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File metadata and controls

107 lines (85 loc) · 3.08 KB

Solution to Challenge 26

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Challenge26
    Profile, mkProfile, decryptProfile
  , isAdmin
  , fakeAdmin
  ) where

import Bytes ( HasBytes(..), Bytes, xorb )
import AES ( encryptCTR, decryptCTR )

import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, mapMaybe )

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC

import qualified Network.URL as URL

This is even easier than Challenge 16, where we did CBC bitflipping.

newtype Profile = Profile { encryptedProfile :: Bytes }
  deriving (Eq,Show)

We can decrypt the profile. Unlike the CBC case, there is no padding to verify.

decryptProfile :: (HasBytes key, HasBytes nonce)
               => key -> nonce -> Profile -> Maybe Bytes
decryptProfile key nonce = decryptCTR key nonce . encryptedProfile

We create the profile in the same way: sanitize the supplied user data then concatenate and encrypt.

mkProfile :: (HasBytes key, HasBytes nonce, HasBytes userdata)
          => key -> nonce -> userdata -> Maybe Profile
mkProfile key nonce userdata = do
  sanitized <- sanitize (toBytes userdata)
  fmap Profile $ encryptCTR key nonce $
    B.concat ["comment1=cooking%20MCs&userdata=",sanitized
  sanitize str | BC.any (\ch -> ch == '&' || ch == '=') str = Nothing
               | otherwise = Just str

We once again use the url library to look for key-value pair admin=true.

isAdmin :: (HasBytes key, HasBytes nonce)
        => key -> nonce -> Profile -> Bool
isAdmin key nonce profile = maybe False (=="true") $ do
  ps <- decryptProfile key nonce profile
  url <- URL.importURL ("/?" ++ fromBytes ps)
  lookup "admin" (URL.url_params url)

Creating a fake admin profile with CTR bitflipping is even easier than with CBC, since we can just apply our XOR to the block we want to edit, not to the previous one! Other than that, the idea is the same.

fakeAdmin :: (Bytes -> Maybe Profile) -> Profile
fakeAdmin mkProfile =

Our legitimate user profile has user data which is just &admin=true, with the & and = replaced by an arbitrary character, say A.

  let evilUserData = "&admin=true"
      legitUserData = (\c -> if BC.elem c "&=" then 'A' else c)
      legitProfileData = encryptedProfile $ fromJust $ mkProfile legitUserData

We know the prefix text (we have to in this case, since there's no blocksize to help us figure it out). We don't want to alter the prefix or suffix at all, so we'll XOR them against zeros.

      prefixLen = B.length "comment1=cooking%20MCs&userdata="
      suffixLen = numBytes legitProfileData - prefixLen - numBytes evilUserData
      bitmask = B.replicate prefixLen 0 <>
                xorb evilUserData legitUserData <>
                B.replicate suffixLen 0

The manipulated profile is then just the bitmask XORed against the legitimate one.

  in  Profile (legitProfileData `xorb` bitmask)