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Solution to Challenge 32

module Challenge32
  ) where

import Bytes ( Bytes, Byte )
import Bytes.Hex ( showHex )
import Hash ( SHA1MAC )
import Timing ( TimingOracle, TimingResponse(..) )

import Challenge31 ( fakeSHA1MAC )

import Data.Ord ( comparing )

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Except as E

import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV

import qualified Control.Monad.Random as R
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Crypto.Hash as H

import qualified Statistics.Types as S
import qualified Statistics.Test.MannWhitneyU as S

import Debug.Trace ( trace )

The test decoding for the function 'timingAttack' stops working consistently for a comparison delay of about 30ms. To handle lower delay times, we're going to have to average the time over several requests, which is going to require statistics (and statistics).

The failure of the simple timing attack makes sense when you consider how long the queries can take. Consider the function getNextByte from Challenge 31. We time our request for every possible byte and want to pick the one which does one extra comparison. However, the query time is not only dependent on the delay time; there's also some natural variation, because of unpredictable differences from memory paging to thread scheduling to network latency.

In a run where I timed the performance of webserver queries without any artificial comparison delay, I saw sample standard deviations of about 400 microseconds per query; this is perhaps possible to handle with the simple method. However, some query times can get much, much higher. After a hundred thousand tests, the longest query I observed took nearly 40ms! Over the more than 5000 queries necessary to find all of the bytes in a SHA-1 hash, it's nearly inevitable that we'll run into a random whale of a query time that screws up our measurements unless the artificial delay is comparably high.

Indeed, this is what we observe in actual runs with smaller delay times; most bytes are guessed correctly, then one is guessed wrong and, since we have no mechanism to recover from this, the entire search fails.

A more sophisicated approach is needed. Instead of just selecting the query that took the longest time, we will make multiple queries for each byte and look at the likelihood that a given set of queries performed more comparisons than any of the other queries. That is, for each query byte we want to compare the times taken for queries of that byte, versus the times taken for all other queries, and determine how likely it is that the average of the former is greater than that of the latter. If the query time were normally distributed, we could use Student's t-test; however, observing the actual distribution of times shows that it is far from normal!

Another method we can use, which does not assume anything about the distributions, is the Mann-Whitney U-test. The Mann-Whitney test is pretty simple in outline. All of the samples, from all query bytes, are sorted and ranked; we then take the sum of the ranks for each byte. If a given byte takes consistently longer to query, we expect that its ranks should be higher. It turns out that the rank sum is normally distributed, so we can quantify this likelihood.

The statistics package includes a Mann-Whitney test, but running it repeatedly on almost the same data results in much writing and rewriting of Vectors; in particular, it has to re-sort the samples every call. With the structure of our data, however, it's possible to maintain the samples as a sorted Vector and compute all of the rank sums in a single pass.

The sortAndMerge function takes our sorted Vector of measurements and a new set of timings, another (unsorted) Vector. It then merges the two into our new timings Vector.

sortAndMerge :: V.Vector (Byte,Double) -> V.Vector (Byte,Double)
             -> V.Vector (Byte,Double)
sortAndMerge sorted unsorted =

We first sort the unsorted vector, using sortBy from vector-algorithms.

  let sorted2 = V.modify (V.sortBy $ comparing snd) unsorted

The length of the final vector is the total length of the two input vectors.

      len = V.length sorted + V.length unsorted

Its elements are created by merging the two sorted vectors.

  in  V.fromListN len $ merge sorted sorted2

The merge function is pretty simple; it just recurses down the elements of the two vectors, always taking the one that is least.

  merge v1 v2
    | V.null v1 = V.toList v2
    | V.null v2 = V.toList v1
    | otherwise =
      let x1 = V.unsafeHead v1
          x2 = V.unsafeHead v2
      in  case compare (snd x1) (snd x2) of
            LT -> x1 : merge (V.unsafeTail v1) v2
            _  -> x2 : merge v1 (V.unsafeTail v2)

With all of our time samples in a sorted Vector, we can compute the rank sums for all the query bytes in a single pass. This can be done pretty simply with the accum function.

rankSums :: V.Vector (Byte,a) -> V.Vector Int
rankSums timings = V.unsafeAccum (+) (V.replicate 256 0)
                      [ (fromIntegral b, i)
                      | ((b,_),i) <- zip (V.toList timings) [0..] ]

With these rank sums, we can find which bytes have sample times significantly longer than the rest. The function significantU takes the observation vector as well as the desired significance, or P-value, to use as the cutoff point.

significantU :: S.PValue Double -> V.Vector (Byte,Double) -> [Byte]
significantU pval timings =

We assume that all query bytes have the same number of samples; then the number of samples per byte is the total number of samples divided by 256. For each byte, we consider the number of samples for that byte with the number of samples for all of the other bytes.

  let numSamples = V.length timings
      numPerByte = numSamples `div` 256
      numOtherBytes = numSamples - numPerByte

We normalize the rank sum by subtracting off the lowest possible rank sum, effectively shifting the distribution to start from zero. This gives us the Mann-Whitney U measure.

      lowestRankSum = (numPerByte * (numPerByte - 1)) `div` 2
      uScores = fmap (fromIntegral . subtract lowestRankSum) (rankSums timings)

We can now use the statistics package's builtin test for significance (which is conveniently separated from the U-value computation).

      totalU = fromIntegral $ numOtherBytes * numPerByte
      uTest = S.mannWhitneyUSignificant S.AGreater (numPerByte,numOtherBytes)
      isSignificant b =
        let (u1,u2) = (uScores V.! fromIntegral b, totalU - u1)
        in  uTest pval (u1,u2) == Just S.Significant

We return only the bytes whose sample times are significantly greater than the rest.

  in  filter isSignificant [0..255]

The byte timings themselves are generated by the function getByteTimings. It can be run on any subset of the query bytes, and normally returns a Vector of a pair of (query byte, time in ms); however, we use an Except transformer to allow it to return the full hash if one of the queries succeeds.

getByteTimings :: R.MonadRandom m
               => TimingOracle m (SHA1MAC a) -> a -> Bytes -> [Byte]
               -> E.ExceptT Bytes m (V.Vector (Byte,Double))
getByteTimings oracle x known candidates = do

First, we randomly permute the input vector (see below).

  bytes <- R.lift $ randomPermuteVector (V.fromList candidates)

Next, we call the oracle on all of the possible queries and collect the results.

  res <- R.lift $ mapM (oracle . fakeSHA1MAC x . B.snoc known) bytes

We traverse over the results to look for query successes and convert from nanoseconds to milliseconds.

  let f (b,req) = case req of
                    RequestSucceeded -> E.throwE (known `B.snoc` b)
                    RequestFailed ns -> pure (b, fromIntegral ns / 1e6)
  V.mapM f $ bytes res

One of the biggest biases I observed in the simple version of this Challenge is that earlier queries in a set take significantly longer than the average. In order to counter this, we will do the queries in a random order. The function randomPermuteVector performs a random permutation of an input Vector.

randomPermuteVector :: R.MonadRandom m => V.Vector a -> m (V.Vector a)
randomPermuteVector vec = do

The Fisher-Yates shuffle swaps the elements of the vector, from the end to the beginning, with a randomly-chosen element up to their position in the vector. This essentially requires the generation of n-1 pairs of swap partners.

  let len = V.length vec
      ixs = [len-1,len-2..1]
  jxs <- R.forM ixs $ \n -> R.getRandomR (0,n)

We then modify the vector by performing all of the swaps.

  pure $ V.modify (\mv -> sequence_ (zipWith (MV.unsafeSwap mv) ixs jxs)) vec

The new getNextByte function finds the next byte of the signature, using the Mann-Whitney U-test to test for significance. It may return either the complete hash (if one of the requests succeeds) or just the next byte.

getNextByte :: R.MonadRandom m
            => TimingOracle m (SHA1MAC a) -> a -> Bytes
            -> E.ExceptT Bytes m Byte
getNextByte oracle x known =

We'd like a confidence interval of something like 0.05 or 0.01. Remember, though, that we're actually looking at 256 different tests; thus, we expect about 0.05 * 256, or about 13 of them to succeed at a 0.05 confidence interval! We can use the (very simple) Bonferroni correction, which just divides the desired confidence interval by the number of tests.

  let excludeThresh = S.mkPValue (0.01 / 256)

nextSamples generates a new set of samples, merges them into the current collection, then tests for significance.

      nextSamples oldSamples = do
        newSamples <- getByteTimings oracle x known [0..255]
        let samples = oldSamples `sortAndMerge` newSamples
            significant = significantU excludeThresh samples

If there is exactly one significant byte, then we return it; otherwise, we recurse to gather more samples.

        case significant of
          [b] -> pure b
          _   -> nextSamples samples

We start off the process with no samples.

  in  nextSamples V.empty

Our updated timing attack uses the new getNextByte. It works pretty much the same as the simple version, allowing for a shortcut when one of the hashes is validated.

timingAttack :: R.MonadRandom m
             => TimingOracle m (SHA1MAC a) -> a -> m (SHA1MAC a)
timingAttack oracle x =
  let addByte known = do
        known' <- B.snoc known <$> getNextByte oracle x known
        pure $ (trace $ "decoded HMAC: " <> showHex known') known'
      digestSize = H.hashDigestSize H.SHA1
      op = foldl (>>=) (pure B.empty) $ replicate digestSize addByte
  in  fakeSHA1MAC x . either id id <$> E.runExceptT op