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File metadata and controls

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A PersistentVolume's reclaim Policy defines what should be done with it after once released from a a PersistentVolumeClaim. By setting this policy, Volumes may either be _____, Recycled or Deleted. Retained
_____ is the unique identifier of the volume created on the storage backend and returned by the CSI driver during the volume creation. This field is required for dynamically provisioning a snapshot. It specifies the volume source of the snapshot. volumeHandle
PersistentVolumes have a specific storage capacity, configured via their _____ attribute. Capacity
A persistentVolume with no storageClassName can only be bound to PersistentVolumeClaims that request _____. no storageClassName
Snapshots may be _____ or dynamically provisioned. pre-provisioned
VolumeSnapshotContents represent resources in the cluster, and _____ represent requests for those resources. VolumeSnapshots
Can Volumes have hard links to other Volumes? _____ No
A Pod specifies what volumes to provide for its containers in the spec._____ field. volumes
A volume is just a directory with data accessible by _____ when mounted. Containers
It is often necessary to share files between Containers in a Pod. _____ objects are designed to solve this problem. Volume
PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim Objects are used to provision _____. volumes
In _____ volume provisioning, a cluster administrator creates a number of PersistentVolumes which carry the details of the real storage, and are available for use by cluster users. static
If you delete a PersistentVolumeClaim object while a snapshot of it is being taken, its removal is postponed until the snapshot is readyToUse or _____. aborted
PersistentVolumes that are dynamically created by a StorageClass will have a reclaimPolicy defined, which can be either Delete or _____ Retain
A PersistentVolume of a particular storage class can only be bound to _____ requesting that class. PersistentVolumeClaim
A volume has the same lifetime as the _____ that encloses it. Pod
PersistentVolumes support two _____: Filesystem (default) and Block. volumeModes
VolumeSnapshotClass allows you to specify different attributes belonging to a _____. VolumeSnapshot
"PersistentVolume binds are exclusive. Mounting PersistentVolumeClaims with ""Many"" modes (ROX, RWX) is only possible within one _____." namespace
Are PersistentVolume lifecycles dependent on the Pods that use them? _____ No
A volume in _____ access mode can be mounted as read-write by many nodes ReadWriteMany
Snapshots may be pre-provisioned or _____. dynamically provisioned
A _____ with no storageClassName can only be bound to PersistentVolumeClaims that request no storageClassName. persistentVolume
A PersistentVolumeClaim to PersistentVolume binding is a bi-directional, one-to-one mapping represented by a _____ field. ClaimRef
A PersistentVolumeClaim is in use by a Pod. A user deletes the PersistentVolumeClaim. Is the PersistentVolumeClaim immediately deleted? _____ No - it is postponed until the PersistentVolumeClaim is no longer used by any Pods.
A volume is said to be _____ when the volume has failed its automatic reclamation. Failed
VolumeSnapshot and _____ Objects are used to provision volume snapshots. VolumeSnapshotContent
A PersistentVolume may be provisioned either _____ or dynamically. statically
VolumeSnapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent Objects are used to provision _____. volume snapshots
A Pod's volumes are _____ after their Pod is deleted. deleted
A PersistentVolume can have its StorageClass specified by setting the _____ attribute. storageClassName
If a PersistentVolume was dynamically provisioned for a new PersistentVolumeClaim, the loop will _____ them together. bind
A volume is said to be _____, when the claim has been deleted, but the resource is not yet reclaimed by the cluster. Released
A persistentVolume with no storageClassName can only be bound to _____ that request no storageClassName. PersistentVolumeClaims
PersistentVolumes can be bound to a PersistentVolumeClaim if they both have the same _____. StorageClassName
"A volume with _____ set to ""Block"" represents a raw block device without a filesystem. These volumes provide Pods with the fastest access, but the application must know how to handle a raw block device." volumeMode
A Pod uses a PersistentVolume that has a node affinity towards certain nodes. Whcih node will the Pod be scheduled on? _____ The node where the PV is available from.
A _____ Object represents a snapshot of a volume on a storage system. VolumeSnapshot
_____ represent resources in the cluster, and VolumeSnapshots represent requests for those resources. VolumeSnapshotContents
"A deleted PersistentVolumeClaim is subject to a reclaim policy. The ""Retain"" policy allows for manual reclamation of resources in the future - the PersistentVolume remains in existence and is considered ""_____"" but unavailable for another claim while the previous claimant's data remains on the volume." Released
In pre-provisioned binding, a VolumeSnapshot will remain unbound until the requested _____ object is created. VolumeSnapshotContent
Mounted directories accessible from inside containers are called _____ Volumes
For volume plugins that support the _____ reclaim policy, deletion removes both the PersistentVolume object and the associated storage asset in the external cloud infrastructure. Volumes that were dynamically provisioned inherit the reclaim policy of their storageClass, which defaults to Delete. Administrators should configure the StorageClass according to users' expectations; otherwise, the PV must be edited or patched after it is created. Delete
When a Container crashes, kubelet will restart it, but its on-disk files will be lost unless stored on a _____. Volume
A volume is said to be _____ when it is free and not yet bound to a claim. Available
A _____ specifies what volumes to provide for its containers in the spec.volumes field. Pod
If you delete a PersistentVolumeClaim object while a snapshot of it is being taken, its removal is postponed until the snapshot is _____ or aborted. readyToUse
PersistentVolumeClaims remain unbound if no matching _____ exists, and will be bound when one becomes available. volume
"A deleted PersistentVolumeClaim is subject to a reclaim policy. The ""_____"" policy allows for manual reclamation of resources in the future - the PersistentVolume remains in existence and is considered ""Released"" but unavailable for another claim while the previous claimant's data remains on the volume." Retain
Is a Volume preserved across Container restarts? _____ Yes
In pre-provisioned binding, a _____ will remain unbound until the requested VolumeSnapshotContent object is created. VolumeSnapshot
You can provision a new volume, pre-populated with data from a snapshot, by filling the _____ field in a PersistentVolumeClaim object. dataSource
Can Volumes mount other volumes? _____ No
"A volume with volumeMode set to ""_____"" represents a raw block device without a filesystem. These volumes provide Pods with the fastest access, but the application must know how to handle a raw block device." Block
A _____ is just a directory with data accessible by Containers when mounted. volume
A _____ of a particular storage class can only be bound to PersistentVolumeClaim requesting that class. PersistentVolume
Are VolumeSnapshot, VolumeSnapshotContent, and VolumeSnapshotClass part of the core Kubernetes API? _____ No - they are CustomResourceDefinitions.
VolumeSnapshot support is only available for _____ drivers. CSI
PersistentVolume and _____ Objects are used to provision volumes. PersistentVolumeClaim
A PersistentVolume may be provisioned either statically or _____. dynamically
You can request that a snapshot to be dynamically taken from a PersistentVolumeClaim by defining a _____ Object with parameters for the snapshot. VolumeSnapshotClass
The Kubernetes control plane watches for new PersistentVolumeClaims, and if it has found a matching PersistentVolume it _____ them. binds
A volume with volumeMode: _____ is mounted into Pods into a directory. If the volume is backed by a block device and the device is empty, Kuberneretes creates a filesystem on the device before mounting it for the first time. Filesystem
A PersistentVolume's _____ Policy defines what should be done with it after once released from a a PersistentVolumeClaim. By setting this policy, Volumes may either be Retained, Recycled or Deleted. reclaim
A volume in _____ access mode can be mounted as read-write by a single node ReadWriteOnce
Dynamic volume provisioning is enabled by creating one or more _____ objects for cluster users. StorageClass
PersistentVolumes support two volumeModes: _____ (default) and Block. Filesystem
A PersistentVolume's _____ constraints what nodes the volume can be accessed from. node affinity
_____ allows you to specify different attributes belonging to a VolumeSnapshot. VolumeSnapshotClass
Once a PersistentVolumeClaim is bound, its PersistentVolume belongs to the user for as long as they need it. Users schedule Pods and access their claimed PersistentVolumes by including a persistentVolumeClaim section in a Pod's _____ field. volumes
Can a volume be mounted using several access modes at a time? _____ No
PersistentVolumes support two volumeModes: Filesystem (default) and _____. Block
A _____ object represents a snapshot taken from a volume. VolumeSnapshotContent
PersistentVolumes that are dynamically created by a StorageClass will have a reclaimPolicy defined, which can be either _____ or Retain Delete
The Kubernetes control plane watches for new PersistentVolumeClaims, and if it has found a matching _____ it binds them. PersistentVolume
In static volume provisioning, a cluster administrator creates a number of _____ which carry the details of the real storage, and are available for use by cluster users. PersistentVolumes
_____ and VolumeSnapshotContent Objects are used to provision volume snapshots. VolumeSnapshot
We delete a PersistentVolume bound to a PersistentVolumeClaim. Is the PersistentVolume deleted immediately? _____ No
A PersistentVolume's reclaim Policy defines what should be done with it after once released from a a PersistentVolumeClaim. By setting this policy, Volumes may either be Retained, Recycled or _____. Deleted
A Pod specifies where and how to mount its volumes inside its containers in the .spec.containers[*]._____ field. volumeMounts
A PersistentVolumeClaim can be expanded if its storageClass has field _____ set to true. To expand it, edit the PersistentVolumeClaim object and specify a larger size. This triggers expansion of the volume that backs the underlying PersistentVolume. A new PersistentVolume is never created to satisfy the claim. Instead, an existing volume is resized. allowVolumeExpansion
_____ and PersistentVolumeClaim Objects are used to provision volumes. PersistentVolume
A PersistentVolume's reclaim Policy defines what should be done with it after once released from a a PersistentVolumeClaim. By setting this policy, Volumes may either be Retained, _____ or Deleted. Recycled
A PersistentVolumeClaim can request a particular storage class by specifying the name of a StorageClass using the attribute _____. storageClassName
In _____ snapshot provisioning, a cluster administrator creates a number of VolumeSnapshotContents carrying details of the real volume snapshot on the storage system. They exist in the Kubernetes API and are available for consumption. pre-provisioned
A volume in _____ access mode can be mounted read-only by many nodes ReadOnlyMany
PersistentVolume deletion is not immediate. It is postponed until _____ the PersistentVolume is no longer bound to a PersistentVolumeClaim.
Can you resize an in-use PersistentVolumeClaim? _____. Yes, via ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes
When no static PersistentVolume matches a PersistentVolumeClaim, the cluster may try to dynamically provision a volume specially for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The PersistentVolumeClaim must request a _____ with dynamic provisioning configured. storageClass