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Implementation of Fiducci-Mathiasis algorithm of hypergraph partitioning.

You can find executable .jar file here.


-i input_file_name - sets name of input file. You can check format of input file here. Also you can set input file with argument that ends on .hgr.

-o output_file_name - optional, sets name of output file. By default output_file_name = input_file_name + ".part.2" You can check format of output file here.

-atb - with this flag nodes are added at the beginnig of lists in containers. By default they are added at the end of list.

-tfe - with this flag best node to move will come from the end of the list.

-egcm - this flag regulates choosing of best move in case of equal best gains in left and in right gain-containers. By default, the node from the more numerous side is taken. With this flag, only the number of elements of the container with the best gain is counted:

if (equal_gain_choose_mode) {
                int left_k_g_size = this.left_gain_container.get(best_gain).size();
                int right_k_g_size = this.right_gain_container.get(best_gain).size();
                if (left_k_g_size > right_k_g_size) {
                    res = get_node_from_container(best_gain_from_left, left_gain_container);
                } else {
                    res = get_node_from_container(best_gain_from_right, right_gain_container);

-sgc - with this flag will be used only one gain container. -egcm flag will have no effect.

-bw x - sets balance weight (x is float). By default x = 1.

-b N - sets the mode of scoring the partition.

  • N = 0:
balance_score = min(lefts, rights) / max(lefts, rights))
cut_cost = num_of_cuts * 2 / num_of_hyperEdges
partition_score = balance_score^balance_weight / cut_cost
  • N = 1:
balance_score = min(lefts, rights) / max(lefts, rights))
cut_cost = num_of_cuts * 2 / num_of_hyperEdges
partition_score = balance_score*balance_weight - cut_cost
  • N = 2:
balance_score = lefts * rights
cut_cost = num_of_cuts
partition_score = balance_score*balance_weight - cut_cost
  • N = 3: this mode does not take into account the balancing of the partitioning.
balance_score = min(lefts, rights) / max(lefts, rights))
cut_cost = num_of_cuts * 2 / num_of_hyperEdges
partition_score = 1 / cut_cost
  • N = 4:
balance_score = lefts * rights / (num_of_nodes * num_of_nodes)
cut_cost = num_of_cuts * 2 / num_of_hyperEdges
partition_score = balance_score*balance_weight - cut_cost

-s - turns on the silent mode.

General Algorithm Description

The task is to split the hypergraph (there can be more than two incident vertices on each edge) into to subgraphs. Moreover, the two resulting subgraphs should have as few common edges as possible (hereinafter we will call number of common edges the number of cuts).

Two main methods:

  1. public void FM_with_gain_containers()
public void FM_with_gain_containers(){
        best_partition_in_steps_score = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        best_partition_in_pass_score = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int iter = 0;
        long start, end;
        do {
            best_partition_in_steps_score = best_partition_in_pass_score;
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            this.save_step_partition(); // this can be removed since FM_pass() won't make it worse
            end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        } while (best_partition_in_pass_score > best_partition_in_steps_score);

Container structure:

private Map<Integer, ArrayList<Node>> gain_container;

Where key value is the change in number of cuts after changing side of node (nodes are stored in ArrayList).

  1. private void FM_pass() - the heart of this algorithm
private void FM_pass(){
        this.best_partition_in_pass_score = this.get_partition_score_lite();
        ArrayList<Node> changes = new ArrayList<>(); // we will keep changes here till we improve the quality of partition
                                                     // after that we will save them
        while (!left_gain_container.isEmpty() && !right_gain_container.isEmpty()){
            Node best_move = get_node_for_best_move(); // here we take node with the biggest gain
            this.num_of_cuts -= best_move.gain;
            best_move.lock(); // locking the choosed node so we won't move it till the end of this pass
            recompute_gains_for_incident(best_move); // some of incident nodes could change their gains so we need to recompute them
            changes.add(best_move); // storing the last move in list
            if (this.partition_score > this.best_partition_in_pass_score){
                this.best_partition_in_pass_score = this.partition_score;
                this.renew_pass_partition(changes); // saving the changes that were made to the partitioning and clearing changes list
        this.restore_partition(this.best_partition_in_pass); // restoring the best partition that was achieved in this pass

A few things that was made in order to make this thing move faster:

  1. Each node contains information about incident nodes and edges. This reduced the execution time by more than five times.
  2. Previous item lead to need in initializing of nodes in beginning. This task is performed in parallel.
  3. Intermediate states of the hypergraph are not completely saved. The changes are saved in a separate list and, if necessary, they are transferred to the save later.

Here you can see final flame graph:

UPD. After remaking recompute_gains_for_incident:

Now initializing of nodes takes most of execution time.


You can see all of measurements here or in log files.

UPD. After optimization of recompute_gains_for_incident execution time has become less. In tables below runtime data is out of date. But it's still useful for evaluating the dependence of the execution time on the parameters of the algorithm.

1. Different Types of Scoring

All computations was done with ISPD98_ibm05.hgr. 100 measurements for each type of scoring.

In this table you can see average measured values.

score mode num of cuts before min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) num of cuts after min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) time(ms)
0 18900 14606 14741 6136 14673 14674 12518
1 18896 14603 14744 6144 14673 14674 12518
2 18908 14599 14748 6164 14671 14675 5619
3 18893 14605 14742 6155 14630 14716 11032
4 18911 14607 14740 6067 14671 14675 12070

We can see here that score mode 2 is faster then others. This is because this score has only one multiplication and one sum inside. But mode 4 performs better so it will be used further.

It can also be noted that due to the peculiarities of the work of the gain containers, even in the case of a score that does not take into account the balance, everything is good with the balance.

2. Gain container logics

2.1 Different types of adding/popping items in gain container

flags num of cuts before min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) num of cuts after min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) time(ms)
default 18904 14606 14741 6073 14667 14680 13148
-tfe 18906 14598 14749 6585 14671 14675 18002
-atb 18908 14602 14745 6640 14672 14675 16458
-tfe -atb 18899 14604 14743 6130 14671 14675 14501

We can see that all flags make partition quality worse. And also they take more time.

2.2 -egcm flag

The same as previous one but with -egcm flag:

flags num of cuts before min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) num of cuts after min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) time(ms)
default 18896 14599 14748 5330 13902 15445 6512
-tfe 18899 14609 14738 4170 12882 16465 8681
-atb 18907 14604 14743 4135 12991 16355 9893
-tfe -atb 18904 14610 14737 5413 13185 16162 6702

Time of execution and number of cuts after execution have decreased greatly. In some particular cases number of cuts approaches to 2000 (you can check this here or in log files). But there is no anything good in balance.

Let's try to fix it with score mode 0.

2.3 -egcm flag with 0 score mode

flags num of cuts before min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) num of cuts after min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) time(ms)
default 18907 14599 14748 7404 14547 14800 5637
-tfe 18905 14611 14736 7213 14578 14769 5772
-atb 18902 14612 14735 7493 14563 14783 4627
-tfe -atb 18908 14600 14747 7409 14497 14850 5214

Balance looks good. But number of cuts has increased a lot. Let's try to increase balance weight in 4 score mode.

2.3 -egcm flag with 4 score mode (balance weight x2)

flags num of cuts before min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) num of cuts after min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) time(ms)
default 18905 14608 14739 6006 13710 15637 7311
-tfe 18901 14604 14743 4937 13798 15549 10907
-atb 18907 14604 14743 5262 13922 15425 10273
-tfe -atb 18911 14612 14734 6073 13863 15484 7158

Partitioning became more balanced. But also number of cuts increased. So we need to decide what is more important for us: partition balance or cut size.

3. Single gain container

We can put all of nodes in one container. It may cause some disbalance but let's check it.

3.1 0 score mode

flags num of cuts before min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) num of cuts after min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) time(ms)
default 18913 14607 14737 6478 14645 14702 14954
-tfe 18915 14600 14747 6584 14667 14769 17731
-atb 18904 14600 14747 6589 14672 14675 17060
-tfe -atb 18904 14610 14737 6521 14644 14703 16066

Execution began to take significantly longer. Also, you can notice an almost complete indifference to the flags of the gain container.

3.2 4 score mode

flags num of cuts before min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) num of cuts after min(lefts,rights) max(lefts,rights) time(ms)
default 18901 14608 14739 6077 13274 16073 22235
-tfe 18906 14610 14737 6230 13662 15685 31421
-atb 18914 14601 14746 6286 13556 15791 28056
-tfe -atb 18907 14613 14734 5981 13173 16174 22763

This one turned out to be the slowest one.

There are quite expected problems with the balance of the partition. However, these problems are slightly less widespread than in p.2.2, even though 2 gain containers were used there.


The considered algorithm is extremely unstable. A lot depends on weather, wind direction and your mood the initial partitioning. There is also a direct correlation between the balance of the partition and the number of cuts: the stricter the conditions for balance, the more cuts in the final partition (perhaps there really is some relationship between them, this issue needs to be investigated separately). But on the other hand, it is always possible to relax the balance requirements and apply the algorithm on a random partition until the necessary requirements for the number of cuts and for the balance are achieved. Well, or you can come up with some heuristics to get the initial partition, on which the Fiducci-Mathiasis algorithm will certainly show good results.

And yes, my choose is -b 4 -egcm -tfe.