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1483 lines (1479 loc) · 25.9 KB

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1483 lines (1479 loc) · 25.9 KB

Runtime errors

There are 190 errors from 35 pallets.

  • System - 0
    • InvalidSpecName - 0 The name of specification does not match between the current runtime and the new runtime.
    • SpecVersionNeedsToIncrease - 1 The specification version is not allowed to decrease between the current runtime and the new runtime.
    • FailedToExtractRuntimeVersion - 2 Failed to extract the runtime version from the new runtime.

      Either calling Core_version or decoding RuntimeVersion failed.

    • NonDefaultComposite - 3 Suicide called when the account has non-default composite data.
    • NonZeroRefCount - 4 There is a non-zero reference count preventing the account from being purged.
    • CallFiltered - 5 The origin filter prevent the call to be dispatched.
    • MultiBlockMigrationsOngoing - 6 A multi-block migration is ongoing and prevents the current code from being replaced.
    • NothingAuthorized - 7 No upgrade authorized.
    • Unauthorized - 8 The submitted code is not authorized.
  • Account - 1
  • Scheduler - 2
    • FailedToSchedule - 0 Failed to schedule a call
    • NotFound - 1 Cannot find the scheduled call.
    • TargetBlockNumberInPast - 2 Given target block number is in the past.
    • RescheduleNoChange - 3 Reschedule failed because it does not change scheduled time.
    • Named - 4 Attempt to use a non-named function on a named task.
  • Babe - 3
    • InvalidEquivocationProof - 0 An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
    • InvalidKeyOwnershipProof - 1 A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
    • DuplicateOffenceReport - 2 A given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.
    • InvalidConfiguration - 3 Submitted configuration is invalid.
  • Timestamp - 4
  • Parameters - 5
  • Balances - 6
    • VestingBalance - 0 Vesting balance too high to send value.
    • LiquidityRestrictions - 1 Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal.
    • InsufficientBalance - 2 Balance too low to send value.
    • ExistentialDeposit - 3 Value too low to create account due to existential deposit.
    • Expendability - 4 Transfer/payment would kill account.
    • ExistingVestingSchedule - 5 A vesting schedule already exists for this account.
    • DeadAccount - 6 Beneficiary account must pre-exist.
    • TooManyReserves - 7 Number of named reserves exceed `MaxReserves`.
    • TooManyHolds - 8 Number of holds exceed `VariantCountOf`.
    • TooManyFreezes - 9 Number of freezes exceed `MaxFreezes`.
    • IssuanceDeactivated - 10 The issuance cannot be modified since it is already deactivated.
    • DeltaZero - 11 The delta cannot be zero.
  • TransactionPayment - 32
  • OneshotAccount - 7
    • BlockHeightInFuture - 0 Block height is in the future.
    • BlockHeightTooOld - 1 Block height is too old.
    • DestAccountNotExist - 2 Destination account does not exist.
    • ExistentialDeposit - 3 Destination account has a balance less than the existential deposit.
    • InsufficientBalance - 4 Source account has insufficient balance.
    • OneshotAccountAlreadyCreated - 5 Destination oneshot account already exists.
    • OneshotAccountNotExist - 6 Source oneshot account does not exist.
  • Quota - 66
  • SmithMembers - 10
    • OriginMustHaveAnIdentity - 0 Issuer of anything (invitation, acceptance, certification) must have an identity ID
    • OriginHasNeverBeenInvited - 1 Issuer must be known as a potential smith
    • InvitationIsASmithPrivilege - 2 Invitation is reseverd to smiths
    • InvitationIsAOnlineSmithPrivilege - 3 Invitation is reseverd to online smiths
    • InvitationAlreadyAccepted - 4 Invitation must not have been accepted yet
    • InvitationOfExistingNonExcluded - 5 Invitation of an already known smith is forbidden except if it has been excluded
    • InvitationOfNonMember - 6 Invitation of a non-member (of the WoT) is forbidden
    • CertificationMustBeAgreed - 7 Certification cannot be made on someone who has not accepted an invitation
    • CertificationOnExcludedIsForbidden - 8 Certification cannot be made on excluded
    • CertificationIsASmithPrivilege - 9 Issuer must be a smith
    • CertificationIsAOnlineSmithPrivilege - 10 Only online smiths can certify
    • CertificationOfSelfIsForbidden - 11 Smith cannot certify itself
    • CertificationReceiverMustHaveBeenInvited - 12 Receiver must be invited by another smith
    • CertificationAlreadyExists - 13 Receiver must not already have this certification
    • CertificationStockFullyConsumed - 14 A smith has a limited stock of certifications
  • AuthorityMembers - 11
    • AlreadyIncoming - 0 Member already incoming.
    • AlreadyOnline - 1 Member already online.
    • AlreadyOutgoing - 2 Member already outgoing.
    • MemberIdNotFound - 3 Owner key is invalid as a member.
    • MemberBlacklisted - 4 Member is blacklisted.
    • MemberNotBlacklisted - 5 Member is not blacklisted.
    • MemberNotFound - 6 Member not found.
    • NotOnlineNorIncoming - 7 Neither online nor scheduled.
    • NotMember - 8 Not member.
    • SessionKeysNotProvided - 9 Session keys not provided.
    • TooManyAuthorities - 10 Too many authorities.
  • Authorship - 12
  • Offences - 13
  • Historical - 14
  • Session - 15
    • InvalidProof - 0 Invalid ownership proof.
    • NoAssociatedValidatorId - 1 No associated validator ID for account.
    • DuplicatedKey - 2 Registered duplicate key.
    • NoKeys - 3 No keys are associated with this account.
    • NoAccount - 4 Key setting account is not live, so it's impossible to associate keys.
  • Grandpa - 16
    • PauseFailed - 0 Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live (either paused or already pending pause).
    • ResumeFailed - 1 Attempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused (either live or already pending resume).
    • ChangePending - 2 Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending.
    • TooSoon - 3 Cannot signal forced change so soon after last.
    • InvalidKeyOwnershipProof - 4 A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
    • InvalidEquivocationProof - 5 An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
    • DuplicateOffenceReport - 6 A given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.
  • ImOnline - 17
    • InvalidKey - 0 Non existent public key.
    • DuplicatedHeartbeat - 1 Duplicated heartbeat.
  • AuthorityDiscovery - 18
  • Sudo - 20
    • RequireSudo - 0 Sender must be the Sudo account.
  • UpgradeOrigin - 21
  • Preimage - 22
    • TooBig - 0 Preimage is too large to store on-chain.
    • AlreadyNoted - 1 Preimage has already been noted on-chain.
    • NotAuthorized - 2 The user is not authorized to perform this action.
    • NotNoted - 3 The preimage cannot be removed since it has not yet been noted.
    • Requested - 4 A preimage may not be removed when there are outstanding requests.
    • NotRequested - 5 The preimage request cannot be removed since no outstanding requests exist.
    • TooMany - 6 More than `MAX_HASH_UPGRADE_BULK_COUNT` hashes were requested to be upgraded at once.
    • TooFew - 7 Too few hashes were requested to be upgraded (i.e. zero).
  • TechnicalCommittee - 23
    • NotMember - 0 Account is not a member
    • DuplicateProposal - 1 Duplicate proposals not allowed
    • ProposalMissing - 2 Proposal must exist
    • WrongIndex - 3 Mismatched index
    • DuplicateVote - 4 Duplicate vote ignored
    • AlreadyInitialized - 5 Members are already initialized!
    • TooEarly - 6 The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.
    • TooManyProposals - 7 There can only be a maximum of `MaxProposals` active proposals.
    • WrongProposalWeight - 8 The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.
    • WrongProposalLength - 9 The given length bound for the proposal was too low.
    • PrimeAccountNotMember - 10 Prime account is not a member
  • UniversalDividend - 30
    • AccountNotAllowedToClaimUds - 0 This account is not allowed to claim UDs.
  • Wot - 40
    • NotEnoughCerts - 0 Insufficient certifications received.
    • TargetStatusInvalid - 1 Target status is incompatible with this operation.
    • IdtyCreationPeriodNotRespected - 2 Identity creation period not respected.
    • NotEnoughReceivedCertsToCreateIdty - 3 Insufficient received certifications to create identity.
    • MaxEmittedCertsReached - 4 Maximum number of emitted certifications reached.
    • IssuerNotMember - 5 Issuer cannot emit a certification because it is not member.
    • IdtyNotFound - 6 Issuer or receiver not found.
    • MembershipRenewalPeriodNotRespected - 7 Membership can only be renewed after an antispam delay.
  • Identity - 41
    • IdtyAlreadyConfirmed - 0 Identity already confirmed.
    • IdtyAlreadyCreated - 1 Identity already created.
    • IdtyIndexNotFound - 2 Identity index not found.
    • IdtyNameAlreadyExist - 3 Identity name already exists.
    • IdtyNameInvalid - 4 Invalid identity name.
    • IdtyNotFound - 5 Identity not found.
    • InvalidSignature - 6 Invalid payload signature.
    • InvalidRevocationKey - 7 Invalid revocation key.
    • IssuerNotMember - 8 Issuer is not member and can not perform this action.
    • NotRespectIdtyCreationPeriod - 9 Identity creation period is not respected.
    • OwnerKeyAlreadyRecentlyChanged - 10 Owner key already changed recently.
    • OwnerKeyAlreadyUsed - 11 Owner key already used.
    • ProhibitedToRevertToAnOldKey - 12 Reverting to an old key is prohibited.
    • AlreadyRevoked - 13 Already revoked.
    • CanNotRevokeUnconfirmed - 14 Can not revoke identity that never was member.
    • CanNotRevokeUnvalidated - 15 Can not revoke identity that never was member.
    • AccountNotExist - 16 Cannot link to an inexisting account.
    • InsufficientBalance - 17 Insufficient balance to create an identity.
    • OwnerKeyUsedAsValidator - 18 Owner key currently used as validator.
  • Membership - 42
    • MembershipNotFound - 0 Membership not found, can not renew.
    • AlreadyMember - 1 Already member, can not add membership.
  • Certification - 43
    • OriginMustHaveAnIdentity - 0 Issuer of a certification must have an identity
    • CannotCertifySelf - 1 Identity cannot certify itself.
    • IssuedTooManyCert - 2 Identity has already issued the maximum number of certifications.
    • NotEnoughCertReceived - 3 Insufficient certifications received.
    • NotRespectCertPeriod - 4 Identity has issued a certification too recently.
    • CertAlreadyExists - 5 Can not add an already-existing cert
    • CertDoesNotExist - 6 Can not renew a non-existing cert
  • Distance - 44
    • AlreadyInEvaluation - 0 Distance is already under evaluation.
    • TooManyEvaluationsByAuthor - 1 Too many evaluations requested by author.
    • TooManyEvaluationsInBlock - 2 Too many evaluations for this block.
    • NoAuthor - 3 No author for this block.
    • CallerHasNoIdentity - 4 Caller has no identity.
    • CallerIdentityNotFound - 5 Caller identity not found.
    • CallerNotMember - 6 Caller not member.
    • CallerStatusInvalid - 7
    • TargetIdentityNotFound - 8 Target identity not found.
    • QueueFull - 9 Evaluation queue is full.
    • TooManyEvaluators - 10 Too many evaluators in the current evaluation pool.
    • WrongResultLength - 11 Evaluation result has a wrong length.
    • TargetMustBeUnvalidated - 12 Targeted distance evaluation request is only possible for an unvalidated identity.
  • AtomicSwap - 50
    • AlreadyExist - 0 Swap already exists.
    • InvalidProof - 1 Swap proof is invalid.
    • ProofTooLarge - 2 Proof is too large.
    • SourceMismatch - 3 Source does not match.
    • AlreadyClaimed - 4 Swap has already been claimed.
    • NotExist - 5 Swap does not exist.
    • ClaimActionMismatch - 6 Claim action mismatch.
    • DurationNotPassed - 7 Duration has not yet passed for the swap to be cancelled.
  • Multisig - 51
    • MinimumThreshold - 0 Threshold must be 2 or greater.
    • AlreadyApproved - 1 Call is already approved by this signatory.
    • NoApprovalsNeeded - 2 Call doesn't need any (more) approvals.
    • TooFewSignatories - 3 There are too few signatories in the list.
    • TooManySignatories - 4 There are too many signatories in the list.
    • SignatoriesOutOfOrder - 5 The signatories were provided out of order; they should be ordered.
    • SenderInSignatories - 6 The sender was contained in the other signatories; it shouldn't be.
    • NotFound - 7 Multisig operation not found when attempting to cancel.
    • NotOwner - 8 Only the account that originally created the multisig is able to cancel it.
    • NoTimepoint - 9 No timepoint was given, yet the multisig operation is already underway.
    • WrongTimepoint - 10 A different timepoint was given to the multisig operation that is underway.
    • UnexpectedTimepoint - 11 A timepoint was given, yet no multisig operation is underway.
    • MaxWeightTooLow - 12 The maximum weight information provided was too low.
    • AlreadyStored - 13 The data to be stored is already stored.
  • ProvideRandomness - 52
    • QueueFull - 0 Request randomness queue is full.
  • Proxy - 53
    • TooMany - 0 There are too many proxies registered or too many announcements pending.
    • NotFound - 1 Proxy registration not found.
    • NotProxy - 2 Sender is not a proxy of the account to be proxied.
    • Unproxyable - 3 A call which is incompatible with the proxy type's filter was attempted.
    • Duplicate - 4 Account is already a proxy.
    • NoPermission - 5 Call may not be made by proxy because it may escalate its privileges.
    • Unannounced - 6 Announcement, if made at all, was made too recently.
    • NoSelfProxy - 7 Cannot add self as proxy.
  • Utility - 54
    • TooManyCalls - 0 Too many calls batched.
  • Treasury - 55
    • InvalidIndex - 0 No proposal, bounty or spend at that index.
    • TooManyApprovals - 1 Too many approvals in the queue.
    • InsufficientPermission - 2 The spend origin is valid but the amount it is allowed to spend is lower than the amount to be spent.
    • ProposalNotApproved - 3 Proposal has not been approved.
    • FailedToConvertBalance - 4 The balance of the asset kind is not convertible to the balance of the native asset.
    • SpendExpired - 5 The spend has expired and cannot be claimed.
    • EarlyPayout - 6 The spend is not yet eligible for payout.
    • AlreadyAttempted - 7 The payment has already been attempted.
    • PayoutError - 8 There was some issue with the mechanism of payment.
    • NotAttempted - 9 The payout was not yet attempted/claimed.
    • Inconclusive - 10 The payment has neither failed nor succeeded yet.