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145 lines (95 loc) · 4.15 KB

File metadata and controls

145 lines (95 loc) · 4.15 KB



  • Added build notifications by calling Encore.enableBuildNotifications() - #190 via @Lyrkan

  • Added Stylus support via Encore.enableStylusLoader() - #195 via @mneuhaus


  • Added a priority argument to the addPlugin() method so that we can (mostly in the future) allow plugins to be ordered, if/when that becomes necessary - #177 via @Lyrkan

  • Fixed several minor bugs related to extra .map files (#170), always having a DefinePlugin enabled (#172), fixing extra instances of the ts-loader (#181) and upgrading a dependency to avoid a deprecation warning (#182) - all via @Lyrkan


  • Fixed bug with using ? in your versioning strategy with addStyleEntry - #161 via @Lyrkan

  • Fixed bug when using webpack.config.babel.js with ES6 imports - #167 via @Lyrkan


  • Add support for Preact - #144 via @Lyrkan

  • Added Encore.configureManifestPlugin() method - #142 via @Seikyo

  • Added 5 new methods to configure plugins! #152 via @Lyrkan

    • Encore.configureDefinePlugin()
    • Encore.configureExtractTextPlugin()
    • Encore.configureFriendlyErrorsPlugin()
    • Encore.configureLoaderOptionsPlugin()
    • Encore.configureUglifyJsPlugin()


  • Added Encore.configureFilenames() so that you can fully control the filename patterns for all types of files - #137 via @Lyrkan

  • Added Encore.configureRuntimeEnvironment(), which is useful if you need to require webpack.config.js from some non-Encore process (e.g. Karma) - #115 via @Lyrkan


  • [BEHAVIOR CHANGE] Image and font files now always include a hash in their filename, and the hash is shorter - #110 via @Lyrkan

  • Fixed a bug that caused extra comments to be in the final production compiled JavaScript - #132 via @weaverryan

  • Encore.enablePostCssLoader() now accepts an options callback - #130 via @Lyrkan

  • Encore.enableLessLoader() now accepts an options callback - #134 via @Lyrkan

  • Added Encore.enableForkedTypeScriptTypesChecking() to enable fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin for faster typescript type checking - #101 via @davidmpaz

  • Added Encore.disableImagesLoader() and Encore.disableFontsLoader() to totally disable the file-loader rules for images and fonts - #103 via @Lyrkan


  • Fixed a bug with webpack 3.4.0 ("Can't resolve dev") - #114.

  • Added --keep-public-path option to dev-server that allows you to specify that you do not want your publicPath to automatically point at the dev-server URL. Also relaxed the requirements when using dev-server so that you can now specify a custom, fully-qualified publicPath URL - #96

  • Fixed bug where @import CSS wouldn't use postcss - #108


  • The webpack package was upgraded from version 2.2 to 3.1 #53. The extract-text-webpack-plugin package was also upgraded from 2.1 to 3.0.


  • [BC BREAK] If you're using enableSassLoader() AND passing an options array, the options now need to be moved to the second argument:

    // before
    .enableSassLoader({ resolve_url_loader: true });
    // after
    enableSassLoader(function(sassOptions) {}, {
        resolve_url_loader: true
  • Allowing typescript options callback to be optional - #75

  • Allow the Encore singleton to be reset - #83

  • Fixing bug with vue-loader and sass - #89


  • Syntax error fix - #64


  • [BEHAVIOR CHANGE] When using autoProvidejQuery(), window.jQuery is now also included (and so will be re-written in the compiled files). If you're also exposing jQuery as a global variable, you'll need to update your code:

    // Before: if you had this
    window.jQuery = require('jquery');
    // After: change to this
    global.jQuery = require('jquery');
  • Vue.js support! See #49

  • Typescript support! See #50


  • Windows support fixed #28

  • Added Encore.addPlugin() #19

  • Added Encore.addLoader() #11

  • Encore.cleanupOutputBeforeBuild() now empties the directory instead or removing it.