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Porting Embed

The Porting Embed allows a user to complete a number porting inside your app.

Number Porting is split up into multiple steps:

  1. Carrier Details (Account Number & PIN)
  2. Account Holder Details (First Name, Last Name & Birthday)
  3. Account Holder Address
  4. Donor Provider Approval

Each step is displayed only if the porting requires certain fields. If the user hasn't filled out these fields yet or if they have but some fields need updating, the step will be shown. When the user submits a step, the porting is updated, and they move on to the next step. This continues until all fields are filled out.


  1. Create a Gigs Connect Session on your own server.
  2. Pass the session object from your server to your app.
  3. Initialize the embed using the session object with an intent of type completePorting, your project ID and an onCompleted callback function.
  4. Navigate the user to the next screen once the number porting is completed.
  5. (Optional) Handle the case where a component is loaded or has initialization errors.

Example app

See example/porting/index.tsx for a full example implementation.


Initializing the Porting Embed

 onCompleted={() => navigate('SuccessScreen')}

Required props


The complete Connect Session object which you created on your server and passed to the browser. Do not store this.


The ID of your Gigs Project.


(porting: Porting) => unknown Callback triggered when the number porting is completed. porting - The whole porting object.


(error: Error, meta: Metadata) => unknown

Callback triggered when the embed is in an error state. The metadata object includes a code field for the error, which gives more context about the error, and an optional porting field. The callback is triggered when:

  • There is an error initializing the porting form (code 'initializationError'). The error may stem from an invalid session, in which case recovery can be attempted by generating and passing a new Connect session to the embed. The porting object is passed if present.
  • There is an error retrieving the authorization token (code 'tokenFetchingError').
  • There is a failed attempt to retrieve a subscription (the code is passed from the Gigs API Error codes). In this case it is advisable to inform the user to try again later or to contact customer support for assistance. The error is passed as an argument to the callback.
  • There is an error fetching service providers in the donor providers form ('providersNotFound').
  • The porting has been declined. The porting object and the error code portingDeclined are passed as arguments to the callback.

Optional props


() => unknown Callback triggered when the embed is initialized. Mostly useful for debugging purposes. In most cases you want to use onLoaded to know when the component is ready.


() => unknown Callback triggered when the embed form is loaded with a subscription and the related porting.


(step: PortingStep) => unknown
Callback that returns the current porting step. Useful to display custom headlines and information in your app depending on the step.


(step: PortingStep) => unknown
Render prop function that can be used to customise the porting form headline depending on the step. No headline is displayed if there is no renderTitle prop passed to the embed.

step - The current porting step. Returns a React node representing the customized title.

const titles: Record<string, string> = {
  holderDetails: 'Account Holder Information',
  carrierDetails: 'Carrier Details Information',
  address: 'Address Information',

renderTitle={(step) =>
            step != null && (
              <Text style={[customStyles.title]}>{titles[step]}</Text>


(name: string, onChange: (value: string) => void, inputMode?: InputModeOptions) => React.ReactNode
Render prop function that can be used to customise the porting form inputs. If no renderInput prop is passed to the embed, a default input component is displayed instead.

name - The name of the input. onChange - Function to handle input value changes. inputMode - Optional input mode ('text', 'numeric', etc). Returns a React node representing the customized input component.

const titles: Record<string, string> = {
  'holderDetails.firstName': 'First name',
  'holderDetails.lastName': 'Last name',
  'holderDetails.birthday': 'Birthday',

renderInput={(name, onChangeText, inputMode) => (


(onChecked: (checked: boolean) => void) => React.ReactNode Render prop function that can be used to customize the rendering of a checkbox. If no renderCheckbox prop is passed to the component, a default checkbox component is displayed instead.

onChecked - Function to handle checkbox checked changes. Returns a React node representing the customized checkbox component.

const [isChecked, setChecked] = useState(false)

renderCheckbox={(onChecked) => (
                onValueChange={(checked) => {
                color={isChecked ? 'black' : undefined}
              <Text>I confirm that I have requested my provider approval.</Text>


(onPress: () => void, name?: string, isSubmitting?: boolean, disabled?: boolean) => React.ReactNode Render prop function that can be used to customize the rendering of a primary button (e.g. the form submit action). If no renderPrimaryButton prop is passed to the component, a default primary button component is displayed instead.

onPress - Function to handle button press event. name - Optional name for the button. isSubmitting - Optional boolean indicating if the button is in a submitting state. disabled - Optional boolean indicating if the button is disabled. Returns a React node representing the customized primary button component.

const titles: Record<string, string> = {
  'protectionDisabling.cancel': 'Cancel',

renderPrimaryButton={(onPress, name, isSubmitting, disabled) => {
            const title = name ? titles[name] : undefined
            return (
                title={title ? title : isSubmitting ? 'Loading...' : 'Submit'}


(name: string, onPress: () => void) => React.ReactNode Render prop function that can be used to customize the rendering of a secondary button (e.g. the form cancelation action). If no renderSecondaryButton prop is passed to the component, a default secondary button component is displayed instead.

onPress - Function to handle button press event. name - Optional name for the button. Returns a React node representing the customized secondary button component.

  const titles: Record<string, string> = {
    'protectionDisabling.button': 'Request Porting Again',

renderSecondaryButton={(name, onPress) => (
            <Pressable onPress={onPress}>
                    color: 'orange',


(variant: 'error' | 'info', message: string) => React.ReactNode Render prop function that can be used to customize the rendering of alert banners in the embed. Alert banners are used either to convey information or to display errors. The 'info' type appears in the holderDetails and address steps as follows:

Account holder info alert banner

Address info alert banner

The 'error' type appears whenever there is an error after submitting a porting step, or if the porting has been declined (see all the declined messages here).

variant - The variant of the alert banner (either 'error' or 'info'). message - The message to be displayed in the alert banner. Returns a React node representing the customized alert banner component.

  renderAlertBanner={(variant, message) => (
          backgroundColor: variant === 'error' ? '#FFE4E6' : 'white',
          color: variant === 'error' ? '#BE123C' : 'black',


(name: string, onChange: (value: string) => void) => React.ReactNode Render prop function that can be used to customize the rendering of a date input. If no renderDate prop is passed to the component, a default input component is displayed instead.

name - The name of the date input. onChange - Function to handle date input value changes.

const [date, setDate] = useState<Date | undefined>(new Date())

renderDate={(name, onChangeText) => (
              onChange={(d) => {
                const year = d?.getFullYear()
                const month = `0${(d?.getMonth() ?? 0) + 1}`.slice(-2)
                const day = `0${d?.getDate()}`.slice(-2)

                const dateString = `${year}-${month}-${day}` // needs to be an RFC3339 date string


(onConfirm: () => void) => React.ReactNode Render prop function that can be used to customize the rendering of a component to confirm that porting protection has been disabled by the donor carrier. If no renderPortingProtectionDisabledConfirmation prop is passed to the component, a default confirmation component is displayed instead.

onConfirm - Function to handle the confirmation action.

  renderPortingProtectionDisabledConfirmation={(onConfirm) => (
        After you have received confirmation that port protection has been
        deactivated and your number is prepared for porting, kindly inform us by
        clicking the button below to confirm.
      <Button title={'Confirm'} onPress={onConfirm} color={'blue'} />


The default font that the embed uses for all default components, i.e. all components that are not replaced by a corresponding render prop (for example all inputs will use the defaultTextFont if no renderInput component was passed to the embed).



Render prop function that can be used to customize the rendering of a component to select the current carrier. If no renderProvidersDropdown prop is passed to the component, a default component is displayed instead.

name - The name of the dropdown. providers - List of IDs and names of providers. onChange - Function to handle carrier ID value changes.

  const titles: Record<string, string> = {
    'donorProvider.dropdown': 'Select your current carrier',

renderProvidersDropdown={(name, providers, onChange) => (
              onValueChange={(itemValue, _itemIndex) => {
                onChange(itemValue as string)
              { => {
                return <Picker.Item key={} label={} value={} />

Porting Embed props

| Prop | Type | Required | Description/Signature | | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | connectSession | Connect Session object | ✅ | A Connect Session object with an intent of type completePorting. | | project | string | ✅ | Your project ID. | | onCompleted | function | ✅ | (porting: Porting) => unknown | | onError | function | ✅ | (error: Error, meta: Metadata) => unknown | | onInitialized | function | ❌ | () => unknown | | onLoaded | function | ❌ | () => unknown | | onPortingStep | function | ❌ | (step: PortingStep) => unknown | | renderTitle | function | ❌ | (step: PortingStep) => unknown | | renderCheckbox | function | ❌ | (name: string, onChange: (value: string) => void, inputMode?: InputModeOptions) => unknown | | renderPrimaryButton | function | ❌ | (onPress: () => void, name?: string, isSubmitting?: boolean, disabled?: boolean) => React.ReactNode | | renderSecondaryButton | function | ❌ | (name: string, onPress: () => void) => React.ReactNode | | renderAlertBanner | function | ❌ | (variant: 'error' | 'info', message: string) => React.ReactNode | | renderDate | function | ❌ | (name: string, onChange: (value: string) => void) => React.ReactNode | | renderPortingProtectionDisabledConfirmation | function | ❌ | (onConfirm: () => void) => React.ReactNode | | renderProvidersDropdown | function | ❌ | (name: string, providers: {id: string; name: string;}[], onChange: (value: string) => void) => React.ReactNode | | defaultTextFont | string | ❌ | Custom font used in all default components. |


Key Default
carrierDetails N/A
carrierDetails.number Account Number Account PIN
holderDetails N/A
holderDetails.firstName Account Holder’s First Name
holderDetails.lastName Account Holder’s Last Name
holderDetails.birthday Account Holder’s Birthday
holderDetails.cancel Cancel
address N/A
address.line1 Street Address
address.line2 Apt, Suite, other City
address.postalCode Postal Code
address.state State Country
protectionDisabling.confirm Confirm
protectionDisabling.cancel Cancel
portingInfoLink See Porting instructions
protectionDisabling.button Request Porting Again
donorProvider N/A
donorProvider.dropdown Donor providers dropdown