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How to do X

Table of Contents

How do I call things on the command line?

You can use the bash command from

(defn some-build-step [arg ctx]
  (shell/bash ctx "/some/working/directory"
              "echo i-can-call-builtins"))

You can also define environment variables:

(defn some-build-step [arg ctx]
  (shell/bash ctx "/some/working/directory" {"ENV_VARIABLE" "hello"}
              "echo $ENV_VARIABLE"))

How do I interact with git-repositories?

Git is supported by the lambdacd.steps.git namespace.

As a build-trigger, you can use the wait-for-git or wait-with-details functions (they behave the same, but the latter also assembles information on the commits it found since the last commit):

(defn wait-for-commit [_ ctx]
  (git/wait-with-details ctx "[email protected]:user/project.git" "somebranch"))

This function returns the new git-revision under the :revision key where it is available for the next build step.

Usually, the next step in your build pipeline would be executing some build steps on this revision of the repository:

(defn with-frontend-git [& steps]
  (fn [args ctx]
    (git/checkout-and-execute "[email protected]:user/project.git" (:revision args) args ctx steps)))

There's also a shorthand for this relying on the revision in :revision:

(defn with-repo [& steps]
  (git/with-git "[email protected]:user/project.git" steps))

Both will check out the specified revision into a new temporary workspace and then execute the given steps. The steps receive the workspace path as an argument under the :cwd key.

For details, check out the documentation in the wiki

How do I write to the output so I can see in the UI what my build-step is doing?

LambdaCD comes with a small utility that can rebind *out* to pipe the clojure standard out into LambdaCD:

(:require [lambdacd.stepsupport.output :refer [capture-output]])

(defn some-step [args ctx]
  ; create a printer that accumulates your output
  (capture-output ctx
    ; do something and write messages to the output
    (println "Hello")
    (println "World")
    ; return your accumulated output in the :out value of your steps result
    {:status :success}))

Note that this utility currently only supports clojure code that is writing to *out*. Code that's writing directly to Javas System.out is not supported. Feel free to re-open #60 if support for Java Interop is something you urgently need.

If you need more control over the output, you can write directly to the result channel or use the printer-utilities:

(:require [lambdacd.stepsupport.output :refer [new-printer print-to-output printed-output]])

(defn some-step [args ctx]
  ; create a printer that accumulates your output
  (let [printer (new-printer)]
    ; do something and write messages to the output
    (print-to-output ctx printer "Hello")
    (print-to-output ctx printer "World")
    ; return your accumulated output in the :out value of your steps result
    {:status :success
     :out (printed-output printer)})))

How to I display LambdaCD builds on my build monitor?

Most build monitoring tools (e.g. CCMenu, BuildNotify, nevergreen) support the cctray XML format. LambdaCD can expose the state of your build pipeline steps using the lambdacd-cctray extension.

You can find a full example here

How do I generate several pipelines with the same structure?

You might have several pipelines that look pretty much the same. Maybe they check out a repository, run tests and build an artifact. Duplicating the whole pipeline really seems unnecessary. That's where parameterized pipelines come in.

First of all, you need build steps that can be parameterized. Maybe you'll want a build step that's executing a given script:

(defn run-custom-test [test-command]
  (fn [args ctx]
    (shell/bash ctx "/some/working/directory" test-command)))

So what happened there? A function returning a function? Yes. The outer function will be evaluated when the pipeline is initialized and returns the build step (the inner function) that will be executed in the pipeline. Control flow functions like in-parallel work exactly the same way.

So now we need to get it into the pipeline:

(def pipeline-def
     (with-repo "some-repo-uri"
       (run-tests "./test-script")

Now you have a build step that you can use in more than one pipeline. If your pipelines look different, that's maybe all you need. But maybe your pipelines all look the same. You wouldn't want to duplicate it all the time, right? So instead of defining a pipeline statically, let's create a function to generate the pipeline structure:

(defn mk-pipeline-def [repo-uri test-command]
     (with-repo ~repo-uri
                (run-tests ~test-command)

Here's a full example:

How do I use fragments of a pipeline in more than one pipeline?

As you start building a bigger project, you might feel the need to have some build steps into more than one pipeline. For example, you want a set of tests executed in all your deployment-pipelines.

As LambdaCD pipelines are little more than nested lists, you can use all the operations clojure gives you to operate on datastructures.

For example, you can create functions that create pipeline fragments or concatenate two pipelines:

(defn deploy-steps [environment]
  `((check-preconditions ~environment)
     (deploy ~environment)
     (smoke-test ~environment)))

(def pipeline-def
     ; ...

     (alias "deploy to CI"
              ~@(deploy-steps :ci)
     ; ...
(def common-tests

(def service-one-pipeline
     ; some build steps

(def service-two-pipeline
     ; some build steps

For details, check out the Refactoring Guide.

How do I implement authentication and authorization?

The usual way to interact with a pipeline (apart from committing to a repository the pipeline watches) is through the web interface so if you want to prevent unauthorized users from triggering actions on your build or from even viewing it, you must restrict access to the underlying HTTP endpoints.

Since the the lambdacd.ui-server/ui-for function returns a normal ring handler, any ring-middleware can be wrapped around it.

For example, to implement simple HTTP Basic Auth password protection, you can use ring-basic-authentication:

(defn authenticated? [name pass]
  (and (= name "some-user")
       (= pass "some-pass")))

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [;; ...
        ring-handler (ui/ui-for pipeline)]
    (ring-server/serve (wrap-basic-authentication ring-handler authenticated?))))

For more advanced security, use friend, clj-ldap or any other clojure library that works as a ring middleware.

How do I deploy my pipeline?

"OK", you say, "you convinced me that my pipeline is a piece of software, but how to I deploy it?".

You are right, your pipeline is a piece of software and it shouldn't just run on your laptop, it should be a running on a server. It's replacing a build server like Jenkins after all! In fact, it should have a pipeline of it's own.

LambdaCD allows you to have as many pipelines as you like in your project so the straightforward thing to do is to create a second pipeline that deploys the pipeline-project itself (a "meta-pipeline"). It can run when the pipeline code changes and redeploy your pipeline project.

That still leaves the question on how to really get your pipeline running on a server. This will depend very much on the infrastructure and the conventions you are working with. In short, deploy your pipeline like you would deploy your application: If your applications are deployed as RPM or DEB packages using Puppet, Chef or Ansible, then do the same with your pipeline. If you are building AMIs and spin up servers on EC2, do that.

And if you don't have much infrastructure automation in place yet, a bit of shell might be enough as well: run lein uberjar to create a self-contained JAR file, copy it to a well known location on the server. Have a script to start it from there and kill the old process.

Can I customize the UI?

While many parts of the UI are rendered on the client side and can currently hardly be customized, you can customize how the UI page is rendered on the server side, e.g. to add additional styling, scripts or DOM elements.

To do that, you need to create your own ui-routes that point to your custom UI instead of using the ones provided by lambdacd.ui.ui-server/ui-for

For an example that adds a navigation bar, check out

Can I display my build output in a structured way?

Some build steps produce very specific outputs that are interesting to the user, e.g. test results, a list of artifacts and so on. The LambdaCD UI can interpret such information under the :details-key in a step result. For details, see the build step documentation in the wiki