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189 lines (139 loc) · 8.99 KB

File metadata and controls

189 lines (139 loc) · 8.99 KB


This action will scan the file(s) provided in the files-with-substitutions argument for Octopus variable substitution syntax #{VariableName}. If the files contain any #{Variables} that match an item in the variables-file or environment variables, it will replace the template with the actual value. If a variable is found in both the variables-file and in the environment variables, then the environment variable value will be used.

Some items to note:

  • This action will make modifications to any files in files-with-substitutions if matching Octostache templates are identified.
  • Substitutions can be defined in a variables-file or as environment variables.
  • The action does not consider case when looking for Octostache templates to replace. For example if a one of the files with substitutions contained ${launchdarkly} and an env var was defined as LAUNCHDARKLY, the substitution would be made.



Parameter Is Required Description
variables-file false An optional yaml file containing variables to use in the substitution. The alternative is to define environment variables to use for the substitutions.
files-with-substitutions true A comma separated list of files or .NET-compatible glob patterns with #{variables} that need substitution.


No Outputs

Usage Examples

Variables File

When using the variables-file argument, this is the structure of the file containing the variable names and values that will be substituted.

Environment: Dev
Version: 1.3.62
LaunchDarklyKey: abc
GoogleAnalyticsKey: 123
AppInsightsKey: a1b2c3

Environment Variables

In addition to the variables-file argument, substitutions can be provided in the env: section of the action. The format matches what is supplied in the variables-file: <var-name>: <var-value>.

If the same item is provided in the variables-file and the env: section, the value in the env: section will be used.

Example Files that contain Octostache Substitution Syntax

These are some sample files that contain the Octostache substitution syntax #{}. These files would be included in the files-with-substitutions argument above.


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


const { profiles } = require('../../Properties/launchSettings.json');
const { environmentTypes } = require('./constants');

const substitutionVariables = {
  BUILD_GA_KEY: '#{GoogleAnalyticsKey}',
  BUILD_LAUNCH_DARKLY_KEY: '#{LaunchDarklyKey}}'


    <!--... head items ...-->
    <script type="text/javascript">var gaKey = '#{GoogleAnalyticsKey}';</script>
    <!--... application body ...-->


name: Deploy


    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      # You may also reference just the major or major.minor version
      - uses: im-open/[email protected]
          variables-file: ./substitution-variables.yml
          files-with-substitutions: ./src/DemoApp19/DemoApp19.csproj,./src/DemoApp19/Bff/FrontEnd/scripts/build-variables.js,./src/**/*.html
          # Note that this value would be used over the value from the example variables file
          LaunchDarklyKey: ${{ secrets.LAUNCH_DARKLY_API_KEY }}


When creating PRs, please review the following guidelines:

  • The action code does not contain sensitive information.
  • At least one of the commit messages contains the appropriate +semver: keywords listed under Incrementing the Version for major and minor increments.
  • The action has been recompiled. See Recompiling Manually for details.
  • The has been updated with the latest version of the action. See Updating the for details.

Incrementing the Version

This repo uses git-version-lite in its workflows to examine commit messages to determine whether to perform a major, minor or patch increment on merge if source code changes have been made. The following table provides the fragment that should be included in a commit message to active different increment strategies.

Increment Type Commit Message Fragment
major +semver:breaking
major +semver:major
minor +semver:feature
minor +semver:minor
patch default increment type, no comment needed

Source Code Changes

The files and directories that are considered source code are listed in the files-with-code and dirs-with-code arguments in both the build-and-review-pr and increment-version-on-merge workflows.

If a PR contains source code changes, the should be updated with the latest action version and the action should be recompiled. The build-and-review-pr workflow will ensure these steps are performed when they are required. The workflow will provide instructions for completing these steps if the PR Author does not initially complete them.

If a PR consists solely of non-source code changes like changes to the or workflows under ./.github/workflows, version updates and recompiles do not need to be performed.

Recompiling Manually

This command utilizes esbuild to bundle the action and its dependencies into a single file located in the dist folder. If changes are made to the action's source code, the action must be recompiled by running the following command:

# Installs dependencies and bundles the code
npm run build

Updating the

If changes are made to the action's source code, the usage examples section of this file should be updated with the next version of the action. Each instance of this action should be updated. This helps users know what the latest tag is without having to navigate to the Tags page of the repository. See Incrementing the Version for details on how to determine what the next version will be or consult the first workflow run for the PR which will also calculate the next version.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the im-open's Code of Conduct.


Copyright © 2024, Extend Health, LLC. Code released under the MIT license.