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⚠️ olderCanada and olderUSA support may break at anytime because Nissan keep changing the API key. Thank you Nissan for working against your customers.

⚠️ If you're not using the Leaf frequently, stop the container or drastically reduce the update frequency, or you could well end up with a flat 12V battery.

This works for my Canadian made in 2018 LEAF 40kWh. It was also reported to be working on a newer than May 2019 Leaf.

You must have a working MQTT broker on your LAN.

Should work with multiple Leafs, but it is untested. Please open an issue with feedback if possible.


Home Assistant add-on

Click the icon below to add this repository to your Home Assistant instance or follow the procedure highlighted on the Home Assistant website.

Install leaf2mqtt add-on repo.

Pre-built images

You can use pre-built images from here:

tag example: kamikac/leaf2mqtt:latest

Building the image

docker build --tag leaf2mqtt .

     -- OR --

cp local_settings.env.tmpl local_settings.env
docker-compose build

Running the image

Parameter Optional Description
LEAF_USERNAME No Your NissanConnect username
LEAF_PASSWORD No Your NissanConnect password
LEAF_TYPE No newerThanMay2019, olderCanada, olderUSA, olderEurope, olderAustralia or olderJapan
MQTT_HOST No IP or hostname of your mqtt broker. Localhost or will not work when using Docker, use real host LAN ip
MQTT_PORT Yes Port of your mqtt broker. Default is 1883
MQTT_USERNAME Yes Your mqtt username
MQTT_PASSWORD Yes Your mqtt password
MQTT_BASE_TOPIC Yes The root MQTT topic for leaf2mqtt. Default is "leaf"
UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES Yes Time between automatic status refresh. Default is 60
CHARGING_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES* Yes Time between automatic status refresh when charging. Default is 15
COMMAND_ATTEMPTS Yes Number of attempts for any command regardless of success or failure. Since some of the Nissan apis are unreliable, I recommend a value of 5. Default is 1.
LOG_LEVEL Yes The log verbosity used by leaf2mqtt. Default is "Warning"


docker run --restart always -e LEAF_USERNAME="[email protected]" -e LEAF_PASSWORD="Some P4ssword!" -e LEAF_TYPE="newerThanMay2019" -e MQTT_HOST= -e UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES=1440 -e COMMAND_ATTEMPTS=5 --name leaf2mqtt leaf2mqtt

     -- OR --

Edit local_settings.env
docker-compose up -d

ℹ️* The CHARGING_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES value will only be used after the ongoing UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES is elapsed and the Leaf is charging.

Status and Commands

In these examples, the MQTT_BASE_TOPIC is set to the default (leaf).



Topic Type Description
leaf/{vin}/nickname String The reported nickname of the leaf
leaf/{vin}/vin String The reported vin of the leaf
leaf/{vin}/lastErrorDateTimeUtc Iso8601 UTC The datetime of the last failed command execution or status query
leaf/{vin}/json String A json representation of all general status


Topic Payload Description
leaf/{vin}/command update Request an update for all status



Topic Type Description
leaf/{vin}/battery/percentage Integer The last reported battery charge of the leaf
leaf/{vin}/battery/connected Boolean True if the leaf is reported as currently connected. False otherwise
leaf/{vin}/battery/charging Boolean True if the leaf is reported as currently charging. False otherwise
leaf/{vin}/battery/capacity Double The reported total capacity of the battery
leaf/{vin}/battery/chargingSpeed String can be one of None, Slow, Normal or Fast
leaf/{vin}/battery/cruisingRangeAcOffKm Integer Range left with climate off in kilometers as estimated by the Leaf
leaf/{vin}/battery/cruisingRangeAcOffMiles Integer Range left with climate off in miles as estimated by the Leaf
leaf/{vin}/battery/cruisingRangeAcOnKm Integer Range left with climate on in kilometers as estimated by the Leaf
leaf/{vin}/battery/cruisingRangeAcOnMiles Integer Range left with climate on in miles as estimated by the Leaf
leaf/{vin}/battery/timeToFullTrickleInMinutes String The reported time (H:MM:SS.mmmmmm) to fully charge when trickling (~1kw)
leaf/{vin}/battery/timeToFullL2InMinutes String The reported time (H:MM:SS.mmmmmm) to fully charge when charging in half speed L2 (~3kw)
leaf/{vin}/battery/timeToFullL2_6kwInMinutes String The reported time (H:MM:SS.mmmmmm) to fully charge when charging in full speed L2 (~6kw)
leaf/{vin}/battery/lastUpdatedDateTimeUtc Iso8601 UTC The datetime when the last battery values were updated
leaf/{vin}/battery/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc Iso8601 UTC The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last battery values
leaf/{vin}/battery/json String A json representation of all battery status


Topic Payload Description
leaf/{vin}/command/battery update Request an update for all battery status
leaf/{vin}/command/battery startCharging Request the Leaf to start charging



Topic Type Description
leaf/{vin}/climate/cabinTemperatureC Double The reported cabin temperature in Celsius
leaf/{vin}/climate/cabinTemperatureF Double The reported cabin temperature in Fahrenheit
leaf/{vin}/climate/runningStatus Boolean True if the Leaf is reporting the HVAC as running. False otherwise
leaf/{vin}/climate/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc Iso8601 UTC The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last climate values
leaf/{vin}/climate/json String A json representation of all climate status


Topic Payload Description
leaf/{vin}/command/climate update Request an update for all climate status
leaf/{vin}/command/climate start Request the Leaf to start climate control
leaf/{vin}/command/climate startC XY Request the Leaf to start climate control at XY Celsius
leaf/{vin}/command/climate startF XY Request the Leaf to start climate control at XY Fahrenheit
leaf/{vin}/command/climate stop Request the Leaf to stop climate control


{TimeRange} must be daily or monthly.


Topic Type Description
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/targetDate Iso8601 The reported target date of the stats
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/travelTimeHours double The reported time traveled in hours during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/travelDistanceMiles double The reported miles traveled during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/travelDistanceKilometers double The reported kilometers traveled during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/milesPerKwh double The reported miles per kWh during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kilometersPerKwh double The reported kilometers per kWh during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kwhUsed double The reported kWh consumption during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kwhPerMiles double The reported kWh consumption per miles during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kwhPerKilometers double The reported kWh consumption per km during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/co2ReductionKg double The reported number of co2 in Kg saved during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/tripsNumber int The reported number of trips during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kwhGained Double The reported total regen in kWh during specified time range
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc Iso8601 UTC The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last stats values
leaf/{vin}/stats/json String A json representation of all stats


Topic Payload Description
leaf/{vin}/command/stats/{TimeRange} update YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Request an update for daily or monthly stats. Date must respect Iso8601



Topic Type Description
leaf/{vin}/location/latitude String The reported last known location's latitude in decimal degrees
leaf/{vin}/location/longitude String The reported last known location's longitude in decimal degrees
leaf/{vin}/location/coordinates String The reported last known location (combined latitude and longitude in decimal degrees)
leaf/{vin}/location/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc Iso8601 UTC The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last location values
leaf/{vin}/location/json String A json representation of all location status


Topic Payload Description
leaf/{vin}/command/location update Request an update for the last known location

Cockpit Status


Topic Type Description
leaf/{vin}/cockpitStatus/totalMileage Double The total mileage from the vehicle. The unit (km or miles) depends on the regional area.
leaf/{vin}/cockpitStatus/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc Iso8601 UTC The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last cockpit status values
leaf/{vin}/cockpitStatus/json String A json representation of all cockpit status


Topic Payload Description
leaf/{vin}/command/cockpitStatus update Request an update for the cockpit status

ℹ️ The status and commands for the first Leaf in the account are also supported by using the same topic without the {vin}.

⚠️ Not all status and commands are supported for a given leaf type due to Carwings, NissanConnectNA or NissanConnect api limitations.

Home Assistant Integration

Sensor examples

    - name: leaf_battery_level
      # Since VIN is not specified, it will represent the state from the first vehicle in the account.
      state_topic: "leaf/battery/percentage"
      unit_of_measurement: "%"
      device_class: battery

    - name: leaf_battery_last_updated
      # Since VIN is not specified, it will represent the state from the first Leaf in the account.
      state_topic: "leaf/battery/lastUpdatedDateTimeUtc"
      device_class: timestamp

    - name: leaf_battery_last_received
      # You can specify the vin if you prefer or if you have more than one Leaf.
      state_topic: "leaf/XXXXXSOMEXVINXXXXX/battery/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc"
      device_class: timestamp

Recommended Battery Status Update Script

In Home Assistant, calling a script like this - service: script.some_script_name within another script or automation will actually stop the execution of the calling script until script.some_script_name terminates, unlike using script.turn_on. Knowing this, you can ensure you have the latest state for your leaf before continuing an automation using a script like this:

  # Using queued will ensure you do not update twice at the same time and will prevent
  # subsequent invocations from asking an update right away because of the while's conditions.
  # All the callers will also wait for the result.
  mode: queued
    - repeat:
          # Used with the sensors in the section above, this condition will
          # ensure we continue until the states are really updated.
          # It will also prevent subsequent calls from unnecessarily requesting
          # an update before the current state is 10 minutes old.
          - >
            {{ as_timestamp(now()) -
              as_timestamp(states('sensor.leaf_battery_last_updated')) > 600 }}

          # We also stop the loop after 4 tries since Nissan servers can send the same
          # old data many times in a row. I think this happens when the state did not really changed
          # or the Leaf is unreachable. 
          - "{{ repeat.index <= 4 }}"

          # We publish the update command for the car. 
          # You can also ommit the VIN to target the first Leaf in the account.
          # You can also request update for every state for one Leaf by removing the /battery section
          - service: mqtt.publish
              topic: "leaf/XXXXXSOMEXVINXXXXX/command/battery"
              payload: "update"
          # We now wait until we actually have received a response or if we timed out.
          # This does not mean that the received data is the latest. This is why
          # we check sensor.leaf_battery_last_updated in the while condition.
          - wait_for_trigger:
              - platform: state
                entity_id: sensor.leaf_battery_last_received
            timeout: 600
    # Let's have a cool down to give time to Home Assistant to update all the states.
    - delay: "00:00:10"

OpenHAB integration

Once you configure and start application you can configure OpenHAB to get data for your Leaf. Example config file is here and documentation is here
