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Elastos.ELA Block Structure

RealnessOfficial edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

1. Elastos.ELA Block Structure

  • The block is the core of the blockchain which records important information such as block height, block time, mining difficulty, and transaction. ELA is the mainchain of the elastos system. It uses the UTXO model and its block consists of a Header and Transactions.

Table 1. The structure of the block

Field Description
Header Block header contains block height, time, mining difficulty, etc.
Transaction Transaction ontains information such as UTXO, transfer amount, and output address

1.1. Header

  • The block header contains the version of the block, the previous block hash, the transaction Merkle Root, the timestamp indicating the block time, the mining difficulty, the block height, and the merged mining information.

Table 2.The structure of the block header

Size Field Description
4 bytes Version Block version
32 bytes Previous 256-bit hash of the previous block header
32 bytes Merkle Root 256-bit hash based on all of the transactions in the block
4 bytes Timestamp Block time
4 bytes Bits Current target in compact format
4 bytes Nonce 32-bit random number that meets the difficulty target requirements
4 bytes Height Block height
Varies AuxPOW Merged mining information

As ELA generates blocks by merged mining with BTC, the relevant information of merged mining is mainly in the AuxPOW field.

1.1.1. AuxPOW

AuxPOW includes BTC CoinBase transaction, BTC block header hash, BTC CoinBase branch of Merkleroot, Merkleroot branches where ELA block hash is belong to, BTC block header, etc.

Table 3.The structure of the AuxPOW

Size Field Description
Varies parCoinBaseTx BTC CoinBase transaction
32 bytes parentHash BTC block header hash
Varies parCoinBaseMerkle_count The number of hashes making up the branch
Varies parCoinBaseMerkle Individual hash in the branch
4 bytes parMerkleIndex Bitmask of which side of the merkle hash function the branch_hash element should go on. Zero means it goes on the right, One means on the left. It is equal to the index of the starting hash within the widest level of the merkle tree for this merkle branch.
Varies auxMerkleBranch_count The number of hashes making up the branch, like parCoinBaseMerkle_count.
Varies auxMerkleBranch The merkle branch linking this auxiliary blockchain to the others when used in a merged mining setup with multiple auxiliary chains.
4 bytes auxMerkleIndex Similar to parMerkleIndex
Varies parBlockHeader BTC block header

1.2. Transaction

  • Transaction is the most important part of ELA. And all ela generation, transfer and destruction are included in different types of transactions. The transaction contains input, output and other information. All transactions are included in the block, and finally constitute a complete book. The ELA has a block size of 8M. Since the size of each transaction is different, the maximum number of transactions included in the block also varies.

Table 4.The structure of the block transaction

Size Field Description
4 bytes Transaction Count The number of transactions
Varies Transactions Transaction Data
  • The transaction consists of transaction type, UTXO cost, output address and amount, unlock script, lock script, and so on.

Table 5.The structure of the transaction data

Size Field Description
1 byte Transaction Type The type of transaction
1 byte Payload Version The version of payload
Varies Payload Payload has different data structures depending on the type of transaction.
1-9 bytes(Varies) Attribute Count The number of attributes
Varies Attribute The attribute of transaction
1-9 bytes(Varies) Input Count The number of inputs which is the number of UTXOs consumed by the transaction.
Varies Inputs UTXOs consumed by the transaction.
1-9 bytes(Varies) Output Count The number of outputs, ie the number of newly generated UTXOs for the transaction.
Varies Outputs The outputs of the transaction
4 bytes Locktime Transaction lock time in block height, used to match the Output Lock in Output to verify that the UTXO is available.
1-9 bytes(Varies) Program Count The number of programs
Varies Program Data Unlock script and lock script

1.2.1. Transaction Type

ELA transaction types mainly consist of the following seven categories, including mainchain transfers, cross-chain transfers, and so on.

Table 6. Transaction Type

Type Description
0 COINBASE, generation Transaction
5 SIDECHAINPOW, generation transaction for side chain
6 RECHARGETOSIDECHAIN, sidechain recharge transaction occurring on the sidechain
7 WITHDRAWFROMSIDECHAIN, sidechain withdraw transaction occurring on the mainchain
8 TRANSFERCROSSCHAINASSET, transaction which transfers asset between mainchain and sidechain.

1.2.2. Attribute

Table 7. The structure of the attribute in the transaction

Size Field Description
1 byte Usage
1-9 bytes(Varies) Data Length Bytes number of data
Varies Data

1.2.3. Input

Input consists of UTXO which includes information such as Txid, Index, and Sequence.

Table 8.The structure of the transaction input

Size Field Description
32 bytes Txid The hash of a previous transaction
2 bytes Index The specific output in the referenced transaction
4 bytes Sequence It is 0xffffffff in generation transaction and 0x00000000 in other transactions.

1.2.4. Output

Output consists of AssetID, transfer amount, Output Lock, and ProgramHash representing the receipt address.

Table 9.The structure of the transaction output

Size Field Description
32 bytes AssetID Represents the hash of the asset, each with a unique AssetID.
8 bytes Value Transfer amount expressed in sela.
4 bytes Output Lock UTXO lock, used to lock the UTXO so that it cannot be spent before a certain height.
21 bytes ProgramHash ProgramHash can be converted to an address.

1.2.5. Program

The Program consists of an unlock script and a lock script for UTXO.

Table 10.The structure of the transaction program

Size Field Description
1-9 bytes(Varies) Parameter Length The bytes number of unlock script length.
Varies Parameter Unlock script
1-9 bytes(Varies) Code Length The bytes number of lock script
Varies` Code Lock script

2. ELA block data unserialization practice

Now we take the block 178310 as an example to view the block meaning of the block data.

  1. Get block hash
curl http://localhost:20334/api/v1/block/hash/178310


  1. Obtain the block raw data by the block hash. Here, we need to use the getblock method of the RPC interface.
curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:20336 \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{  "method": "getblock","params": {"blockhash": "a3bf4fd5c731d08796d13e0f2459de5ffa9f62fe708a2ceefae4af6a6f178513", "verbosity": 0}}'


  "error": null,
  "id": null,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "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"

Before starting to parse the block data, we need to explain 2 points:

  1. The datas in most fields of the block are in little-endian order.
  2. Represents the length of subsequent content by 1-9 bytes.
buf[0] Description
0xfd buf[1:3] indicates field length
0xfe buf[1:5] indicates field length
0xff buf[1:9] indicates field length
else buf[0] indicates field length

2.1. Block Header

Content Description
00000000 Version
7890a11dfc5076421a272c7050d75ecd9c743f7d5d158b653c84d3e7f1c94b63 Previous block hash
ff51a787855187785d096533408d35e1843e466cf1d1dfce760e0835dba31eb9 Merkle Root
8878825b Timestamp, ie int(5b827888,16)=1535277192, representing 2018/8/26 9:53:12 (UTC)
5e920e1d Bits
00000000 Nonce, the actual Nonce is recorded in the AuxPOW field due to the AuxPOW mode.
86b80200 Height, ie int(0002b886,16)=178310

2.1.1. AuxPow ParCoinBaseTx, BTC的CoinBase
Content Description
02000000 version
01 count_txIn, 1
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 hash of outpoint in txIn
ffffffff index of outpoint in txIn
4b The bytes number of PublicKeyScript, ie 75 bytes
03a3370804a178825b652f4254432e434f4d2ffabe6d6d381388935499cf2da1589e94433b39f63ddbbca1ecf85ae03a99613948b28e9e020000004204cb9a1048ddc7a709000000000000 SignatureScript in txIn
ffffffff Sequence in txIn
02 count_txOut, 2
e2304f4c00000000 value in txOut-0
16 The bytes number of PkScript, ie 22 bytes.
001497cfc76442fe717f2a3f0cc9c175f7561b661997 PkScript in txOut-0
0000000000000000 value in txOut-1
26 The bytes number of PkScript, ie 38 bytes
6a24aa21a9ed7ae6608ff505a2cb02e483ef2e6ab79b245dfd3e2fb0c9a45b8d66990e050c36 PkScript in txOut-1
00000000 locktime, 0 ParentHash
Content Description
00000000000000067d39357fb02c2f7c5f30c09623db2fa5ad0c04a1baee7e6b ParentHash ParCoinBaseMerkle[]
Content Description
0c parCoinBaseMerkle_count, 12
parCoinBaseMerkle[] Parent Merkle Index
Content Description
00000000 Parent Merkle Index Aux Merkle Branch[]
Content Description
01 auxMerkleBranch_count
a58d4477ec4225b8fe442f33a82ac5451df325fc2c645d7df46c2185d40e9bb6 AuxMerkleBranch[] AuxMerkleIndex
Content Description
00000000 AuxMerkleIndex ParBlockHeader, BTC block header
Content Description
00000020 Version
8836f0b51ea8e79192293bd379886b0d6587835f0f180e000000000000000000 Previous
d95aff9a54c93f682fb2cd95f93fe8e4febf8f2f235cb56c24aea3002c24b649 MerkleRoot
9f78825b Timestamp, ie int(5b82789f,16)=1535277215, representing 2018/8/26 9:53:35(UTC)
2dd72917 Bits
0a94748b Nonce

2.2. The separator of Block Header and Transaction

When the block data is serialized, 0x01 is added after the Block Header to separate the Block Header and Transaction.

Content Description
01 The separator of Block Header and Transaction

2.3. Transactions

Content Description
03000000 The count of transactions, ie int(00000003,16), indicates that there are 3 transactions in the block.

2.3.1. Transaction #0

Content Description
00 Transaction Type, CoinBase
04 Payload Version
09 Payload Length, ie 9 bytes
2f4254432e636f6d2f Payload,that is / encoded by ASCII which is filled in by the miner node and can be changed to something else.
01 Attribute Count
00 Usage
08 Data Length
7987aa47dcba87cc Data
01 Input Count
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Txid, CoinBase has no previous transactions, so Txid is 0.
ffff Index, CoinBase has no previous transactions, so Index is 0xffff.
ffffffff Sequence
03 The count of outputs, indicates that there are 3 receiving addresses in the transaction. In CoinBase, these three addresses belong to Miner, Arbitrator, Foundation.
b037db964a231458d2d6ffd5ea18944c4f90e63d547c5d3b9874df66a4ead0a3 AssetID. There is only one ELA asset in the ELA mainchain. This hash value represents ELA.
17b2fb0800000000 Value in sela, ie int(0000000008fbb217,16)=150712855 sela=1.50712855 ELA
00000000 Output Lock
129e9cf1c5f336fcf3a6c954444ed482c5d916e506 ProgramHash which can be converted to address "8VYXVxKKSAxkmRrfmGpQR2Kc66XhG6m3ta".
b037db964a231458d2d6ffd5ea18944c4f90e63d547c5d3b9874df66a4ead0a3 AssetID
70fa7a0a00000000 Value, ie int(000000000a7afa70 ,16)=175831664 sela=1.75831664 ELA
00000000 Output Lock
212fd7e027118ebfdb9ae2632340351b39e9d8c8cb ProgramHash which can be converted to address "EMWsru8XhpQxJ7CvDzgAea1WroJqskPmqd".
b037db964a231458d2d6ffd5ea18944c4f90e63d547c5d3b9874df66a4ead0a3 AssetID
72fa7a0a00000000 Value, ie int(000000000a7afa72 ,16)= 175831666 sela=1.75831666 ELA
00000000 Output Lock
129e9cf1c5f336fcf3a6c954444ed482c5d916e506 ProgramHash which can be converted to address "8VYXVxKKSAxkmRrfmGpQR2Kc66XhG6m3ta".
86b80200 Locktime, ie int(0002b886,16)=178310, the block number at which this transaction is unlocked.
00 Program Count, CoinBase does not cost UTXO, so there is no unlock scripts and lock scripts.

2.3.2. Transaction #1

Content Description
05 Transaction Type, SideChainPow
00 Payload Version
8a06372d00884ceab956d2949a3c949514a6ab58ef682590aba4acf95d5adf21 SideBlockHash in payload
a3c455a90843db2acd22554f2768a8d4233fafbf8dd549e6b261c2786993be56 SideGenesisHash in payload
a52c0000 Side Block Height in payload,ie int(00002ca5,16)=11429
40 Signed Data Length in payload, ie 64 bytes
7fd52be245fcf60c0676e2b5f6f608b88170936d7a886c1a53251beb702727bee10cf161522a0203053118b2b143023c5b7f1b947430b7a9042995f6e9da2641 Signed Data in payload
01 Attribute Count
00 Usage
13 Data Length,19 bytes
32363433373636373531313337353631393734 Data
01 Input Count
0d6171aee79bafd03cedefee31d53d21e6a85a89fd361ca4a924add320a0b96c Txid
0000 Index
00000000 Sequence
01 Output Count
b037db964a231458d2d6ffd5ea18944c4f90e63d547c5d3b9874df66a4ead0a3 AssetID
d0a1810200000000 Value, ie int(000000000281a1d0,16)=42050000 sela=0.4205 ELA
00000000 Output Lock
21deb095b783653f95b9ee96d32dad05ef3beccd1a ProgramHash which can be converted to address "EdTP3VwNmRCxbcXPKWuBPfRSsRoXSSXpvf".
15a40200 Locktime, ie int(0002a415,16)=173077, the block number at which this transaction is unlocked.
01 Program Count
41 Parameter Length, ie 65 bytes
40a2e22b910dfba962c51332979afb0a473c6355cc800076da7450c6b634fdc1e82e395dc244f4f9e26b4b29196074583a895438b441f179c3c39ea22236e2462c Parameter
23 Code Length, ie 35 bytes
2103781c01eee6e338276b24d921873ae36dd4fa2725bf0694d6a1f838c7f6fee525ac Code

2.3.3. Transaction #2

Content Description
02 Transaction Type, TransferAsset
00 Payload Version,the TransferAsset transaction has no payload.
01 Attribute Count
81 Usage
38 Data Length, ie 56 bytes
41495244524f503a45524332303a307833636142343737384634323038344535643543353437656164633365353536394538334430314336 Data
0e Input Count, there are 14 UTXOs
73af4e3d005b931ccdc4067f202072655ff0e239d9f89b6625a72c86c992c37c Txid in UTXO#0
0000 Index in UTXO#0
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#0
f4001a7ad559900520bab834abedad960960aff31cdf9371843c6cdc3a66f051 Txid in UTXO#1
0000 Index in UTXO#1
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#1
a30217d92e7ccda462994d225bd145498aab3693273f0bc48f8267326ccf96be Txid in UTXO#2
0000 Index in UTXO#2
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#2
3e9283f6ef90240d1b0211375f5017db48f481c5e2411a57b852f8ddcefe493a Txid in UTXO#3
0000 Index in UTXO#3
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#3
badc8bf4bcc3b4a687e4417cabf4c28d334653bb240b8dda15a82bf3bebbf892 Txid in UTXO#4
0100 Index in UTXO#4
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#4
8788ee3234dafbd35145792d50c8c7bc7f85a0c181194585bdc88a457e8b6922 Txid in UTXO#5
0100 Index in UTXO#5
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#5
3cb285105cafed7ad0187cca6895cc00a8185714317fe22274c6cd6b5f078367 Txid in UTXO#6
0000 Index in UTXO#6
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#6
d700a0b9571a65977cb12de63d68b9ca144066a1c9f558f15d4b1d7ba986ddf0 Txid in UTXO#7
0000 Index in UTXO#7
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#7
f963ed0b428ed33cd773892a2a71fc1de62afb0394bcdef57ba7768850cbe8eb Txid in UTXO#8
0000 Index in UTXO#8
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#X
1ba035da71d284e69177b67f4c077d05b73401f9a86b8ba547bc3a59ad06a0c9 Txid in UTXO#9
0100 Index in UTXO#9
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#9
5e7443888b28e93c67fc20cdde8741d7782a6e5404180528dc640cd050edf74c Txid in UTXO#10
0000 Index in UTXO#10
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#10
68e14a1425c5a368f72ee9fa52df0729fddb0337666a65345df8f804b3ad5781 Txid in UTXO#11
0000 Index in UTXO#11
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#11
18771d2ed7f546fe7c2229b0a27648cc19adb82fddf01dd1732f308321dbfae6 Txid in UTXO#12
0000 Index in UTXO#12
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#12
7a821b4fffc4ee9201980342babff3644ccad8917b3f91e7268f5da79ffd7188 Txid in UTXO#13
0100 Index in UTXO#13
ffffffff Sequence in UTXO#13
02 Output Count
b037db964a231458d2d6ffd5ea18944c4f90e63d547c5d3b9874df66a4ead0a3 AssetID in output#0
5096a7d415000000 Value in output#0, ie int(00000015d4a79650,16)=93762066000 sela=937.62066 ELA
00000000 Output Lock in output#0
2145cf7be2fd0d56d4c82cffb5f3e5446156d27fe0 ProgramHash in output#0 which Can be converted to address "EPX2g4FW91PsVcebDZhRD51SxJLBMvoSG3"
b037db964a231458d2d6ffd5ea18944c4f90e63d547c5d3b9874df66a4ead0a3 AssetID in output#1
38ee970000000000 Value in output#1, ie int(000000000097ee38,16)=9956920 sela=0.0995692 ELA
00000000 Output Lock in output#1
217640264e2f894e0b9a2fc48437c8250ed8ad9031 ProgramHash in output#1 which Can be converted to address "ETwA5R1AinTsFeFKF9pJkXCyBB5fHdWvBJ"
00000000 Locktime
02 Program Count. The UTXOs consumed by this transaction is belonged to 2 addresses, so there are 2 unlock scripts and lock scripts.
41 Parameter Length in program#0, ie 65 bytes
40f66db057c3b43138e162a89710699657921729f59ddce922e53349f9b7aea335088ecae4ba13bab98e495d24c407ec03e4b0c72b93d8cf86cc6926de1e4cfdfe Parameter in program#0
23 Code Length in program#0, ie 35 bytes
2102ccc5203bbc6253acec5957a5ba1a586c2dbd7e95d6e02e2c4613e096858b18b4ac Code in program#0
41 Parameter Length in program#1, ie 65 bytes
4004dd98e7910d99e2c55cef823a56d482e57b0f7933d72895d6c19765133d826303532bc35c789f9e55b3f7b92319860a4c11ad67bea8dd26e0331b4c455135dd Parameter in program#1
23 Code Length in program#1, ie 35 bytes
2103638466dc93e171d407318a55b13b83805424d16985a9eea55f0eeae68bf2364cac Code in program#1
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