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File metadata and controls

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ZFSBackup is a Python module to backup ZFS pools and datasets; it's written in an object-oriented fashion to allow for different backup methods.

Note that ZFSBackup backs up pools and datasets, not individual files.

API Reference

The base class is ZFSBackup:

backup = ZFSBackup("tank", "BackupPool/tank", recursive=True)

This creates an object which can be used to backup "tank" to "BackupPool/tank", recursively. The other classes are

  • ZFSBackupSSH
  • ZFSBackupDirectory
  • ZFSBackupS3
  • ZFSBackupCount

Backups are initiated by

backup.backup(snapname=None, force_full=False)

Specifying a snapshot name will use that; otherwise it will use the most recent snapshot. Unless told not to, it will attempt to do an incremental backup, by quering the targt for a list of snapshots (how depends on which class is used).

ZFSHelper Class

The ZFSHelper class is set up to allow subcommands and threads to be run on behalf of a ZFSBackup object. ZFSHelpers are used both to run subcommands as part of the backup/restore process, and also as the basis for filters (see below). The only two classes that should be used directly are:

  • ZFSHelperCommand Runs a command, possibly with pipes for input and output. The named parameter "command" is an array, e.g., command=["/bin/ls", "-l"]
  • ZFSHelperThread Runs a thread to handle processing. Processing is either handled by supplying a target=callable parameter to the constructor, or by subclassing and providing a process method.

The base class has the following (all optional) named parameters to the constructor:

Parameter Name Description
name The name of the object.
handler A ZFSBackup object to coordinate with. This only requires a HelperFinished method, which takes the ZFSHelper object, and an optional exception (exc=None) parameter. The handler parameter is required.
stdin The standard input to use. If None, then a pipe will be constructed.
stdout The same, but for stdout.
stderr And the last standardone.


Backups can have filters applied, using the class ZFSBackupFilter. ZFSBackupFilters are derived from both the ZFSBackupFilterBase and ZFSHelper classes. A handler object must be passed in to the constructor.

The classes are

  • ZFSBackupFilterThread
  • ZFSBackupFilterCommand
  • ZFSBackupFilterCompressed
  • ZFSBackupFilterCounter
  • ZFSBackupFilterEncrypted

An example use:


which will interpose gzip between the source and target. (Some classes may ignore the filters, as they don't make sense.) Using ZFSBackupFilterCommand, any command can be used; the constructor should be given an array of command and arguments -- one for backing up, and one for restoring. As an example:

`filter = ZFSBackupFilterCommand(backup_command=["/bin/cat"], handler=backup)`

Command-line Usage

In general, you need root access to run zfs send.

The layout for the command-line is

ZFSBackup [common-options] method [method-options]

Common command-line options

  • --dataset/--pool or --snapshot

    This specifies which dataset/pool. One of these options is required. Currently they are all treated the same.

  • --debug

  • --verbose

  • --operation backup|list

    This specifies the operation to perform; the default is backup.

  • --compressed, -C

    Compress the backup. The default is to use gzip, but with --pigz, it will use /usr/local/bin/pigz to compress. This is performed using the ZFSBackupFilterCompressed filter.

  • --encrypted, -E

    Encrypt the backup. The default is no encryption. When using encryption, --password-file=/path must be specified. Optionally, a cipher may be specified with --cipher=cipher; the default is to use the aes-256-cbc cipher. Valid ciphers are determined by using 'openssl list-cipher-commands'.

  • --recursive, -R

    Recursively perform the operation. Currently only valid with backup. The default is to not use recursion.

ZFS replication options

The 'zfs' method replicates from one ZFS pool/dataset to another ZFS dataset. There is only one, mandatory option:

  • --dest, -D

    Specify the destination dataset.

Directory backup options

The "directory" method saves snapshots as files in the given directory. It breaks the snapshot down into multiple chunks, with a maximum size of 2GBytes. It maintains a map file, which is a JSON file with the source dataset as the primary key, and then information about each snapshot for the source.

The options for the "directory" method are:

  • --dest, -D

    The destination directory. This is required.

  • --prefix, -P

    A prefix to use. By default, it will use the hostname.

Backups are thus stored in DEST/PREFIX/chunks/SNAPSHOTCHUNKFILE

S3 backup options

The "s3" method is similar to the "directory" method, but it uses an Amazon S3-compatible server (it has been tested with Amazon's S3, and with the Minio server). It uses a largr chunk size (4GBytes), but otherwise behaves the same as the "directory" method. When glacier transition is enabled (the default), it will set up a transition rule for the given bucket and prefix that will migrate the chunk objects to glacier storage after 1 day.

The "s3" options are:

  • --bucket

    The name of the bucket to use. S3 bucket names must be globally unique on the server.

  • --prefix

    A prefix to use in the bucket. This defaults to the hostname.

  • --key

    The access key used to access the service. The key must be able to list, create, and set lifecycle configuration on buckets, as well as list, create, and delete files within the bucket. The access key is required.

  • --secret

    The secret associated with the given key. This is required.

  • --server

    The URL for an S3-compatible server. The default is to use Amazon.

  • --glacier, --no-glacier

    Whether or not to use glacier. The default is to use glacier.

  • --region

    The region to use.

SSH Backup

The 'ssh' method replicates the pool/dataset to a remote ZFS dataset, using ssh. The options are:

  • --dest, -D

    The target dataset to backup to. This option is required.

  • --host, -H

    The remote host to backup to. This option is required.

  • --user, -U

    The username to use. Default is to use the current user.

It is strongly recommended that password-less login be set up using public and private keys.


  • Restore is not yet implemented.
  • There is currently no way to monitor progress properly.
  • Errors in the sub-processes and filters don't propagate.