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Web GET Vars

Ng Zhi An edited this page Jul 27, 2014 · 1 revision

Ganglia Web Frontend GET variables De-mystified

Ever wondered what GET variables are supported for the Ganglia Web Frontend or what they mean? This documentation will try to de-mystify them for you.

get_context.php (main page)

  • c (cluster)
    • Name of Cluster
  • cr (control room)
    • Control Room View (to enable display of private clusters)
  • gs (grid stack)
    • Contains a list of Grids in the stack and their corresponding URLs
    • In the format GRID_NAME1@GRID_URL1>GRID_NAME2@GRID_URL2 where GRID_NAME1 is the name of the top level Grid
  • gw (grid walk)
    • Used in Federation (Grid of Grids)
    • Available options are "fwd" and "back"
      • "fwd" means we are going deeper into the grid, and hence need to push top grid info into the grid stack
      • "back" means we are going back up one level in the federated grid, and hence need to pop grid info from the grid stack
  • G (grid)
    • Name of Grid
  • h (host)
    • Name of Host
  • hc (host columns)
    • Number of columns used to display host graphs in Cluster View
  • jr (job range)
    • When specified, will use argument as the start time of the metric graph (supposed to be specified in negative seconds, eg. -3600 for one hour ago)
  • js (job start)
    • When specified, will add a vertical line to metric graph at the specified UNIX time in color specified by $jobstart_color in conf.php
  • m (metric)
    • Name of Metric
  • mc (metric columns)
    • Number of columns used to display raw metric graphs in Host View
  • p (physical view)
    • When set to >= 1, will switch to increasing verbose Physical View from Cluster View
  • r (range)
    • Defined time ranges (eg. hour, week, month)
    • Time ranges are defined in $time_ranges in conf.php
    • Defaults to $default_time_range in conf.php
  • s (sort order)
    • Defined order to sort host graphs by metric in Cluster View (eg. ascending, descending, by name)
  • sh (show hosts)
    • Whether to show host graphs in Cluster View
  • t (tree view)
    • When enabled will switch to Tree View from Grid/Meta View
  • ti (title)
    • Title of Metric
  • z (size)
    • Defined size of graphs (eg. small, default, medium, large, xlarge)

graph.php (graph generation)

GET variables for get_context.php are also applicable to graph.php.

  • debug (debug)
    • When set to >= 3, will display RRDtool command used to generate graph, instead of generating it
    • New in gweb-2.0: When using Graphite as the graphing engine, will display the Graphite URL used to generate the graph
  • g (graph)
    • Name of report graph
      • Corresponding .php file must exist in graph.d directory (eg. network_report)
      • New in gweb-2.0: Also supports .json definition but .php definition takes precedence
  • me (meta)
    • Name of Meta/Grid, will be added to graph title
  • l (load color)
    • Background color to be used for graphs (in HEX)
  • n (min)
    • Lower bound of x-axis of graph
  • st (source time) [Does not seem to be in use]
    • Current time of data source (in UNIX time)
  • su (summary)
    • When set, dictates whether metric graph is a summary graph or not
      • Summary graphs have the hostname as the title and metric name in the legend
      • Normal metric graphs have metric name as the title and hostname in the legend
    • Summary graphs are used in Cluster View to represent the hosts in the cluster
  • v (value)
    • "now" value to be displayed in metric graphs
  • vl (vertical label)
    • Vertical label of graph
  • x (max)
    • Upper bound of x-axis of graph