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383 lines (223 loc) · 14.2 KB

File metadata and controls

383 lines (223 loc) · 14.2 KB

121 Days Of Code - Log

*Added 21 days due to sick-time, and various other days missed.

Day 1: January 3, 2017

Today's Progress: Finished up the last of the Free Code Camp microservice projects - File Metadata. Added the Readme for this as well as previous microservice projects. General cleanup.

Thoughts: I really struggled with CSS, but, overall, I feel like I am slowly getting better at it. Canvas is still new for me, but I managed to figure out some basic functionality.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: File Metadata
  2. App Demo: File Metadata

Day 2: January 4, 2017

Today's Progress: Ditching the comfort zone and trying to build an app with Koa instead of Express. Mostly reading today, stood up a super basic Koa server that will be the future home of the Free Code Camp Voting App.

Thoughts: Completely underestimated the ammount of reading required to start understaind Koa vs Express. Getting out of my comfort zone is good. Generators seem fun!

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 3: January 5, 2017

Today's Progress: Took a break from Koa/Voting App to learn about JS driven, 60fps animations.

Thoughts: Browser based animation can be amazing when combining CSS and JS. Otherwise, exhausting day. Need to be more prudent about setting aside enough time for this challenge.

Link(s) to Work:

Day 4: January 6, 2017

Today's Progress: Worked through the entire Kick-Off-Koa series to get a focused overview of the library.

Thoughts: I think I have enough base Koa knowledge to start roughing out the architecture for the Free Code Camp Voting App. Onward and upward!

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Kick-Off-Koa

Day 5: January 7, 2017

Today's Progress: Added the front-end architecture to the voting app. Materialize, jQuery, Pug.

Thoughts: Enjoying the light weight of Koa. Although I'm seeing the potential for the ultra-modular nature of Koa being annoying vs the "well-rounded" out of the box functionality of Express. Definitely looking forward to how the dev experience with Koa continues...

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 6: January 8, 2017

Today's Progress: Added an external mongodb connection. Setup Registration form and verified connection with database. Learned A LOT about user authentication.

Thoughts: Lots of reading/learning today on user authentication, WHEW! Part of my strategy for the FCC Voting app is to do everything at a low level and avoid relying on node modules for everything (Passport.js). While I have added a few modules, they've been for things that I don't consider to be on the main learning path for this project.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 7: January 9, 2017

Today's Progress: Continued learning on user authentication on a low level. Roughed out the user login route for the voting app.

Thoughts: More user auth learning. Getting more comfortable in the Koa patterns using yields.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 8: January 10, 2017

Today's Progress: Implemented user session/cookies on login and removal on logout.

Thoughts: Today I was reminded to be flexible and willing to adjust approach in order to get things done.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 9: January 11, 2017

Today's Progress: Implemented Hash on user passwords for more secure storage.

Thoughts: Today revealed some blind spots in my async/await | generator control flow knowledge.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 10: January 12, 2017

Today's Progress: Implemented csrf protection via form tokens.

Thoughts: Long days make this commitment hard to complete. May have to take some ligher styling/css days to get through these longer days.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 11, 12, 13, 14: January 13 - 16, 2017

Progress: Took a detour and wrote an introductory presentation about D3.js I'll be giving on February 2nd.

Thoughts: This will be my first developer style presentation I've ever given, so I'm honestly a bit nervous.

Link(s) to Work:
Will update with slide-deck after the talk.

Day 15: January 17, 2017

Progress: None.

Thoughts: Family and general adulting simply took priority today. Life is a balance and sometimes that means making hard compromises. Back at it again tomorrow!

Day 16: January 18, 2017

Progress: Added a general account overview route and cleaned up the styles for the Voting App.

Thoughts: User authentication is still oddly fun and intriguing for me. Definitely didn't expect that...

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 17, 18: January 19, 20, 2017

Progress: Cleaned up the logged-in home page. Roughed out the basic data model for Polls. Added Route to create Polls.

Thoughts: Life continues to be crazy, but this challenge is helping to keep me honest. Ship code daily, or at least write daily and ship when I can!

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 19: January 21, 2017

Progress: Added routes and views for users to view specific polls via http link.

Thoughts: Just keep going...

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 20: January 22, 2017

Progress: Added ability for users to delete polls they have created.

Thoughts: Mongoose is fun... sometimes!

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App

Day 21 - 37: SICK! :(

Day 38: February 8th, 2017

Progress: Uploaded the app to heroku for public viewing of progress as I continue.

Thoughts: Two things. 1 - I'm BACK! No longer sick and can think clearly again. WooHoo! 2 - Public eyes on my progress (heroku) may help with motivation.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 39: February 9th, 2017

Progress: Completed array-cardio-2 in with Wes Bos.

Thoughts: Had both the ability and the fluidity in completeing this without watching the video/tutorial which was very reassuring.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Array Cardio 2

Day 40: February 10th, 2017

Progress: Added ability to edit polls in the voting app.

Thoughts: Writing this voting app has been fun so far, but I'm already seeing a massive refactoring coming for readability, applied learnings, and maintainability concerns.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 41: February 11th, 2017

Progress: Realized that many of my commits were not counting in the Github streak graph due to a computer I set up that had a bad (local) email address being used. Took a trip down Git-lane and learned about rewriting commit history in a repo.

Thoughts: Git is powerful, and it's easy to make a big mess if not vigalent.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub Commit Histories!

Day 42: February 12th, 2017

Progress: Added a warning to the edit page in the voting app to inform that editing a poll resets voting.

Thoughts: I'm curious to see how developing my next app project with Express goes in regards to productivity. Koa is great though.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 43: February 13th, 2017

Progress: Completed a couple more exercises: html5-canvas, and slid-in-on-scroll.

Thoughts: Canvas is fun!

Link(s) to Work:

  1. HTML5 Canvas Click and drag your mouse arround.
  2. Slide in on Scroll Scroll up/down page.

Day 44: February 14th, 2017

Progress: Restricted authenticated and unauthenticated users to only one vote per poll.

Thoughts: Spoiler alert: IP Address tracking! Keeping this challenge going, even on Valentines day.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 45: February 15th, 2017

Progress: Add bar-chart views for poll results after voting on a poll.

Thoughts: Hit some good thought exercies on architecture approaches: separate front-end from back-end, SPA apps, and isomorphic rendering.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 46: February 16th, 2017

Progress: Completed exercise reference vs copy. Debugged IP address detection issue on Heroku.

Thoughts: Getting into the final stretch with the Voting App! A few more user stories and the free code camp project will be DONE.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: JS30: ref v copy
  2. GitHub: Voting App
  3. DEMO: Voting App

Day 47: February 17th, 2017

Progress: Added ability for registered users to delete their account in the FCC - Voting App.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 48: February 18th, 2017

Progress: Modularlized routes for the app to clean up concerns. Added koa-router for cleaner http verb routes.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 49: February 19th, 2017

Progress: Styled up bottons to add/remove options when creating or editing polls.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 50: February 20th, 2017

Progress: Fixed bugs in options add/remove functionality. Further refactored routes.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 51: February 21st, 2017

Progress: Style updates on voting app. Cleaned up single poll page and restricted formatting on bar chart Y-axis.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 52: February 22nd, 2017

Progress: Completed exercise local storage.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: JS30: local storage

Day 53: February 23rd, 2017

Progress: Completed exercise sort without articles.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: JS30: sort sans articles

Day 54: February 24th, 2017

Progress: Completed exercise css test shadow moves with mouse.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: JS30: move with mouse

Day 55: February 25th, 2017

Progress: Voting app: Fixed bug with username in front-end form field. Added all polls to homepage. Enabled vote tracking on single poll pages.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 56: February 26th, 2017

Progress: Patched has-voted status on user-poll list pages.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 57: February 27th, 2017

Progress: Refactor IP Address logging for poll has-voted status. Adjusted app file structure.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 58: February 28th, 2017

Progress: Various bug fixes in voting app.

Thoughts: -

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 59: March 1st, 2017

Day 60: March 2nd, 2017

Day 61: March 3rd, 2017

Day 62: March 4th, 2017

Progress: FAILED!

Thoughts: Grumble. Add it to the overtime day count!

Link(s) to Work:

Day 63: March 5th, 2017

Progress: Turned on ESLint and cleaned up code.

Thoughts: Was interesting to keep the linter off for a while to see what general code habits I tend toward.

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Voting App
  2. DEMO: Voting App

Day 64: March 6th, 2017

Progress: Setup the base app structure to begin the Free Code Camp Nightlife Coordination app.

Thoughts: Holy crap create-react-app made setting this up easy, and with the ability to eject once the setup is just right cannot be beat!

Link(s) to Work:

  1. GitHub: Nightlife App