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Delamain: Gdy żyje się wśród ludzi, trzeba z nimi znaleźć jakiś fundamentalny punkt porozumienia.

Prawda, czy dobro – z tymi wartościami zawsze są problemy. Tylko piękno jest uniwersalne.


If there is one central goal that ties Nietzsche's very first book (Birth of Tragedy) with his very last (Ecce Homo), it is the goal of affirming life. And according to Nietzsche this can only be done asethetically.

Our highest dignity lies in our significance as works of art – for only as an aesthetic phenomenon is existence and the world externally justified.

– Nietzsche, The birth of tragedy, preface, #5

By the standards of morality the world is cruel and unjust.

By the standards of truth and knowledge it seems obscure and elusive if not deceptive.

But if we view the world by the standards of art all things can be made to appear beautiful. Art is unique in this capacity. It allows us to take even the most horrific and painful parts of life and nevertheless transform them into something valuable and affirmative, even beautiful and divine.

And this is what Nietzsche believed the function of tragic drama was. Greek tragedy presented us with the horrors of life not in order to condemn life as Schopenhauer had thought, but to celebrate life, even in the face of its horrors.


The value of a work of art is not determined by whether it has a happy ending or not. Nietzsche hopes that we can value life as a work of art itself. To see life as something that does not need a happy ending to justify itself, because its beauty eternally justifies itself.


Nie ma piękna, jeśli w nim leży krzywda człowieka. Nie ma prawdy, która tę krzywdę pomija. Nie ma dobra, które na nią pozwala.

vs Nietzsche który wynosi piękno do absolutu

Można byłoby też poszukać trójki (piękno;prawda;dobro) w innych ujęciach – bodajże ks. Tischner też się do tego odnosił (znalezione bodajże na kanale Szymon Mówi)