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Solution to Challenge 64

{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

module Challenge64
    GCMMACTrunc(..), gcmCTRTrunc, decryptGCMCTRTrunc
  , multMat, aMatrix, tMatrix
  , chooseK
  , findH
  ) where

import Bytes ( HasBytes(..), Bytes, convBytes, chunksOf, xorb, splitEnd )
import BitMatrix ( BitMatrix(..), rowBasis, kernelBasis )
import GCM ( GF, gcmCTR, mkGCMMACHash )
import AES ( decryptCTR )
import Hash ( MAC(..) )
import Util ( interleave )

import Data.Bits ( Bits(..) )
import Data.List ( unfoldr, foldl' )

import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as M
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Control.Monad.Random as R

We create a version of GCMCTR that truncates the hash to some number of bytes.

type GCMMACTrunc nonce ad = MAC (nonce,ad,Bytes) Bytes

gcmCTRTrunc :: (HasBytes key, HasBytes nonce, HasBytes ad, HasBytes text)
            => Int -> key -> nonce -> ad -> text -> GCMMACTrunc nonce ad
gcmCTRTrunc len key nonce ad text =
  let MAC{ macMessage = msg, macHash = hash } = gcmCTR key nonce ad text
  in  MAC{ macMessage = msg, macHash = B.take len $ toBytes hash }

decryptGCMCTRTrunc :: (HasBytes key, HasBytes nonce, HasBytes ad)
                   => Int -> key -> GCMMACTrunc nonce ad -> Maybe (ad,Bytes)
decryptGCMCTRTrunc len key mac =
  let MAC{ macMessage = (nonce,ad,ct), macHash = bs } = mac
      Just pt = decryptCTR key nonce ct
      hash = mkGCMMACHash key (nonce,ad,ct)
  in  if bs == B.take len (convBytes hash)
      then Just (ad,pt)
      else Nothing

Matrices corresponding to group operations

gfX is the polynomial X in GF(2^128), i.e. the bit string with only the second bit set.

gfX :: GF
gfX = 1 `shiftR` 1

Multiplication by an element in GF(2^128) corresponds to multiplication by a 128x128 matrix.

multMat :: GF -> BitMatrix
multMat p =

The powers of gfX are the elements which have exactly one bit set. We find the product of p with all of them.

  let cols = take 128 $ iterate (*gfX) p

We convert the GF elements to bit vectors and pack them together.

  in  M.fromColumns (map convBytes cols)

Squaring an element in GF(2^128) is a linear operation (as in any GF(2^k)) so we can also represent it by a matrix.

sqrMat :: BitMatrix
sqrMat =

Column i is the square of x^i.

  let cols = take 128 $ iterate (* (gfX * gfX)) 1
  in  M.fromColumns (map convBytes cols)

We can turn squaring into taking any power of 2.

powMats :: [BitMatrix]
powMats = iterate (<>sqrMat) (M.ident 128)

We have matrices for all of the multipliers corresponding to single-bit vectors.

multBits :: [BitMatrix]
multBits = map (multMat . bit) [127,126..0]

Attacking truncated GCM

The attack involves creating forgeries (which is made easier by the limited MAC size), then using those forgeries to limit the possible values for h to smaller and smaller subspaces; each limitation makes finding forgeries easier and easier, thus reducing the space further, until we determine the exact value of h and can thus forge at will.

Given ciphertext blocks ci, creating a forgery that validates means creating blocks c'i that hash to the same (truncated) MAC. The MAC is of the form

s + z*h + c1 * h^2 + c2 * h^3 + ...

(where s is the nonce and z is the size descriptor, and the cis are numbered from back to front). Taking h to the power of any power of 2 is a linear operation, so we'll leave most cis the same and change only c1, c3, c7, etc. Say dj = (c(2^j-1) + c'(2^j-1)); then we want to find ds such that

0 = sum (d_j * h^(2^j))
  = sum (d_j * sqr^j * h)
  = sum ( mul(d_j) * sqr^j ) * h.

We call the matrix Ad = sum ( mul(d_j) * sqr^j ); we then want to find Ad * h = 0.

'aMatrix' produces this matrix; the function takes a list of d blocks (dj is the XOR applied to c(2^j-1)) and produces the matrix Ad such that Ad * h is the XOR between the original hash and the new one.

aMatrix :: [Bytes] -> BitMatrix
aMatrix ds = sum
  [ multMat (fromBytes di) <> (powMats !! i)
  | (i,di) <- zip [1..] ds ]

There is also a linear relationship between the values of the ds and the entries in Ad. We can thus create a linear map T from the ds to the entries in Ad; or, rather, to the entries of the first r rows of Ad. Call this submatrix Bd. The map is from the space of bitflips in our power blocks (dimension 128n) to the space of the rows of Bd (dimension 128r). We also include the ability to multiply Bd by another matrix X; see below for why we want to do this.

tMatrix :: Int -> Int -> BitMatrix -> BitMatrix
tMatrix r n x = mat

The matrix Bd * X is built from

Ad * X = sum ( mul(d_j) * sqr^j * X).

Changing a single bit (bit i of d_k, say) therefore has the effect of adding to this the matrix

bitmul_i * sqr^k * X.

The matrix T has one column corresponding to each i and k.

  powXs = [ p <> x | p <- tail powMats ]
  colData = [ mul <> powX | powX <- take n powXs
                          , mul <- multBits ]

We simply have to cut the columns to the right length and pack them together into a BitMatrix.

  colSize = M.cols x * r
  cols = map (M.subVector 0 colSize . M.flatten) colData
  mat = M.fromColumns cols

Note that the kernel of T is the space of ds that set the Bd matrix to all zeros; these bit changes will then create Bds that satisfy Bd * h = 0, so they will have no affect on the MAC. However, T has 128r rows and 128n columns (with r = MAC size about 32, and n = log message size hopefully much less) so its kernel is very likely to be zero!

Look however at only Tk, the top part of the T matrix; say, the top k = 128k' rows. These correspond to the top k' rows of the Bd matrices, so the kernel of Tk is going to be all bit changes that leave the first k' bits of the MAC unchanged. How does this help us? Well, if the oracle is only considering the first r bits of the MAC, then if we are trying to brute force bit changes that leave them unchanged we will have to try about 2^r altered messages. But elements of the kernel of Tk all leave the first k' bits the same, so choosing from only these elements will mean we only have to try about 2^(r-k') of them to get a MAC collision.

Once we've found a collision, we can use that information to narrow our search. A valid forgery gives us a bitflip string d' that leaves the MAC unaffected, i.e. with Bd' * h = 0; h is thus in the kernel of Bd'. Since Bd' has 128 columns and k' zero rows, its kernel has dimension l ~= 128 - k', and we can confine h to an l-dimensional subspace which has basis X. But now we can write any possible value of h as X * h', where h' has l bits; this means that forgeries are ds that fulfil Cd * h' = 0, where Cd = Bd * X has r rows and l columns, which in turn means that the new T matrix has r*l rows.

The number of rows in T is important because it lets us reduce the search space for finding forgeries. Remember that we look for forgeries in the kernel of Tk, the first k rows of T. How do we choose k? We have two limitations on its value. First, we have to have some kernel at all, so Tk needs to be wider than it is high; that is, k < 128n. In addition, though, we can't set every row of Cd to zero; then the forgery will be accepted, but we won't learn anything new about h, which is the entire point here. We have to leave at least one entire row of Cd nonzero; that is, k <= l*(r-1). Therefore, we choose k/l = min ((128n - 1)/l) (r-1).

chooseK :: Int -> Int -> BitMatrix -> Int
chooseK r n x = min ((128*n - 1) `div` M.cols x) (r-1)

bitFlipBasis finds a basis for the bit flips to look for, given the size of the MAC r and the number of power blocks n.

bitFlipBasis :: Int -> Int -> BitMatrix -> [Bytes]
bitFlipBasis r n x = map toBytes basis
  k = chooseK r n x
  tk = tMatrix k n x
  basis = kernelBasis tk

Any single vector of bit flips within the search space is a sum of entries from the basis; its coordinate is a sequence of bits, one per basis element. The function bitFlipVec takes a basis and a sequence of bits (provided as an Integer) and returns the vector with that coordinate.

bitFlipVec :: [Bytes] -> Integer -> Bytes
bitFlipVec basis v = foldl' xorb noFlips elts

We first grab the individual bits from the Integer.

  bits = unfoldr (\n -> case n `quotRem` 2 of
                     (0,0)  -> Nothing
                     (n2,1) -> Just (True,n2)
                     (n2,0) -> Just (False,n2)) v

This lets us select the basis elements corresponding to True bits.

  elts = [ b | (True,b) <- zip bits basis ]

No flips at all corresponds to a vector of all zero bits.

  noFlips = B.replicate (B.length $ head basis) 0

Now we can look for possible forgeries, in a principled way. The function findForgeries takes an oracle to tell us whether a given bitflip vector validates OK.

findForgeries :: R.MonadRandom m
              => Int -> Int -> (Bytes -> Bool) -> BitMatrix
              -> m [Bytes]
findForgeries r n oracle x = processCoordinates <$> R.getRandomRs (1,kernelSize)

We find the basis of the bit flips which preserve the first k bits of the hash.

  basis = bitFlipBasis r n x

We also know the total size of the space of bit flips.

  kernelSize = 2^(length basis)

We will generate and process random coordinates (Integers). We find the bit flip corresponding to each coordinate, then filter out just those which pass the oracle.

  processCoordinates = filter oracle . map (bitFlipVec basis)

Now we can chain together forgeries to find h.

findH :: R.MonadRandom m => Int -> (Bytes -> Bool) -> Bytes -> m GF
findH r oracle ct = improveK (initM, initX)
  blockSize = 16

Because the only thing we can safely manipulate are the blocks of power-of-two index, we have to split the ciphertext into pieces and separate them. splitPowerBlocks splits blocks off from the end of the ciphertext, doubling the length between blocks each time. It returns a list [(power block i, 2^i - 1 blocks)].

  splitPowerBlocks _ bs | B.null bs = []
  splitPowerBlocks n bs =
    let (xs,p) = splitEnd blockSize bs
        (rest,r) = splitEnd ((n-1)*blockSize) xs
    in  (p,r) : splitPowerBlocks (2*n) rest
  (pbs,obs) = unzip (splitPowerBlocks 2 ct)
  n = length pbs

We also have to be able to apply bit flips to the power blocks, reassemble the ciphertext, and validate it with the oracle.

  oracle' delta = oracle ct'

Cut the bit flip into blocks and apply it to the power blocks.

    dbs = chunksOf blockSize delta
    pbs' = zipWith xorb pbs dbs

Reconstruct the ciphertext, remembering that our power blocks are in reverse order.

    ct' = B.concat $ reverse $ interleave pbs' obs

Our progress toward finding h is the subspace of vectors orthogonal to h; we store these as the rows of matrix M. The matrix X is constructed from the kernel of M; we can restrict h to a representation h' in a subspace whose dimension is the number of columns in X, then multiply X by h' to transform to its full 128-bit representation.

Once we have generated forgeries with a given M matrix, we try to use it to improve our knowledge and reduce the uncertainty about h.

  useForgeries (m,x) (d:ds) =

Since we have a forgery, we know that Ad * h = 0, i.e. the first r rows of Ad are orthogonal to h.

    let ar = M.takeRows r $ aMatrix $ chunksOf blockSize d

We adjoin these rows to our rows m and reduce to get a new set of row vectors orthogonal to h.

        m' = rowBasis $ m M.=== ar

Recompute X:

        x' = M.fromColumns (kernelBasis m')

The function findForgeries produces forgeries where we know that at least k bits of the hash are correct; but this means that (r-k) bits are chosen randomly, so we have to try about 2^(r-k) forgeries to get one that works. Thus, we want to start generating new forgeries as soon as we can increase the value of k. However, even if we improve our knowledge about h, that will not necessarily improve k, which we recall is

k = min ((128*n - 1) `div` M.cols x) (r-1).

Reducing the number of columns of X will not necessarily reduce k. Since formulating the T matrix is quite computationally expensive, we would therefore like to potentially process many forgeries until either k improves or our sample space becomes too large relative to our knowledge.

A forgery that doesn't improve our knowledge about h is an indication that the sample space for our forgeries is becoming too large. We thus choose to reformulate the forgeries if this happens.

    in  if | M.cols x' == M.cols x -> (m,x)

Even if we improved X, if we couldn't increase k we'll try the next forgery, albeit with our updated M and X.

           | chooseK r n x == chooseK r n x' -> useForgeries (m',x') ds

Finally, if we improved k we return the new values of M and X.

           | otherwise -> (m',x')

The function improveK creates and processes forgeries until k improves.

  improveK (m,x) = do
    (m',x') <- useForgeries (m,x) <$> findForgeries r n oracle' x

We're done when there's no uncertainty left in h, i.e. when X is down to one column. At this point, that single column is just the value of h.

    if M.cols x' == 1
    then pure $ convBytes $ M.flatten x'

Otherwise, we reformulate and continue.

    else improveK (m',x')

Our initial knowledge is nothing; thus, our M matrix is empty and our X matrix is just the identity.

  initM = (0 M.>< 128) []
  initX = M.ident 128