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File metadata and controls

336 lines (288 loc) · 8.38 KB
An object's metadata._____ status field denotes its parent object. If empty, the child object will be garbage collected and removed. ownerReference
A _____ API object stores confidential key-value pairs. Pods can consume them as environment variables, command-line arguments, or mount them as volumes. Secret
_____ are key-value pairs that identify resources, and can be matched by the Selectors of other resources. Labels
In clusters that mount tens of thousands unique Secrets/ConfigMaps to Pods or more, Secrets and Configmaps can be configured as _____ to significantly increase performance, as kube-apiserver will no longer watch for secrets or config maps. immutable
An API Object's _____.finalizers field holds a list of strings, all of which must be explicitly removed before the object can be deleted from the cluster. metadata
_____ enables cloud providers to release features at a different pace compared to the main Kubernetes project. cloud-controller-manager
In Kubernetes request/limit terms, 1 CPU equals _____ on bare-metal Intel processors. 1 hyperthread
A custom resource is _____. an extension of the Kubernetes API
If the data you want to store are confidential, use a _____ rather than a ConfigMap. Secret
An object's _____.ownerReference status field denotes its parent object. If empty, the child object will be garbage collected and removed. metadata
A ResourceQuota may constraint aspects of a _____ such as maximum resource consumption or maximum allowed number of Objects of a specific Kind. namespace
A ConfigMap API object stores non-confidential key-value pairs. Pods can consume them as environment variables, command-line arguments, or as _____. volumes
_____ allow you to create your own custom Kubernetes objects, to store any data you wish. CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs)
A Secret API object stores confidential key-value pairs. Pods can consume them as _____, command-line arguments, or mount them as volumes. environment variables
An API Object's metadata.finalizers field holds a list of strings, all of which must be explicitly removed before the object can be _____ from the cluster. deleted
A ConfigMap API object stores non-confidential key-value pairs. Pods can consume them as environment variables, _____, or as volumes. command-line arguments
A Secret API object stores confidential key-value pairs. Pods can consume them as environment variables, command-line arguments, or mount them as _____. volumes
A Secret API object stores confidential key-value pairs. Pods can consume them as environment variables, _____, or mount them as volumes. command-line arguments
An object's metadata.ownerReference status field denotes its parent object. If empty, the child object will be _____. garbage collected and removed
A _____ API object is set per namespace LimitRange
_____ are key/value pairs you may write in the metadata of objects. Labels
The _____ namespace holds the public data of a Kubernetes cluster. kube-public
A LimitRange API object is set per _____ namespace
A _____ is an extension of the Kubernetes API. custom resource
ConfigMaps are mounted to a Pod via its .spec._____ field volumes
A LimitRange API Object can enforce a ratio between requests and limits for _____ in a namespace. containers
A _____ can enforce minimum and maximum resource usage per Pod or Container in a namespace. LimitRange
A LimitRange API Object can enforce a ratio between requests and _____ for containers in a namespace. limits
metrics-server provides metrics via the resource metrics API, used by _____s to collect metrics. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
A _____ API object stores non-confidential key-value pairs. Pods can consume them as environment variables, command-line arguments, or as volumes. ConfigMap
You can enforce minimum and maximum storage request per PersistentVolumeClaim in a namespace using a _____ LimitRange
A _____ API Object can enforce a ratio between requests and limits for containers in a namespace. LimitRange
A _____ may constraint aspects of a namespace such as maximum resource consumption or maximum allowed number of Objects of a specific Kind. ResourceQuota
When a ConfigMap is updated, the projected keys inside the Pod which mount the ConfigMap are _____. The kubelet periodically checks that every mounted ConfigMap is fresh, though it also uses its own local configurable cache for getting the current value of the ConfigMap. eventually updated
When teams share a cluster with limited resources, one team could use more than its fair share. _____ objects address this concern. ResorceQuota
metrics-server provides metrics via the _____ API, used by Horizontal Pod Autoscalers to collect metrics. resource metrics
A ConfigMap API object stores non-confidential key-value pairs. Pods can consume them as _____, command-line arguments, or as volumes. environment variables
Labels are key-value pairs that identify resources, and can be matched by the _____ of other resources. Selectors
_____ provides metrics via the resource metrics API, used by Horizontal Pod Autoscalers to collect metrics. metrics-server
If too many Pods run with high priority, lower priority Pods may start being _____. evicted or unschedulable
The _____ namespace holds Kubernetes system processes. kube-system
Labels are key/value pairs you may write in the _____ of objects. metadata
The _____ daemon embeds the core control loops of Kubernetes. kube-controller-manager
When a ConfigMap is updated, the projected keys inside the Pod which mount the ConfigMap are eventually updated. The _____ periodically checks that every mounted ConfigMap is fresh, though it also uses its own local configurable cache for getting the current value of the ConfigMap. kubelet
A LimitRange API Object can enforce a ratio between requests and limits for containers in a _____. namespace
An API Object's metadata._____ field holds a list of strings, all of which must be explicitly removed before the object can be deleted from the cluster. finalizers
In Kubernetes request/limit terms, _____ equals 1 hyperthread on bare-metal Intel processors. 1 CPU
A LimitRange API Object can enforce a ratio between _____ and limits for containers in a namespace. requests