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307 lines (256 loc) · 21.7 KB

1.0.0-beta.13 (September 10, 2024)

  • Disallowed duplicate parameter names in function definitions, i.e., ($a, $a) => expr is now prohibited
  • Improved suggestions for the ternary operator (?:)
  • Fixed suggestions for and, or and ?? operators
  • Fixed a compilation error for the generated code of function expressions in stat mode in some cases
  • Fixed a runtime error for a comparator function in some scenarios
  • Fixed support for TypedArrays with slice notation and methods such as numbers(), avg(), count(), sum(), median(), variance(), stdev() and percentile()
  • Added missing package exports for package.json and dist/*

1.0.0-beta.12 (July 2, 2024)

  • Added support for _ as numeric separator for all kinds of number, e.g. 1_000, 0xa0b1_c2d3
  • Extended shorthand syntax to define object entries (see Shorthand syntax for entries)
        sum(),              // equavalent to: `sum: sum()`
        foo.[x > 5],        // equavalent to: `foo: foo | .[x > 5]`
        baz is number ?: 0, // equavalent to: `baz: baz | is number ?: 0`
        $var.size()         // equavalent to: `var: var | .size()`
  • Improved error handling for variable references, including providing query's range of the problem reference in errors
  • Fixed acessing to global variables when a variable has no definition

1.0.0-beta.11 (May 19, 2024)

  • Added support for treating TypedArrays as regular arrays
  • Fixed lastIndexOf() method behavior when fromIndex is zero; previously, the search incorrectly started from the end of an array instead of the zero position
  • Fixed group() method to include elements with an empty array as a key in the group with key: undefined; previously, such elements were omitted from the result
  • Modified the behavior of slice notation:
    • When the value is a string, the result remains a string (was an array of chars)
    • When from is greater than to and step is not specified, step defaults to -1 (i.e. $[3:1] is the same as $[1:3:-1])
    • When from is greater than to and step is specified, the sign of the step is inverted (i.e. $[5:1:-2] is the same as $[1:5:2])

1.0.0-beta.10 (December 6, 2023)

  • Introduced basic support for function arguments in the syntax, allowing $arg => expr and ($a, $b) => expr forms to be supported
  • Changed the behavior of this in custom methods and assertions defined as functions to include a context reference to the query context. Additionally, introduced this.method(name, ...args) and this.assertion(name, ...args) methods to call a custom method or use an assertion.
  • Added support for special variables $$ and # in custom methods and assertions defined as strings (Jora queries).
  • Updated the pipeline operator grammar to allow starting a query with it, e.g. | expr is now a valid query
  • Fixed a query compilation error when $ was used as an object entry, e.g. { $, prop: 1 }
  • Fixed bracket notation and pick() method when used with a function to apply bool() to the result of the function
  • Reverted the precedence of the pipeline operator to be lower than that of the ternary operator for consistency with other operators

1.0.0-beta.9 (October 29, 2023)

  • Removed support for a legacy syntax for functions, i.e. <expr>
  • Changed the precedence of the pipeline operator to match that of the ternary operator to prevent parsing errors in certain cases
  • Disallowed whitespace between a method name and open parenthesis
  • Allowed keywords as a property getter in query chains when a dot is before the keyword. For example, is now a valid query, while has.and is not valid due to the missing dot before has.
  • Added support for keyword literals (null, undefined, true, false, NaN and Infinity), numbers and strings as property name in an object literal when a value is not specified, i.e. { null } is the same as { "null": $["null"] }
  • Added suggestions listing for keyword literals as property name in an object literal
  • Fixed suggestions listing inside empty parentheses
  • Fixed suggestions listing for is operator in tolerant mode when right part is empty
  • Fixed duplicates in has operator suggestions
  • Removed missed experimental if, then and else keyword tokens in parser

1.0.0-beta.8 (September 21, 2023)

  • Reduced parser size by 10Kb
  • Changed setup() function to take options parameter instead of custom methods dictionary, i.e. setup(methods)setup({ methods })
  • Added assertions option for jora() and setup() functions to specify additional assertion functions, i.e. jora(..., { assetions }) and setup({ assertions })
  • Forbidden to override built-in methods and assertions, now setup() and query() functions throws when a custom method or an assertion has the same name as built-in one
  • Extended query result object in stat mode to provide a result value of the query execution as value property (i.e. jora(query, { stat: true })().value)
  • Renamed SortingFunction AST node type into CompareFunction
  • Renamed Unary AST node type into Prefix
  • Added Assertion and Postfix AST node types
  • Added nullish coalescing operator (??)
  • Added is operator
  • Added replace() method
  • Added min() and max() methods
  • Added numbers(), sum(), avg(), count(), variance(), stdev(), percentile() (with alias p()) and median() methods
  • Added indexOf() and lastIndexOf() methods
  • Added toLowerCase(), toUpperCase() and trim() methods
  • Added math methods abs(), acos(), acosh(), asin(), asinh(), atan(), atan2(), atanh(), cbrt(), ceil(), clz32(), cos(), cosh(), exp(), expm1(), floor(), fround(), hypot(), imul(), ln() (Math.log() in JavaScript), log10(), ln1p() (Math.log1p() in JavaScript), log2(), pow(), round(), sign(), sin(), sinh(), sqrt(), tan(), tanh() and trunc() (see details in docs)
  • Modified the ternary operator to allow optional components. The : can be omitted if the last part is excluded. For instance, the following are now valid syntaxes: expr ? : [], expr ? 1, and expr?. When omitted, the default structure will be: $ ? $ : undefined
  • Changed the comparator function grammar to allow any expression in the definition, not just a query chain. This eliminates the need for parentheses in many cases. For example, a + b desc is now a valid definition, whereas previously it required parentheses: (a + b) desc (since evaluated as a + (b desc)).
  • Changed precedence of function definitions to be lower than that of the pipeline operator and comparator function definitions (i.e., the lowest precedence). For example, the expression => a | b now evaluates as => (a | b) instead of (=> a) | b as before, meaning it returns a function instead of the value of b.
  • Changed split() method to support arrays, in that case pattern can be a function or any value
  • Fixed in, not in, has and has no operators to handle NaN values correctly, e.g. NaN in [1, NaN, 3] returns true now

1.0.0-beta.7 (July 12, 2022)

  • Fixed syntax.tokenize() method to use a tolerant parser when tolerantMode parameter is true
  • Fixed parsing failures in tolerant mode on blocks [], .[], (), .() and ..() when their body starts with an operator, a keyword, etc.
  • Fixed suggestions when pattern is a single quoted string (i.e. for 'foo' in .[field='foo'])
  • Fixed suggestions for Pick nodes when query is a complex expression, e.g. a function (#35)
  • Fixed suggestions for Block nodes with empty body in strict parse mode
  • Fixed processing \0 in strings as a null character for a parity with JavaScript
  • Fixed Indentifier node to store an empty string as a name instead of _ for placeholder identifiers in tolerant parse mode. This fixes the problem of restoring a query from an AST after parsing in tolerant mode
  • Added Placeholder node type
  • Changed Block node to store a Placeholder node instead of null when block's body is empty

1.0.0-beta.6 (April 18, 2022)

  • Added support for custom methods as a string (jora query) in jora.setup()
  • Added a check for all methods are defined on query compilation step to avoid runtime exceptions
  • Allowed g, m, s and u flags in regexp literals
  • Improved error message when a methods is not defined, i.e. Method "foo" is not defined instead of is not a function
  • Improved error locations in string literals
  • Disallowed a backslash before closing quote or apostrophe in string literals
  • Fixed match() method to work well for RegExp with g flag and for strings when matchAll is true
  • Fixed sort() method to perform a stable sort for old js-engines and always place undefined values last
  • Fixed range in details for bad input errors
  • Fixed suggestion support in template literals (#33)
  • Fixed suggestions for = and != operators by avoiding unfold array values
  • Fixed suggestions for arrays in in, not in, has and has no operators to exclude literal values only
  • Removed value suggestions in cases | in <string or number> and <string or number> has |
  • Fixed a call stack overflow exception when too many (over ~110k) suggestion values for a range
  • BREAKING Reworked stat API:
    • Changed stat() API method to return values as is, i.e. a Set instance instead of its materialization as an array. Mutations of sets (values and related) should be avoided since they are shared between all stat API methods calls.
    • Changed a signature of suggestion() API method to get options as a second argument (optional), with the following options:
      • limit (default: Infinity) – a max number of the values that should be returned for each value type ("property", "value" or "variable")
      • sort (default: false) – a comparator function (should take 2 arguments and return a negative number, 0 or a positive number) for value list sorting, makes sence when limit is used
      • filter (default: function) – a filter function factory (pattern => value => <expr>) to discard values from the result when returns a falsy value (default is equivalent to patttern => value => String(value).toLowerCase().includes(pattern))
    • Changed suggestion() API method result to return values grouped by a type:
          suggestion(): Array<{
              type: 'property' | 'value' | 'variable',
              from: number,
              to: number,
              text: string,
              suggestions: Array<string | number>
          }> | null
    • All the changes are targeted to improve performance and memory consumption when a query is performing to a huge datasets (hundreds of thousands of values). As a result a suggestions fetching is boosted up to 30-40 times for such cases.
  • Converted to Dual Package, i.e. ESM and CommonJS support
  • Changed Node.js support to ^10.12.0 || ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.0 || >=15.0.0
  • Changed dist modules:
    • Removed jora.min.js
    • Changed jora.js format from CJS to IIFE and applied minification
    • Added jora.esm.js (minified ESM module)
    • Added source maps &

1.0.0-beta.5 (November 10, 2020)

  • Jora became a superset of JSON5 (see #23)
  • Added support for template literals
  • Added support for multi-line comments
  • Added support for hexadecimal numbers
  • Added support for hexadecimal escape sequence in strings, i.e. 'hello\x20world'
  • Added support for multiple lines in strings by escaping new line characters
  • Added Infinity and NaN literals
  • Fixed string literal parsing to be ECMA-262 compliant
  • Changed parsing to recognize line terminators according to ECMA-262 (added \r\n, \u2028 and \u2029)
  • Allowed a single trailing comma in object and array literals
  • Allowed unicode escape sequence in identifier name
  • Allowed object literal property names starting with $ when a value is defined

1.0.0-beta.4 (November 4, 2020)

  • Allowed definitions in object's literals, i.e. { $a: 42; foo: $a * 2, $a } results in { foo: 84, a: 42 }
  • Added setup() API method to create a query function with defined custom methods once
  • Exposed syntax.suggest(source, parseResult) method to get suggestion ranges based on AST and source
  • Exposed syntax.tokenize(source, tolerantMode = false) method

1.0.0-beta.3 (September 20, 2020)

  • Improved sort() to be stable for mixed types (#17)
  • Added ascN and descN to define natural sorting functions
  • Added ascA and descA to define sorting functions with reverse order for numbers
  • Added ascAN and descAN to define natural sorting functions with reverse order for numbers h
  • Improved suggestion for pipeline operator in malformed query (tolerant mode)
  • Added suggestion for object keys in bracket notation property accessor
  • Renamed node type Property to ObjectEntry

1.0.0-beta.2 (May 17, 2020)

  • Fixed parse error handling

1.0.0-beta.1 (May 14, 2020)

  • Added [...expr] syntax
  • Added $$ root reference (arg1), which refers to second parameter of closest function or undefined when no such
  • Added reduce() method
  • Added support for methods as a reference to definition's value, i.e. $method: => 123; $method() or path.$method()
  • Added syntax.walk() API method to traverse AST
  • Allowed numbers without integer part, i.e. .123 or .5e-4
  • Allowed numbers and literals as property name in object literals, i.e. { 1: 'ok', null: 'ok' }
  • Changed = and != operators to use instead of === and !== operators
  • Changed behaviour for references to undefined definitions, now an exception raises in default mode, but no exceptions in tolerant mode
  • Changed bracket notation (i.e. foo[expr]) to behave like pick() method
  • Reworked pick() method:
    • Return first entry value when no argument gived
    • String values are treat as an array
    • Added support for negative indicies for array and strings
    • Return a value for object and function as reference, instead of entry
    • Pass index or key to function reference as second parameter (can be accessed by $$)
    • When no arguments given or reference is undefined for object, return first entry value instead of value with key undefined
    • Cast boolean values to a number index when access to an array or string, i.e. false -> 0 and true -> 1
  • Improved tolerant mode to not fail on methods that doesn't exists, such invocations silently returns undefined
  • Improved parse and some compile errors
  • Fixed suggestion in empty function body for new syntax, i.e. group(=>) will suggest between => and )
  • Fixed ~= operator to produce a boolean result only
  • Removed mapToArray() method, use entries().({ nameProp: key, ...value }) instead
  • Grand internal refactoring around AST processing:
    • Parser generates less virtual nodes, so parse->stringify is much closer to original code (white spaces and comments mostly lost)
    • Suggestion subsystem moved aside from parser to a separate module which uses in stat mode only
    • Various fixes and improvements in suggestions
    • The new approach allows to implement more complex suggestion scenarios like suggestions in array values for operators in, not in, has and has no which was added (e.g. in query ["a", "b", 1, 2][$ in ["b", 2]] jora will suggest only "a" and 1 values in array after in operator)

1.0.0-alpha.13 (January 6, 2020)

  • Added pipeline operator, i.e. foo | bar | ...
  • Added fromEntries() method
  • Allowed parent's scope variables overlapping, i.e. $a;.($a; ...) doesn't throw with an error now
  • Added support for a function as debug option value, i.e. query('...', { debug: (name, value) => /* ... */ })
  • Disallowed whitespace between $ and identifier, previously $foo can be used as $ foo, now it throws with a parse error
  • Reworked build setup:
    • Added baking of src/parser.js before publishing, i.e. replace a runtime parser compilation with a pre-compiled version
    • Moved jison to dev dependencies, and package has no dependencies anymore (dev only)
    • Removed dist/parser.js & dist/version.json from package

1.0.0-alpha.12 (December 18, 2019)

  • Included build prerequisite files (dist/parser.js & dist/version.json) in package

1.0.0-alpha.11 (December 17, 2019)

  • Reworked parsing to produce AST, other parts reworked to consume AST as well
  • Exposed syntax interface with 3 methods: syntax.parse(source, tolerantMode), syntax.compile(ast, suggestRanges, statMode) and syntax.stringify(ast)
  • Added slice notation like proposed for adding to JavaScript, e.g. $str: '<foo>'; str[1:-1] ('foo') or $ar:[1,2,3,4,5,6]; $ar[-3::-1] ([6,5,4]) (#11)
  • Added slice(from, to) method
  • Added split(pattern) method
  • Added join(separator) method
  • Added match(pattern, matchAll) method
  • Fixed method invocation on recursive mapping, i.e. ..method() doesn't raise an error now and works as expected without surrounding parentheses (#10)
  • Allowed definitions to use in parentheses, e.g. ($a: 1; $a + $a)
  • Added a function definition via =>, i.e. => body
  • Added sorting function definition with asc and desc keywords, e.g. sort(foo asc), $sorting: foo desc; sort($sorting) or sort(foo desc, bar asc)
  • Changed sort() method to use a two argument function as a regular comparator
  • Removed ::self syntax, recursion with a function defined by a variable should be used instead

1.0.0-alpha.10 (March 7, 2019)

  • Fixed arguments context suggestion for chained methods with no arguments

1.0.0-alpha.9 (March 5, 2019)

  • Added support for numbers with exponent
  • Added support for strings as property name in object literals
  • Fixed edge cases with suggestions around keywords and inside functions
  • Allowed - and + operators to be unary
  • Renamed get buildin method to map
  • Changed ~= operator to take any value as tester (not a regexp only); when value is a function it's behaves like filter(), when null or undefined it's always truthy otherwise falsy
  • Changed group() method to group by an element when key value is an array

1.0.0-alpha.8 (February 7, 2019)

  • Reworked tolerant parsing mode, less failures and better suggestions
  • Reworked lib building, lib size reduced from 71Kb to 39Kb
  • Fixed a function parsing, now it's greedy and a parentheses needed only around expressions with > operator when used outside braces, since > will end a function definition (i.e. <a > 20> causes to a parse error, but <(a > 20)> or <foo.[a > 20]> is not)
  • Allowed a block inside a function, i.e. function can be empty (returns a current in this case) and definitions are allowed in function's body
  • Added has and has no operators as inverse of in and not in
  • Fixed and and or operators to evaluate left expression only once (good for performance and eliminates duplicates in suggestions)

1.0.0-alpha.7 (December 25, 2018)

  • Disallowed a whitespace between a dot and a bracket in .[, .( and ..( tokens
  • Changed filtering (i.e. .[] or filter() method) behaviour for a non-array value to return a value itself when expression is truthy or undefined otherwise
  • Changed semanthic jora(query, methods?, debug?) -> jora(query, options?) where options is { methods?, debug? }
  • Added stat mode (turns on by stat option, i.e. jora(query, { stat: true })) to return a query stat interface (an object { stat(), suggestion() }) instead of resulting data
  • Added tolerant parse mode (turns on by tolerant option, i.e. jora(query, { tolerant: true })) to supress parsing errors when possible
  • Added library version to export
  • Fixed parser edge cases for division (/) and regexp

1.0.0-alpha.6 (December 7, 2018)

  • Fixed nested ternary operator precendence
  • Added destuction for variables when used on object literal with no value (i.e. { $foo, bar: 1 } the same as { foo: $foo, bar: 1 })
  • Changed in and not in operators to propertly work with an object and a string on right side
  • Changed pick() method to support a function as a parameter

1.0.0-alpha.5 (November 26, 2018)

  • Added computed property names support in object literals
  • Added pick() method
  • Added bracket notation to access properties, e.g. foo["bar"]. It works like in JS for everything with exception for arrays, where it equivalents to => e[key]). Use pick() method to get an element by index in array
  • Added syntax to define a block scoped constant, e.g. .($foo:$; bar=$foo or baz=$foo)
  • Changed single quoted string meaning to treat it as a string (used before for a property access with prohibited characters in name)
  • Changed array literals to use brackets instead of parentheses
  • Fixed scope issue for method arguments, a scope the same as for query root (#1)

1.0.0-alpha.4 (November 25, 2018)

  • Added ternary operator (i.e. a ? b : c)
  • Added operators *, / and %

1.0.0-alpha.3 (November 23, 2018)

  • Changed filtering syntax to start with a dot, i.e. [expr] -> .[expr]
  • Added true, false, null and undefined keywords
  • Added a value argument for mapToArray()
  • Allowed a string, a number or a regexp to be a path root
  • Fixed escaping in regexp syntax

1.0.0-alpha.2 (September 27, 2018)

  • Changed size() method to return own keys count for a plain object
  • Fixed edge case: using an empty object inside a function
  • Fixed regexp parsing (fixes #2)
  • Fixed .npmignore to include min version to package

1.0.0-alpha.1 (July 18, 2018)

  • Initial release