward from the previous state. It is denoted as $\delta$:

$$\large \delta = (r + \gamma V(S') - V(S))$$

Suppose the value function is defined as a neural network $f$ with parameters $\theta$:

$$\large V(S) = f_V(S, \theta)$$

How does one implement an update of the value function? To do so, we need to determine how the parameters of the network affect the estimate of the value. For this, we need the gradient of the value network with respect to the parameters $\theta$:

$$\large \nabla_{\theta}f_V(S, \theta)$$

In an autocorrelated games like dominoes, it makes sense to keep track of how the parameters have been influencing the estimate of the final score throughout each hand. This value is a temporally discounted accumulation of gradients that is referred to as the eligibility trace, because it represents the "eligibility" of each parameter to be updated by temporal difference errors. The eligibility trace is denoted $Z$ and is measured as follows:

$$\large Z_t = \sum_{k=1}^{t}\lambda^{t-k}\nabla_{\theta}f_V(S_k, \theta)$$

Fortunately, this equation is recursive, so it can be updated each time step without recomputing the gradients of all past time steps as follows:

$$\large Z_{t+1} = \lambda Z_t + \nabla_{\theta}f_V(S_t, \theta)$$

Here, $\lambda$ represents the temporal discounting of past eligibility, and is the reason that TD-Lambda gets its name. Lambda scales between zero and one, i.e. $0\le\lambda\le1$. Higher values of lambda lead to longer-lasting memory of how past states lead to future rewards.

Now, we can't just add the eligibility trace to the networks parameters, we have to make sure that we update the parameters such that the value function will become progressively more accurate over time. To do that, the eligibility trace needs to be scaled by the temporal difference error ($\delta$), which makes sure that the sign of the update is right, and also ensures that the scale of the update is proportional to how much error there was in the estimate. And of course, everything is scaled by a learning rate $\alpha$. So, here we have it, looking at the update to a specific parameter $\theta_i$, associated with its own component of the elgibility trace $Z_i$:

$$\large \theta_i ← \theta_i + \alpha \delta Z_i$$

Application of TD-Lambda Learning to Dominoes

In a game of dominoes, the goal of the game is to end each hand with as few points as possible. Therefore, an agent's value function is defined as its estimate of its final score at the end of the game (the sum of the points in its hand when a player goes out - see the rules). Final score is denoted by $R_{final}$.

Following the convention of the influential TD-Gammon model of TD-Lambda learning, the temporal difference is defined in two different ways depending on the game state.

  • If the hand is not over, then the temporal difference is defined as the difference in the models prediction of the final score before and after a turn occurs. The model prediction before and after a turn occurs are referred to, respectively, as the pre-state and the post-state model prediction. For mathematical notation, I will refer to these as $f_V(S_t)$ for pre-state and $f_V(S_{t+})$ for post-state.

$$\large \text{if hand is not over:} \hspace{30pt} \delta_t = f_V(S_{t+}, \theta) - f_V(S_t, \theta)$$

  • If the hand is over, then the temporal difference is defined as the difference between the true final score ($R_{final}$) and the model prediction from the previous game state.

$$\large \text{if hand is over:} \hspace{30pt} \delta_t = R_{final} - f_V(S_t, \theta)$$

To choose a move, TD-lambda agents simply simulate the future game state for each possible legal move and estimate the final score given that simulated future state, then pick whichever move leads to the lowest estimate of their final score.

Features of TD-Lambda Agents

Here, I explain the code that implements TD-lambda in value agents as they learn to play dominoes. This section provides an overview with a few key details; for further information see the code defining TD-lambda agents and the network architectures that are used as value functions.

Overall Architecture

Following the style of the hand-crafted agents in this repository, there is a parent class called valueAgent that defines the core code of any agent learning with the TD-lambda algorithm. This parent class is not meant to be used on its own. Child classes defined within the same file inherit from valueAgent and add their own rules for measuring value. I'll also mention that if you add a new agent, then you should make sure to add it to the standard imports here.

Creating a deep network to represent the value function

This repository contains several network architectures designed to represent the value function (all coded in pytorch). These architectures are located in the networks file and are created by the prepareNetwork() method of each valueAgent. At the time of the network creation, TD-lambda agents also initialize their eligibility traces with torch tensors that have the same shape as the network parameters.

Preparing input to the value function

Since all network architectures are coded in pytorch, the first step of measuring the value of a game state is converting the game state into a torch tensor. Like every dominoeAgent, TD-lambda agents have a method called processGameState() that is called by the gameState() method when the dominoeGame object feeds the game state to each agent. For TD-lambda agents, this takes each component of the game state and converts it to a binarized tensor representation, then uses the additional method prepareValueInputs() to concatenate each tensor into a vector(s) that represents the input to the value function.

Measuring pre-state value estimates

Every turn, the dominoeGame object tells each agent to estimate the pre-state value $f_V(S)$ with the method performPrestateValueEstimate(). Each agent decides whether or not to estimate the pre-state value based on an agent method called checkTurnUpdate(), which returns True or False depending on who's turn it is and also if agents are in the "learning" state, which can be updated by setLearning().

Note: I've found that TD-lambda agents learn most effectively when they estimate and update their value function on every turn, regardless of whether it is their turn. This might be overkill, but it works so that's how the code is setup right now.

Estimating pre-state value is exclusively used to measure the eligibility trace of the value functions's parameters $Z$ with the gradient of the value function $\nabla_{\theta}f_V(S, \theta)$. Therefore, agents first zero their gradients, then estimate the final score given the current game state, and finally compute the gradients to update the eligibility.

Let an agent be known as self, and let finalScoreOutput be the output of the value function, let finalScoreEligibility be the eligibility traces for each parameter, and let finalScoreNetwork be the value function of each agent. Here is the code:

for idx,fsOutput in enumerate(self.finalScoreOutput):
    fsOutput.backward(retain_graph=True) # measure gradient of weights with respect to this output value
    for trace,prms in zip(self.finalScoreEligibility[idx], self.finalScoreNetwork.parameters()):
        trace *= self.lam # discount past eligibility traces by lambda
        trace += prms.grad # add new gradient to eligibility trace
        prms.grad.zero_() # reset gradients for parameters of finalScoreNetwork in between each backward call from the output

We enumerate through the finalScoreOutput (at the moment, this is just a single value representing the own agent's final score estimate, but the code is written so that this can be extended to represent every players final score). Then, we compute the gradient with respect to each output using fsOutput.backward(retain_graph=True), making sure to retain the graph so that it is presevered across the for loop. Then, for each set of parameters (corresponding to the weights and biases of each layer of the finalScoreNetwork), we scale the previous eligibility trace by $\lambda$, add the new gradient, then zero the gradients so each backward call is independent.

Choosing a move

Updating the value function

Saving a trained agent

TD-lambda agents come pre-equipped with methods for saving and loading their parameters, including all value function parameters and any ancillary parameters required by each agent type. These are the methods saveAgentParameters() and loadAgentParameters().