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File metadata and controls

207 lines (154 loc) · 11.5 KB



This is a behaviour tree library. It is created with the goal of automating a computer game, but the library itself should work for other use cases.


Overview of the crates in this workspace. Crates with nodes provide the UiNode implementation if the betula_editor feature is enabled.

Nodes are categorised into:

  • Action: Nodes that perform an action: Pressing a key.
  • Conditionals: Make a decision, usually based on a blackboard value and optionally internal state, often used as decorator: Checking if a window is focussed, add delay between executions.
  • Control: Nodes that merely affect control flow: Selector node.
  • Decorators: Decorators: Nodes that must be used as a decorator: Change return value, retry up to a duration.
  • Providers: Provides blackboard value: Clock, screen capture, etc.


  • Holds the traits for Node and Tree.
  • The basic module holds the standard (non-event) implementation for a blackboard and a tree.
  • Holds helpers for Ports and BlackboardValue.


Main components:

  • TreeSupport to allow type-erased serialization and deserialization of the tree state (into/from serde).
  • Control protocol to manipulate a tree.
  • Server thread to allow running a tree in the background.


A gui built on egui.

  • Uses the control protocol from betula_common.
  • UiNode trait that must be implemented for Nodes to provide editor support.
  • BetulaViewer, backed by egui-snarl.
  • UiSupport that allows registering new nodes.
  • Editor, an eframe::App that can be instantiated.
  • UiNode implementation for betula_common and betula_core.
  • Also provides ui support for the nodes from betula_core.
  • Shift+drag to (de)select nodes, selected nodes can be moved together.

Nodes' directory is set to the directory in which the current tree file resides. This is considered the PROJECT directory, there can of course be multiple json files in the root of this directory, reusing assets in the project directory.


  • Application that instantiates an editor with all nodes that exist in the workspace.


A collection of standard nodes, that don't have any additional dependencies.



  • TimeNode: Write the unix time to a blackboard as f64.
  • StatusWriteNode: Writes the execution status of the child node to the blackboard.
  • StringWriteNode: Writes a fixed string to the blackboard.


  • DelayNode: Delays execution of the child node with the specified interval.
  • StatusReadNode: Reads an execution status off the blackboard and returns this, regardless of the optional child's status.
  • IfTimeExceedsNode: Compares whether one time exceeds another time by a value.


  • ParallelNode: A node that executes all children and determines status based on their return, may resume running nodes from previous cycle.
  • SelectorNode: Executes in order, returns first non-Failure, may resume from previous cycle.
  • SequenceNode: Executes in order, returns first non-Success, may resume from the previous cycle, may retry failed nodes.
  • IfThenElseNode: Runs the first child to decide whether to run the second (or optional third), may remember the branching statement from previous cycle.


  • SuccessNode: Always returns Success, may be a decorator.
  • RunningNode: Always returns Running, may be a decorator.
  • FailureNode: Always returns Failure, may be a decorator.
  • RetryNode: Retries a node up to a specified time limit, turning failure into running while the time limit is not reached.
  • IfEnumNode<T: IfEnumNodeEnum>: Generic node that allows == and != with an enum from the blackboard. Maybe be a decorator.
  • BlockResetNode: Blocks propagation of node reset, may be helpful if a node is reachable through two paths.
  • NegateNode: Negates the execution status of its one child node, turning Success into Failure and Failure into Success.
  • ForceSuccessNode: Turns Failure into Success and passes Running through unmodified.


Betula nodes for enigo: Cross platform input simulation in Rust.

  • EnigoInstanceNode: Provides an Enigo instance to the blackboard.
  • EnigoCursorNode: Provides the position of the cursor to the blackboard.
  • EnigoNode: Sends Enigo::Token to the Enigo instance to simulate events.
  • CursorScannerNode: Moves the cursor in a spiral pattern around the specified coordinates, more of an example node.

The EnigoNode can load presets from files.

  • All toml files in the PROJECT/enigo_node/ directory are parsed.
  • Filename is ignored.
  • Tables can be used to specify where in the preset menu the entry exists.
  • Modifying the actions that are shown when a preset is selected decouples from the preset, but keeps the actions.

For example:

description="Click Normal difficulty."
actions = [
    {MoveMouse = [950, 450, "Abs"]},
    {Button = ["Left", "Click"]}

This preset will create a preset named Normal in the GameMenu's Difficulty submenu. This preset contains two actions, an absolute mouse move to 950,450, followed by a left mouse button click.

The actions are a list of enigo::Token entries.


Pertains itself to information obtained from the window manager, contains the betula_wm example which can be used to retrieve the binary based on the current focus.

  • WindowFocusNode: Returns Success if the regex matches the binary that created the window that has focus.


Facilitates detecting hotkeys (without the editor being focussed). For x11, this relies on the global_hotkey crate. On Windows, this uses a self-built low level hook, such that it can detect events without blocking them.

  • HotkeyInstanceNode: Provides an Hotkey instance for registering hotkeys.
  • HotkeyNode: Returns Success if the hotkey is depressed or toggled.


Provides the Image blackboard type, which is effectively an Arc<crate::RgbaImage>, so copying them is cheap and they can be kept around.


This facilitates capturing (parts) of the screen on both Windows and Linux. It produces Image values when executed. The actual capturing happens in a background thread that runs independently of the tree.

It uses my screen_capture crate, which efficiently captures the desktop's framebuffer (including fullscreen applications). The framebuffer is BGRA format, but this is efficiently converted to RGBA, which allows using the image::RgbaImage as a data type. This crate and the screen_capture crate are best compiled with rustflags='-C target-feature=+avx2' which ensures they utilise SIMD instructions for the color space conversion.

The outputs capture_time and capture_duration are optional.


If the crate is compiled with the betula_enigo feature, the ImageCaptureCursorNode is also created.

This node is a superset of the ImageCaptureNode and can capture the cursor position at the exact time the threaded capturer starts the screen capture, ensuring that the cursor position is captured at the moment of screen capture.

This node also features a callback mechanism (setup through the blackboard) that allows other nodes to register a callback when new frames are available. This happens in the background, regardless of whether the blackboard is running. This is useful if the screen state and cursor needs to be processed, but one still wishes to configure through the editor.


If the crate is compiled with the betula_enigo feature, the ImageCaptureCursorNode is also created. It is the example consumer for the callbacks provided by the ImageCaptureCursorNode.

Whenever this node is executed, the frame save counter is set to the value as specified in the configuration, and - if not yet configured - a callback is registered.

While the counter is not zero, this node writes the frames and their sidecar json files (that hold cursor position) to the disk. This happens asynchronously, regardless of whether the blackboard is being ticket.

Frames are always saved as png, the {c} string is replaced with the frame counter (since the start of the capturer), the {t} string is replaced with the unix timestamp in ms.


This node can match a pattern against an input image. Checking against a pattern happens when the node is executed, as such make the patterns as minimal as possible. This node returns Success if the pattern matches, Failure otherwise.

This node may be a decorator, in which case it returns Failure if the pattern doesn't match, or the child node's return if it does.

  • Patterns are read from the the PROJECT/image_match/ directory.
  • Subdirectories may exist, their name is used as submenu entry.
  • Patterns must be png images, for example masked_Screenshot407.png.
  • The image dimensions must exactly match the input image dimensions.
  • Transparent pixels in the pattern are ignored in the input image.
  • A pattern matches if all non transparent pixels in the pattern are identical in the input image.
  • A sidecar toml file (masked_Screenshot407.toml) may exist with the following keys:
    • name: Used as a display name in the ui, and used for sorting.
    • description: Used for mouseover in the ui.

The image_pattern example can be used to create patterns quickly, (multiple) segments can be specified with x,y,length:

cargo r --example image_pattern -- create --output-dir Game/Left/ ${SCREENSHOTS}/Screenshot518.png  0,95,150 319,154,178  --filename cube --name "Cube" --description "The horadric cube is shown in the left panel."

The image_pattern_match example can be used to verify all files in the image_match directory load correctly. Coordinates match the ones in GIMP, select by color, combined with layer mask from selection makes it easy to identify useful pixels.

Capture, cursors and coordinates.

In my setup, I have two 1080p monitors side by side, with the right monitor being the primary monitor in windows.

  • Windows:
    • Top left corner of the right monitor is cursor position 0,0.
    • Bottom right corner of the right monitor is 1919,1079.
    • Top left corner of left monitor is -1919,0.
  • Linux:
    • Top left corner of the right monitor is cursor position 1920,0.
    • Bottom right corner of the right monitor is 3839,1079.
    • Top left corner of left monitor is 0,1079.


So to get platform agnostic capture & cursor coordinates for complete right monitor;

  • Capture configuration has one rule with:
    • match_width: 3840 This ensures it only matches on linux.
    • x_offset: 1920
    • width: 1920
    • height: 1080
  • Enigo Instance:
    • Delta Linux: 1920, 0, Delta Windows: 0,0

With this all cursors are expressed in the right monitor coordinate frame, and the right monitor is the only image captured.


This utilises my screen_overlay crate to overlay text on fullscreen applications. This writes a string from the blackboard to the screen, the overlay is click through and transparent by default.


License is BSD-3-Clause.