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LLMCord - An LLM client as a discord bot

This bot allows you to use LLMs such as ChatGPT, LLaMA3, and Gemini 1.5 from Discord


Using pre-created executables

Download the executable for the latest release from Releases

NOTE: Currently MacOS and Linux do not have pre built binaries


  1. Clone this repo or download the source code from one of the Releases
$ git clone
  1. Create a virtual environment
$ python -m venv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment
$ ./venv/Scripts/activate

NOTE On linux the path will be ./venv/bin/activate

  1. Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Converting to binary

If you want to convert the script into a binary run pyinstaller llmcord.spec


  1. Create a new Discord Application at the Discord Developer Portal and configure it to be a bot. (Guide Here)
  2. Create a .env file and add your bot's token as DISCORD_TOKEN
  3. Create a file called llmcord.toml and add this to it:
system_prompt = "Use markdown if neccessary."
default_model = "llama3-70b"

base_url = ""
model = "llama3-70b-8192"
token = "API_TOKEN_HERE"
client = "OpenAIClient"

NOTE I am using Groq AI here as an example so I have selected the OpenAIClient due to it's API being compatible with OpenAI however LLMCord also includes a Google Gemini 1.5 client that you can use as GeminiClient

Explanation of config

system_prompt - Allows you to control the system prompt of the AI

default_model - Specifies the default model REQUIRED

For each model you wish to make create it as a seperate table with a display name. In this case I chose llama3-70b. base_url - Base URL for the API REQUIRED

model - Which model to use REQUIRED


client - Which Client to use to send the request. The two included clients are OpenAIClient and GeminiClient. REQUIRED

Then finally run

$ python -m llmcord

Now you should be able to use LLMCord in any servers you have invited it to.



Plugins/Custom Clients

You are able to make your own API clients by creating a python script in the plugins/ folder. Simply create a class that inherits from plugins.BaseClient and implement the get_response method. Make sure it is a coroutine. In order to access the API use the aiohttp library as it is already installed and used by LLMCord.

Look in the plugins folder for examples of custom clients



  • Changed license from MIT to Mozilla Public License 2.0

  • Added license to about section of bot

  • Bump aiohttp from 3.9.5 to 3.10.2 by @dependabot in #3

  • Added PyInstaller spec


  • Added compare command that allows you to send a response to two LLM's and compare their responses

  • Added about command

  • Improved Documentation

  • Added build scripts


  • Refactored code to work with Pyinstaller

  • Pre built executables are now able to be distrubuted


  • Moved commands into their own Cogs

  • Added unit tests for Config and Context

  • Fixed linting errors

  • Added CI for unit tests


  • Fixed error handling with certain edge cases when loading the configuration

  • Added error handling when selecting an invalid/undefined model. Before it would just get stuck in an infinite loop

  • Improved documentation


  • Added custom logger


  • Added support for custom clients

  • Included OpenAIClient and GeminiClient by default

  • Changed /list to now show every model on a different line

Running the test suite

Make sure to install both requirements.txt and requirements.tests.txt. Then run pytest to run the tests.


I may or may not add these features later on.

  • Custom API Handlers (ability to define your own plugins to work with non-OpenAI compatible APIs)

  • File uploads

  • Integration with non LLM's (eg. DALL-E for image generation)


LLMCord is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0