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JMESPath Compliance Tests

This repo contains a suite of JMESPath compliance tests. JMESPath Community implementations can use these tests in order to verify their implementation adheres to the JMESPath spec.


JMESPath Community is designed to be fully backwards compatible with

However, in some rare circumstances, some differences may be observed. This paragraph lists the known differences:

Category Compliance Result Result Description
literal.json '\\' "\" "\\" JMESPath Community raw-string supports escaping both ' (single quote) and \ (backslash) characters, whereas can only escape single quotes
pipe.json `null`|[@] [null] null JMESPath Community lets a null left-hand side of a pipe-expression propagate to its right-hand side, whereas JMESPath.og shortcuts and does not evaluate the right-hand side if the left-hand side result is null.

Test Organization

The test/ directory contains JSON files containing the JMESPath testcase. Each JSON file represents a JMESPath feature. Each JSON file is a JSON list containing one or more tests suites:

  <test suite 1>,
  <test suite 2>,

Each test suite is a JSON object that has the following keys:

  • given - The input data from which the JMESPath expression is evaluated.
  • cases - A list of test cases.
  • comment - An optional field containing a description of the test suite.

Each JMESPath test case can have the following keys:

  • expression - The JMESPath expression being tested.
  • result - The expected result from evaluating the JMESPath expression against the given input.
  • error - The type of error that should be raised as a result of evaluating the JMESPath expression. The valid values for an error are:
    • syntax - Syntax error from an invalid JMESPath expression.
    • invalid-arity - Wrong number of arguments passed to a function.
    • invalid-type - Invalid argument type for a function.
    • invalid-value - Semantically incorrect value (used in slice tests)
    • unknown-function - Attempting to invoke an unknown function.
    • not-a-number - While evaluating arithmetic expressions.
  • bench - If the case is a benchmark, bench contains the type of benchmark. Available bench types are as follows:
    • parse - Benchmark only the parsing of an expression.
    • interpret - Benchmark only the interpreting of an expression.
    • full - Benchmark both parsing and interepreting an expression.
  • comment - An optional comment containing a description of the specific test case.

For each test case, either result, error, or bench must be specified. Only one of these keys can be present in a single test case.

The error type (if the error key is present) indicates the type of error that an implementation should raise, but it does not indicate when this error should be raised. For example, a value of "error": "syntax" does not require that the syntax error be raised when the expression is compiled. If an implementation does not have a separate compilation step this won't even be possible. Similar for type errors, implementations are free to check for type errors during compilation or at run time (when the parsed expression is evaluated). As long as an implementation can detect that this error occured at any point during the evaluation of a JMESPath expression, this is considered sufficient.

Below are a few examples:

        {"foo": {"bar": {"baz": "correct"}}},
     "cases": [
            "expression": "foo",
            "result": {"bar": {"baz": "correct"}}
           "expression": "foo.1",
           "error": "syntax"

This above JSON document specifies 1 test suite that contains 2 test cases. The two test cases are:

  • Given the input {"foo": {"bar": {"baz": "correct"}}}, the expression foo should have a result of {"bar": {"baz": "correct"}}.
  • Given the input {"foo": {"bar": {"baz": "correct"}}}, the expression foo.1 should generate a syntax error.

Utility Tools

Most languages have test frameworks that are capable of reading the JSON test descriptions and generating testcases. However, a jp-compliance tool is provided to help with any implementation that does not have an available test framework to generate test cases. The jp-compliance tool takes the name of a jmespath executable and will evaluate all the compliance tests using this provided executable. This way all that's needed to verify your JMESPath implementation is for you to write a basic exectuable. This executable must have the following interface:

  • Accept the input JSON data on stdin.
  • Accept the jmespath expression as an argument.
  • Print the jmespath result as JSON on stdout.
  • If an error occurred, it must write the error name to sys.stderr. This check is case insensitive. The error types in the compliance tests are hyphenated, but each individual component may appear in stderr (again case insensitive).

Here are a few examples of error messages that would pass jp-compliance:

  • Error type: unknown-function
  • Valid error messages:
    • unknown-function: somefunction()
    • error: unknown function 'somefunction()
    • Unknown function: somefunction()
  • Error type: syntax
  • Valid error messages:
    • syntax: Unknown token '$'
    • syntax-error: Unknown token '$'
    • Syntax error: Unknown token '$'
    • An error occurred: Syntax error, unknown token '$'

This will be substantially slower than using a test framework. Using jp-compliance each test case is evaluated by executing a new process.

You can run the bin/jp-compliance --help for more information and for examples on how to use this tool.