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Releases: gardener/gardener-extension-provider-openstack


08 Feb 14:29
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🐛 Bug Fixes

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07 Feb 07:59
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⚠️ Breaking Changes

✨ New Features

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⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Components that deploy the machine-controller-manager will now have to adapt the RBAC rules to allow machine-controller-manager to maintain its leader election resource lock in leases as well. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#662, @acumino)

✨ New Features

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🐛 Bug Fixes

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📰 Noteworthy


12 Oct 10:55
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✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the pre-delivered CRD manifests for MCM (/kubernetes/crds). It caused data to be pruned from MCM related resources and led to reconciliation issues. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#641, @timuthy)

📖 Documentation

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13 Sep 10:49
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✨ New Features

  • [USER] The OpenStack extension does now support shoot clusters with Kubernetes version 1.22. You should consider the Kubernetes release notes before upgrading to 1.22. (#330, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] Floating pool names in infrastructure config are now checked if they exist, and if not the issue is properly reported as ERR_CONFIGURATION_PROBLEM with a clear error message. (#329, @stoyanr)
  • [OPERATOR] Add option ignoreVolumeAZ to allow for differences between volume and compute AZ names. (#322, @gesslein)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] Do not trigger a node rollout when switching from CRI.Name==nil to CRI.Name==docker. (#308, @BeckerMax)

🏃 Others

  • [USER] It is now allowed to change the name and purpose of load balancer classes in .controlPlaneConfig.loadBalancerClasses[]. The load balancer classes configuration need still to be semantically equal with the load balancer classes from the CloudProfile. (#310, @dkistner)
  • [OPERATOR] machine-controller-manager logs are exposed to the end-users (#319, @vlvasilev)
  • [OPERATOR] Shoots can now be deployed in existing Neutron networks. The network can be specified by its ID in the respective shoot's infrastructure configuration. (#317, @kon-angelo)
  • [OPERATOR] Openstack Kubernetes cluster >= v1.22 use now the Openstack cloud-controller-manager v1.22. (79d7412)
  • [OPERATOR] Openstack Kubernetes cluster >= v1.22 now use cinder csi v1.22. (79d7412)
  • [DEVELOPER] Missing or wrong doc comments and a few other common style errors will now be reported by the linter. (#334, @stoyanr)


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Draining of pods with PVs (Persistent Volume) now waits for re-attachment of PV on a different node when volumeAttachments support is enabled on the cluster. Else it falls back to the default PV reattachment timeout value configured. The default value is 90s and this can be overwritten via the machine-pv-reattach-timeout flag. Please enable permissions to allow listing of volumeAttachments resource while importing these changes. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#608, @prashanth26)

✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

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⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [DEVELOPER] Once the azurerm provider plugin is updated from v2.36.0 to v2.68.0 the skip_provider_registration flag in the provider section need to be set to true. (gardener/terraformer#99, @dkistner)

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20 Jul 16:28
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⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] The default leader election resource lock of gardener-extension-provider-openstack has been changed from configmapsleases to leases. (#302, @ialidzhikov)
    • Please make sure, that you had at least [email protected] running before upgrading to v1.20.0, so that it has successfully required leadership with the hybrid resource lock (configmapsleases) at least once.
  • [OPERATOR] This version of provider-openstack requires at least Gardener v1.21.0. Before upgrading to this version of provider-openstack, make sure that you upgraded to at least Gardener v1.21.0. (#297, @ialidzhikov)

✨ New Features

  • [USER] add support for application credentials (#300, @MartinWeindel)
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to specify the leader election resource lock via the chart value leaderElection.resourceLock (defaults to leases). (#302, @ialidzhikov)
  • [OPERATOR] The existing ValidatingWebhookConfiguration of admission-openstack for Shoot validation does now validate also the Shoot secret. admission-openstack does now feature also a new webhook that prevents Shoot secret to be updated with invalid keys. (#280, @vpnachev)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Fixes an issue where removing server groups from a worker pool would not produce correct machineclasses. Prior to the fix, two shoot reconciliations would be necessary to reach the desired state. (#306, @kon-angelo)
  • [OPERATOR] provider-openstack is now using a separate ManagedResource for ControlPlane CRDs (volumesnapshot related CRDs) that are installed in the Shoot cluster to separate the deletion of CRDs from the deletion of the RBAC for controller leader election. (#297, @ialidzhikov)

🏃 Others

  • [USER] The following image is updated (see CHANGELOG for more details): (#287, @ialidzhikov)
    • v2.2.0 -> v2.3.0
  • [OPERATOR] When creating or updating shoots, any Kubernetes feature gates mentioned are validated against the Kubernetes version. If any feature gates are unknown or not supported in the Kubernetes version, the validation fails. (#296, @stoyanr)
  • [OPERATOR] Validation of Openstack cloud provider secrets is enhanced to reject domainName, tenantName, and userName that contain leading or trailing whitespace, tenantName that is longer than 64 characters, password that contain leading or trailing new lines, and authURL that is not a valid URL. (#294, @stoyanr)
  • [OPERATOR] The version constraints for floating-subnet and floating-subnet-tags field in the cloud-provider-config to select a floating subnet to pick the floating ip for a load balancer has been removed. (#290, @dkistner)
  • [OPERATOR] Replace infrastructure's terraform helm chart with native go templates. (#282, @kon-angelo)


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🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The following terraform provider plugin is updated: (gardener/terraformer#95, @minchaow)
    • aliyun/terraform-provider-alicloud: 1.121.2 -> 1.124.0
  • [OPERATOR] The terraform version for the alicloud, all, aws, azure, gcp, openstack, slim images is updated: (gardener/terraformer#94, @ialidzhikov)
    • hashicorp/terraform: 0.12.29 -> 0.12.31


27 May 10:03
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  • [OPERATOR] The version constraints for floating-subnet and floating-subnet-tags field in the cloud-provider-config to select a floating subnet to pick the floating ip for a load balancer has been removed. (#292, @dkistner)


20 May 12:28
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✨ New Features

  • [USER] The floating subnet for LoadBalancerClasses config(s) can now be also selected by a name, a name pattern (regex/glob) or tags and not only by id. (#248, @dkistner)
  • [OPERATOR] The floating subnet for the LoadBalancer config and the LoadBalancerClass config(s) can now be also selected by a name, a name pattern (regex/glob) or tags and not only by id. (#248, @dkistner)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] No longer print secret data into error messages. (#274, @vpnachev)

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Openstack Kubernetes cluster >= v1.21 use now the Openstack cloud-controller-manager v1.21 and cinder csi v1.21. (#272, @dkistner)


✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes


🏃 Others


✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] Terraformer now copies Terraform's error outputs to /terraform-termination-log to make it available in the containers termination message for better analyzing and more readable error messages (e.g. in the Shoot status). (gardener/terraformer#93, @timebertt)

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17 May 14:19
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] An issue has been fixed which prevented ports from being patched properly after machine creations. (#281, @kon-angelo)


14 May 14:30
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] No longer print secret data into error messages. (#278, @vpnachev)


14 May 13:58
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] No longer print secret data into error messages. (#276, @vpnachev)

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