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Authorization section

Damianofds edited this page Aug 6, 2012 · 26 revisions

About authorizations

GeoStore provide two default users:

  • admin with pw admin
  • user with pw user

Authorization, at the moment, in GeoStore is only at resource level. It means that there is a Security entity that provide the authorization mechanism according to a resource.

Every user can perform specific actions according to the own level of authorization:

  • admin: is the administrator of the system. This user can perform any kind of action on every stored resource.
  • user: this user can perform any kind of action on its own resource, but not in other user's resources.
  • guest (not authenticated): this user can only see all resources in the system, but not delete or modify them.

About users creation

About the creation of new user, see the REST API section and Inizialize User and Categories