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File metadata and controls

127 lines (98 loc) · 5.39 KB


This project is to demonstrate the Spring Boot SAML integration with Azure IDP, so here this spring boot app behaves like SP (Service Provider) and the IDP will be the Azure.

Requirements To Run Applications

  • JDK 8 or later
  • IDE (Optional)

Dependencies And Tools Used To Build Applications

  • Git
  • JDK 8 or later
  • Maven
  • Spring Web
  • Spring Security
  • Spring SAML 2
  • Spring Test
  • Log4j2
  • Thymeleaf
  • IDE


Before you start the application you must fulfill the following prerequisites.

  • Go to the Azure portal and create an account if you don't have one, here is the link Azure Portal

  • Create a new tenant in Azure Active Directory, if you have an existing one you can use it, here is the link that will help you to create a new tenant Create a tenant

  • Create a non-gallery enterprise application, here is the link that will help you to create one Create an application

  • If you are able to successfully create an enterprise application you will get the screen like this. Application Preview

  • Now click on the second option Set up single sign-on, you can see this option in the above image, and then select SAML as a single sign-on method.

  • Now you will get the configuration page like this, I request you to stay on this page because here we will do some configuration. SAML Configuration Page


Azure IDP Configuration
  • Go to the previous configuration page and set the Identifier (Entity ID), you can set the value something like this com:uday:spring:sp, please replace the name "uday" with yours.

  • Now set the Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL), this URL used by the Azure IDP to call the Service Provider, in our case the Service Provider is this application. So here you can set the Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) like this https://[your domain]/saml/SSO.

  • Now slightly scroll down the configuration page, and you will find the SAML Signing Certificate section, you can see this section in the below image, so from this section copy the App Federation Metadata Url and save it somewhere, we will use this URL later in our Spring Boot Service, and download the Certificate (Base64) and save it somewhere, we will use this certificate too in our service. SAML Based Sign On Section

  • Now add users or group to this application, here is the link it will guide you for the same Add Users or Group And we are done with the Azure IDP configuration.

Spring Boot Service Provider (SP) Configuration
  • Now open the project in the IDE and go to the apllcation.yml file to do some mandatory configuration, here is the location of this file /saml-sso-and-slo-demo-idp-azure-sp-springboot/src/main/resources/application.yml.

  • Now set the following properties, with the properties value you have just configured in the Azure IDP. value of [Identifier (Entity ID)]
    idp.metedata.url: URL of [App Federation Metadata Url]

    And we are done with application.yml file configuration.

  • If you remember we have downloaded the Certificate (Base64) from the Azure IDP, so change the name of this certificate to signature.cer and move the certificate to this location /saml-sso-and-slo-demo-idp-azure-sp-springboot/src/main/resources/saml/signature.cer

    Note: first delete all the files available in this location

    Now open the terminal in the same location and execute the following command.

    keytool -importcert -alias adfssigning -keystore samlKeystore.jks -file signature.cer

    it will ask you for the password once you execute the command use this nalle123 password for the same, and when it asks Trust this certificate? [no]: type y and your .jks file will be created.

    Now execute the one more command in the same location. Here is the command.

    keytool -genkeypair -alias apollo -keypass nalle123 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -keystore samlKeystore.jks

    it will ask you for the password once you execute the command use this nalle123 password for the same. As well as it will ask you a bunch of questions just hit enter and you will be fine. When it asks Is CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct? [no]: type y.

And here we are done with all the configuration and now we are ready to run this application. Enjoy!!

To run this project go to the /saml-sso-and-slo-demo-idp-azure-sp-springboot/src/main/java/com/spring/boot/security/saml/ and run the class.

You have already added users in the IDP's application so you can use those users to log in to this service.

And we are done here, Thank You.