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  • 0527 : 翻译了 序言
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    • 翻译了前言

Building Cryptographic Proofs from Hash Functions

A book by Alessandro Chiesa and Eylon Yogev.


This book provides a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of cryptographic proofs based on ideal hash functions. This includes notable constructions of SNARGs (succinct non-interactive arguments) based on ideal hash functions. For example, STARKs (scalable transparent arguments of knowledge) are an example of such SNARGs.

We discuss several fundamental constructions, including:

  • the Fiat–Shamir transformation;
  • the multi-round Fiat–Shamir transformation;
  • the Kilian transformation;
  • the Micali transformation;
  • the BCS (Ben-Sasson–Chiesa–Spooner) transformation.

We provide detailed security definitions, security proofs, and optimizations. Along the way, we also discuss Merkle commitment schemes in detail, which play an important role in several of the aforementioned transformations.

Security reductions have explicit error bounds, which enables setting security parameters in practice. In most cases our analyses are essentially tight, and we improve upon the fragmented and incomplete treatment of this material that exists in the literature. We adopt uniform terminology and notation throughout the book to highlight the relationships between the different constructions that we cover.

Overall, this book provides an auditable resource can help the community to ensure the cryptographic security of implemented systems.

Comments, suggestions, corrections

We welcome comments (positive or negative!), as well as suggestions or corrections. You can directly submit issues or pull requests to this repository (preferred) or simply email us directly (see emails on our personal homepages).


The source code of the book (and the book itself) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Briefly, you are allowed to share and adapt the source code of this book, provided you give appropriate credit and indicate any changes; moreover, material derived from this book must carry the same license (or one compatible with it). See here for more on this license.

Compiling the book

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You can cite this book using the following template:

  author = {Chiesa, Alessandro and Yogev, Eylon},
  title = {Building Cryptographic Proofs from Hash Functions},
  url = {},
  year = {2024},