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225 lines (153 loc) · 8.62 KB

Highlight selected word

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This nbextension highlights all instances of the selected word in either the current cell's editor, or in all cells in the notebook. It is based on the CodeMirror addon Match Highlighter, but now uses its own codebase in order to permit matching across multiple editors.

There are a few configurable options, all of which sit under the config key highlight_selected_word in the notebook config section.


jupyter_highlight_selected_word is available as part of the jupyter_contrib_nbextensions collection. If you want to install this nbextension without the rest of the contrib collection, read on.

To use the nbextension, there are three basic steps:

  1. First, install the python package:

    pip install jupyter_highlight_selected_word

    Or, for those using conda, there is now a recipe provided through the excellent excellent conda-forge channel, which also performs the install into the conda env's jupyter data directory, so you can skip step 2. To install the conda recipe, use

    conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_highlight_selected_word
  2. Next, install javascript files from the python package into a jupyter data directory. For those using conda, the conda install performs this step automatically, so you can skip this.

    If you have jupyter version 4.2 or greater, you can install directly using jupyter:

    jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_highlight_selected_word

    For jupyter versions before 4.2, you'll need to do a little more work to find the nbextension's static files. To find the nbextension source directory, you can use the following one-liner (for a rather stretched definition of 'line'):

    python -c "import os.path as p; from jupyter_highlight_selected_word import __file__ as f, _jupyter_nbextension_paths as n; print(p.normpath(p.join(p.dirname(f), n()[0]['src'])))"

    then execute

    jupyter nbextension install <output source directory>

    replacing <output source directory> with the directory found above.

  3. Enable the nbextension, so that it gets loaded automatically in each notebook:

    jupyter nbextension enable highlight_selected_word/main


Options are stored in the notebook section of the nbconfig. The easiest way to configure these is using the jupyter_nbextensions_configurator serverextension, but you can also configure them directly with a few lines of python.

The available options are:

  • highlight_selected_word.highlight_across_all_cells - if true, (default) highlight matches across all cells. If false, only matches within the currently selected cell will be highlighted.

  • highlight_selected_word.code_cells_only - Only apply highlights to editors for Code cells, not, for example, Markdown or Raw cells

  • highlight_selected_word.highlight_color - Color used to highlight matching words in the focused (active) cell

  • highlight_selected_word.highlight_color_blurred - Color used to highlight matching words in blurred (non-active) cells

  • highlight_selected_word.outlines_only - Highlight words using just an outline, rather than the background color. In contrast to the default background-color highlight, the outline-only is also applied to the currently-selected word

  • highlight_selected_word.outline_width - Width, in pixels, of the outline used to highlight words when the outline-only setting (above) is selected. Defaults to 1.

  • highlight_selected_word.delay - Wait time (in milliseconds) before highlighting the matches

  • highlight_selected_word.words_only - If true, only highlight matches if the selected text is a word

  • highlight_selected_word.highlight_only_whole_words - Only highlight matches which are surrounded by non-word characters. This will use the token highlight_selected_word.show_token to identify word characters, if it's set, otherwise the regular expression [\w$] will be used.

  • highlight_selected_word.show_token - Token (regex) to identify word characters, used to determine what to highlight when nothing is selected. If blank, nothing is highlighted when nothing is selected. This regex is also used to determine word boundaries for highlight_selected_word.highlight_only_whole_words.

  • highlight_selected_word.min_chars - Minimum number of characters that must be selected for the highlighting behavior to occur

  • highlight_selected_word.use_toggle_hotkey - Bind the highlight_selected_word.toggle action to a hotkey. Defaults to false.

  • highlight_selected_word.toggle_hotkey - Which hotkey to bind to the highlight_selected_word.toggle action (if set to use, see item above). Defaults to alt-h

  • highlight_selected_word.only_cells_in_scroll - Only apply highlights to editors which are visible in the scrolled view. This may offer performance benefits for larger notebooks, but may be annoying if you're doing a lot of scrolling :/

  • highlight_selected_word.scroll_min_delay - Minimum delay in ms between updating highlights on scrolling the notebook (used only if highlight_selected_word.only_cells_in_scroll is true). If set to zero, no update is done on scroll.

For example, to set the delay to half a second, and limit highlighting to code cells, we can use the following python snippet:

from import ConfigManager
cm = ConfigManager()
cm.update('notebook', {'highlight_selected_word': {
    'delay': 500,
    'code_cells_only': True,



  • optionally hide the selections in non-focussed cells (through CSS classes)
  • bugfix for overlays not being removed correctly
  • alter CSS mechanism, so we create a <style> in JS, rather than requesting a separate file.


  • bugfix for potential issue in firefox
  • bugfix to list package as not zip_safe


  • update compatibility to include notebook 5
  • add options to limit highlighting to cells which are currently visible in the scrolled view, which may offer performance benefits.
  • Add options to allow highlighting words using an outline, rather than the background color.


  • Bugfix: hotkey was not being bound.
  • Bugfix: apply codemirror default settings to correct cell types


  • Bugfix: ensure styleSelectedText CodeMirror option gets set in default config for new cells
  • Don't highlight selected text, even in edit mode (non-focussed cells)


  • Limit highlighting to whole words, from a suggestion by @hiiwave. This is now the default behaviour, but the option is configurable to ignore this limitation, reverting to the previous behaviour.


  • Prevent highlighting the currently-selected text, to make it clearer where the cursor is
  • Make highlighting on/off state persistent by writing any changes to config
  • New jupyter action to toggle highlighting on/off state
  • New optional hotkey to toggle highlighting on/off state
  • Readme & docs updates


  • Enable highlighting across all cells, not just the currently-active editor


  • Readme updates


  • added conda-forge recipe


If you have any feedback, or have any problems, please let me know by opening an issue at the project's github repository.

