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1692 lines (1521 loc) · 51.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1692 lines (1521 loc) · 51.3 KB

Shortcut file to load tables from files and roll them.

This shortcut-file has a tutorial video available: Using the "tablefiles" shortcut-file to roll tables in text files (runtime 9:00)

__ __

// The heading for a folder-table
const HEADING_FTABLE = "~folder~";

// Make a roll from 1 to max.
function roll(max) { return Math.trunc(Math.random() * max + 1); }

// Pick an item from array a, weighted by element wIndex of the item.  If theRoll is
// passed, use that as the roll.
function aPickWeight(a, wIndex, theRoll)
	wIndex = wIndex || 1;
	theRoll = theRoll || roll(a.last()[wIndex]);
	for (const item of a)
		if (item[wIndex] >= theRoll)
			return item;
	return a.last();

// Remove any tilde-encased text from the start of the string
function removeTildeHeader(path)
	if (!path?.match) { return path; }
	return path.match("^(?:~.*~)?(.*)")[1];

function getTableFilesFromPath(path)
	// Get the file object for the given path, early out if not available
	const file = app.vault.fileMap[removeTildeHeader(path)];
	if (!file) { return null; }

	// Folder-tables MUST be folders and are just themselves
	if (path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
		if (!file.children) { return null; }
		return [ file ];

	// Path isn't a folder-table.  If path is a file, just return itself
		return [ file ];

	// Path is a folder.  Gather all the child files recursively.
	result = [];
	toRecurse = [ file ];
	// Keep going while we have folders left to pull files from
	while (toRecurse.length)
		// Remove one of the folders in "toRecurse" to iterate over it
		const beingRecursed = toRecurse.pop();

		// Go over the children for the folder
		for (const child of beingRecursed.children)
			// If a file, just add it to the result list
			if (!child.children)

			// If a folder, add it to the "toRecurse" list to go over it later

	return result;

function getAllTableFiles()
	let result = [];

	// Get the stored paths of tables, folders, folder-tables
	const rawPaths = _inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths;

	// Iterate over the paths to get just the table paths
	for (const path in rawPaths)
		// Get all files associated with the current path
		const tableFilesFromPath = getTableFilesFromPath(path);

		// If path had no files, skip it
		if (!tableFilesFromPath) { continue; }

		// Add all files to the tablePaths (as their paths)
		if (path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
			result.push(HEADING_FTABLE + tableFilesFromPath[0]);
			result = result.concat(tableFilesFromPath);

	return result;

// Update tracking of the frontmatter-config based titles of tables in path, or ALL
// tables if path is undefined.
function trackFmTitles(path)
	// Track path to fmTitle (reverse) to recognize and handle changes to titles
	let pathToTitle = {};
	for (const key in _inlineScripts.tablefiles.fmConfigTitles)
		pathToTitle[ _inlineScripts.tablefiles.fmConfigTitles[key] ] = key;

	// Go over all table-files either in the given path, or in total (if no path)
	let tableFiles = path ? getTableFilesFromPath(path) : getAllTableFiles();
	for (const tableFile of tableFiles)
		// Get the title from the frontmatter of the table-file
		const title = app.metadataCache.getFileCache(tableFile)?.frontmatter?.title;

		// If the title / path association hasn't changed, do nothing
		if (pathToTitle[tableFile.path] === title)

		// If there's already a title / path association, remove it
		if (pathToTitle[tableFile.path])
			const oldTitle = pathToTitle[tableFile.path];
			delete _inlineScripts.tablefiles.fmConfigTitles[oldTitle];
			delete pathToTitle[tableFile.path];

		// Record the title->path, to be used for recognition for "tbl roll" (non-ui)
		_inlineScripts.tablefiles.fmConfigTitles[title] = tableFile.path;
		pathToTitle[tableFile.path] = title;

// Get the lines of the table-file at the given path
async function getTableFileLines(path)
	// If the path is a file, the items are the lines in the file
	if (!path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
		// Get the file object, or return an empty array if none
		const file = app.vault.fileMap[path];
		if (!file) { return []; }

		// Read the file's contents, split into non-empty lines
		let rawContent = await app.vault.cachedRead(file);
		let content = (await app.vault.cachedRead(file)).split("\n").filter(v => v);

		// Cut the frontmatter
		let configuration = null;
		if (content[0] === "---")
			// Go over each line of the frontmatter
			for (let i = 1; i < content.length; i++)
				// Once we hit the end of the frontmatter, cut it from the content
				if (content[i] === "---")
					content = content.slice(i+1);

		// Return the file's lines
		return content;
	// If the path is a folder, the items are the files in the folder
		// Get the folder object, or return an empty array if none or if not a folder
		const file = app.vault.fileMap[removeTildeHeader(path)];
		if (!file || !file.children)
			return [];

		// Return the folder's child files/folders as links
		return {
			lines: => "[[" + v.path + "|" + v.basename + "]]") };

// Get the tablepath data - the lines and the frontmatter configuration (if there)
function getTableFileConfiguration(path)
	// Get the file from the path.  Early out if it doesn't exist
	const file = app.vault.fileMap[removeTildeHeader(path)];
	if (!file) { return null; }

	// The resulting configuration
	let result = null;

	// Try to get the configuration from the frontmatter
	const fm = app.metadataCache.getFileCache(file)?.frontmatter;
	if (fm)
		return {
			isFrontmatter: true,
			title: fm.title || "",
			description: fm.description || "",
			tags: fm.tags || "",
			startLine: Math.max(0, Math.trunc(  Number(fm.startLine) || 0  )),
			itemFormat: fm.itemFormat || ""

	// Try to get the configuration from the settings
	if (!result)
		result =

	return result;

// Take a table-path & parameters for how to roll it.  Roll it & return the result.
// The is the MAIN function of the tablefiles system.  Each table roll happens here.
async function rollTable(
	tablePath, count, uniquePicks, outputFormat, useExpFormat, useConfig,
	startLine, itemFormat)
	// A wrapper for expFormat only formats if "useExpFormat" is true
	function cndFormat(text)
		return useExpFormat ? expFormat(text) : text;

	// Remember whether the tablePath is a folder, then remove any tilde header
	const isFolderTable = tablePath.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE);
	let baseTablePath = removeTildeHeader(tablePath);

	// Get the file object for tablePath, or early out if it's invalid
	const file =
		app.vault.fileMap[baseTablePath] || app.vault.fileMap[baseTablePath + ".md"];
	if (!file)
		return cndFormat(
			[ "", "No table rolled.  Path __" + baseTablePath + "__ not found." ]);
	if (file.children && !isFolderTable)
		return cndFormat(
			[ "", "No table rolled.  Path __" + baseTablePath +
			"__ isn't a table file." ]);
	if (!file.children && isFolderTable)
		return cndFormat(
			[ "", "No table rolled.  Path __" + baseTablePath +
			"__ is not a folder." ]);

	// Reassign tablePath & baseTablePath from the file, in case ".md" was added
	tablePath = (isFolderTable?  HEADING_FTABLE : "") + file.path;
	baseTablePath = file.path;

	// If count parameter isn't valid, early out
	if (!Number.isInteger(count) || count < 1)
		return cndFormat([ "", "No table rolled.  Invalid count given." ]);

	// If useConfig, set some of the parameters to the config saved for tablePath
	if (useConfig)
		let config = getTableFileConfiguration(tablePath);

		// Set the parameters from the config (or use defaults)
		startLine = config?.startLine || 0;
		itemFormat = config?.itemFormat || "";

	// If startLine parameter isn't valid, early out
	if (!Number.isInteger(startLine) || startLine < 0)
		return cndFormat([ "", "No table rolled.  Invalid startLine given." ]);

	// Get table lines. No lines? return null
	let lines = (await getTableFileLines(tablePath)).slice(startLine);
	if (!lines?.length) { return null; }

	// Convert itemFormat parameter to RegExp object.  If not valid, early out
		itemFormat = new RegExp(itemFormat || "(.*)");
	catch (e)
		return cndFormat(
			[ "", "No table rolled.  Invalid itemFormat given: __" + itemFormat +
			"__." ]);

	// That's all the early-outs finished, record the roll for re-rolling purposes
	_inlineScripts.tablefiles.priorRoll =
		{ tablePath, count, uniquePicks, outputFormat, useExpFormat, useConfig,
		startLine, itemFormat };

	// Use itemFormat parameter to break the lines up into the item and range
	let linesHaveRange = false;
	for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
		let match = lines[i].match(itemFormat);
		lines[i] =
			item: match?.groups?.item || match?.[1] || lines[i],
			range: match?.groups?.range || match?.[2] || null
		if (lines[i].range)
			linesHaveRange = true;

	// If lines include a range, remove any un-ranged, then sort them by range
	if (linesHaveRange)
		lines.filter(v => v.range);
		lines.sort((lhs, rhs) => { lhs.range - rhs.range; });

	// If items do NOT come with a range, add a consecutive, incrementing range
		for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
			lines[i].range = (i+1);

	// If uniquePicks parameter, ceiling the count by the lines count
	count = (uniquePicks && count >= lines.length) ? lines.length : count;

	// Pick "count" lines.  If uniquePicks parameter, make sure each pick is unique.
	let result = [];
	for (let i = 0; i < count; i++)
		let nextEntry;
			nextEntry = aPickWeight(lines, "range");
		while(uniquePicks && result.includes(nextEntry.item));

	// If any items are "pick-and-replace", re-pick from the item-specified table
	for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
		// Only deal with "pick-and-replace" items
		if (!result[i].startsWith("~pick-and-replace~")) { continue; }

		// Get the path of the item-specified table
		let nextEntryPath = removeTildeHeader(result[i]);

		// If necessary, add a ".md" extension to the path
		if (!app.vault.fileMap[nextEntryPath] &&
			app.vault.fileMap[nextEntryPath + ".md"])
			nextEntryPath += ".md";

		// If the path isn't valid, try turning it from relative (to the current
		// table) to absolute (to the vault)
		if (!app.vault.fileMap[nextEntryPath])
			nextEntryPath =
				(app.vault.fileMap[tablePath]?.parent?.path || "") + "/" +

		// If necessary, add a ".md" extension to the path
		if (!app.vault.fileMap[nextEntryPath] &&
			app.vault.fileMap[nextEntryPath + ".md"])
			nextEntryPath += ".md";

		// If the item-specified table path is valid, re-pick from that table
		if (app.vault.fileMap[nextEntryPath])
			const replaceValue =
				(await rollTable(nextEntryPath, 1, false, "comma", false, true));
			if (replaceValue[i][0])
				result[i] = replaceValue.join("");

	// Format the results into a string, based on the format parameter
	switch (outputFormat)
		case "bullets":
			result = "- " + result.join("\n- ") + (useExpFormat ? "" : "\n");
		case "periods":
			result = ". " + result.join("\n. ") + (useExpFormat ? "" : "\n");
		case "array":
			return result;
			result = result.join(", ");

	return cndFormat([ result ]);

__ Helper script


^sfile setup$


const confirmObjectPath = _inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.confirmObjectPath;

// Initialize the state

// Event callback - state.onReset
		expand("tbl reset noconfirm");

// Initialize session state
if (!_inlineScripts.tablefiles.onCacheChanged)
	_inlineScripts.tablefiles.onCacheChanged = (file) =>
	app.metadataCache.on("changed", _inlineScripts.tablefiles.onCacheChanged);

// Custom CSS
_inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.addCss("tableFiles", ".iscript_popupLabel { margin-right: .25em; white-space: nowrap; } .iscript_nextPopupLabel { margin-left: .5em } .iscript_popupRow { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 1em; } .iscript_smallButton { padding: 0.5em 0.5em; margin: 0 } .iscript_minWidth { width: 0% } .iscript_textbox_squished { padding: 4px !important; } .iscript_textbox_readonly { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--text-muted) !important; }");

// Convert from the old syntax
for (const key in _inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.configuration)
	let config = _inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.configuration[key];
	if (config.offset !== undefined)
		config.startLine = config.offset;
		delete config.offset;


// Helper function - Take an array of elements and make a row of ui from them
function makeUiRow(elements)
	// Setup the table for the row
	const tbl = document.createElement("table");
	const tr = document.createElement("tr");

	// Create a cell for each element
	for (const element of elements)
		const td = document.createElement("td");
		if (element.tagName === "DIV" || element.tagName === "BUTTON")

	return tbl;

function getCurrentConfigurations(data)
	return => data.configurations[v]);

// Helper function - Called each time a different table is selected from the list.
// Updates the ui and data to match the selected table.
async function updateTableConfigUi(data)
	// Set the current table path and table lines
	data.current = {};
	data.current.paths = [ ].map(v => v.value);

	// Get the lines for all current paths
	let tableLines =
		await _inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.asyncMap(
			data.current.paths, async v => await getTableFileLines(v));
	//  Get the lines of the first current path (for startLine visualiation ui)
	data.current.lines = tableLines[0];
	// Work out the smallest line count of the current paths
	data.current.minLineCount = Math.min( => v.length));

	// Get the table's configuration and lines
	const configs = getCurrentConfigurations(data);

	// Define a convenient way to display possible multiple values in ui
	function getCommonProperty(objects, property, defaultValue)
		defaultValue ??= "";
	    let result = "~~undefined~~";
	    for (const o of objects)
		    const value = o ? (o[property] || defaultValue) : defaultValue;
	        if (result === "~~undefined~~") { result = value; }
	        else if (value !== result) { return "." }
	    return result === "~~undefined~~" ? null : result;

	// Update the ui - path, title, description, tags, itemFormat visualization
	data.configUi.path.value =
		data.current.paths.length > 1 ? "." : data.current.paths[0];
	data.configUi.title.value = getCommonProperty(configs, "title") || "";
	data.configUi.description.value =
		getCommonProperty(configs, "description") || "";
	data.configUi.tags.value = getCommonProperty(configs, "tags") || "";
	data.configUi.itemFormat.value = getCommonProperty(configs, "itemFormat") || "";

	// Update the ui - startLine visualization
	const startLineValue = getCommonProperty(configs, "startLine", 0);
	if (startLineValue === ".")
		data.configUi.startLine.value = ".";
		data.configUi.startLine.value =
			data.current.lines[startLineValue] || "";

	// Determine if the table is a files-table
	const isFolderTable = data.selectUi.value.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE);

	// Update the ui - startLine button enable-state
		"iscript_button_disabled", !startLineValue || isFolderTable);
		((configs[0].startLine || 0) >= data.current.minLineCount - 1) ||

	// Update the ui - Format sample visualization

// Helper function - Called when data-changes occur which may affect the
// table-select-list-ui
function refreshTableListUi(data)
	let maxTitleWidth = 0;
	let tableItemData = [];

	// Fill tableItemData with an item for each table item.  Figure out maxTitleWidth
	for (const tableItem of data.selectUi.options)
		// Setup the initial tableItemDatum for this tableItem
		let tableItemDatum =
			ui: tableItem, path: tableItem.value, title: "", description: "",
			filterKeys: []

		// Get the configuration for the table of this tableItem
		const config = data.configurations[tableItemDatum.path];

		// If the configuration exists, update the tableItemDatum with its values
		if (config)
			tableItemDatum.title = config.title || "";
			tableItemDatum.description = config.description || "";
			tableItemDatum.filterKeys =
				(config.tags || "").split(" ").filter(v => v).
				map(v => v.toLowerCase());

		// If the tableItem has no title, make one from the path (i.e. the basename)
		if (!tableItemDatum.title)
			// We'll use Obsidian's file system to make this easier
			const file = app.vault.fileMap[removeTildeHeader(tableItemDatum.path)];

			// File checks should have been resolved by now.  This is exceptional!
			if (!file) { console.error("File not found: " + tableItemDatum.path); }

			// Use table file's basename for its title (or "name" if it's a folder)
			tableItemDatum.title = file?.basename || file?.name || "<Undefined>";

			// If this is a folder table, include that in the title
			if (tableItemDatum.path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
				tableItemDatum.title += " (folder table)";

		// Track max title size
		maxTitleWidth = Math.max(maxTitleWidth, tableItemDatum.title.length);

		// Add the title and path to the filterkeys

		// Add the datum to the data array

	// Setup the table item displays.  This needs its own loop, since maxTitleWidth
	// is required, and calculated in the previous loop.
	for (const tableItemDatum of tableItemData)
		// We need to pad with "&nbsp;" (which will be a single character in the
		// html).  Since it's not a single character now, we pad with "~", then
		// replace all "~" with "&nbsp;".
		tableItemDatum.ui.innerHTML =
			tableItemDatum.title.padEnd(maxTitleWidth + 4, "~").
			replaceAll("~", "&nbsp;") + tableItemDatum.description;

	// Sort table items by title
	tableItemData.sort((lhs, rhs) =>
		return lhs.title.localeCompare(rhs.title);

	// Clear and re-add the select options for table items from the table list ui
	while (data.selectUi.options.length)
	for (let i = 0; i < tableItemData.length; i++)
		data.selectUi.options[i] = tableItemData[i].ui;

	// Recreate the filter-keys data structure for filtering
	data.filterKeys = {};
	for (const tableItemDatum of tableItemData)
		for (const filterKey of tableItemDatum.filterKeys)
			if (data.filterKeys[filterKey])
				data.filterKeys[filterKey] = [ tableItemDatum.path ];

	// If any filtering is applied, recalculate it now
	if (data.filterUi.value)

// Helper function - Called whenever time the filter or the filterkeys change
function updateFilter(data)
	// Start with all table entries, to be reduced by each filter entry's non-hits
	let unfilteredItems = {};
	for (const tableItemUi of data.selectUi.options)
		unfilteredItems[tableItemUi.value] = tableItemUi;
		// All table items start unfiltered = "";

	// if Filter string is blank, early out
	if (!data.filterUi.value) { return; }

	// Split the filter string into individual filter entries
	const filters = data.filterUi.value.toLowerCase().split(" ").filter(v => v);

	// Handle each filter entry individually
	for (const filter of filters)
		let filterMatches = new Set();

		// Check the filter against all filterKeys for partial matches.
		// If found, add all files associated with the filterKey to unfiltered
		for (const key in data.filterKeys)
			if (key.includes(filter))
				data.filterKeys[key].forEach( path => filterMatches.add(path) );

		// "filterMatches" contains all paths to not filtered by the current filter.
		// Filter tableItems down to only those included in "filterMatches".
		for (const key in unfilteredItems)
			if (!filterMatches.has(key))
				unfilteredItems[key].style.display = "none";
				delete unfilteredItems[key];

// Helper function - Called when anything item-format samples are based on changes
function refreshItemFormatSample(data)
	// Use the startLine value for the sample.  Get a match with itemFormat
	let match;
		match = data.configUi.startLine.value.match(
			new RegExp(data.configUi.itemFormat.value || "(.*)")

	// Update the sample item and range based on the match
	data.configUi.sampleItem.value = match?.groups?.item || match?.[1] || "";
	data.configUi.sampleRange.value = match?.groups?.range || match?.[2] || "";


// Definition for the table-roller custom popup, central to this tablefiles system
_inlineScripts.tablefiles.rollPopup =
	buttonIds: [ "Roll", "Cancel" ],
	onOpen: async (data, parent, firstButton, SettingType, resolveFnc) =>
		// Get table paths, early out if none.  The map turns files to path strings
		let tablePaths = getAllTableFiles().map(v => v.path);
		if (tablePaths.length === 0)
			resolveFnc(expFormat("No table rolled.  No tables available."));
			return true;

		// Store the table configurations during this popup
		data.configurations = {};
		for (const tablePath of tablePaths)
			data.configurations[tablePath] = getTableFileConfiguration(tablePath);

		// Row 1 of UI (filter) //
		let uiRow = [ 0, 1 ];
		uiRow[0] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[0].innerText = "Filter";
		uiRow[1] = document.createElement("input");
			data.filterUi = uiRow[1];
			uiRow[1].type = "text";
			uiRow[1].setAttr("placeholder", "Space-separated filter texts");
			uiRow[1].addEventListener("keypress", e =>
				if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
			uiRow[1].addEventListener("input", e =>
		let tbl = makeUiRow(uiRow);["margin-bottom"] = 0;

		// Row 2 of UI (select) //
		const selectUi = document.createElement("select");
			data.selectUi = selectUi;
			let hasItemSelected = false;
			// Add tables to the select list
			for (const path of tablePaths)
				const label = path;
				const value = path;
				const isSelected =
					(value === _inlineScripts.tablefiles.priorRoll?.tablePath);
				selectUi.add(new Option(label, value, false, isSelected));
				if (isSelected) { hasItemSelected = true; }
			selectUi.setAttr("size", 10);
			selectUi.classList.add("iscript_listSelect");["font-family"] = "monospace"; = "0.5em 0em";
			selectUi.multiple = true;
			selectUi.addEventListener("keypress", e =>
				if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
			selectUi.addEventListener("change", e => updateTableConfigUi(data));
			if (!hasItemSelected) { selectUi.selectedIndex = 0; }

		// Row 3 of ui (count, format) //
		uiRow = [ 0, 1, 2, 3];
		uiRow[0] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[0].innerText = "Pick count";
		uiRow[1] = document.createElement("input");
			data.countUi = uiRow[1];
			uiRow[1].type = "text";
			uiRow[1].setAttr("placeholder", 1);
			uiRow[1].style.width = "3em";
			uiRow[1].setAttr("maxlength", 4);
			uiRow[1].value = _inlineScripts.tablefiles.priorRoll?.count || "";
			if (uiRow[1].value == 1) { uiRow[1].value = ""; }
			uiRow[1].addEventListener("keypress", e =>
				if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
				else if (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57)
					window.event.returnValue = null;
		uiRow[2] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[2].innerText = "Output format";
		uiRow[3] = document.createElement("select");
			data.formatUi = uiRow[3];
			uiRow[3].style["padding-left"] = "6px";
			uiRow[3].style["padding-right"] = "27px";
			uiRow[3].options[0] = new Option("Comma separated", "commas");
			uiRow[3].options[1] = new Option("Bulleted list", "bullets");
			uiRow[3].options[2] = new Option("Perioded list", "periods");
			uiRow[3].options[3] = new Option("Raw JS array", "array");
			uiRow[3].value =
				_inlineScripts.tablefiles.priorRoll?.outputFormat || "commas";
			uiRow[3].addEventListener("keypress", e =>
				if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
		tbl = makeUiRow(uiRow);["margin-bottom"] = ".25em";

		// Row 4 of ui (unique, use expansion format) //
		uiRow = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
		uiRow[0] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[0].innerText = "Unique picks";
		uiRow[1] = document.createElement("div");
			data.uniqueUi = uiRow[1];
				"is-enabled", _inlineScripts.tablefiles.priorRoll?.uniquePicks);
			uiRow[1].addEventListener("click", e =>
		uiRow[2] = document.createElement("div");
		uiRow[3] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[3].innerText = "Use common expansion format";
		uiRow[4] = document.createElement("div");
			data.useExpFormatUi = uiRow[4];
				"is-enabled", _inlineScripts.tablefiles.priorRoll?.useExpFormat);
			uiRow[4].addEventListener("click", e =>
		tbl = makeUiRow(uiRow);
			tbl.childNodes[0].childNodes[2].style.width = "100%";

		// Config rows //
		data.configUi = {};
		const configUi = document.createElement("div");
			data.configUi.root = configUi; = "none";
		const cfgBtnText = "Table configuration &nbsp; ";
		let cfgBtn = document.createElement("button");
			cfgBtn.innerHTML = cfgBtnText + "▼";["margin"] = "0";["font-size"] = "15px";["padding"] = "6px 20px";
			cfgBtn.addEventListener("click", async () =>
				const show = === "none"; = show ? "block" : "none";
				cfgBtn.innerHTML = cfgBtnText + (show ? "▲" : "▼");

		// Row 5 of ui (title, description, path) //
		uiRow = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
		uiRow[0] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[0].innerText = "Title";
		uiRow[1] = document.createElement("input");
			data.configUi.title = uiRow[1];
			uiRow[1].type = "text";
			uiRow[1].setAttr("placeholder", "Display");
			uiRow[1].style["min-width"] = "7em !important";
			uiRow[1].addEventListener("change", async e =>
				// Get the configurations
				let configs = getCurrentConfigurations(data);
				// Confirm valid configurations
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i])
						configs[i] =
							data.configurations[data.current.paths[i]] =
							configuration[data.current.paths[i]] = {};
				// Add the value to the configuration
				configs.forEach(v => v.title =;
				// If configuration is from frontmatter, update frontmatter
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i].isFrontmatter) { continue; }
						"notevars set \"" + data.current.paths[i] + "\" title " +;
				// Refresh the table list
		uiRow[2] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[2].innerText = "Description";
		uiRow[3] = document.createElement("input");
			data.configUi.description = uiRow[3];
			uiRow[3].type = "text";
			uiRow[3].addEventListener("change", async e =>
				// Get the configurations
				let configs = getCurrentConfigurations(data);
				// Confirm valid configurations
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i])
						configs[i] =
							data.configurations[data.current.paths[i]] =
							configuration[data.current.paths[i]] = {};
				// Add the value to the configuration
				configs.forEach(v => v.description =;
				// If configuration is from frontmatter, update frontmatter
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i].isFrontmatter) { continue; }
						"notevars set \"" + data.current.paths[i] +
						"\" description " +;
				// Refresh the table list
		uiRow[4] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[4].innerText = "Path";
		uiRow[5] = document.createElement("input");
			data.configUi.path = uiRow[5];
			uiRow[5].type = "text";
			uiRow[5].setAttr("readonly", true);
			uiRow[5].style["min-width"] = "12em !important";
			uiRow[5].style["background-color"] = "var(--background-secondary)";
		tbl = makeUiRow(uiRow);
			tbl.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].style.width = "13%";
			tbl.childNodes[0].childNodes[3].style.width = "20%";

		// Row 6 of ui (tags, start-line) //
		uiRow = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
		uiRow[0] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[0].innerText = "Tags";
		uiRow[1] = document.createElement("input");
			data.configUi.tags = uiRow[1];
			uiRow[1].type = "text";
			uiRow[1].setAttr("placeholder", "Space-separated");
			uiRow[1].addEventListener("change", async e =>
				// Get the configurations
				let configs = getCurrentConfigurations(data);
				// Confirm valid configurations
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i])
						configs[i] =
							data.configurations[data.current.paths[i]] =
							configuration[data.current.paths[i]] = {};
				// Add the value to the configuration
				configs.forEach(v => v.tags =;
				// If configuration is from frontmatter, update frontmatter
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i].isFrontmatter) { continue; }
						"notevars set \"" + data.current.paths[i] +
						"\" tags " +;
				// Refresh the table list
		uiRow[2] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[2].innerText = "Start line";
		uiRow[3] = document.createElement("input");
			data.configUi.startLine = uiRow[3];
			uiRow[3].type = "text";
			uiRow[3].setAttr("readonly", true);
			uiRow[3].style["background-color"] = "var(--background-secondary)";
		uiRow[4] = document.createElement("button");
			data.configUi.startLineUp = uiRow[4];
			uiRow[4].innerText = "▲";
			uiRow[4].addEventListener("click", async e =>
				// Ignore disabled button
				if ("iscript_button_disabled"))

				// Get the configurations
				let configs = getCurrentConfigurations(data);
				// Confirm valid configurations
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i])
						configs[i] =
							data.configurations[data.current.paths[i]] =
							configuration[data.current.paths[i]] = {};
				const value = Math.clamp(
					(configs[0].startLine || 0) - 1,
					0, data.current.minLineCount - 1);
				// Add the value to the configuration
				configs.forEach(v => v.startLine = value);
				// If configuration is from frontmatter, update frontmatter
				if (!data.delayedStartLineSet)
					// Gether what frontmatters to update
					let toUpdate = data.current.paths.filter(
						v => data.configurations[v].isFrontmatter);
					// Setup updating frontmatters (delayed)
					if (toUpdate)
						data.delayedStartLineSet = setTimeout(async () =>
							delete data.delayedStartLineSet;
							for (let i = 0; i < toUpdate.length; i++)
								let startLine =
									"notevars set \"" + toUpdate[i] +
									"\" startLine " + startLine);
						}, 3000);
				// Update the display
				data.configUi.startLine.value =
					data.current.lines[configs[0].startLine] || "";
					"iscript_button_disabled", configs[0].startLine === 0);
					configs[0].startLine >= data.current.minLineCount - 1);
		uiRow[5] = document.createElement("button");
			data.configUi.startLineDown = uiRow[5];
			uiRow[5].innerText = "▼";
			uiRow[5].addEventListener("click", async e =>
				// Ignore disabled button
				if ("iscript_button_disabled"))

				// Get the configurations
				let configs = getCurrentConfigurations(data);
				// Confirm valid configurations
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i])
						configs[i] =
							data.configurations[data.current.paths[i]] =
							configuration[data.current.paths[i]] = {};
				const value = (configs[0].startLine || 0) + 1;
				// Add the value to the configuration
				configs.forEach(v => v.startLine = value);
				// If configuration is from frontmatter, update frontmatter
				if (!data.delayedStartLineSet)
					// Gether what frontmatters to update
					let toUpdate = data.current.paths.filter(
						v => data.configurations[v].isFrontmatter);
					// Setup updating frontmatters (delayed)
					if (toUpdate)
						data.delayedStartLineSet = setTimeout(async () =>
							delete data.delayedStartLineSet;
							for (let i = 0; i < toUpdate.length; i++)
								let startLine =
									"notevars set \"" + toUpdate[i] +
									"\" startLine " + startLine);
						}, 3000);
				// Update the display
				data.configUi.startLine.value =
					data.current.lines[configs[0].startLine] || "";
					"iscript_button_disabled", false);
					configs[0].startLine >= data.current.minLineCount - 1);
		tbl = makeUiRow(uiRow);
			tbl.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].style.width = "30%";

		// Row 7 of ui (item format, samples) //
		uiRow = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
		uiRow[0] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[0].innerText = "Item format";
		uiRow[1] = document.createElement("input");
			data.configUi.itemFormat = uiRow[1];
			uiRow[1].type = "text";
			uiRow[1].setAttr("placeholder", "(.*)");
			uiRow[1].setAttr("list", "itemFormatOptions");
			uiRow[1].style["max-width"] = "11.5em !important";
			uiRow[1].addEventListener("input", e =>
				// If the user selected one of the presets, replace their selection
				// with the associated regex string.
				// NOTE: That's not a space character being checked.  It's an exotic
				// character: a thin space, which also prepends all of the presets.
				if ([0] === " ")
					for (const option of data.configUi.itemFormatOptions.options)
						if (option.value ===
						{ = option.dataset.regex;
				// Refresh the samples
			uiRow[1].addEventListener("change", async e =>
				// Get the configurations
				let configs = getCurrentConfigurations(data);
				// Confirm valid configurations
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i])
						configs[i] =
							data.configurations[data.current.paths[i]] =
							configuration[data.current.paths[i]] = {};
				// Add the value to the configuration
				configs.forEach(v => v.itemFormat =;
				// If configuration is from frontmatter, update frontmatter
				for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++)
					if (!configs[i].isFrontmatter) { continue; }
						"notevars set \"" + data.current.paths[i] +
						"\" itemFormat " +;
				// Refresh the samples
		uiRow[2] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[2].innerText = "Sample item";
		uiRow[3] = document.createElement("input");
			data.configUi.sampleItem = uiRow[3];
			uiRow[3].type = "text";
			uiRow[3].setAttr("readonly", true);
			uiRow[3].style["background-color"] = "var(--background-secondary)";
		uiRow[4] = document.createElement("div");
			uiRow[4].innerText = "Sample Range";
		uiRow[5] = document.createElement("input");
			data.configUi.sampleRange = uiRow[5];
			uiRow[5].type = "text";
			uiRow[5].style.width = "3em";
			uiRow[5].setAttr("readonly", true);
			uiRow[5].style["background-color"] = "var(--background-secondary)";
		tbl = makeUiRow(uiRow);

		// Item format option dropdown //
		let itemFormatOptions = document.createElement("datalist");
		data.configUi.itemFormatOptions = itemFormatOptions; = "itemFormatOptions";
		itemFormatOptions.innerHTML =
			"<option value='&thinsp;Basic item' data-regex='(.*)'></option>" +
			"<option value='&thinsp;Weighted item 1-5' " +
				"data-regex='(.*) [0-9]+-([0-9]+)'></option>" +
			"<option value='&thinsp;1-5 Weighted item' " +
				"data-regex='[0-9]+-(?<range>[0-9]+) (?<item>.*)'></option>" +
			"<option value='&thinsp;Path - base file name' " +
				"data-regex='\\|(.*)]]$'></option>" +
			"<option value='&thinsp;Path - full file name' " +
				"data-regex='.*?([^/]+)\\|.*$'></option>" +

	onClose: async (data, resolveFnc, buttonId) =>
		// Do nothing unless the "Rolled" button was hit
		if (buttonId !== "Roll") { return null; }

		// Get parameters from ui
		const path = data.selectUi.value;
		const count = Number(data.countUi.value) || 1;
		const unique = data.uniqueUi.classList.contains("is-enabled");
		const format = data.formatUi.value;
		const useExpFormat = data.useExpFormatUi.classList.contains("is-enabled");

		// Do the roll
		resolveFnc(await rollTable(
			path, count, unique, format, useExpFormat, true));

__ Sets up this shortcut-file


^sfile shutdown$


// Event callback removal
delete _inlineScripts?.state?.listeners?.onReset?.tablefiles;

// State removal
delete _inlineScripts?.state?.sessionState?.tablefiles;

// Custom CSS removal

__ Shuts down this shortcut-file


^tbl reset$


// Confirm
if (!popups.confirm("Confirm resetting the <b>Table files</b> system"))
	return null;

// Reset
expand("tbl reset noconfirm");

return expFormat("tablefiles system reset");

__ tbl reset - Clears registered table paths and table path configurations.


^tbl reset noconfirm$


const confirmObjectPath = _inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.confirmObjectPath;

// Reset the state
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths = {};
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.configuration = {};

__ hidden - No-confirm reset


^tbl add ("[^ \t\\:*?"<>|][^\t\\:*?"<>|]*"|[^ \t\\:*?"<>|]+)$


// Remove any quotes around the parameter
$1 = $1.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")

// If neither path nor is valid, early out
const file = app.vault.fileMap[$1] || app.vault.fileMap[$1 + ".md"];
if (!file)
	return expFormat("Path not added.  Path __" + $1 + "__ not found.");

// Add the path to the state. Use file.path instead of $1 in case the ".md" was added
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths[file.path] = 1;

// Update the fm-config title tracking for the new table-file path

return expFormat(
	(file.children ? "Folder" : "File") + " __" + $1 + "__ added to table paths.");

__ tbl add {path: path text} - Adds {path} to the list of registered table paths. {path} is either an individual table file, or a folder filled with table files.


^tbl addfoldertable ("[^ \t\\:*?"<>|][^\t\\:*?"<>|]*"|[^ \t\\:*?"<>|]+)$


// Remove any quotes around the parameter
$1 = $1.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")

// If path parameter isn't a valid folder, early out
let file = app.vault.fileMap[$1];
if (!file || !file.children)
	return expFormat("Folder-table not added.  Folder __" + $1 + "__ not found.");

// Add the path to the table paths as a folder-table
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths[HEADING_FTABLE + $1] = 1;

return expFormat("Folder-table __" + $1 + "__ added to table paths.");

__ tbl addfoldertable {path: path text} - Adds the folder {path} to the list of registered table paths as a folder-table. A folder-table is a virtual table where each item is a file in the {path} folder.


^tbl list$


// Get the paths.  Early out if empty
const paths = Object.keys(_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths);
if (!paths.length)
	return expFormat("Table paths:\n. NONE");

// Expansion string is a list of the paths
let result = [];

// Fill the expansion string with the paths
for (const path of paths)
	// Normal paths are just added.  Folder-table paths are added with the tilde-
	// header removed and a "folder table" suffix added.
		!path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE) ?
		path :
		removeTildeHeader(path) + " _(folder table)_");

return expFormat("Table paths:\n. " + result.join("\n. "));

__ tbl list - Get a list of the registered table paths.


^tbl clearpaths$


const count = Object.keys(_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths).length;

// Confirm before removing
if (!popups.confirm("Confirm clearing all of <b>" + count + "</b> table path(s)."))

// Clear the paths set
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths = {};

return expFormat("All of __" + count + "__ path(s) cleared.");

__ tbl clearpaths - Remove all table paths.


^tbl roll$


// Show the table-roller custom popup
const result = popups.custom(
	"Select a table to pick from", _inlineScripts.tablefiles.rollPopup);
if (result === null) { return null; }

// Return the result of the table-roller custom popup.  Don't use expFormat() since
// this could very well be used inline.
return result;

__ tbl roll - Get random results from one of the registered tables. Shows a popup to allow selecting the table and how to get results from it.


^tbl roll ("[^ \t\\:*?"<>|][^\t\\:*?"<>|]*"|[^ \t\\:*?"<>|]+) ?(.*)$


// Remove any quotes around the table file parameter
$1 = $1.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")

// Make parameters case-insensitive
$2 = $2.toLowerCase();

// Allow format values without quotes (by adding missing quotes here)
$2 = $2.replace(/format:\s*([^,]+)/, "format: \"$1\"");

// The "parameters" parameter is basically an object definition without the curlys.
// Load it as an object.  Early out on failure.
let parameters;
	parameters = (new Function("return { " + $2 + "}"))();
	return expFormat([ "", "No table rolled.  Unable to parse parameters." ]);

// The official formats are "commas", "bullets", "periods" and "array".  Alow "comma", "bullet", "period" and "arrays" as well as untrimmed versions.
if (parameters.format)
	parameters.format = parameters.format.trim();
	if (parameters.format === "comma") { parameters.format = "commas"; }
	if (parameters.format === "bullet") { parameters.format = "bullets"; }
	if (parameters.format === "period") { parameters.format = "periods"; }
	if (parameters.format === "arrays") { parameters.format = "array"; }

// Load the "parameters" parameter over the default parameters object.  This provides
// default parameters for anything that's not specified in the "parameters" parameter
const defaultParameters =
		count: 1, uniquepicks: false, outputFormat: "commas",
		useexpansionformat: false, isfoldertable: false, useconfig: true,
		startLine: 0, itemformat: ""
parameters = Object.assign({}, defaultParameters, parameters);

// Take the "isFolderTable" parameter and change the table path to match
if (!$1.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE) && parameters.isfoldertable)
	$1 = HEADING_FTABLE + $1;

// Try the $1 as a path, else try as table title in state configs, else try in table
// title in frontmatter configs, else try as table file basename, else early out
// NOTE - This needs to happen this late for standardized folder-table knowledge
let foundPath = false;
if (!foundPath)
	const barePath = removeTildeHeader($1);
	const file =
		app.vault.fileMap[barePath] || app.vault.fileMap[[barePath + ".md"]];
	if (file && !!file.children === barePath.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
		foundPath = true;
if (!foundPath)
	for (const key in _inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.configuration)
		const configuration =
		if ($1.toLowerCase() === configuration.title?.toLowerCase())
			$1 = key;
			foundPath = true;
if (!foundPath)
	for (const key in _inlineScripts.tablefiles.fmConfigTitles)
		if ($1.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase())
			$1 = _inlineScripts.tablefiles.fmConfigTitles[key];
			foundPath = true;
if (!foundPath)
	const tableFiles = getAllTableFiles();
	for (const tableFile of tableFiles)
		if ($1.toLowerCase() === tableFile.basename.toLowerCase())
			$1 = tableFile.path;
			foundPath = true;
if (!foundPath)
	return expFormat(
		[ "", "Table not rolled.  __" + $1 + "__ not recognized as a table." ]);

// Expand to the result of the table roll specified by the parameters.  Don't use
// expFormat() since this could very well be used inline.
return await rollTable(
	$1, parameters.count, parameters.uniquepicks, parameters.format,
	parameters.useexpansionformat, parameters.useconfig, parameters.startLine,

__ tbl roll {table file: path text} {parameters: text, default: ""} - Get random results from table {table file}. If provided, {parameters} can alter the results. {parameters} is expected to be a comma-separated list of parameters in "key: value" form. Here are accepted parameters: - count - A positive integer defaulting to 1. Determines number of items picked. - uniquePicks - "true" or "false", defaulting to "false". If true, each item can be picked only once for this roll. - format - "commas", "bullets", "periods" or "array", defaulting to "commas". Determines the format of the output. - useExpansionFormat - "true" or "false", defaulting to "false". If true, the result is outputted in the standard expansion format. - isFolderTable - "true" or "false", defaulting to "false". If true, {table file} must be a folder path, and the result is picks from the files within it. - useConfig - "true" or "false", defaulting to "true". If true, startLine and itemFormat are determined by the current configuration for the given table file. - startLine - A positive integer defaulting to 0. Defines what line the table starts on in {table file}. This is ignored for folder-tables. - itemFormat - A regex string defaulting to (.*). Determines what part of each item is printed out, as well as what part of each item is used as the weight value. The default prints out the entire item.


^tbl reroll$


// Get the prior roll parameters
// priorRoll = { tablePath, count, uniquePicks, format, useExpFormat, useConfig,
// startLine, itemFormat };
const p = _inlineScripts.tablefiles.priorRoll;

// If there wasn't a prior roll, early out
if (!p)
	return expFormat([ "", "Table not re-rolled.  No prior roll to re-roll." ]);

// Run a new roll with the priorRoll values
return await rollTable(
	p.tablePath, p.count, p.uniquePicks, p.outputFormat, p.useExpFormat,
	p.useConfig, p.startLine, p.itemFormat);

__ tbl reroll - Re-rolls the last successful table roll.