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583 lines (420 loc) · 18.1 KB

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583 lines (420 loc) · 18.1 KB


This code uses an extended multigroup SEIR model with age classes in an ensemble data assimilation system for predicting the spreading of the Coronavirus. "multigroup" means that we can use the model for an arbitrary number of countries or regional compartments. The ensemble method is the ESMDA (Ensemble Smoother with multiple data assimilation). The measurements are the accumulated number of deaths, the daily number of hospitalized, and the number of positive tests. The document multimodel.pdf describes the equations solved for the multicompartment model configuration.

An older single-group implementation used in Evensen et al. (2020) is stored on the branch paper_version. However, we recommend to use the new multigroup code also when running for a single country or compartment.

Installation * Code standards * Experiment setup * Plotting * Git instructions * Defintion of time * License

For the basic model and system description, and examples, see

Initially, the system samples the model parameters from prescribed normal distributions. Integration of the ensemble generates the prior ensemble prediction. After that, we obtain the updated ensemble of model parameters from using the ESMDA method. Finally, we integrate the model ensemble a final time to produce the posterior prediction.

Catching the second wave!


1. Building the Project

If you plan to collaborate or contribute anything to the project, use the Advanced Installation option.

1a. Basic installation

Create a directory to clone the three following repositories:

git clone [email protected]:geirev/EnKF_seir.git
git clone [email protected]:geirev/EnKF_analysis.git
git clone [email protected]:geirev/EnKF_sampling.git

After cloning, the directory structure should look like:

├── EnKF_analysis
├── EnKF_sampling
└── EnKF_seir

1b. Advanced installation

Make a personal github account unless you already have one. Fork the three repositorys listed above. Next clone the repositories and set upstream to the original repositories where you need to replace with your github userid

git clone [email protected]:<userid>/EnKF_seir.git
pushd EnKF_seir
git remote add upstream
#or, if you have set up git-ssh
#git remote add upstream git://

git clone [email protected]:<userid>/EnKF_analysis.git
pushd EnKF_analysis
git remote add upstream
#or, if you have set up git-ssh
#git remote add upstream git://

git clone [email protected]:<userid>/EnKF_sampling.git
pushd EnKF_sampling
git remote add upstream
#or, if you have set up git-ssh
#git remote add upstream git://

If you are new to Git, read the section Git instructions

2. Required Packages


sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev gfortran
sudo apt-get -y install gnuplot  # Needed if you want to use the gnuplot plotting macro


brew install gcc fftw openblas lapack

Note: You must have Homebrew installed to install packages using brew

3. Compile the EnKF_sampling library

Navigate to the lib folder of the EnKF_sampling repository:

cd EnKF_sampling/lib

then compile and place all the .o files as well as libanalysis.a into the build directory of the EnKR_seir repository using:

make BUILD=../../EnKF_seir/build

4. Compile the EnKF_analysis library

Navigate to the lib folder of the EnKF_analysis repository:

cd EnKF_analysis/lib

then compile and place all the .o files as well as libanalysis.a into the build directory of the EnKR_seir repository using:

make BUILD=../../EnKF_seir/build

Note: The EnKF_analysis repository depends on the EnKF_sampling repository and therefore must be compiled second!

5. Compile the EnKR_seir library


Navigate to the src folder of the EnKF_seir repository:

cd EnKF_seir/src

then compile and install the executable in the target directory, defaulting to $HOME/bin:

make BINDIR=$HOME/bin


Navigate to the src folder of the EnKF_seir repository:

cd EnKF_seir/src

then edit the following line in EnKF_seir/src/makefile from:

LIBS = ./libsampling.a ./libenkfanalysis.a -llapack -lblas -llapack /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


LIBS = ./libsampling.a ./libenkfanalysis.a -llapack -lblas -llapack /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.a

then compile and install the executable in the target directory, defaulting to $HOME/bin:

make BINDIR=$HOME/bin

6. Run the Project


Navigate to the run directory of the EnKF_seir repository:

cd EnKF_seir/run2

and run:



Create the /usr/local/bin directory which allows the seir2 command to be ran from anywhere on the local file system:

mkdir -p /usr/local/bin

then create a symlink for $HOME/bin/seir2 to /usr/local/bin

ln -s $HOME/bin/seir2 /usr/local/bin/

then run the project:

cd EnKF_seir/run2



If you have tecplot (tec360) there are .lay and .mcr files in the run2 directory.

Use MODEL.CPP without #define GNUPLOT


The simplest plotting option is to use gnuplot. Use MODEL.CPP with #define GNUPLOT to output dates in the .dat files

Move the file run2/d.gnu to the locations of the output files, e.g., Outdir, and plot using the following command

cd Outdir
gnuplot d.gnu

which creates .eps files of your plots. To display the .eps files use

cd Outdir
evince *.eps &

phyton plotting

For more uynsupported plotting options, view python/enkf_seir/plot: The python plotting needs to be updated to read the multigroup output files. will currently not work The notebook will load all the data for one country 001 and plot, but there is a bug in the time locations of measurements.

python3 EnKF_seir/python/enkf_seir/plot/
jupyter-notebook ../python/enkf_seir/plot/covid.ipynb

Setting up an experiment

The following explains how to set up and configure your simulations.

Compile the code after setting the the number of countries you will include in (nc=1 in mod_dimensions.F90).

Make a directory where you will run the code.

Initially you only need the file


copy the example from the run2 catalogue and run


This command will run an ensemble prediction without any data assimilation and generate a number of files. We use a naming convention where all input files ends with .in, and a 3-digit number indicates the country. If one country is used (nc=1 in mod_dimensions.F90) then seir2 will generate the following files.


Norwegian population numbers are hard coded and output to two template files.

population001.template  : two columns with population of males and females for each age (0-100++)
agegroups001.template   : total population for each agegroup

You should edit either one of these with your countries' numbers and save the chosen file to either or

Note that you only need to give one of these files per country.

Initial conditions

You will need to specify some initial conditions in the file  

Fraction of mild, severe, and fatally ill per agegroup:

The file

is generated with some default values, which can later be edited and changed to reflect different situations in different countries.


Vaccinations can be included by including the file

A template file vaccines001.temp is generated with some default values.

R(t) the effective reproductive number per country defines the effective reproductive number for country 001. It contains an arbitrary number of lines with day R-value std-dev, and uses linear interpolation to generate the resulting prior R(t), which is saved to R001.dat the next time you run the program.

The actual R-numbers are R(n,m) = RC(n,m) * R(t)

R-reproduction in between agegroups:

The model contains 11 age-groups and allows for using different R numbers between different agegroups. The default is to use the same and constant transmission numbers equal to one between all agegroups. By specifying, the follwing matrices you can alter the transmissions among agegroups, which can also differ for the three different intervention periods. The seir2 run generates the template file Rmatrix_01_001.template which you can copy to the following files and edit the numbers. Note that the magnitudes doesn't matter since the code normalizes the matrices by an agegroup weighted norm before they are used.

R transmissions among countries.

The matrices,, and contain the intra-country transmissions for the three intervention periods. The diagonal should be 1.0, while the offdiagonal numbers are between 0 and 1.

Measurements of deaths, hospitalized and number of positive cases:

To condition on observations, you need to supply the measurements for each country. Contains he observations are stored in the file. The file contains the following columns:

dd/mm-yyyy  "Accumulated number of deaths" "current number of hospitalized" "Accumulated number of cases"

A negative or zero data value will not be used.

Random seed.

The program stores the random seed in seed.dat. Thus, next time you run the program you will use the same seed. To use a new seed, just delete seed.dat.

Output files:

We store all output files in ./Outdir (or whatever you set in

susc001_0.dat      susc001_1.dat      : Prior and posterior susceptability (accumualted)
expos001_0.dat     expos001_1.dat     : Prior and posterior exposed (current)
infec001_0.dat     infec001_1.dat     : Prior and posterior infectious (current)  
active001_0.dat    active001_1.dat    : Prior and posterior active cases (current)
case001_0.dat      case001_1.dat      : Prior and posterior cases (accumualted)
dead001_0.dat      dead001_1.dat      : Prior and posterior dead (accumualted)
hosp001_0.dat      hosp001_1.dat      : Prior and posterior hoispitalized (current)
recov001_0.dat     recov001_1.dat     : Prior and posterior recovered (accumualted)
Rens001_0.dat      Rens001_1.dat      : Prior and posterior ensemble of R(t)
par001_0.dat       par001_1.dat       : Prior and posterior ensemble of parameters

obsC001.dat        obsC001.dat        : measurements of accumulated cases (for plotting)
obsD001.dat        obsD001.dat        : measurements of accumulated deaths (for plotting)
obsH001.dat        obsH001.dat        : measurements of current hospitalizations (for plotting)
pfactors001.prior  pfactors001.posterior : The prior and posterior pfactors 

Code standards

If you plan to change the code note the following:

I always define subroutines in new modules:

module m_name_of_routine
! define global variables here
subroutine name_of_sub
! define local variables here
end subroutine
end module

in the main program you write

program seir
use m_name_of_routine
call  name_of_routine
end program

The main program then has access to all the global variables defined in the module, and knows the header of the subroutine and the compiler checks the consistency between the call and the subroutine definition.

make new -> updates the dependencies for the makefile make tags -> runs ctags (useful if you use vim)

For this to work install the scripts in the ./bin in your path and install ctags

Git instructions

When working with git repositories other than the ones you own, and when you expect to contribute to the code, a good way got organize your git project is described in This link is also a good read: Git tutorial

This organization will allow you to make changes and suggest them to be taken into the original code through a pull request.

So, you need a github account. Then you fork the repository to your account (make your personal copy of it) (fork button on This you clone to your local system where you can compile and run.

git clone<YourUserName>/EnKF_seir
git remote add upstream
git remote add origin [email protected]:<YourUserName>/EnKF_seir
git remote -v                   #   should list both your local and remote repository

To keep your local master branch up to date with the upstream code (my original repository)

git checkout master             #   unless you are not already there
git fetch upstream              #   get info about upstream repo
git merge upstream/master       #   merges upstream master with your local master

If you want to make changes to the code:

git checkout -b branchname      #   Makes a new branch and moves to it

Make your changes

git add .                       #   In the root of your repo, stage for commit
git status                      #   Tells you status
git commit                      #   Commits your changes to the local repo

Push to your remote origin repo

git push -u origin branchname   #   FIRST TIME to create the branch on the remote origin
git push                        #   Thereafter: push your local changes to your forked  origin repo

To make a pull request:

  1. Commit your changes on the local branch
git add .                       #   In the root of your repo, stage for commit
git status                      #   Tells you status
git commit -m"Commit message"   #   Commits your changes to the local repo
git commit --amend              #   Add changes to prevous commit
git push --force                #   If using --amend and previous commit was pushed
  1. Update the branch where you are working to be consistent with the upstream master
git checkout master             #   unless you are not already there
git fetch upstream              #   get info about upstream repo
git merge upstream/master       #   merges upstream master with your local master
git checkout brancname          #   back to your local branch
git rebase master               #   your branch is updated by adding your local changes to the updated master
  1. squash commits into one (if you have many commits)
git log                      #   lists commits
git rebase -i indexofcommit  #   index of commit before your first commit

Change pick to squash for all commits except the latest one. save and then make a new unified commit message.

git push --force             #   force push branch to origin
  1. open, chose your branch, make pullrequest, check that there are no conflicts

Then we are all synced.

If you manage all this you are a git guru. Every time you need to know something just search for git "how to do something" and there are tons of examples out there.

For advanced users: Set the sshkey so you don't have to write a passwd everytime you push to your remote repo: check settings / keys tab Follow instructions in

To make your Linux terminal show you the current branch in the prompt include the follwoing in your .bashrc

parse_git_branch() {
     git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
export PS1="\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[1;31m\]\w\[\033[0;93m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[0;97m\]\$ "

Definition of time

The model uses the following definitions for time:

"Startdate" e.g., 01/03-2020 denote that the model runs from 00:00am 01/03-2020, and this time is set to t=0.0. (see the table below)

The system integreates the ensemble of models forward one day at the time, starting from 00:00 to 24:00 and thus outputs the solutions at midnight end of the day. Thus, the output files will contain entries like

 model time                                                         Output date
 0.00000E+00  Corresponds to 00:00 in the morning of the start day  (29/02-2020)
 0.10000E+01  Corresponds to 24:00 in the night of the start day    (01/03-2020)
 0.20000E+01  Corresponds to 24:00 in the night of day 2            (02/03-2020)
 0.30000E+01  Corresponds to 24:00 in the night of day 3            (03/03-2020)
 0.40000E+01  Corresponds to 24:00 in the night of day 4            (04/03-2020)
 0.50000E+01  Corresponds to 24:00 in the night of day 5            (05/03-2020)

Intervention times:

If an intevention time is defined as 15/03-2020 the intervention is avtive (through values of R) from the morning on the 15/03 at 00:00am, which corresponds to model time t>14.0. This means that R(t) switches from R1 to R2 from the morning of 15/03. Accordingly ir swiches from 1 to 2 for using the correct Rmat(ir).

Measurement times

A measurement for a particular day is located at midnight that day. Thus, given a measurement from, e.g.,

 03/03-2020    7   154   2206

will be located at the same time as the output of day 3, i.e., the end of the day.