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Solution to Challenge 60

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Challenge60
  , vsForU
  , getPrivateKey
  ) where

import Bytes ( HasBytes(..) )
import Bytes.Integral ()
import EllipticCurve ( WECParameters(..), WECPoint(..), mkWEC, withWEC2, getWEC
                     , MECParameters(..), MECPoint, mecLadder )
import PublicKey ( PublicKey(..) )
import PublicKey.ECDiffieHellman ( MECDHParams(..), MECDHKeyPair, MECDHPublicKey
                                 , mecdhSharedSecret)
import Hash ( SHA1MAC, mkHMACSHA1, validateHMACSHA1 )
import Math ( crt, smallFactors, modSqrt )
import Modulo ( mkMod, modulo )
import Random ( randomResidue )
import GroupOps ( kangarooChase )

import Control.Monad ( foldM, forM )
import Data.List ( nub )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Data.Semigroup ( stimes )

import qualified Control.Monad.Random as R

The encoder is simpler again because the shared secret is just an integer.

bobEncoderMEC :: HasBytes message
              => MECDHKeyPair -> message -> MECDHPublicKey -> SHA1MAC message
bobEncoderMEC keypair msg pubkey =
  mkHMACSHA1 (mecdhSharedSecret keypair pubkey) msg

vsForU returns the possible v values for a given u.

vsForU :: MECParameters -> Integer -> [Integer]
vsForU MECParameters{mecA=a,mecB=b,mecP=p} u =

v^2 is computed directly from the elliptic curve equation,

b v^2 = u^3 + a u^2 + u
  let v2 = (let mu = mkMod u
            in  ((mu + mkMod a)*mu*mu + mu) / mkMod b) `modulo` p

Then it either has no square root, or two.

  in case modSqrt p v2 of
       Nothing -> []
       Just v  -> [v,p-v]

We don't have a good arbitrary-element multiplication for Montgomery curve points, so we can't implement Monoid and much of our existing machinery won't work. We're going to have to recreate some of it here.

lowOrderTwistBase finds a base of low order on the twist.

lowOrderTwistBase :: R.MonadRandom m
                  => MECParameters -> Integer -> Integer -> m MECPoint
lowOrderTwistBase ps o r =

To create an element of the given base, we pick a random u, making sure it's on the twist by checking it has no corresponding v, then taking its power and ensuring that it has the required order.

  let mkBase k = do
        u <- randomResidue (mecP ps)
        case vsForU ps u of
          _:_ -> mkBase k
          []  ->
            let g = mecLadder ps k u
            in  if g == 1
                then mkBase k
                else pure g

We then call mkBase with the order divided by the required order.

 in case o `quotRem` r of
     (k,0) -> mkBase k
     _     -> error $ "lowOrderTwistBase: target order "++show r++
                      " does not divide group order "++show o

smallDLog finds all of the elements in the input list which correspond to the private key mod r. In the Montgomery formulation, there will be two such: k and r-k. The function is called in two ways: first, with all numbers less than r (essentially used to brute-force the key); but also with only a few numbers, used to narrow down a number of possibilities from the Chinese remainder theorem.

smallDLog :: R.MonadRandom m
          => (MECPoint -> Integer -> Bool) -> MECDHPublicKey
          -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> m [Integer]
smallDLog oracle pubKey o r ks = do
  let PublicKey{ pkParameters = MECDHParams ps _ _ } = pubKey
  h <- lowOrderTwistBase ps o r
  pure $ filter (oracle h) ks

phOracleTwist performs the same function as the Pohlig-Hellman-with-oracle function in GroupOps, but working on the twist of a Montgomery curve. It works much the same way as that function, except that there are two possible values for the private key mod n.

phOracleTwist :: R.MonadRandom m
              => (MECPoint -> Integer -> Bool) -> MECDHPublicKey -> Integer
              -> m ([Integer],Integer)
phOracleTwist oracle pubKey o = do
  let PublicKey{ pkParameters = MECDHParams params _ _ } = pubKey

There are 2p+2 points between the original curve and its twist, so the order of the twist curve is just

  let twistOrder = (2 * mecP params + 2) - o

We factor the twist order:

  let primeBound = 2^24
      rs = [ fac | (fac,1) <- fst $ smallFactors primeBound twistOrder ]

For each factor, we call smallDLog to brute-force the key modulo that factor.

  kss <- forM rs $ \r -> do
    xs <- smallDLog oracle pubKey twistOrder r [0..r-1]
    let x = case xs of
              [] -> error $ "brute force failed for r = "++show r
              x:_ -> x

There are two elements of the input list which correspond to the key; once we know x, we know the other, -x.

    pure [ x `rem` r, -x `mod` r ]

We combine the possibilities for each modulus by taking the crt of each pair; this gives us up to four possibilities, so we call smallDLog with them to narrow down to only the ones which match the private key.

  let crt' (ks1,r1) (ks2,r2) = do
        let ks = [ crt [(k1,r1),(k2,r2)] | k1 <- ks1, k2 <- ks2 ]
            r12 = r1 * r2
        ks' <- nub <$> smallDLog oracle pubKey twistOrder r12 ks
        pure (ks', r12)

We can just fold crt' over the keys to get our final value.

  let kr:krs = zip kss rs
  foldM crt' kr krs

Now for the attack itself. Besides the oracle and the public key, we will also need the related Weierstrass curve and a function to convert to points on that curve.

getPrivateKey :: (R.MonadRandom m, HasBytes message)
              => (MECDHPublicKey -> SHA1MAC message) -> MECDHPublicKey -> Integer
              -> WECParameters -> (MECPoint -> [WECPoint])
              -> m Integer
getPrivateKey oracle pubKey o wps m2ws = do
  let PublicKey{ pkParameters = MECDHParams params g q, pkKey = y } = pubKey

We have to make an oracle of type MECPoint -> Integer -> Bool to send to phOracleTwist.

  let oracle' m =
        let mac = oracle pubKey{ pkKey = m }
        in  \k -> validateHMACSHA1 (mecLadder params k m) mac

We first pull as much information as possible from the twist curve. This returns two possible values for (private mod r).

  (ks,r) <- phOracleTwist oracle' pubKey o

We can use the kangaroo chase to narrow this down to the actual value, but we have to do that on the corresponding WEC curve. The function chase runs the kangaroo chase for the given WEC points.

  let kcBounds = (0, q `div` r)
  let chase wg wy k =
        let g' = r `stimes` mkWEC wg
            y' = mkWEC wy <> ((-k) `stimes` mkWEC wg)
            cat = fromIntegral . wecX . getWEC
            kc = withWEC2 wps (\[g',y'] -> kangarooChase cat g' y' kcBounds)
        in  (\m -> k + m*r) <$> kc

There are, however, two possible values for the base and two for the public key corresponding to the particular Montgomery points; these will give the same answer if we get the correct or wrong sign for both, so we will end up having to check two possibilities for each choice of k, for up to four possible runs of the kangaroo chase.

  pure $ head $ catMaybes [ chase wg wy k
                          | wg <- m2ws g
                          , k <- ks
                          , wy <- m2ws y ]