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Kubectl alias

List of alias I found useful when running the kubectl command.

Feel free to suggest any other aliases 🤓


<kubectl> <command> <kind>


  • kubectl get deployment -> kgd
  • kubectl get replicaset -> kgrs
  • kubectl delete pod -> kdp
  • kubectl describe service -> kdess
  • kubectl edit namespace -> kens


Clone project and add to ~/.bashrc file ->

  1. Clone repo
  2. vim ~/.bashrc
  3. paste (edit file location):
    if [ -f <path-to-cloned-repo>/kubectl_aliases ]; then
        source <path-to-cloned-repo>/kubectl_aliases


alias command
k kubectl
kl kubectl logs
kexec kubectl exec -it
kpf kubectl port-forward
kaci kubectl auth can-i
katt kubectl attach
kapir kubectl api-resources
kapiv kubectl api-versions


alias command
kg kubectl get
kgns kubectl get namespaces
kgp kubectl get pods
kgd kubectl get deployments
kgs kubectl get secret
kgrs kubectl get replicasets
kgss kubectl get statefulsets
kgds kubectl get daemonsets
kgsvc kubectl get services -o wide
kgn kubectl get nodes -o wide
kgcm kubectl get configmaps
kgcj kubectl get cronjobs
kgj kubectl get jobs
kgsa kubectl get serviceaccounts
kgr kubectl get roles
kgrb kubectl get rolebindings
kgcr kubectl get clusterroles
kgcrb kubectl get clusterrolebindings


alias command
kd kubectl describe
kdns kubectl describe namespaces
kdp kubectl describe pods
kdd kubectl describe deployments
kds kubectl describe secret
kdrs kubectl describe replicasets
kdss kubectl describe statefulsets
kdds kubectl describe daemonsets
kdsvc kubectl describe services -o wide
kdn kubectl describe nodes -o wide
kdcm kubectl describe configmaps
kdcj kubectl describe cronjobs
kdj kubectl describe jobs
kdsa kubectl describe serviceaccounts
kdr kubectl describe roles
kdrb kubectl describe rolebindings
kdcr kubectl describe clusterroles
kdcrb kubectl describe clusterrolebindings


alias command
ke kubectl edit
kens kubectl edit namespaces
ked kubectl edit deployments
kers kubectl edit replicasets
kes kubectl edit secret
kess kubectl edit statefulsets
keds kubectl edit daemonsets
kesvc kubectl edit services
kecm kubectl edit configmaps
kecj kubectl edit cronjobs
kesa kubectl edit serviceaccounts
ker kubectl edit roles
kerb kubectl edit rolebindings
kecr kubectl edit clusterroles
kecrb kubectl edit clusterrolebindings


alias command
kdel kubectl delete
kdelns kubectl delete namespaces
kdelp kubectl delete pods
kdeld kubectl delete deployments
kdelrs kubectl delete replicasets
kdelss kubectl delete statefulsets
kdelds kubectl delete daemonsets
kdelsvc kubectl delete services
kdels kubectl delete secret
kdelcm kubectl delete configmaps
kdelcj kubectl delete cronjobs
kdelj kubectl delete jobs
kdelsa kubectl delete serviceaccounts
kdelr kubectl delete roles
kdelrb kubectl delete rolebindings
kdelcr kubectl delete clusterroles
kdelcrb kubectl delete clusterrolebindings


alias command
kmock kubectl create mock -o yaml --dry-run=client
kens kubectl create mock -o yaml --dry-run=client namespaces
kecm kubectl create mock -o yaml --dry-run=client configmaps
kesa kubectl create mock -o yaml --dry-run=client serviceaccounts


alias command
kcfg kubectl config
kcfgv kubectl config view
kcfgns kubectl config set-context --current --namespace
kcfgcurrent kubectl config current-context
kcfgsc kubectl config set-context
kcfggc kubectl config get-contexts
kcfguc kubectl config use-context