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File metadata and controls

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Toolbox for automated station quality control for MT inversion. Please contact me for more information, help or when something does not behave as expected ;-) : [email protected]

  • Catalog search for teleseismic events with uniform azimuthal coverage around array
  • Download of data & metadata for these events + computation of synthetic data
  • Relative gain factors in time domain (relative to reference station or to synthetic data)
  • Rayleigh wave polarization analysis for detection of sensor misorientations
  • Comparison of obs. and synth. PSDs; determining frequency ranges suitable for MT inversion
  • Test for large timing errors
  • Second independent and interactive test for exact and reliable amplitude corrections based on phase picking in snuffler and correlating waveforms


Petersen, G. M., Cesca, S., Kriegerowski, M. (2019): Automated Quality Control for Large Seismic Networks: Implementation and Application to the AlpArray Seismic Network. - Seismological Research Letters. 90 (3): 1177–1190. DOI:

Latest changes

  • Improved timing test (26.01.2024): More flexible selection of time windows; choppingof traces after bandpass filtering; improved plots; save single results for all stations and events. See also example config file and section on timing test below.
  • updated AutoStatsQ to work with recent matplotlib, gmt, pyrocko versions (27.10.2023)
  • 2 new tutorials with step-by-step instructions in the example directory; including all input to get started. Example (I) - testing data and metadata downloaded from an fdsn server; Example (II) - testing locally stored data (including a synthetic test dataset).
  • Result presentation as a html report! After running AutoStatsQ, a html report file can be generated using --report. The report is based on reveal (Copyright (C) 2020 Hakim El Hattab,, and reveal.js contributors).
  • Improved config file checks, feedback and error logging.


  • python3
  • Seismology toolbox pyrocko: (Heimann et al. 2017) (and all requirements needed for pyrocko)
  • To compute synthetic data a pre-calculated GF database can be downloaded using fomosto. For instance, fomosto download kinherd global_2s from the pyrocko environment.
  • for new interactive test: Grond (from the pyrocko suite of applications).

AutoStatsQ does now also work with gmt6. Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.6, matplotlib version 3.5.1; pyrocko version 2023.10.11

Download and Installation


... AutoStatsQ is updated whenever new ideas are implemented or bugs found...

  • cd into your AutoStatsQ installation directory
  • git pull origin main
  • (sudo) python3 install

Basic commands

show basic commands/ help:

autostatsq -h

generate an example config file:

autostatsq --generate_config


autostatsq --config name_of_config_file --run

To get detailed error/ info logging, use the -l option:

  autostatsq --config name_of_config_file --run -l INFO

Helpful for debugging: Forward terminal output into a logging file by using the option --logoutput FILENAME.

To generate a html report after running AutoStatsQ:

  autostatsq --config name_of_config_file --report

The report is saved in a directory result_report and the file index_report.html can be opend for example with firefox.

Config file settings

The default config file should look like this (without the comments):

--- !autostatsq.config.AutoStatsQConfig
- !autostatsq.config.GeneralSettings
  work_dir: /some/data/directory/
  list_station_lists: [/path/to/station-file/, /path/to/station-file/file.xml]
  # use as input station list in pyrocko format or in fdsn stationxml format
  st_use_list: [STATION] 
  # if set, only stations in this list are considered. remove or set to [] to use all stations
  # in station files.

- !autostatsq.config.CatalogConfig
  search_events: true 
  # search gCMT catalog for events?

  use_local_catalog: false
  # Or use a local (already downloaded) catalog? 
  # Needed re-runs using same catalog.

  subset_of_local_catalog: true
  # Find a subset of the full catalog?

  use_local_subsets: false
  # Use local (already saved) subset instead?
  subset_fns: {}
  # if so, give here paths to subset-catalog-files: e.g. 
  # {'deep': 'catalog_deep_subset.txt',
  # 'shallow': 'catalog_shallow_subset.txt'}

  min_mag: 6.5
  max_mag: 8.5
  tmin_str: '2000-01-01 00:00:00'
  tmax_str: '2018-10-01 00:00:00'
  min_dist_km: 4000.0
  max_dist_km: 20000.0
    deep: [25000, 600000] # [m]
    shallow: [100, 40000] # [m]

  wedges_width: 15
  # backazimuthal step for subset generation
  # adjust to get more events, especially if time range is small

  mid_point: [46.98, 10.74]
  # give a rough estimate of midpoint of array/ network
  # optional, if not provided a geographic station midpoint is calculated

  ### catalog plotting options ###
  plot_catalog_all: false
  # plots entire catalog on a map

  plot_hist_wedges: false
  # catalog statistics plot
  plot_catalog_subset: false
  # plots the subset(s) on a map

- !autostatsq.config.ArrTConfig
  calc_first_arr_t: true
  # Should first arrivals be computed?

  phase_select: P|p|P(cmb)P(icb)P(icb)p(cmb)p|P(cmb)Pv(icb)p(cmb)p|P(cmb)P<(icb)(cmb)p
  # which phases?

  calc_est_R: true
  # compute arrival time of Rayleigh waves for each station-event pair? 
  # (needed for orientation test)
  v_rayleigh: 4.0  # [km/s] default

- !autostatsq.config.MetaDataDownloadConfig
  # download of metadata and data

  download_data: false
  download_metadata: false 
  use_downmeta: true
  # Set to true if downloaded metadata should be used.

  # local_metadata: [stations.xml]
  # list of local metadata files (uncomment if needed)
  # local_data: [./data]
  # list with paths to local waveform data (uncomment if needed)
  # sds_structure: true
  # if the local waveform data is saved in sds structure, set to true!
  # otherwise assessing local data might be very slow in case of large amounts of data. 
  # working on it...
  # local_data_only: true
  # if only local, no freshly downloaded data is used

  channels_download: HH*
  # '*' would download all and analyse the most broadband channel for each
  # station
    geofon: /path/to/token/token.asc
  # delete token-dictionary, if no token needed for fdsn query
  sites: [geofon, orfeus, iris]

  dt_start: 0.1
  # start time before origin time [h]
  dt_end: 1.5
  # end time after origin time [h]

- !autostatsq.config.RestDownRotConfig
  # restitution, downsampling and rotation of data
  # required for all tests
  rest_data: false
  freqlim: [0.005, 0.01, 0.2, 0.25] # [Hz]
  rotate_data: false
  deltat_down: 2 [s]
  # set deltat_down to 0.0 if no downsampling is wanted. (This will slow down everything,
  # and the PSD-test does only work if the sampling freuqency of synthtic and real data is 
  # the same.)

- !autostatsq.config.SynthDataConfig
  # computation of synthetic data
  # needed for PSD-test only, can otherwise be left out
  make_syn_data: false
  engine_path: /path/to/GF_stores
  store_id: global_2s

- !autostatsq.config.GainfactorsConfig
  # settings for first test
  calc_gainfactors: false
  - reference_nsl
  - [GE, MATE]
  ### describe different methods
    corner_hp: 0.01 # [Hz]
    corner_lp: 0.2 # [Hz]
    order: 4
  taper_xfrac: 0.25 # [s]

  wdw_st_arr: 60
  wdw_sp_arr: 60
  # time window around P phase onset, start [s] before and end [s] after theo. arrival time

  snr_thresh: 2. # threshold for snr of used event
  debug_mode: false # if true, time windows are opened in snuffler to check window settings.

  components: [Z, R, T]

  # plotting options
  plot_median_gain_on_map: false
  plot_allgains: false

- !autostatsq.config.PSDConfig
  # settings for PSD test
  calc_psd: false
  tinc: 600  # [s]
  tpad: 200  # [s]
  dt_start: 60  # [s] start before arrival of first P phases
  dt_end: 120  # [s] end before arrival of Rayleigh waves
  n_poly: 25
  norm_factor: 50
  f_ign: 0.02  # [Hz]
  only_first: true # outputs only first "flat" frequency range
  plot_psds: false
  plot_ratio_extra: false
  plot_m_rat: false
  plot_flat_ranges: false

- !autostatsq.config.OrientConfig
  # settings for orientation test
  orient_rayl: false
  bandpass: [3.0, 0.01, 0.05]  # [Hz]
  start_before_ev: 30.0  # start befor theo. Rayleigh wave arrival, [s]
  stop_after_ev: 480.0  # end after theo. Rayleigh wave arrival, [s]
  ccmin: 0.80
  # min. cross-correlation value. results below this value will not be
  # considered
  debug_mode: false
  # if true, time windows are opened in snuffler to check window settings.

  plot_heatmap: false
  # plot correction angle vs. cross-correlation value as imshow heatmap
  # usually distibution plot is better.
  plot_distr: false
  # plot correction angle vs. cross-correlation value
  # usually distibution plot is better.
  plot_orient_map_fromfile: false
  # plot a map with correction angles as lines
  plot_angles_vs_events: false
  # plot angle vs single events, one plot for each station
  plot_angles_vs_baz: false
  # plot angle vs. backazimuth, color scale for event time

- !autostatsq.config.TimingConfig
  # simple test for large timing errors (> 2s)
  timing_test: false
  bandpass: [3, 0.01, 0.08]
  time_wdw: ['tP-120', 'tP+600']  
  # needs a long time window for correlation
  # time windows can be defined relative to P arrival (tP) or estimated Rayleigh wave arrival (4km/s; tR), for example 'tP-60' means 60 s before tP, 'tR+1200' corresponds to 1200 s after tR
  cc_thresh: 0.6
  # test appropriate setting with debug mode, depends on frequency range
  debug_mode: false 
  # starts in interactive mode in snuffler showing the traces
  debug_only_cc_abovethresh: false
  # to only show traces above cc thrshold in debugging snuffling window

- !autostatsq.config.TeleCheckConfig
  tele_check: false

- !autostatsq.config.maps
  # settings for all output maps
  map_size: [30.0, 30.0]
  pl_opt: [46, 11.75, 800000, 'split']
  # mid point of map (lat, lon), radius [m] and cpt color scale
  # to use automated map dimensions:
  # pl_opt: ['automatic']
  pl_topo: false
  # plotting topography can be very slow,
  # topographic data will be downloaded first

Station list:

Lists of stations as input can be in pyrocko station format, as fdsn station-xml or as comma-spread-file with columns: network code, station code, latitude (float), longitude(float), station elevation [km], station depth [km]. Please use the file extensions

Step-by-step instructions:

Please refer to the examples in the example dir for very detailed step-by-step instructions.

  • make a working directory
  • prepare station list for input
  • generate a template config file (autostatsq --generate_config GENERATE_CONFIG) and adjust the settings
  • it might be helpful to not run the toolbox in one run, but go though it step-by-step, setting the current step to true and the others to false... (autostatsq --config my_config_file --run RUN)


Gain test:

  • yaml files with median, mean and standard deviation of Ai,j/Ai,ref; i: event, j: station
  • csv files with Ai,j/Ai,ref for all events and all stations
  • optional: maps showing median log. Ai,j/Ai,ref for all stations and components
  • optional: ...

Orientation test:

  • yaml file with median, mean and standard deviation of obtained correction angle
  • yaml file with polarity errors
  • yaml file containing all results for all stations and single events
  • optional: map showing the median correction angle; figures showing cc value vs correction angle for each event and station; figure showing correction angle over time for each station

PSD test:

  • flat freq ranges in yaml file for each station and component
  • optional: synth. and real PSDs
  • optional: plots showing fit through PSD ratios

Timing test:

  • yaml file with median, mean and standard deviation of obtained timing errors
  • csv table of results obtained from all stations and all events
  • overview plot of all results and matrices showing time shifts obtained from cross-correlation

Small intro to the timing error test:

--> The other tests are described in detail here:

The small implemented check for timing errors is based on the cross-correlation between the recorded traces and the synthetic vertical traces: (1) First, for each event and station the two traces (syn. + obs.) are correlated to obtain the time shift for which the correlation is highest. (2) In a second step the median time shift of each event over all stations is computed and the time shift values at the single stations are corrected for this median value. This is done to avoid errors from wrong origin times in the catalog, to take into account large deviations between orgin time and centroid time, and to consider large path effects of the teleseismic test events which effect all stations in a similar manner.

The test is performed in low frequency ranges (e.g. 0.01-0.08 Hz) and using synthetics computed from a global GFDB with a sampling of 2s. Therefore this test can only be applied to detect large timing errors in the order of several seconds. This error range is only useful to check prior to other seismological applications which use a similar frequency range as e.g. MT inversions.

The output is returned as a yaml file with mean, median, standard deviations and number of considered events. Additionally one figure shows the correlation matrices, before and after correction with the median of each event, and a second figure shows the obtained timing errors for each station and event. The time shift results of the single events for each station, corrected as described above, are saved along with the cross-correlation value in an additional csv file.

In the configuration file you can set the band pass filter, the time window relative to P wave arrival (tP) and estimated Rayleigh wave arrival (tR), as well as the minimum cross-correlation threshold. For information on defining these settings please see the exemplary config file above.

Building a docker:

first steps: installation and building a docker container (continue below, if the container is already built)

  • after following the download and installations steps from above, build an image (autostatsq2024) from the Dockerfile in the local directory. This includes updates and installations>

      docker build -t autostatsq2024 .
  • then run a new interactive container (autostatsq) and open a bash-shell in there

      docker run -it --name autostatsq --entrypoint /bin/bash autostatsq2024

continue here if the container is already built

  • start docker container "autostatsq"

      docker start autostatsq
  • sign up for the docker with a bash-shell

      docker exec -it autostatsq /bin/bash

workflow using the docker container "autostatsq" for quality tests on seismic networks

  • switch user from root to sysop

      su - sysop
  • make a work directory and copy AutoStatsQ.config file and list to run a test

  • open AutoStatsQ.config to adjust the parameters for your testing

      nano AutoStatsQ.config
  • run AutoStatsQ with different parameters depending on the desired testings

      autostatsq --config AutoStatsQ.config --run -l INFO
  • to view the results leave the docker container and go back to your local server (

  • copy the results from the docker container autostatsq to a local directory

    docker cp autostatsq:/path/to/results/docker/ /path/to/local/directory


GNU General Public License, Version 3, 29 June 2007

AutoStatsQ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AutoStatsQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Heimann, S., Kriegerowski, M., Isken, M., Cesca, S., Daout, S., Grigoli, F., Juretzek, C., Megies, T., Nooshiri, N., Steinberg, A., Sudhaus, H., Vasyura-Bathke, H., Willey, T., and Dahm, T. (2017). Pyrocko - an open-source seismology toolbox and library. v. 0.3. GFZ Data Services.

Hunter, J.D., 2007. Matplotlib: a 2D graphics environment, Comput. Sci. Eng., 9(3), 90–95.

Petersen, G. M., Cesca, S., Kriegerowski, M., & AlpArray Working Group. (2019). Automated quality control for large seismic networks: Implementation and application to the AlpArray seismic network. Seismological Research Letters, 90(3), 1177-1190.

Wessel, P., Smith, W. H.~F., Scharroo, R., Luis, J.~F., and Wobbe, F. (2013). Generic Mapping Tools: Improved version released. EOS Trans. AGU, 94:409--410.