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File metadata and controls

274 lines (226 loc) · 8.93 KB

UKIS Kafka

This package implements a compact binary wireformat to stream vector features over Apache Kafka. The package itself uses a high/easy-to-use abstraction level of the geodata mostly based on the fiona library.

Serialization format

The serialization format takes inspirations from the data model of the fiona library, which itself is based on the GeoJSON specification. This library adds a few modification to this:

  • Geometries are serialized to WKB/Well-known-binary for a more compact representation. The value is stored in the wkb-field.

  • A meta object is added. This object is used to add meta information to the features without name-conflicts in the property-object.

An example for structure for a feature is

    'properties': {
        'prop_1': 34,
        'prop_2': 'this is a string'
    'wkb': WKB ...,
    'meta': {
        'some_text': 'some meta information'

These structures are serialized using messagepack.

Shell commands

This package provides several shell commands. Each of these has its own help, which can be invoked by [command] --help.

Available after installation are:


The help-text for this command:

Usage: ukis_vectorlayer_producer [OPTIONS] FILENAME

  Read vector geodata from a file and push it into Kafka.

  --version                       Print version and exit.
  -k, --kafka_server TEXT         Hostname and port of the kafka server to
                                  connect to.  [required]
  -t, --topic TEXT                Topic under which the vectors are published.
  -l, --loglevel [warn|info|warning|debug|error]
                                  Loglevel. logs will be written to stdout.
  -m, --meta_field TEXT           Add a field with metainformation to the
                                  data. This option can be used multiple
                                  times. Syntax: KEY=VALUE
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


The help-text for this command:

Usage: ukis_postgis_consumer [OPTIONS] CFG_FILE

  Consume vetor data from Kafka and write it to a PostGIS database.

  Attempts to autocast incomming ettributes to the types of the database
  columns. Timestamps are analyzed and brought into ISO-format when

  Configuration is handled by a YAML configuration file. See the
  --example_configuration switch.

  --version                Print version and exit.
  --example_configuration  Print an example configuration with explanations
                           and exit.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

A documented example configuration file:

# Configuration file for ukis_postgis_consumer
# Logging section
# ===============
# * The specified logfile will automaticaly be rotated.
# * When no logfile is set, the log will be written to stdout.
# * The available log levels are: warn, info, warning, debug, error.
# Postgresql section
# ==================
# * The 'dsn'-Parameter is mandatory and used to connect to the
#   database server. The syntax is libpqs connection string format
#   and documented under 
# Kafka section
# =============
# The 'resubscription_interval_seconds' parameter specifies an interval in
# seconds to resubscribe to the topics peridocialy when no messages are received.
# The intention of this setting is to avoid a state where no messages are
# distributed to this consumer - a behavior which has been observed in the past.
# Omit this setting or seo tt 0 to disable.
# All other parameters are mandatory - see the offical kafka documentation
# on their meaning.
# Topics section
# ==============
# This configuration section contains a mapping of topic names to subscribe to
# and handler chains where the received messages are passed through. This means
# it is possible to specify more than one handler to process messages multiple
# times.
# Each handler configuration consists of the mandatory name of the handler in
# the "handler" parameter and a handler specific number of settings.
# postgisinsert Handler
# ---------------------
# This handler inserts incomming messages into the database.
# PostGIS geometries are supported. Transactions are supported, each message
# is inserted with its own savepoint. So a rollback only needs to happen for the
# last message when inserting fails. Messages which can not be inserted in the
# database will be discarded.
# Incomming values are cast to the type of the database columns when possible and
# there are sanitation routines for types like timestamps to attempt to make them
# understandable for the database server.
# The 'table_name' and 'schema_name' settings specify the target table and are
# required.
# 'property_map' maps the properties of the features of the messages to database
# columns. The keys are the names of the features properties, the values the
# names of the db columns. When this setting is not set ukis_postgis_consumer performs an
# automapping and correlates properties and columns by their names.
# 'metafield_map' maps the fields of the messages 'meta' attribute to database
# columns. The keys are the names of the features meta fields, the values the
# names of the db columns.  When not set, no mapping will be performed.
# 'predefined_values' is a set of values defined in the configuration file which
# will be inserted into the database columns. The keys are the names of the
# database columns, the values are the values.
# The 'on_conflict' settings is optional and supports PostgreSQLs INSERT-conflict
# handling.  Possible values are 'do nothing' and 'do update'. This setting
# requires PostgreSQL 9.5.  'do update' attempts to infer the updatable columns
# by the available unique constraints on the table. This will only work when
# there is only one unique constraint. In the case there are more than one, you
# can specify the name of the relevant unique constraint using the
# 'conflict_constraint' parameter. The value for this parameter may be the name
# of the constraint, or a comma-seperated list of the columns which are part in
# this constraint. For more information please refer to
# .
# The 'discard_geometries' setting is useful when only properties and/or meta fields
# are supposed to be synced to the database. Existing geometry columns will not
# be inserted/updated. The default for this behavior is False/Off.
  client_id: my-client-id
  group_id: my-group-id
  kafka_server: localhost:9092
  resubscription_interval_seconds: 600
  file: /tmp/example.log
  level: info
  dsn: dbname=test user=tester password=secret
  - handler: postgisinsert
    on_conflict: do nothing
    schema_name: public
    table_name: mytable
  - conflict_constraint: id, datetime
    discard_geometries: false
    handler: postgisinsert
      filename: id
    on_conflict: do update
      my_column: some text
      area_km2: area_km2
      datetime: datetime
    schema_name: public
    table_name: mytable


The help-text for this command:

Usage: ukis_dump_consumer [OPTIONS]

  Consume features from a topic and dump them to file.

  --version                       Print version and exit.
  -k, --kafka_server TEXT         Hostname and port of the kafka server to
                                  connect to.  [required]
  -t, --topic TEXT                Topic under which the vectors are published.
  -c, --client_id TEXT            Client_id for this consumer.  [required]
  -g, --group_id TEXT             Group_id for this consumer.  [required]
  -f, --filename TEXT             File to dump the received features to.
                                  Default is stdout ("-")
  -l, --loglevel [warn|info|warning|debug|error]
                                  Loglevel. logs will be written to stdout.
  -F, --output_format [geojson]   Outputformat
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Library support

The library offers interfaces to a few python geodata libraries. When a new interface is needed, please try to implement it in this library for a better reuseability.


Fiona support is in the ukis_streaming.fiona module.


from ukis_kafka.wireformat import fiona

for the documentation.


There is some support in the ukis_streaming.fiona module.


Support for the native OGR library bindings still needs to be implemented.


  • SRID support
  • OGR support


See LICENCE.txt.